/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Pieter Noordhuis * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Salvatore Sanfilippo * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "redis.h" #include "rdb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lzf.h" #include "crc64.h" #define ERROR(...) { \ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, __VA_ARGS__); \ exit(1); \ } /* data type to hold offset in file and size */ typedef struct { void *data; size_t size; size_t offset; } pos; static unsigned char level = 0; static pos positions[16]; #define CURR_OFFSET (positions[level].offset) /* Hold a stack of errors */ typedef struct { char error[16][1024]; size_t offset[16]; size_t level; } errors_t; static errors_t errors; #define SHIFT_ERROR(provided_offset, ...) { \ sprintf(errors.error[errors.level], __VA_ARGS__); \ errors.offset[errors.level] = provided_offset; \ errors.level++; \ } /* Data type to hold opcode with optional key name an success status */ typedef struct { char* key; int type; char success; } entry; #define MAX_TYPES_NUM 256 #define MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN 16 /* store string types for output */ static char types[MAX_TYPES_NUM][MAX_TYPE_NAME_LEN]; /* Return true if 't' is a valid object type. */ static int rdbCheckType(unsigned char t) { /* In case a new object type is added, update the following * condition as necessary. */ return (t >= REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH_ZIPMAP && t <= REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH_ZIPLIST) || t <= REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH || t >= REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS; } /* when number of bytes to read is negative, do a peek */ static int readBytes(void *target, long num) { char peek = (num < 0) ? 1 : 0; num = (num < 0) ? -num : num; pos p = positions[level]; if (p.offset + num > p.size) { return 0; } else { memcpy(target, (void*)((size_t)p.data + p.offset), num); if (!peek) positions[level].offset += num; } return 1; } int processHeader(void) { char buf[10] = "_________"; int dump_version; if (!readBytes(buf, 9)) { ERROR("Cannot read header"); } /* expect the first 5 bytes to equal REDIS */ if (memcmp(buf,"REDIS",5) != 0) { ERROR("Wrong signature in header"); } dump_version = (int)strtol(buf + 5, NULL, 10); if (dump_version < 1 || dump_version > 6) { ERROR("Unknown RDB format version: %d", dump_version); } return dump_version; } static int loadType(entry *e) { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; /* this byte needs to qualify as type */ unsigned char t; if (readBytes(&t, 1)) { if (rdbCheckType(t)) { e->type = t; return 1; } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Unknown type (0x%02x)", t); } } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Could not read type"); } /* failure */ return 0; } static int peekType() { unsigned char t; if (readBytes(&t, -1) && (rdbCheckType(t))) return t; return -1; } /* discard time, just consume the bytes */ static int processTime(int type) { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; unsigned char t[8]; int timelen = (type == REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS) ? 8 : 4; if (readBytes(t,timelen)) { return 1; } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Could not read time"); } /* failure */ return 0; } static uint32_t loadLength(int *isencoded) { unsigned char buf[2]; uint32_t len; int type; if (isencoded) *isencoded = 0; if (!readBytes(buf, 1)) return REDIS_RDB_LENERR; type = (buf[0] & 0xC0) >> 6; if (type == REDIS_RDB_6BITLEN) { /* Read a 6 bit len */ return buf[0] & 0x3F; } else if (type == REDIS_RDB_ENCVAL) { /* Read a 6 bit len encoding type */ if (isencoded) *isencoded = 1; return buf[0] & 0x3F; } else if (type == REDIS_RDB_14BITLEN) { /* Read a 14 bit len */ if (!readBytes(buf+1,1)) return REDIS_RDB_LENERR; return ((buf[0] & 0x3F) << 8) | buf[1]; } else { /* Read a 32 bit len */ if (!readBytes(&len, 4)) return REDIS_RDB_LENERR; return (unsigned int)ntohl(len); } } static char *loadIntegerObject(int enctype) { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; unsigned char enc[4]; long long val; if (enctype == REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT8) { uint8_t v; if (!readBytes(enc, 1)) return NULL; v = enc[0]; val = (int8_t)v; } else if (enctype == REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT16) { uint16_t v; if (!readBytes(enc, 2)) return NULL; v = enc[0]|(enc[1]<<8); val = (int16_t)v; } else if (enctype == REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT32) { uint32_t v; if (!readBytes(enc, 4)) return NULL; v = enc[0]|(enc[1]<<8)|(enc[2]<<16)|(enc[3]<<24); val = (int32_t)v; } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Unknown integer encoding (0x%02x)", enctype); return NULL; } /* convert val into string */ char *buf; buf = zmalloc(sizeof(char) * 128); sprintf(buf, "%lld", val); return buf; } static char* loadLzfStringObject() { unsigned int slen, clen; char *c, *s; if ((clen = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) return NULL; if ((slen = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) return NULL; c = zmalloc(clen); if (!readBytes(c, clen)) { zfree(c); return NULL; } s = zmalloc(slen+1); if (lzf_decompress(c,clen,s,slen) == 0) { zfree(c); zfree(s); return NULL; } zfree(c); return s; } /* returns NULL when not processable, char* when valid */ static char* loadStringObject() { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; int isencoded; uint32_t len; len = loadLength(&isencoded); if (isencoded) { switch(len) { case REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT8: case REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT16: case REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT32: return loadIntegerObject(len); case REDIS_RDB_ENC_LZF: return loadLzfStringObject(); default: /* unknown encoding */ SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Unknown string encoding (0x%02x)", len); return NULL; } } if (len == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) return NULL; char *buf = zmalloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1)); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; buf[len] = '\0'; if (!readBytes(buf, len)) { zfree(buf); return NULL; } return buf; } static int processStringObject(char** store) { unsigned long offset = CURR_OFFSET; char *key = loadStringObject(); if (key == NULL) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading string object"); zfree(key); return 0; } if (store != NULL) { *store = key; } else { zfree(key); } return 1; } static double* loadDoubleValue() { char buf[256]; unsigned char len; double* val; if (!readBytes(&len,1)) return NULL; val = zmalloc(sizeof(double)); switch(len) { case 255: *val = R_NegInf; return val; case 254: *val = R_PosInf; return val; case 253: *val = R_Nan; return val; default: if (!readBytes(buf, len)) { zfree(val); return NULL; } buf[len] = '\0'; sscanf(buf, "%lg", val); return val; } } static int processDoubleValue(double** store) { unsigned long offset = CURR_OFFSET; double *val = loadDoubleValue(); if (val == NULL) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading double value"); zfree(val); return 0; } if (store != NULL) { *store = val; } else { zfree(val); } return 1; } static int loadPair(entry *e) { uint32_t offset = CURR_OFFSET; uint32_t i; /* read key first */ char *key; if (processStringObject(&key)) { e->key = key; } else { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading entry key"); return 0; } uint32_t length = 0; if (e->type == REDIS_RDB_TYPE_LIST || e->type == REDIS_RDB_TYPE_SET || e->type == REDIS_RDB_TYPE_ZSET || e->type == REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH) { if ((length = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading %s length", types[e->type]); return 0; } } switch(e->type) { case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_STRING: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH_ZIPMAP: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_LIST_ZIPLIST: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_SET_INTSET: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_ZSET_ZIPLIST: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH_ZIPLIST: if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading entry value"); return 0; } break; case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_LIST: case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_SET: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_ZSET: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element key at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processDoubleValue(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element value at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; case REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH: for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element key at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } offset = CURR_OFFSET; if (!processStringObject(NULL)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Error reading element value at index %d (length: %d)", i, length); return 0; } } break; default: SHIFT_ERROR(offset, "Type not implemented"); return 0; } /* because we're done, we assume success */ e->success = 1; return 1; } static entry loadEntry() { entry e = { NULL, -1, 0 }; uint32_t length, offset[4]; /* reset error container */ errors.level = 0; offset[0] = CURR_OFFSET; if (!loadType(&e)) { return e; } offset[1] = CURR_OFFSET; if (e.type == REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_SELECTDB) { if ((length = loadLength(NULL)) == REDIS_RDB_LENERR) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Error reading database number"); return e; } if (length > 63) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Database number out of range (%d)", length); return e; } } else if (e.type == REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EOF) { if (positions[level].offset < positions[level].size) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[0], "Unexpected EOF"); } else { e.success = 1; } return e; } else { /* optionally consume expire */ if (e.type == REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME || e.type == REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS) { if (!processTime(e.type)) return e; if (!loadType(&e)) return e; } offset[1] = CURR_OFFSET; if (!loadPair(&e)) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[1], "Error for type %s", types[e.type]); return e; } } /* all entries are followed by a valid type: * e.g. a new entry, SELECTDB, EXPIRE, EOF */ offset[2] = CURR_OFFSET; if (peekType() == -1) { SHIFT_ERROR(offset[2], "Followed by invalid type"); SHIFT_ERROR(offset[0], "Error for type %s", types[e.type]); e.success = 0; } else { e.success = 1; } return e; } static void printCentered(int indent, int width, char* body) { char head[256], tail[256]; memset(head, '\0', 256); memset(tail, '\0', 256); memset(head, '=', indent); memset(tail, '=', width - 2 - indent - strlen(body)); redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "%s %s %s", head, body, tail); } static void printValid(uint64_t ops, uint64_t bytes) { char body[80]; sprintf(body, "Processed %llu valid opcodes (in %llu bytes)", (unsigned long long) ops, (unsigned long long) bytes); printCentered(4, 80, body); } static void printSkipped(uint64_t bytes, uint64_t offset) { char body[80]; sprintf(body, "Skipped %llu bytes (resuming at 0x%08llx)", (unsigned long long) bytes, (unsigned long long) offset); printCentered(4, 80, body); } static void printErrorStack(entry *e) { unsigned int i; char body[64]; if (e->type == -1) { sprintf(body, "Error trace"); } else if (e->type >= 253) { sprintf(body, "Error trace (%s)", types[e->type]); } else if (!e->key) { sprintf(body, "Error trace (%s: (unknown))", types[e->type]); } else { char tmp[41]; strncpy(tmp, e->key, 40); /* display truncation at the last 3 chars */ if (strlen(e->key) > 40) { memset(&tmp[37], '.', 3); } /* display unprintable characters as ? */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmp); i++) { if (tmp[i] <= 32) tmp[i] = '?'; } sprintf(body, "Error trace (%s: %s)", types[e->type], tmp); } printCentered(4, 80, body); /* display error stack */ for (i = 0; i < errors.level; i++) { redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "0x%08lx - %s", (unsigned long) errors.offset[i], errors.error[i]); } } void process(void) { uint64_t num_errors = 0, num_valid_ops = 0, num_valid_bytes = 0; entry entry = { NULL, -1, 0 }; int dump_version = processHeader(); /* Exclude the final checksum for RDB >= 5. Will be checked at the end. */ if (dump_version >= 5) { if (positions[0].size < 8) { redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "RDB version >= 5 but no room for checksum."); exit(1); } positions[0].size -= 8; } level = 1; while(positions[0].offset < positions[0].size) { positions[1] = positions[0]; entry = loadEntry(); if (!entry.success) { printValid(num_valid_ops, num_valid_bytes); printErrorStack(&entry); num_errors++; num_valid_ops = 0; num_valid_bytes = 0; /* search for next valid entry */ uint64_t offset = positions[0].offset + 1; int i = 0; while (!entry.success && offset < positions[0].size) { positions[1].offset = offset; /* find 3 consecutive valid entries */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { entry = loadEntry(); if (!entry.success) break; } /* check if we found 3 consecutive valid entries */ if (i < 3) { offset++; } } /* print how many bytes we have skipped to find a new valid opcode */ if (offset < positions[0].size) { printSkipped(offset - positions[0].offset, offset); } positions[0].offset = offset; } else { num_valid_ops++; num_valid_bytes += positions[1].offset - positions[0].offset; /* advance position */ positions[0] = positions[1]; } zfree(entry.key); } /* because there is another potential error, * print how many valid ops we have processed */ printValid(num_valid_ops, num_valid_bytes); /* expect an eof */ if (entry.type != REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EOF) { /* last byte should be EOF, add error */ errors.level = 0; SHIFT_ERROR(positions[0].offset, "Expected EOF, got %s", types[entry.type]); /* this is an EOF error so reset type */ entry.type = -1; printErrorStack(&entry); num_errors++; } /* Verify checksum */ if (dump_version >= 5) { uint64_t crc = crc64(0,positions[0].data,positions[0].size); uint64_t crc2; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)positions[0].data+positions[0].size; crc2 = ((uint64_t)p[0] << 0) | ((uint64_t)p[1] << 8) | ((uint64_t)p[2] << 16) | ((uint64_t)p[3] << 24) | ((uint64_t)p[4] << 32) | ((uint64_t)p[5] << 40) | ((uint64_t)p[6] << 48) | ((uint64_t)p[7] << 56); if (crc != crc2) { SHIFT_ERROR(positions[0].offset, "RDB CRC64 does not match."); } else { redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "CRC64 checksum is OK"); } } /* print summary on errors */ if (num_errors) { redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Total unprocessable opcodes: %llu", (unsigned long long) num_errors); } } int redis_check_rdb(char *rdbfilename) { int fd; off_t size; struct stat stat; void *data; fd = open(rdbfilename, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 1) { ERROR("Cannot open file: %s", rdbfilename); } if (fstat(fd, &stat) == -1) { ERROR("Cannot stat: %s", rdbfilename); } else { size = stat.st_size; } if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(int32_t) && size >= INT_MAX) { ERROR("Cannot check dump files >2GB on a 32-bit platform"); } data = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (data == MAP_FAILED) { ERROR("Cannot mmap: %s", rdbfilename); } /* Initialize static vars */ positions[0].data = data; positions[0].size = size; positions[0].offset = 0; errors.level = 0; /* Object types */ sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_TYPE_STRING], "STRING"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_TYPE_LIST], "LIST"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_TYPE_SET], "SET"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_TYPE_ZSET], "ZSET"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_TYPE_HASH], "HASH"); /* Object types only used for dumping to disk */ sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME], "EXPIRETIME"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_SELECTDB], "SELECTDB"); sprintf(types[REDIS_RDB_OPCODE_EOF], "EOF"); process(); munmap(data, size); close(fd); return 0; }