start_server {tags {"introspection"}} { test {CLIENT LIST} { r client list } {*addr=*:* fd=* age=* idle=* flags=N db=9 sub=0 psub=0 multi=-1 qbuf=0 qbuf-free=* obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 events=r cmd=client*} test {MONITOR can log executed commands} { set rd [redis_deferring_client] $rd monitor r set foo bar r get foo list [$rd read] [$rd read] [$rd read] } {*OK*"set" "foo"*"get" "foo"*} test {MONITOR can log commands issued by the scripting engine} { set rd [redis_deferring_client] $rd monitor r eval {'set',KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 foo bar $rd read ;# Discard the OK assert_match {*eval*} [$rd read] assert_match {*lua*"set"*"foo"*"bar"*} [$rd read] } test {CLIENT GETNAME should return NIL if name is not assigned} { r client getname } {} test {CLIENT LIST shows empty fields for unassigned names} { r client list } {*name= *} test {CLIENT SETNAME does not accept spaces} { catch {r client setname "foo bar"} e set e } {ERR*} test {CLIENT SETNAME can assign a name to this connection} { assert_equal [r client setname myname] {OK} r client list } {*name=myname*} test {CLIENT SETNAME can change the name of an existing connection} { assert_equal [r client setname someothername] {OK} r client list } {*name=someothername*} test {After CLIENT SETNAME, connection can still be closed} { set rd [redis_deferring_client] $rd client setname foobar assert_equal [$rd read] "OK" assert_match {*foobar*} [r client list] $rd close # Now the client should no longer be listed string match {*foobar*} [r client list] } {0} }