Redis TODO ---------- WARNING: are you a possible Redis contributor? Before implementing what is listed what is listed in this file please drop a message in the Redis google group or chat with antirez or pietern on #redis to check if the work is already in progress and if the feature is still interesting for us, and *how* exactly this can be implemented to have good changes of a merge. Otherwise it is probably wasted work! Thank you API CHANGES =========== * Turn commands into variadic versions when it makes sense, that is, when the variable number of arguments represent values, and there is no conflict with the return value of the command. APPEND ONLY FILE ================ * in AOF rewirte use HMSET to rewrite small hashes instead of multiple calls to HSET. OPTIMIZATIONS ============= * Avoid COW due to incrementing the dict iterators counter. * SORT: Don't copy the list into a vector when BY argument is constant. * Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB. * Read-only mode for slaves. * Redis big lists as linked lists of small ziplists? Possibly a simple heuristic that join near nodes when some node gets smaller than the low_level, and split it into two if gets bigger than high_level. REPORTING ========= * Better INFO output with sections. RANDOM ====== * Clients should be closed as far as the output buffer list is bigger than a given number of elements (configurable in redis.conf) * Should the redis default configuration, and the default redis.conf, just bind KNOWN BUGS ========== * What happens in the following scenario: 1) We are reading an AOF file. 2) SETEX FOO 5 BAR 3) APPEND FOO ZAP What happens if between 1 and 2 for some reason (system under huge load or alike) too many time passes? We should prevent expires while the AOF is loading. DISKSTORE TODO ============== * Fix FLUSHALL/FLUSHDB: the queue of pending reads/writes should be handled. * Check that 00/00 and ff/ff exist at startup, otherwise exit with error. * Implement sync flush option, where data is written synchronously on disk when a command is executed. * Implement MULTI/EXEC as transaction abstract API to diskstore.c, with transaction_start, transaction_end, and a journal to recover. * Stop BGSAVE thread on shutdown and any other condition where the child is killed during normal bgsave. * Fix RANDOMKEY to really do something interesting * Fix DBSIZE to really do something interesting * Add a DEBUG command to check if an entry is or not in memory currently * dscache.c near 236, kobj = createStringObject... we could use static obj.