#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'redis' ClusterHashSlots = 4096 def xputs(s) printf s STDOUT.flush end class ClusterNode def initialize(addr) s = addr.split(":") if s.length != 2 puts "Invalid node name #{addr}" exit 1 end @r = nil @host = s[0] @port = s[1] @slots = {} @dirty = false end def to_s "#{@host}:#{@port}" end def connect(o={}) xputs "Connecting to node #{self}: " begin @r = Redis.new(:host => @host, :port => @port) @r.ping rescue puts "ERROR" puts "Sorry, can't connect to node #{self}" exit 1 if o[:abort] @r = nil end puts "OK" end def assert_cluster info = @r.info if !info["cluster_enabled"] || info["cluster_enabled"].to_i == 0 puts "Error: Node #{self} is not configured as a cluster node." exit 1 end end def assert_empty if !(@r.cluster("info").split("\r\n").index("cluster_known_nodes:1")) || (@r.info['db0']) puts "Error: Node #{self} is not empty. Either the node already knows other nodes (check with nodes-info) or contains some key in database 0." exit 1 end end def add_slots(slots) slots.each{|s| @slots[s] = :new } @dirty = true end def flush_node_config return if !@dirty new = [] @slots.each{|s,val| if val == :new new << s @slots[s] = true end } @r.cluster("addslots",*new) @dirty = false end def info_string # We want to display the hash slots assigned to this node # as ranges, like in: "1-5,8-9,20-25,30" # # Note: this could be easily written without side effects, # we use 'slots' just to split the computation into steps. # First step: we want an increasing array of integers # for instance: [1,2,3,4,5,8,9,20,21,22,23,24,25,30] slots = @slots.keys.sort # As we want to aggregate adiacent slots we convert all the # slot integers into ranges (with just one element) # So we have something like [1..1,2..2, ... and so forth. slots.map!{|x| x..x} # Finally we group ranges with adiacent elements. slots = slots.reduce([]) {|a,b| if !a.empty? && b.first == (a[-1].last)+1 a[0..-2] + [(a[-1].first)..(b.last)] else a + [b] end } # Now our task is easy, we just convert ranges with just one # element into a number, and a real range into a start-end format. # Finally we join the array using the comma as separator. slots = slots.map{|x| x.count == 1 ? x.first.to_s : "#{x.first}-#{x.last}" }.join(",") "#{self.to_s.ljust(25)} slots:#{slots}" end def info { :host => @host, :port => @port, :slots => @slots, :dirty => @dirty } end def is_dirty? @dirty end def r @r end end class RedisTrib def initialize @nodes = [] end def check_arity(req_args, num_args) if ((req_args > 0 and num_args != req_args) || (req_args < 0 and num_args < req_args.abs)) puts "Wrong number of arguments for specified sub command" exit 1 end end def add_node(node) @nodes << node end def check_cluster puts "Performing Cluster Check (using node #{@nodes[0]})" show_nodes end def alloc_slots slots_per_node = ClusterHashSlots/@nodes.length i = 0 @nodes.each{|n| first = i*slots_per_node last = first+slots_per_node-1 last = ClusterHashSlots-1 if i == @nodes.length-1 n.add_slots first..last i += 1 } end def flush_nodes_config @nodes.each{|n| n.flush_node_config } end def show_nodes @nodes.each{|n| puts n.info_string } end def join_cluster # We use a brute force approach to make sure the node will meet # each other, that is, sending CLUSTER MEET messages to all the nodes # about the very same node. # Thanks to gossip this information should propagate across all the # cluster in a matter of seconds. first = false @nodes.each{|n| if !first then first = n.info; next; end # Skip the first node n.r.cluster("meet",first[:host],first[:port]) } end def yes_or_die(msg) print "#{msg} (type 'yes' to accept): " STDOUT.flush if !(STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == "yes") puts "Aborting..." exit 1 end end # redis-trib subcommands implementations def check_cluster_cmd node = ClusterNode.new(ARGV[1]) node.connect(:abort => true) node.assert_cluster add_node(node) check_cluster end def create_cluster_cmd puts "Creating cluster" ARGV[1..-1].each{|n| node = ClusterNode.new(n) node.connect(:abort => true) node.assert_cluster node.assert_empty add_node(node) } puts "Performing hash slots allocation on #{@nodes.length} nodes..." alloc_slots show_nodes yes_or_die "Can I set the above configuration?" flush_nodes_config puts "** Nodes configuration updated" puts "** Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster" join_cluster check_cluster end end COMMANDS={ "create" => ["create_cluster_cmd", -2, "host1:port host2:port ... hostN:port"], "check" => ["check_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"] } # Sanity check if ARGV.length == 0 puts "Usage: redis-trib " puts COMMANDS.each{|k,v| puts " #{k.ljust(20)} #{v[2]}" } puts exit 1 end rt = RedisTrib.new cmd_spec = COMMANDS[ARGV[0].downcase] if !cmd_spec puts "Unknown redis-trib subcommand '#{ARGV[0]}'" exit 1 end rt.check_arity(cmd_spec[1],ARGV.length) # Dispatch rt.send(cmd_spec[0])