# Initialization tests -- most units will start including this. test "(init) Restart killed instances" { foreach type {redis sentinel} { foreach_${type}_id id { if {[get_instance_attrib $type $id pid] == -1} { puts -nonewline "$type/$id " flush stdout restart_instance $type $id } } } } set redis_slaves 4 test "(init) Create a master-slaves cluster of [expr $redis_slaves+1] instances" { create_redis_master_slave_cluster [expr {$redis_slaves+1}] } set master_id 0 test "(init) Sentinels can start monitoring a master" { set sentinels [llength $::sentinel_instances] set quorum [expr {$sentinels/2+1}] foreach_sentinel_id id { catch {S $id SENTINEL REMOVE mymaster} S $id SENTINEL MONITOR mymaster \ [get_instance_attrib redis $master_id host] \ [get_instance_attrib redis $master_id port] $quorum } foreach_sentinel_id id { assert {[S $id sentinel master mymaster] ne {}} S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster down-after-milliseconds 2000 S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster failover-timeout 20000 S $id SENTINEL SET mymaster parallel-syncs 10 } } test "(init) Sentinels can talk with the master" { foreach_sentinel_id id { wait_for_condition 100 50 { [catch {S $id SENTINEL GET-MASTER-ADDR-BY-NAME mymaster}] == 0 } else { fail "Sentinel $id can't talk with the master." } } } test "(init) Sentinels are able to auto-discover other sentinels" { set sentinels [llength $::sentinel_instances] foreach_sentinel_id id { wait_for_condition 100 50 { [dict get [S $id SENTINEL MASTER mymaster] num-other-sentinels] == ($sentinels-1) } else { fail "At least some sentinel can't detect some other sentinel" } } } test "(init) Sentinels are able to auto-discover slaves" { foreach_sentinel_id id { wait_for_condition 100 50 { [dict get [S $id SENTINEL MASTER mymaster] num-slaves] == $redis_slaves } else { fail "At least some sentinel can't detect some slave" } } }