#include "redis.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pubsub low level API *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void freePubsubPattern(void *p) { pubsubPattern *pat = p; decrRefCount(pat->pattern); zfree(pat); } int listMatchPubsubPattern(void *a, void *b) { pubsubPattern *pa = a, *pb = b; return (pa->client == pb->client) && (equalStringObjects(pa->pattern,pb->pattern)); } /* Subscribe a client to a channel. Returns 1 if the operation succeeded, or * 0 if the client was already subscribed to that channel. */ int pubsubSubscribeChannel(redisClient *c, robj *channel) { struct dictEntry *de; list *clients = NULL; int retval = 0; /* Add the channel to the client -> channels hash table */ if (dictAdd(c->pubsub_channels,channel,NULL) == DICT_OK) { retval = 1; incrRefCount(channel); /* Add the client to the channel -> list of clients hash table */ de = dictFind(server.pubsub_channels,channel); if (de == NULL) { clients = listCreate(); dictAdd(server.pubsub_channels,channel,clients); incrRefCount(channel); } else { clients = dictGetEntryVal(de); } listAddNodeTail(clients,c); } /* Notify the client */ addReply(c,shared.mbulk3); addReply(c,shared.subscribebulk); addReplyBulk(c,channel); addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize(c->pubsub_channels)+listLength(c->pubsub_patterns)); return retval; } /* Unsubscribe a client from a channel. Returns 1 if the operation succeeded, or * 0 if the client was not subscribed to the specified channel. */ int pubsubUnsubscribeChannel(redisClient *c, robj *channel, int notify) { struct dictEntry *de; list *clients; listNode *ln; int retval = 0; /* Remove the channel from the client -> channels hash table */ incrRefCount(channel); /* channel may be just a pointer to the same object we have in the hash tables. Protect it... */ if (dictDelete(c->pubsub_channels,channel) == DICT_OK) { retval = 1; /* Remove the client from the channel -> clients list hash table */ de = dictFind(server.pubsub_channels,channel); redisAssertWithInfo(c,NULL,de != NULL); clients = dictGetEntryVal(de); ln = listSearchKey(clients,c); redisAssertWithInfo(c,NULL,ln != NULL); listDelNode(clients,ln); if (listLength(clients) == 0) { /* Free the list and associated hash entry at all if this was * the latest client, so that it will be possible to abuse * Redis PUBSUB creating millions of channels. */ dictDelete(server.pubsub_channels,channel); } } /* Notify the client */ if (notify) { addReply(c,shared.mbulk3); addReply(c,shared.unsubscribebulk); addReplyBulk(c,channel); addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize(c->pubsub_channels)+ listLength(c->pubsub_patterns)); } decrRefCount(channel); /* it is finally safe to release it */ return retval; } /* Subscribe a client to a pattern. Returns 1 if the operation succeeded, or 0 if the clinet was already subscribed to that pattern. */ int pubsubSubscribePattern(redisClient *c, robj *pattern) { int retval = 0; if (listSearchKey(c->pubsub_patterns,pattern) == NULL) { retval = 1; pubsubPattern *pat; listAddNodeTail(c->pubsub_patterns,pattern); incrRefCount(pattern); pat = zmalloc(sizeof(*pat)); pat->pattern = getDecodedObject(pattern); pat->client = c; listAddNodeTail(server.pubsub_patterns,pat); } /* Notify the client */ addReply(c,shared.mbulk3); addReply(c,shared.psubscribebulk); addReplyBulk(c,pattern); addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize(c->pubsub_channels)+listLength(c->pubsub_patterns)); return retval; } /* Unsubscribe a client from a channel. Returns 1 if the operation succeeded, or * 0 if the client was not subscribed to the specified channel. */ int pubsubUnsubscribePattern(redisClient *c, robj *pattern, int notify) { listNode *ln; pubsubPattern pat; int retval = 0; incrRefCount(pattern); /* Protect the object. May be the same we remove */ if ((ln = listSearchKey(c->pubsub_patterns,pattern)) != NULL) { retval = 1; listDelNode(c->pubsub_patterns,ln); pat.client = c; pat.pattern = pattern; ln = listSearchKey(server.pubsub_patterns,&pat); listDelNode(server.pubsub_patterns,ln); } /* Notify the client */ if (notify) { addReply(c,shared.mbulk3); addReply(c,shared.punsubscribebulk); addReplyBulk(c,pattern); addReplyLongLong(c,dictSize(c->pubsub_channels)+ listLength(c->pubsub_patterns)); } decrRefCount(pattern); return retval; } /* Unsubscribe from all the channels. Return the number of channels the * client was subscribed from. */ int pubsubUnsubscribeAllChannels(redisClient *c, int notify) { dictIterator *di = dictGetSafeIterator(c->pubsub_channels); dictEntry *de; int count = 0; while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) { robj *channel = dictGetEntryKey(de); count += pubsubUnsubscribeChannel(c,channel,notify); } dictReleaseIterator(di); return count; } /* Unsubscribe from all the patterns. Return the number of patterns the * client was subscribed from. */ int pubsubUnsubscribeAllPatterns(redisClient *c, int notify) { listNode *ln; listIter li; int count = 0; listRewind(c->pubsub_patterns,&li); while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) { robj *pattern = ln->value; count += pubsubUnsubscribePattern(c,pattern,notify); } return count; } /* Publish a message */ int pubsubPublishMessage(robj *channel, robj *message) { int receivers = 0; struct dictEntry *de; listNode *ln; listIter li; /* Send to clients listening for that channel */ de = dictFind(server.pubsub_channels,channel); if (de) { list *list = dictGetEntryVal(de); listNode *ln; listIter li; listRewind(list,&li); while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) { redisClient *c = ln->value; addReply(c,shared.mbulk3); addReply(c,shared.messagebulk); addReplyBulk(c,channel); addReplyBulk(c,message); receivers++; } } /* Send to clients listening to matching channels */ if (listLength(server.pubsub_patterns)) { listRewind(server.pubsub_patterns,&li); channel = getDecodedObject(channel); while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) { pubsubPattern *pat = ln->value; if (stringmatchlen((char*)pat->pattern->ptr, sdslen(pat->pattern->ptr), (char*)channel->ptr, sdslen(channel->ptr),0)) { addReply(pat->client,shared.mbulk4); addReply(pat->client,shared.pmessagebulk); addReplyBulk(pat->client,pat->pattern); addReplyBulk(pat->client,channel); addReplyBulk(pat->client,message); receivers++; } } decrRefCount(channel); } return receivers; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pubsub commands implementation *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void subscribeCommand(redisClient *c) { int j; for (j = 1; j < c->argc; j++) pubsubSubscribeChannel(c,c->argv[j]); } void unsubscribeCommand(redisClient *c) { if (c->argc == 1) { pubsubUnsubscribeAllChannels(c,1); return; } else { int j; for (j = 1; j < c->argc; j++) pubsubUnsubscribeChannel(c,c->argv[j],1); } } void psubscribeCommand(redisClient *c) { int j; for (j = 1; j < c->argc; j++) pubsubSubscribePattern(c,c->argv[j]); } void punsubscribeCommand(redisClient *c) { if (c->argc == 1) { pubsubUnsubscribeAllPatterns(c,1); return; } else { int j; for (j = 1; j < c->argc; j++) pubsubUnsubscribePattern(c,c->argv[j],1); } } void publishCommand(redisClient *c) { int receivers = pubsubPublishMessage(c->argv[1],c->argv[2]); addReplyLongLong(c,receivers); }