# RubyRedis is an alternative implementatin of Ruby client library written # by Salvatore Sanfilippo. # # The aim of this library is to create an alternative client library that is # much simpler and does not implement every command explicitly but uses # method_missing instead. require 'socket' require 'set' begin if (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9') require 'timeout' RedisTimer = Timeout else require 'system_timer' RedisTimer = SystemTimer end rescue LoadError RedisTimer = nil end class RedisClient BulkCommands = { "set"=>true, "setnx"=>true, "rpush"=>true, "lpush"=>true, "lset"=>true, "lrem"=>true, "sadd"=>true, "srem"=>true, "sismember"=>true, "echo"=>true, "getset"=>true, "smove"=>true } ConvertToBool = lambda{|r| r == 0 ? false : r} ReplyProcessor = { "exists" => ConvertToBool, "sismember"=> ConvertToBool, "sadd"=> ConvertToBool, "srem"=> ConvertToBool, "smove"=> ConvertToBool, "move"=> ConvertToBool, "setnx"=> ConvertToBool, "del"=> ConvertToBool, "renamenx"=> ConvertToBool, "expire"=> ConvertToBool, "keys" => lambda{|r| r.split(" ")}, "info" => lambda{|r| info = {} r.each_line {|kv| k,v = kv.split(":",2).map{|x| x.chomp} info[k.to_sym] = v } info } } Aliases = { "flush_db" => "flushdb", "flush_all" => "flushall", "last_save" => "lastsave", "key?" => "exists", "delete" => "del", "randkey" => "randomkey", "list_length" => "llen", "push_tail" => "rpush", "push_head" => "lpush", "pop_tail" => "rpop", "pop_head" => "lpop", "list_set" => "lset", "list_range" => "lrange", "list_trim" => "ltrim", "list_index" => "lindex", "list_rm" => "lrem", "set_add" => "sadd", "set_delete" => "srem", "set_count" => "scard", "set_member?" => "sismember", "set_members" => "smembers", "set_intersect" => "sinter", "set_intersect_store" => "sinterstore", "set_inter_store" => "sinterstore", "set_union" => "sunion", "set_union_store" => "sunionstore", "set_diff" => "sdiff", "set_diff_store" => "sdiffstore", "set_move" => "smove", "set_unless_exists" => "setnx", "rename_unless_exists" => "renamenx" } def initialize(opts={}) @host = opts[:host] || '' @port = opts[:port] || 6379 @db = opts[:db] || 0 @timeout = opts[:timeout] || 0 connect_to_server end def to_s "Redis Client connected to #{@host}:#{@port} against DB #{@db}" end def connect_to_server @sock = connect_to(@host,@port,@timeout == 0 ? nil : @timeout) call_command(["select",@db]) if @db != 0 end def connect_to(host, port, timeout=nil) # We support connect() timeout only if system_timer is availabe # or if we are running against Ruby >= 1.9 # Timeout reading from the socket instead will be supported anyway. if @timeout != 0 and RedisTimer begin sock = TCPSocket.new(host, port, 0) rescue Timeout::Error @sock = nil raise Timeout::Error, "Timeout connecting to the server" end else sock = TCPSocket.new(host, port, 0) end # If the timeout is set we set the low level socket options in order # to make sure a blocking read will return after the specified number # of seconds. This hack is from memcached ruby client. if timeout secs = Integer(timeout) usecs = Integer((timeout - secs) * 1_000_000) optval = [secs, usecs].pack("l_2") sock.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO, optval sock.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_SNDTIMEO, optval end sock end def method_missing(*argv) call_command(argv) end def call_command(argv) # this wrapper to raw_call_command handle reconnection on socket # error. We try to reconnect just one time, otherwise let the error # araise. connect_to_server if !@sock begin raw_call_command(argv) rescue Errno::ECONNRESET @sock.close connect_to_server raw_call_command(argv) end end def raw_call_command(argv) bulk = nil argv[0] = argv[0].to_s.downcase argv[0] = Aliases[argv[0]] if Aliases[argv[0]] if BulkCommands[argv[0]] and argv.length > 1 bulk = argv[-1].to_s argv[-1] = bulk.length end @sock.write(argv.join(" ")+"\r\n") @sock.write(bulk+"\r\n") if bulk # Post process the reply if needed processor = ReplyProcessor[argv[0]] processor ? processor.call(read_reply) : read_reply end def select(*args) raise "SELECT not allowed, use the :db option when creating the object" end def [](key) get(key) end def []=(key,value) set(key,value) end def sort(key, opts={}) cmd = [] cmd << "SORT #{key}" cmd << "BY #{opts[:by]}" if opts[:by] cmd << "GET #{[opts[:get]].flatten * ' GET '}" if opts[:get] cmd << "#{opts[:order]}" if opts[:order] cmd << "LIMIT #{opts[:limit].join(' ')}" if opts[:limit] call_command(cmd) end def incr(key,increment=nil) call_command(increment ? ["incrby",key,increment] : ["incr",key]) end def decr(key,decrement=nil) call_command(decrement ? ["decrby",key,decrement] : ["decr",key]) end def read_reply # We read the first byte using read() mainly because gets() is # immune to raw socket timeouts. begin rtype = @sock.read(1) rescue Errno::EAGAIN # We want to make sure it reconnects on the next command after the # timeout. Otherwise the server may reply in the meantime leaving # the protocol in a desync status. @sock = nil raise Errno::EAGAIN, "Timeout reading from the socket" end raise Errno::ECONNRESET,"Connection lost" if !rtype line = @sock.gets case rtype when "-" raise "-"+line.strip when "+" line.strip when ":" line.to_i when "$" bulklen = line.to_i return nil if bulklen == -1 data = @sock.read(bulklen) @sock.read(2) # CRLF data when "*" objects = line.to_i return nil if bulklen == -1 res = [] objects.times { res << read_reply } res else raise "Protocol error, got '#{rtype}' as initial reply byte" end end end