/* quicklist.c - A doubly linked list of ziplists * * Copyright (c) 2014, Matt Stancliff * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must start the above copyright notice, * this quicklist of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this quicklist of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include /* for memcpy */ #include "quicklist.h" #include "zmalloc.h" #include "ziplist.h" #include "util.h" /* for ll2string */ #if defined(REDIS_TEST) || defined(REDIS_TEST_VERBOSE) #include /* for printf (debug printing), snprintf (genstr) */ #endif /* Optimization levels for size-based filling */ static const size_t optimization_level[] = { 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536 }; #define SIZE_SAFETY_LIMIT 8192 /* If not verbose testing, remove all debug printing. */ #ifndef REDIS_TEST_VERBOSE #define D(...) #else #define D(...) \ do { \ printf("%s:%s:%d:\t", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \ printf(__VA_ARGS__); \ printf("\n"); \ } while (0); #endif /* Simple way to give quicklistEntry structs default values with one call. */ #define initEntry(e) \ do { \ (e)->zi = (e)->value = NULL; \ (e)->longval = -123456789; \ (e)->quicklist = NULL; \ (e)->node = NULL; \ (e)->offset = 123456789; \ (e)->sz = 0; \ } while (0) /* Create a new quicklist. * Free with quicklistRelease(). */ quicklist *quicklistCreate(void) { struct quicklist *quicklist; quicklist = zmalloc(sizeof(*quicklist)); quicklist->head = quicklist->tail = NULL; quicklist->len = 0; quicklist->count = 0; return quicklist; } static quicklistNode *quicklistCreateNode(void) { quicklistNode *node; node = zmalloc(sizeof(*node)); node->zl = NULL; node->count = 0; node->sz = 0; node->next = node->prev = NULL; return node; } /* Return cached quicklist count */ unsigned int quicklistCount(quicklist *ql) { return ql->count; } /* Free entire quicklist. */ void quicklistRelease(quicklist *quicklist) { unsigned long len; quicklistNode *current, *next; current = quicklist->head; len = quicklist->len; while (len--) { next = current->next; zfree(current->zl); quicklist->count -= current->count; zfree(current); quicklist->len--; current = next; } zfree(quicklist); } /* Insert 'new_node' after 'old_node' if 'after' is 1. * Insert 'new_node' before 'old_node' if 'after' is 0. */ static void __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *old_node, quicklistNode *new_node, int after) { if (after) { new_node->prev = old_node; if (old_node) { new_node->next = old_node->next; if (old_node->next) old_node->next->prev = new_node; old_node->next = new_node; } if (quicklist->tail == old_node) quicklist->tail = new_node; } else { new_node->next = old_node; if (old_node) { new_node->prev = old_node->prev; if (old_node->prev) old_node->prev->next = new_node; old_node->prev = new_node; } if (quicklist->head == old_node) quicklist->head = new_node; } /* If this insert creates the first element in this quicklist, we * need to initialize head/tail too. */ if (quicklist->len == 0) { quicklist->head = quicklist->tail = new_node; } quicklist->len++; } /* Wrappers for node inserting around existing node. */ static void _quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *old_node, quicklistNode *new_node) { __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, old_node, new_node, 0); } static void _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *old_node, quicklistNode *new_node) { __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, old_node, new_node, 1); } static int _quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(const size_t sz, const int fill) { if (fill >= 0) return 0; size_t offset = (-fill) - 1; if (offset < (sizeof(optimization_level) / sizeof(*optimization_level))) { if (sz <= optimization_level[offset]) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } #define sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(sz) ((sz) <= SIZE_SAFETY_LIMIT) static int _quicklistNodeAllowInsert(const quicklistNode *node, const int fill, const size_t sz) { if (!node) return 0; int ziplist_overhead; /* size of previous offset */ if (sz < 254) ziplist_overhead = 1; else ziplist_overhead = 5; /* size of forward offset */ if (sz < 64) ziplist_overhead += 1; else if (sz < 16384) ziplist_overhead += 2; else ziplist_overhead += 5; /* new_sz overestimates if 'sz' encodes to an integer type */ unsigned int new_sz = node->sz + sz + ziplist_overhead; if (_quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(new_sz, fill)) return 1; else if (!sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(new_sz)) return 0; else if ((int)node->count < fill) return 1; else return 0; } static int _quicklistNodeAllowMerge(const quicklistNode *a, const quicklistNode *b, const int fill) { if (!a || !b) return 0; /* approximate merged ziplist size (- 11 to remove one ziplist * header/trailer) */ unsigned int merge_sz = a->sz + b->sz - 11; if (_quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(merge_sz, fill)) return 1; else if (!sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(merge_sz)) return 0; else if ((int)(a->count + b->count) <= fill) return 1; else return 0; } #define quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node) \ do { \ (node)->sz = ziplistBlobLen((node)->zl); \ } while (0) /* Add new entry to head of quicklist. * * Returns 'quicklist' argument. */ quicklist *quicklistPushHead(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, void *value, size_t sz) { if (_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->head, fill, sz)) { quicklist->head->zl = ziplistPush(quicklist->head->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); } else { quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode(); node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); _quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist, quicklist->head, node); } quicklist->count++; quicklist->head->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(quicklist->head); return quicklist; } /* Add new node to tail of quicklist. * * Returns 'quicklist' argument. */ quicklist *quicklistPushTail(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, void *value, size_t sz) { if (_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->tail, fill, sz)) { quicklist->tail->zl = ziplistPush(quicklist->tail->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL); } else { quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode(); node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL); _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node); } quicklist->count++; quicklist->tail->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(quicklist->tail); return quicklist; } /* Create new node consisting of a pre-formed ziplist. * Used for loading RDBs where entire ziplists have been stored * to be retrieved later. */ void quicklistAppendZiplist(quicklist *quicklist, unsigned char *zl) { quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode(); node->zl = zl; node->count = ziplistLen(node->zl); node->sz = ziplistBlobLen(zl); _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node); quicklist->count += node->count; } /* Append all values of ziplist 'zl' individually into 'quicklist'. * * This allows us to restore old RDB ziplists into new quicklists * with smaller ziplist sizes than the saved RDB ziplist. * * Returns 'quicklist' argument. Frees passed-in ziplist 'zl' */ quicklist *quicklistAppendValuesFromZiplist(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, unsigned char *zl) { unsigned char *value; unsigned int sz; long long longval; char longstr[32] = { 0 }; unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(zl, 0); while (ziplistGet(p, &value, &sz, &longval)) { if (!value) { /* Write the longval as a string so we can re-add it */ sz = ll2string(longstr, sizeof(longstr), longval); value = (unsigned char *)longstr; } quicklistPushTail(quicklist, fill, value, sz); p = ziplistNext(zl, p); } zfree(zl); return quicklist; } /* Create new (potentially multi-node) quicklist from a single existing ziplist. * * Returns new quicklist. Frees passed-in ziplist 'zl'. */ quicklist *quicklistCreateFromZiplist(int fill, unsigned char *zl) { return quicklistAppendValuesFromZiplist(quicklistCreate(), fill, zl); } #define quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(ql, n) \ do { \ if ((n)->count == 0) { \ __quicklistDelNode((ql), (n)); \ } \ } while (0) static void __quicklistDelNode(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *node) { if (node->next) node->next->prev = node->prev; if (node->prev) node->prev->next = node->next; if (node == quicklist->tail) quicklist->tail = node->prev; if (node == quicklist->head) quicklist->head = node->next; quicklist->count -= node->count; zfree(node->zl); zfree(node); quicklist->len--; } /* Delete one entry from list given the node for the entry and a pointer * to the entry in the node. * * Returns 1 if the entire node was deleted, 0 if node still exists. * Also updates in/out param 'p' with the next offset in the ziplist. */ static int quicklistDelIndex(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *node, unsigned char **p) { int gone = 0; node->zl = ziplistDelete(node->zl, p); node->count--; if (node->count == 0) { gone = 1; } else { quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); } quicklist->count--; quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(quicklist, node); /* If we deleted all the nodes, our returned pointer is no longer valid */ return gone ? 1 : 0; } /* Delete one element represented by 'entry' * * 'entry' stores enough metadata to delete the proper position in * the correct ziplist in the correct quicklist node. */ void quicklistDelEntry(quicklistIter *iter, quicklistEntry *entry) { quicklistNode *prev = entry->node->prev; quicklistNode *next = entry->node->next; int deleted_node = quicklistDelIndex((quicklist *)entry->quicklist, entry->node, &entry->zi); /* after delete, the zi is now invalid for any future usage. */ iter->zi = NULL; /* If current node is deleted, we must update iterator node and offset. */ if (deleted_node) { if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) { iter->current = next; iter->offset = 0; } else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) { iter->current = prev; iter->offset = -1; } } /* else if (!deleted_node), no changes needed. * we already reset iter->zi above, and the existing iter->offset * doesn't move again because: * - [1, 2, 3] => delete offset 1 => [1, 3]: next element still offset 1 * - [1, 2, 3] => delete offset 0 => [2, 3]: next element still offset 0 * if we deleted the last element at offet N and now * length of this ziplist is N-1, the next call into * quicklistNext() will jump to the next node. */ } /* Replace quicklist entry at offset 'index' by 'data' with length 'sz'. * * Returns 1 if replace happened. * Returns 0 if replace failed and no changes happened. */ int quicklistReplaceAtIndex(quicklist *quicklist, long index, void *data, int sz) { quicklistEntry entry; if (quicklistIndex(quicklist, index, &entry)) { entry.node->zl = ziplistDelete(entry.node->zl, &entry.zi); entry.node->zl = ziplistInsert(entry.node->zl, entry.zi, data, sz); return 1; } else { return 0; } } /* Given two nodes, try to merge their ziplists. * * This helps us not have a quicklist with 3 element ziplists if * our fill factor can handle much higher levels. * * Note: 'a' must be to the LEFT of 'b'. * * After calling this function, both 'a' and 'b' should be considered * unusable. The return value from this function must be used * instead of re-using any of the quicklistNode input arguments. * * Returns the input node picked to merge against or NULL if * merging was not possible. */ static quicklistNode *_quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *a, quicklistNode *b) { D("Requested merge (a,b) (%u, %u)", a->count, b->count); if ((ziplistMerge(&a->zl, &b->zl))) { /* We merged ziplists! Now remove the unused quicklistNode. */ quicklistNode *keep = NULL, *nokeep = NULL; if (!a->zl) { nokeep = a; keep = b; } else if (!b->zl) { nokeep = b; keep = a; } keep->count = ziplistLen(keep->zl); quicklistNodeUpdateSz(keep); nokeep->count = 0; __quicklistDelNode(quicklist, nokeep); return keep; } else { /* else, the merge returned NULL and nothing changed. */ return NULL; } } /* Attempt to merge ziplists within two nodes on either side of 'center'. * * We attempt to merge: * - (center->prev->prev, center->prev) * - (center->next, center->next->next) * - (center->prev, center) * - (center, center->next) */ static void _quicklistMergeNodes(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, quicklistNode *center) { quicklistNode *prev, *prev_prev, *next, *next_next, *target; prev = prev_prev = next = next_next = target = NULL; if (center->prev) { prev = center->prev; if (center->prev->prev) prev_prev = center->prev->prev; } if (center->next) { next = center->next; if (center->next->next) next_next = center->next->next; } /* Try to merge prev_prev and prev */ if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(prev, prev_prev, fill)) { _quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, prev_prev, prev); prev_prev = prev = NULL; /* they could have moved, invalidate them. */ } /* Try to merge next and next_next */ if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(next, next_next, fill)) { _quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, next, next_next); next = next_next = NULL; /* they could have moved, invalidate them. */ } /* Try to merge center node and previous node */ if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(center, center->prev, fill)) { target = _quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, center->prev, center); center = NULL; /* center could have been deleted, invalidate it. */ } else { /* else, we didn't merge here, but target needs to be valid below. */ target = center; } /* Use result of center merge (or original) to merge with next node. */ if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(target, target->next, fill)) { _quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, target, target->next); } } /* Split 'node' into two parts, parameterized by 'offset' and 'after'. * * The 'after' argument controls which quicklistNode gets returned. * If 'after'==1, returned node has elements after 'offset'. * input node keeps elements up to 'offset', including 'offset'. * If 'after'==0, returned node has elements up to 'offset', including 'offset'. * input node keeps elements after 'offset'. * * If 'after'==1, returned node will have elements _after_ 'offset'. * The returned node will have elements [OFFSET+1, END]. * The input node keeps elements [0, OFFSET]. * * If 'after'==0, returned node will keep elements up to and including 'offset'. * The returned node will have elements [0, OFFSET]. * The input node keeps elements [OFFSET+1, END]. * * The input node keeps all elements not taken by the returned node. * * Returns newly created node or NULL if split not possible. */ static quicklistNode *_quicklistSplitNode(quicklistNode *node, int offset, int after) { size_t zl_sz = ziplistBlobLen(node->zl); quicklistNode *new_node = quicklistCreateNode(); new_node->zl = zmalloc(zl_sz); /* Copy original ziplist so we can split it */ memcpy(new_node->zl, node->zl, zl_sz); /* -1 here means "continue deleting until the list ends" */ int orig_start = after ? offset + 1 : 0; int orig_extent = after ? -1 : offset; int new_start = after ? 0 : offset; int new_extent = after ? offset + 1 : -1; D("After %d (%d); ranges: [%d, %d], [%d, %d]", after, offset, orig_start, orig_extent, new_start, new_extent); node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(node->zl, orig_start, orig_extent); node->count = ziplistLen(node->zl); quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); new_node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(new_node->zl, new_start, new_extent); new_node->count = ziplistLen(new_node->zl); quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node); D("After split lengths: orig (%d), new (%d)", node->count, new_node->count); return new_node; } /* Insert a new entry before or after existing entry 'entry'. * * If after==1, the new value is inserted after 'entry', otherwise * the new value is inserted before 'entry'. */ static void _quicklistInsert(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, quicklistEntry *entry, void *value, const size_t sz, int after) { int full = 0, at_tail = 0, at_head = 0, full_next = 0, full_prev = 0; quicklistNode *node = entry->node; quicklistNode *new_node = NULL; if (!node) { /* we have no reference node, so let's create only node in the list */ D("No node given!"); new_node = quicklistCreateNode(); new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, NULL, new_node, after); new_node->count++; quicklist->count++; return; } /* Populate accounting flags for easier boolean checks later */ if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node, fill, sz)) { D("Current node is full with count %d with requested fill %lu", node->count, fill); full = 1; } if (after && (ziplistNext(node->zl, entry->zi) == NULL)) { D("At Tail of current ziplist"); at_tail = 1; if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->next, fill, sz)) { D("Next node is full too."); full_next = 1; } } if (!after && (ziplistPrev(node->zl, entry->zi) == NULL)) { D("At Head"); at_head = 1; if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->prev, fill, sz)) { D("Prev node is full too."); full_prev = 1; } } /* Now determine where and how to insert the new element */ if (!full && after) { D("Not full, inserting after current position."); unsigned char *next = ziplistNext(node->zl, entry->zi); if (next == NULL) { node->zl = ziplistPush(node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL); } else { node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, next, value, sz); } node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); } else if (!full && !after) { D("Not full, inserting before current position."); node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, entry->zi, value, sz); node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); } else if (full && at_tail && node->next && !full_next && after) { /* If we are: at tail, next has free space, and inserting after: * - insert entry at head of next node. */ D("Full and tail, but next isn't full; inserting next node head"); new_node = node->next; new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); new_node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node); } else if (full && at_head && node->prev && !full_prev && !after) { /* If we are: at head, previous has free space, and inserting before: * - insert entry at tail of previous node. */ D("Full and head, but prev isn't full, inserting prev node tail"); new_node = node->prev; new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL); new_node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node); } else if (full && ((at_tail && node->next && full_next && after) || (at_head && node->prev && full_prev && !after))) { /* If we are: full, and our prev/next is full, then: * - create new node and attach to quicklist */ D("\tprovisioning new node..."); new_node = quicklistCreateNode(); new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD); new_node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node); __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after); } else if (full) { /* else, node is full we need to split it. */ /* covers both after and !after cases */ D("\tsplitting node..."); new_node = _quicklistSplitNode(node, entry->offset, after); new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, after ? ZIPLIST_HEAD : ZIPLIST_TAIL); new_node->count++; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(new_node); __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after); _quicklistMergeNodes(quicklist, fill, node); } quicklist->count++; } void quicklistInsertBefore(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, quicklistEntry *entry, void *value, const size_t sz) { _quicklistInsert(quicklist, fill, entry, value, sz, 0); } void quicklistInsertAfter(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, quicklistEntry *entry, void *value, const size_t sz) { _quicklistInsert(quicklist, fill, entry, value, sz, 1); } /* Delete a range of elements from the quicklist. * * elements may span across multiple quicklistNodes, so we * have to be careful about tracking where we start and end. * * Returns 1 if entries were deleted, 0 if nothing was deleted. */ int quicklistDelRange(quicklist *quicklist, const long start, const long count) { if (count <= 0) return 0; unsigned long extent = count; /* range is inclusive of start position */ if (start >= 0 && extent > (quicklist->count - start)) { /* if requesting delete more elements than exist, limit to list size. */ extent = quicklist->count - start; } else if (start < 0 && extent > (unsigned long)(-start)) { /* else, if at negative offset, limit max size to rest of list. */ extent = -start; /* c.f. LREM -29 29; just delete until end. */ } quicklistEntry entry; if (!quicklistIndex(quicklist, start, &entry)) return 0; D("Quicklist delete request for start %ld, count %ld, extent: %ld", start, count, extent); quicklistNode *node = entry.node; /* iterate over next nodes until everything is deleted. */ while (extent) { quicklistNode *next = node->next; unsigned long del; int delete_entire_node = 0; if (entry.offset == 0 && extent >= node->count) { /* If we are deleting more than the count of this node, we * can just delete the entire node without ziplist math. */ delete_entire_node = 1; del = node->count; } else if (entry.offset >= 0 && extent >= node->count) { /* If deleting more nodes after this one, calculate delete based * on size of current node. */ del = node->count - entry.offset; } else if (entry.offset < 0) { /* If offset is negative, we are in the first run of this loop * and we are deleting the entire range * from this start offset to end of list. Since the Negative * offset is the number of elements until the tail of the list, * just use it directly as the deletion count. */ del = -entry.offset; /* If the positive offset is greater than the remaining extent, * we only delete the remaining extent, not the entire offset. */ if (del > extent) del = extent; } else { /* else, we are deleting less than the extent of this node, so * use extent directly. */ del = extent; } D("[%ld]: asking to del: %ld because offset: %d; (ENTIRE NODE: %d), " "node count: %u", extent, del, entry.offset, delete_entire_node, node->count); if (delete_entire_node) { __quicklistDelNode(quicklist, node); } else { node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(node->zl, entry.offset, del); node->count -= del; quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node); quicklist->count -= del; quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(quicklist, node); } extent -= del; node = next; entry.offset = 0; } return 1; } /* Passthrough to ziplistCompare() */ int quicklistCompare(unsigned char *p1, unsigned char *p2, int p2_len) { return ziplistCompare(p1, p2, p2_len); } /* Returns a quicklist iterator 'iter'. After the initialization every * call to quicklistNext() will return the next element of the quicklist. */ quicklistIter *quicklistGetIterator(const quicklist *quicklist, int direction) { quicklistIter *iter; iter = zmalloc(sizeof(*iter)); if (direction == AL_START_HEAD) { iter->current = quicklist->head; iter->offset = 0; } else if (direction == AL_START_TAIL) { iter->current = quicklist->tail; iter->offset = -1; } iter->direction = direction; iter->quicklist = quicklist; iter->zi = NULL; return iter; } /* Initialize an iterator at a specific offset 'idx' and make the iterator * return nodes in 'direction' direction. */ quicklistIter *quicklistGetIteratorAtIdx(const quicklist *quicklist, const int direction, const long long idx) { quicklistEntry entry; if (quicklistIndex(quicklist, idx, &entry)) { quicklistIter *base = quicklistGetIterator(quicklist, direction); base->zi = NULL; base->current = entry.node; base->offset = entry.offset; return base; } else { return NULL; } } /* Release iterator */ void quicklistReleaseIterator(quicklistIter *iter) { zfree(iter); } /* Get next element in iterator. * * Note: You must NOT insert into the list while iterating over it. * You *may* delete from the list while iterating using the * quicklistDelEntry() function. * If you insert into the quicklist while iterating, you should * re-create the iterator after your addition. * * iter = quicklistGetIterator(quicklist,); * quicklistEntry entry; * while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { * if (entry.value) * [[ use entry.value with entry.sz ]] * else * [[ use entry.longval ]] * } * * Populates 'entry' with values for this iteration. * Returns 0 when iteration is complete or if iteration not possible. * If return value is 0, the contents of 'entry' are not valid. */ int quicklistNext(quicklistIter *iter, quicklistEntry *entry) { initEntry(entry); if (!iter) { D("Returning because no iter!"); return 0; } entry->quicklist = iter->quicklist; entry->node = iter->current; if (!iter->current) { D("Returning because current node is NULL") return 0; } unsigned char *(*nextFn)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *) = NULL; int offset_update = 0; if (!iter->zi) { /* If !zi, use current index. */ iter->zi = ziplistIndex(iter->current->zl, iter->offset); } else { /* else, use existing iterator offset and get prev/next as necessary. */ if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) { nextFn = ziplistNext; offset_update = 1; } else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) { nextFn = ziplistPrev; offset_update = -1; } iter->zi = nextFn(iter->current->zl, iter->zi); iter->offset += offset_update; } entry->zi = iter->zi; entry->offset = iter->offset; if (iter->zi) { /* Populate value from existing ziplist position */ ziplistGet(entry->zi, &entry->value, &entry->sz, &entry->longval); return 1; } else { /* We ran out of ziplist entries. * Pick next node, update offset, then re-run retrieval. */ if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) { /* Forward traversal */ D("Jumping to start of next node"); iter->current = iter->current->next; iter->offset = 0; } else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) { /* Reverse traversal */ D("Jumping to end of previous node"); iter->current = iter->current->prev; iter->offset = -1; } iter->zi = NULL; return quicklistNext(iter, entry); } } /* Duplicate the quicklist. * On success a copy of the original quicklist is returned. * * The original quicklist both on success or error is never modified. * * Returns newly allocated quicklist. */ quicklist *quicklistDup(quicklist *orig) { quicklist *copy; copy = quicklistCreate(); for (quicklistNode *current = orig->head; current; current = current->next) { quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode(); size_t ziplen = ziplistBlobLen(current->zl); node->zl = zmalloc(ziplen); memcpy(node->zl, current->zl, ziplen); node->count = current->count; copy->count += node->count; node->sz = current->sz; _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(copy, copy->tail, node); } /* copy->count must equal orig->count here */ return copy; } /* Populate 'entry' with the element at the specified zero-based index * where 0 is the head, 1 is the element next to head * and so on. Negative integers are used in order to count * from the tail, -1 is the last element, -2 the penultimate * and so on. If the index is out of range 0 is returned. * * Returns 1 if element found * Returns 0 if element not found */ int quicklistIndex(const quicklist *quicklist, const long long idx, quicklistEntry *entry) { quicklistNode *n; unsigned long long accum = 0; unsigned long long index; int forward = idx < 0 ? 0 : 1; /* < 0 -> reverse, 0+ -> forward */ initEntry(entry); entry->quicklist = quicklist; if (!forward) { index = (-idx) - 1; n = quicklist->tail; } else { index = idx; n = quicklist->head; } if (index >= quicklist->count) return 0; while (n) { if ((accum + n->count) > index) { break; } else { D("Skipping over (%p) %u at accum %lld", (void *)n, n->count, accum); accum += n->count; n = forward ? n->next : n->prev; } } if (!n) return 0; D("Found node: %p at accum %llu, idx %llu, sub+ %llu, sub- %llu", (void *)n, accum, index, index - accum, (-index) - 1 + accum); entry->node = n; if (forward) { /* forward = normal head-to-tail offset. */ entry->offset = index - accum; } else { /* reverse = need negative offset for tail-to-head, so undo * the result of the original if (index < 0) above. */ entry->offset = (-index) - 1 + accum; } entry->zi = ziplistIndex(entry->node->zl, entry->offset); ziplistGet(entry->zi, &entry->value, &entry->sz, &entry->longval); return 1; } /* Rotate quicklist by moving the tail element to the head. */ void quicklistRotate(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill) { if (quicklist->count <= 1) return; /* First, get the tail entry */ quicklistNode *tail = quicklist->tail; unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(tail->zl, -1); unsigned char *value; long long longval; unsigned int sz; char longstr[32] = { 0 }; ziplistGet(p, &value, &sz, &longval); /* If value found is NULL, then ziplistGet populated longval instead */ if (!value) { /* Write the longval as a string so we can re-add it */ sz = ll2string(longstr, sizeof(longstr), longval); value = (unsigned char *)longstr; } /* Add tail entry to head (must happen before tail is deleted). */ quicklistPushHead(quicklist, fill, value, sz); /* If quicklist has only one node, the head ziplist is also the * tail ziplist and PushHead() could have reallocated our single ziplist, * which would make our pre-existing 'p' unusable. */ if (quicklist->len == 1) p = ziplistIndex(tail->zl, -1); /* Remove tail entry. */ quicklistDelIndex(quicklist, tail, &p); } /* pop from quicklist and return result in 'data' ptr. Value of 'data' * is the return value of 'saver' function pointer if the data is NOT a number. * * If the quicklist element is a long long, then the return value is returned in * 'sval'. * * Return value of 0 means no elements available. * Return value of 1 means check 'data' and 'sval' for values. * If 'data' is set, use 'data' and 'sz'. Otherwise, use 'sval'. */ int quicklistPopCustom(quicklist *quicklist, int where, unsigned char **data, unsigned int *sz, long long *sval, void *(*saver)(unsigned char *data, unsigned int sz)) { unsigned char *p; unsigned char *vstr; unsigned int vlen; long long vlong; int pos = (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD) ? 0 : -1; if (quicklist->count == 0) return 0; if (data) *data = NULL; if (sz) *sz = 0; if (sval) *sval = -123456789; quicklistNode *node; if (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD && quicklist->head) { node = quicklist->head; } else if (where == QUICKLIST_TAIL && quicklist->tail) { node = quicklist->tail; } else { return 0; } p = ziplistIndex(node->zl, pos); if (ziplistGet(p, &vstr, &vlen, &vlong)) { if (vstr) { if (data) *data = saver(vstr, vlen); if (sz) *sz = vlen; } else { if (data) *data = NULL; if (sval) *sval = vlong; } quicklistDelIndex(quicklist, node, &p); return 1; } return 0; } /* Return a malloc'd copy of data passed in */ static void *_quicklistSaver(unsigned char *data, unsigned int sz) { unsigned char *vstr; if (data) { vstr = zmalloc(sz); memcpy(data, vstr, sz); return vstr; } return NULL; } /* Default pop function * * Returns malloc'd value from quicklist */ int quicklistPop(quicklist *quicklist, int where, unsigned char **data, unsigned int *sz, long long *slong) { unsigned char *vstr; unsigned int vlen; long long vlong; if (quicklist->count == 0) return 0; int ret = quicklistPopCustom(quicklist, where, &vstr, &vlen, &vlong, _quicklistSaver); if (data) *data = vstr; if (slong) *slong = vlong; if (sz) *sz = vlen; return ret; } /* Wrapper to allow argument-based switching between HEAD/TAIL pop */ void quicklistPush(quicklist *quicklist, const int fill, void *value, const size_t sz, int where) { if (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD) { quicklistPushHead(quicklist, fill, value, sz); } else if (where == QUICKLIST_TAIL) { quicklistPushTail(quicklist, fill, value, sz); } } /* The rest of this file is test cases and test helpers. */ #ifdef REDIS_TEST #include #define assert(_e) \ do { \ if (!(_e)) { \ printf("\n\n=== ASSERTION FAILED ===\n"); \ printf("==> %s:%d '%s' is not true\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #_e); \ err++; \ } \ } while (0) #define yell(str, ...) printf("ERROR! " str "\n\n", __VA_ARGS__) #define OK printf("\tOK\n") #define ERROR \ do { \ printf("\tERROR!\n"); \ err++; \ } while (0) #define ERR(x, ...) \ do { \ printf("%s:%s:%d:\t", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \ printf("ERROR! " x "\n", __VA_ARGS__); \ err++; \ } while (0) #define TEST(name) printf("test — %s\n", name); #define TEST_DESC(name, ...) printf("test — " name "\n", __VA_ARGS__); #define QL_TEST_VERBOSE 0 #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x) static void ql_info(quicklist *ql) { #if QL_TEST_VERBOSE printf("Container length: %lu\n", ql->len); printf("Container size: %lu\n", ql->count); if (ql->head) printf("\t(zsize head: %d)\n", ziplistLen(ql->head->zl)); if (ql->tail) printf("\t(zsize tail: %d)\n", ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl)); printf("\n"); #else UNUSED(ql); #endif } /* Iterate over an entire quicklist. * Print the list if 'print' == 1. * * Returns physical count of elements found by iterating over the list. */ static int _itrprintr(quicklist *ql, int print, int forward) { quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, forward ? AL_START_HEAD : AL_START_TAIL); quicklistEntry entry; int i = 0; int p = 0; quicklistNode *prev = NULL; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (entry.node != prev) { /* Count the number of list nodes too */ p++; prev = entry.node; } if (print) { printf("[%3d (%2d)]: [%.*s] (%lld)\n", i, p, entry.sz, (char *)entry.value, entry.longval); } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); return i; } static int itrprintr(quicklist *ql, int print) { return _itrprintr(ql, print, 1); } static int itrprintr_rev(quicklist *ql, int print) { return _itrprintr(ql, print, 0); } #define ql_verify(a, b, c, d, e) \ do { \ err += _ql_verify((a), (b), (c), (d), (e)); \ } while (0) /* Verify list metadata matches physical list contents. */ static int _ql_verify(quicklist *ql, uint32_t len, uint32_t count, uint32_t head_count, uint32_t tail_count) { int ok = 1; ql_info(ql); if (len != ql->len) { yell("quicklist length wrong: expected %d, got %lu", len, ql->len); ok = 0; } if (count != ql->count) { yell("quicklist count wrong: expected %d, got %lu", count, ql->count); ok = 0; } int loopr = itrprintr(ql, 0); if (loopr != (int)ql->count) { yell("quicklist cached count not match actual count: expected %lu, got " "%d", ql->count, loopr); ok = 0; } int rloopr = itrprintr_rev(ql, 0); if (loopr != rloopr) { yell("quicklist has different forward count than reverse count! " "Forward count is %d, reverse count is %d.", loopr, rloopr); ok = 0; } if (ql->len == 0 && ok) { OK; return !ok; } if (head_count != ql->head->count && head_count != ziplistLen(ql->head->zl)) { yell("quicklist head count wrong: expected %d, " "got cached %d vs. actual %d", head_count, ql->head->count, ziplistLen(ql->head->zl)); ok = 0; } if (tail_count != ql->tail->count && tail_count != ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl)) { yell("quicklist tail count wrong: expected %d, " "got cached %u vs. actual %d", tail_count, ql->tail->count, ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl)); ok = 0; } if (ok) OK; return !ok; } /* Generate new string concatenating integer i against string 'prefix' */ static char *genstr(char *prefix, int i) { static char result[64] = { 0 }; snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "%s%d", prefix, i); return result; } /* Test fill cap */ #define F 32 /* main test, but callable from other files */ int quicklistTest(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned int err = 0; int optimize_start = -(int)(sizeof(optimization_level) / sizeof(*optimization_level)); printf("Starting optimization offset at: %d\n", optimize_start); UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(argv); TEST("create list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("add to tail of empty list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "hello", 6); /* 1 for head and 1 for tail beacuse 1 node = head = tail */ ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("add to head of empty list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, "hello", 6); /* 1 for head and 1 for tail beacuse 1 node = head = tail */ ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) { TEST_DESC("add to tail 5x at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); if (ql->count != 5) ERROR; if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 5, 5, 5); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) { TEST_DESC("add to head 5x at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); if (ql->count != 5) ERROR; if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 5, 5, 5); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) { TEST_DESC("add to tail 500x at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); if (ql->count != 500) ERROR; if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) { TEST_DESC("add to head 500x at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); if (ql->count != 500) ERROR; if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32); quicklistRelease(ql); } } TEST("rotate empty") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistRotate(ql, F); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) { TEST("rotate one val once") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, "hello", 6); quicklistRotate(ql, F); ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 1024; f++) { TEST_DESC("rotate 500 val 5000 times at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, f, "900", 3); quicklistPushHead(ql, f, "7000", 4); quicklistPushHead(ql, f, "-1200", 5); quicklistPushHead(ql, f, "42", 2); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); ql_info(ql); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { ql_info(ql); quicklistRotate(ql, f); } if (f == 1) ql_verify(ql, 504, 504, 1, 1); else if (f == 2) ql_verify(ql, 252, 504, 2, 2); else if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 16, 504, 32, 24); quicklistRelease(ql); } } TEST("pop empty") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, NULL, NULL, NULL); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("pop 1 string from 1") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", 331), 32); unsigned char *data; unsigned int sz; long long lv; ql_info(ql); quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv); assert(data != NULL); assert(sz == 32); zfree(data); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("pop head 1 number from 1") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, "55513", 5); unsigned char *data; unsigned int sz; long long lv; ql_info(ql); quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv); assert(data == NULL); assert(lv == 55513); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("pop head 500 from 500") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); ql_info(ql); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { unsigned char *data; unsigned int sz; long long lv; int ret = quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv); assert(ret == 1); assert(data != NULL); assert(sz == 32); zfree(data); } ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("pop head 5000 from 500") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { unsigned char *data; unsigned int sz; long long lv; int ret = quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv); if (i < 500) { assert(ret == 1); assert(data != NULL); assert(sz == 32); zfree(data); } else { assert(ret == 0); } } ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("iterate forward over 500 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD); quicklistEntry entry; int i = 499, count = 0; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { char *h = genstr("hello", i); if (strcmp((char *)entry.value, h)) ERR("value [%s] didn't match [%s] at position %d", entry.value, h, i); i--; count++; } if (count != 500) ERR("Didn't iterate over exactly 500 elements (%d)", i); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32); quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("iterate reverse over 500 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL); quicklistEntry entry; int i = 0; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { char *h = genstr("hello", i); if (strcmp((char *)entry.value, h)) ERR("value [%s] didn't match [%s] at position %d", entry.value, h, i); i++; } if (i != 500) ERR("Didn't iterate over exactly 500 elements (%d)", i); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32); quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("insert before with 0 elements") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); quicklistInsertBefore(ql, F, &entry, "abc", 4); ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("insert after with 0 elements") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); quicklistInsertAfter(ql, F, &entry, "abc", 4); ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("insert after 1 element") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, "hello", 6); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); quicklistInsertAfter(ql, F, &entry, "abc", 4); ql_verify(ql, 1, 2, 2, 2); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("insert before 1 element") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, "hello", 6); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); quicklistInsertAfter(ql, F, &entry, "abc", 4); ql_verify(ql, 1, 2, 2, 2); quicklistRelease(ql); } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 12; f++) { TEST_DESC("insert once in elements while iterating at fill %d\n", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "abc", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, 1, "def", 3); /* force to unique node */ quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "bob", 3); /* force to reset for +3 */ quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "foo", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "zoo", 3); itrprintr(ql, 1); /* insert "bar" before "bob" while iterating over list. */ quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD); quicklistEntry entry; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (!strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bob", 3)) { /* Insert as fill = 1 so it spills into new node. */ quicklistInsertBefore(ql, f, &entry, "bar", 3); /* NOTE! You can't continue iterating after an insert into * the list. You *must* re-create your iterator again if * you want to traverse all entires. */ break; } } itrprintr(ql, 1); /* verify results */ quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "abc", 3)) ERR("Value 0 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "def", 3)) ERR("Value 1 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 2, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bar", 3)) ERR("Value 2 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 3, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bob", 3)) ERR("Value 3 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 4, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "foo", 3)) ERR("Value 4 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 5, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "zoo", 3)) ERR("Value 5 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 1024; f++) { TEST_DESC("insert [before] 250 new in middle of 500 elements at fill" " %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 250, &entry); quicklistInsertBefore(ql, f, &entry, genstr("abc", i), 32); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 25, 750, 32, 20); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 1024; f++) { TEST_DESC("insert [after] 250 new in middle of 500 elements at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, f, genstr("hello", i), 32); for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) { quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 250, &entry); quicklistInsertAfter(ql, f, &entry, genstr("abc", i), 32); } if (ql->count != 750) ERR("List size not 750, but rather %ld", ql->count); if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 26, 750, 20, 32); quicklistRelease(ql); } } TEST("duplicate empty list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql); ql_verify(copy, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); quicklistRelease(copy); } TEST("duplicate list of 1 element") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", 3), 32); ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql); ql_verify(copy, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistRelease(ql); quicklistRelease(copy); } TEST("duplicate list of 500") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32); quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql); ql_verify(copy, 16, 500, 20, 32); quicklistRelease(ql); quicklistRelease(copy); } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) { TEST_DESC("index 1,200 from 500 list at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry); if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello2")) OK; else ERR("Value: %s", entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, 200, &entry); if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello201")) OK; else ERR("Value: %s", entry.value); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST_DESC("index -1,-2 from 500 list at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry); if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello500")) OK; else ERR("Value: %s", entry.value); quicklistIndex(ql, -2, &entry); if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello499")) OK; else ERR("Value: %s", entry.value); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST_DESC("index -100 from 500 list at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, -100, &entry); if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello401")) OK; else ERR("Value: %s", entry.value); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST_DESC("index too big +1 from 50 list at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); quicklistEntry entry; if (quicklistIndex(ql, 50, &entry)) ERR("Index found at 50 with 50 list: %.*s", entry.sz, entry.value); else OK; quicklistRelease(ql); } } TEST("delete range empty list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistDelRange(ql, 5, 20); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete range of entire node in list of one node") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32); quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 32); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete range of entire node with overflow counts") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) quicklistPushHead(ql, F, genstr("hello", i), 32); ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32); quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 128); ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete middle 100 of 500 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, F, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20); quicklistDelRange(ql, 200, 100); ql_verify(ql, 14, 400, 32, 20); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete negative 1 from 500 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, F, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20); quicklistDelRange(ql, -1, 1); ql_verify(ql, 16, 499, 32, 19); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete negative 1 from 500 list with overflow counts") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, F, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20); quicklistDelRange(ql, -1, 128); ql_verify(ql, 16, 499, 32, 19); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete negative 100 from 500 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, F, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); quicklistDelRange(ql, -100, 100); ql_verify(ql, 13, 400, 32, 16); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("delete -10 count 5 from 50 list") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, F, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32); ql_verify(ql, 2, 50, 32, 18); quicklistDelRange(ql, -10, 5); ql_verify(ql, 2, 45, 32, 13); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("numbers only list read") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "1111", 4); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "2222", 4); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "3333", 4); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "4444", 4); ql_verify(ql, 1, 4, 4, 4); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); if (entry.longval != 1111) ERR("Not 1111, %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry); if (entry.longval != 2222) ERR("Not 2222, %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, 2, &entry); if (entry.longval != 3333) ERR("Not 3333, %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, 3, &entry); if (entry.longval != 4444) ERR("Not 4444, %lld", entry.longval); if (quicklistIndex(ql, 4, &entry)) ERR("Index past elements: %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry); if (entry.longval != 4444) ERR("Not 4444 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, -2, &entry); if (entry.longval != 3333) ERR("Not 3333 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, -3, &entry); if (entry.longval != 2222) ERR("Not 2222 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval); quicklistIndex(ql, -4, &entry); if (entry.longval != 1111) ERR("Not 1111 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval); if (quicklistIndex(ql, -5, &entry)) ERR("Index past elements (reverse), %lld", entry.longval); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("numbers larger list read") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, num, sz); } quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20); quicklistEntry entry; for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry); if (entry.longval != nums[i]) ERR("[%d] Not longval %lld but rather %lld", i, nums[i], entry.longval); entry.longval = 0xdeadbeef; } quicklistIndex(ql, 5000, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20)) ERR("String val not match: %s", entry.value); ql_verify(ql, 157, 5001, 32, 9); quicklistRelease(ql); } TEST("numbers larger list read B") { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "99", 2); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "98", 2); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "96", 2); quicklistPushTail(ql, F, "95", 2); quicklistReplaceAtIndex(ql, 1, "foo", 3); quicklistReplaceAtIndex(ql, -1, "bar", 3); quicklistRelease(ql); OK; } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 16; f++) { TEST_DESC("lrem test at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char *words[] = { "abc", "foo", "bar", "foobar", "foobared", "zap", "bar", "test", "foo" }; char *result[] = { "abc", "foo", "foobar", "foobared", "zap", "test", "foo" }; char *resultB[] = { "abc", "foo", "foobar", "foobared", "zap", "test" }; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) quicklistPushTail(ql, f, words[i], strlen(words[i])); /* lrem 0 bar */ quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD); quicklistEntry entry; int i = 0; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"bar", 3)) { quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry); } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); /* check result of lrem 0 bar */ iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD); i = 0; int ok = 1; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { /* Result must be: abc, foo, foobar, foobared, zap, test, foo */ if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, result[i], entry.sz)) { ERR("No match at position %d, got %.*s instead of %s", i, entry.sz, entry.value, result[i]); ok = 0; } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "foo", 3); /* lrem -2 foo */ iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL); i = 0; int del = 2; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"foo", 3)) { quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry); del--; } if (!del) break; i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); /* check result of lrem -2 foo */ /* (we're ignoring the '2' part and still deleting all foo because * we only have two foo) */ iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL); i = 0; size_t resB = sizeof(resultB) / sizeof(*resultB); while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { /* Result must be: abc, foo, foobar, foobared, zap, test, foo */ if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, resultB[resB - 1 - i], entry.sz)) { ERR("No match at position %d, got %.*s instead of %s", i, entry.sz, entry.value, resultB[resB - 1 - i]); ok = 0; } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); /* final result of all tests */ if (ok) OK; quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 16; f++) { TEST_DESC("iterate reverse + delete at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "abc", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "def", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "hij", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "jkl", 3); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "oop", 3); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL); int i = 0; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"hij", 3)) { quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry); } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); if (i != 5) ERR("Didn't iterate 5 times, iterated %d times.", i); /* Check results after deletion of "hij" */ iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD); i = 0; char *vals[] = { "abc", "def", "jkl", "oop" }; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (!quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)vals[i], 3)) { ERR("Value at %d didn't match %s\n", i, vals[i]); } i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 800; f++) { TEST_DESC("iterator at index test at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 760; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, num, sz); } quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIteratorAtIdx(ql, AL_START_HEAD, 437); int i = 437; while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) { if (entry.longval != nums[i]) ERR("Expected %lld, but got %lld", entry.longval, nums[i]); i++; } quicklistReleaseIterator(iter); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) { TEST_DESC("ltrim test A at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, num, sz); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32); /* ltrim 25 53 (keep [25,32] inclusive = 7 remaining) */ quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 25); quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 0); quicklistEntry entry; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry); if (entry.longval != nums[25 + i]) ERR("Deleted invalid range! Expected %lld but got %lld", entry.longval, nums[25 + i]); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 7, 7, 7); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) { TEST_DESC("ltrim test B at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { nums[i] = i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, num, sz); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1); /* ltrim 5 16 (keep [5,16] inclusive = 12 remaining) */ quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 5); quicklistDelRange(ql, -16, 16); if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 12, 12, 12); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); if (entry.longval != 5) ERR("A: longval not 5, but %lld", entry.longval); else OK; quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry); if (entry.longval != 16) ERR("B! got instead: %lld", entry.longval); else OK; quicklistPushTail(ql, f, "bobobob", 7); quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry); if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bobobob", 7)) ERR("Tail doesn't match bobobob, it's %.*s instead", entry.sz, entry.value); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry); if (entry.longval != nums[5 + i]) ERR("Deleted invalid range! Expected %lld but got %lld", entry.longval, nums[5 + i]); } quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) { TEST_DESC("ltrim test C at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, num, sz); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1); /* ltrim 3 3 (keep [3,3] inclusive = 1 remaining) */ quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 3); quicklistDelRange(ql, -29, 4000); /* make sure not loop forever */ if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1); quicklistEntry entry; quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry); if (entry.longval != -5157318210846258173) ERROR; else OK; quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) { TEST_DESC("ltrim test D at fill %d", f) { quicklist *ql = quicklistCreate(); char num[32]; long long nums[5000]; for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); quicklistPushTail(ql, f, num, sz); } if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1); quicklistDelRange(ql, -12, 3); if (ql->count != 30) ERR("Didn't delete exactly three elements! Count is: %lu", ql->count); quicklistRelease(ql); } } for (int f = optimize_start; f < 72; f++) { TEST_DESC("create quicklist from ziplist at fill %d", f) { unsigned char *zl = ziplistNew(); long long nums[32]; char num[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i; int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]); zl = ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char *)num, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL); } for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) { zl = ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char *)genstr("hello", i), 32, ZIPLIST_TAIL); } quicklist *ql = quicklistCreateFromZiplist(f, zl); if (f == 1) ql_verify(ql, 66, 66, 1, 1); else if (f == 32) ql_verify(ql, 3, 66, 32, 2); else if (f == 66) ql_verify(ql, 1, 66, 66, 66); quicklistRelease(ql); } } if (!err) printf("ALL TESTS PASSED!\n"); else ERR("Sorry, not all tests passed! In fact, %d tests failed.", err); return err; } #endif