source tests/support/redis.tcl
source tests/support/util.tcl

# This function sometimes writes sometimes blocking-reads from lists/sorted
# sets. There are multiple processes like this executing at the same time
# so that we have some chance to trap some corner condition if there is
# a regression. For this to happen it is important that we narrow the key
# space to just a few elements, and balance the operations so that it is
# unlikely that lists and zsets just get more data without ever causing
# blocking.
proc bg_block_op {host port db ops} {
    set r [redis $host $port]
    $r select $db

    for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {

        # List side
        set k list_[randomInt 10]
        set k2 list_[randomInt 10]
        set v [randomValue]

        randpath {
            randpath {
                $r rpush $k $v
            } {
                $r lpush $k $v
        } {
            $r blpop $k 2
        } {
            $r blpop $k $k2 2

        # Zset side
        set k zset_[randomInt 10]
        set k2 zset_[randomInt 10]

        randpath {
            $r zadd $k [randomInt 10000] $v
        } {
            # Duplicate to balance the probability to push data
            $r zadd $k [randomInt 10000] $v
        } {
            $r bzpopmin $k 2
        } {
            $r bzpopmax $k 2

bg_block_op [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1] [lindex $argv 2] [lindex $argv 3]