start_server {tags {"cli"}} { proc open_cli {} { set ::env(TERM) dumb set fd [open [format "|src/redis-cli -p %d -n 9" [srv port]] "r+"] fconfigure $fd -buffering none fconfigure $fd -blocking false fconfigure $fd -translation binary assert_equal "redis> " [read_cli $fd] set _ $fd } proc close_cli {fd} { close $fd } proc read_cli {fd} { set buf [read $fd] while {[string length $buf] == 0} { # wait some time and try again after 10 set buf [read $fd] } set _ $buf } proc write_cli {fd buf} { puts $fd $buf flush $fd } proc run_command {fd cmd} { write_cli $fd $cmd set lines [split [read_cli $fd] "\n"] assert_equal "redis> " [lindex $lines end] join [lrange $lines 0 end-1] "\n" } proc test_interactive_cli {name code} { set ::env(FAKETTY) 1 set fd [open_cli] test "Interactive CLI: $name" $code close_cli $fd unset ::env(FAKETTY) } proc run_nontty_cli {args} { set fd [open [format "|src/redis-cli -p %d -n 9 $args" [srv port]] "r"] fconfigure $fd -buffering none fconfigure $fd -translation binary set resp [read $fd 1048576] close $fd set _ $resp } proc test_nontty_cli {name code} { test "Non-interactive non-TTY CLI: $name" $code } proc run_tty_cli {args} { set ::env(FAKETTY) 1 set resp [run_nontty_cli {*}$args] unset ::env(FAKETTY) set _ $resp } proc test_tty_cli {name code} { test "Non-interactive TTY CLI: $name" $code } test_interactive_cli "INFO response should be printed raw" { set lines [split [run_command $fd info] "\n"] foreach line $lines { assert [regexp {^[a-z0-9_]+:[a-z0-9_]+} $line] } } test_interactive_cli "Status reply" { assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key foo"] } test_interactive_cli "Integer reply" { assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_command $fd "incr counter"] } test_interactive_cli "Bulk reply" { r set key foo assert_equal "\"foo\"" [run_command $fd "get key"] } test_interactive_cli "Multi-bulk reply" { r rpush list foo r rpush list bar assert_equal "1. \"foo\"\n2. \"bar\"" [run_command $fd "lrange list 0 -1"] } test_interactive_cli "Parsing quotes" { assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"bar\""] assert_equal "bar" [r get key] assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \" bar \""] assert_equal " bar " [r get key] assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\\\"bar\\\"\""] assert_equal "\"bar\"" [r get key] assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\tbar\t\""] assert_equal "\tbar\t" [r get key] # invalid quotation assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"\"key"] assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"key\"x"] # quotes after the argument are weird, but should be allowed assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key\"\" bar"] assert_equal "bar" [r get key] } test_tty_cli "Status reply" { assert_equal "OK\n" [run_tty_cli set key bar] assert_equal "bar" [r get key] } test_tty_cli "Integer reply" { r del counter assert_equal "(integer) 1\n" [run_tty_cli incr counter] } test_tty_cli "Bulk reply" { r set key "tab\tnewline\n" assert_equal "\"tab\\tnewline\\n\"\n" [run_tty_cli get key] } test_tty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" { r del list r rpush list foo r rpush list bar assert_equal "1. \"foo\"\n2. \"bar\"\n" [run_tty_cli lrange list 0 -1] } test_nontty_cli "Status reply" { assert_equal "OK" [run_nontty_cli set key bar] assert_equal "bar" [r get key] } test_nontty_cli "Integer reply" { r del counter assert_equal "1" [run_nontty_cli incr counter] } test_nontty_cli "Bulk reply" { r set key "tab\tnewline\n" assert_equal "tab\tnewline\n" [run_nontty_cli get key] } test_nontty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" { r del list r rpush list foo r rpush list bar assert_equal "foo\nbar" [run_nontty_cli lrange list 0 -1] } }