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<b>BgsaveCommand: Contents</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#BGSAVE">BGSAVE</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Return value">Return value</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#See also">See also</a>
                <h1 class="wikiname">BgsaveCommand</h1>

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                    <h1><a name="BGSAVE">BGSAVE</a></h1>
<blockquote>Save the DB in background. The OK code is immediately returned.Redis forks, the parent continues to server the clients, the childsaves the DB on disk then exit. A client my be able to check if theoperation succeeded using the <a href="LastsaveCommand.html">LASTSAVE</a> command.</blockquote>
<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2><a href="ReplyTypes.html">Status code reply</a><h2><a name="See also">See also</a></h2>
<ul><li> <a href="SaveCommand.html">SAVE</a></li><li> <a href="ShutdownCommand.html">SHUTDOWN</a></li></ul>