#ifndef STREAM_H
#define STREAM_H

#include "rax.h"
#include "listpack.h"

/* Stream item ID: a 128 bit number composed of a milliseconds time and
 * a sequence counter. IDs generated in the same millisecond (or in a past
 * millisecond if the clock jumped backward) will use the millisecond time
 * of the latest generated ID and an incremented sequence. */
typedef struct streamID {
    uint64_t ms;        /* Unix time in milliseconds. */
    uint64_t seq;       /* Sequence number. */
} streamID;

typedef struct stream {
    rax *rax;               /* The radix tree holding the stream. */
    uint64_t length;        /* Number of elements inside this stream. */
    streamID last_id;       /* Zero if there are yet no items. */
} stream;

/* We define an iterator to iterate stream items in an abstract way, without
 * caring about the radix tree + listpack representation. Technically speaking
 * the iterator is only used inside streamReplyWithRange(), so could just
 * be implemented inside the function, but practically there is the AOF
 * rewriting code that also needs to iterate the stream to emit the XADD
 * commands. */
typedef struct streamIterator {
    streamID master_id;     /* ID of the master entry at listpack head. */
    uint64_t master_fields_count;       /* Master entries # of fields. */
    unsigned char *master_fields_start; /* Master entries start in listapck. */
    unsigned char *master_fields_ptr;   /* Master field to emit next. */
    int entry_flags;                    /* Flags of entry we are emitting. */
    uint64_t start_key[2];  /* Start key as 128 bit big endian. */
    uint64_t end_key[2];    /* End key as 128 bit big endian. */
    raxIterator ri;         /* Rax iterator. */
    unsigned char *lp;      /* Current listpack. */
    unsigned char *lp_ele;  /* Current listpack cursor. */
    /* Buffers used to hold the string of lpGet() when the element is
     * integer encoded, so that there is no string representation of the
     * element inside the listpack itself. */
    unsigned char field_buf[LP_INTBUF_SIZE];
    unsigned char value_buf[LP_INTBUF_SIZE];
} streamIterator;

/* Prototypes of exported APIs. */

struct client;

stream *streamNew(void);
void freeStream(stream *s);
size_t streamReplyWithRange(struct client *c, stream *s, streamID *start, streamID *end, size_t count);
void streamIteratorStart(streamIterator *si, stream *s, streamID *start, streamID *end);
int streamIteratorGetID(streamIterator *si, streamID *id, int64_t *numfields);
void streamIteratorGetField(streamIterator *si, unsigned char **fieldptr, unsigned char **valueptr, int64_t *fieldlen, int64_t *valuelen);
void streamIteratorStop(streamIterator *si);
