#include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #define LUACMSGPACK_NAME "cmsgpack" #define LUACMSGPACK_SAFE_NAME "cmsgpack_safe" #define LUACMSGPACK_VERSION "lua-cmsgpack 0.4.0" #define LUACMSGPACK_COPYRIGHT "Copyright (C) 2012, Salvatore Sanfilippo" #define LUACMSGPACK_DESCRIPTION "MessagePack C implementation for Lua" /* Allows a preprocessor directive to override MAX_NESTING */ #ifndef LUACMSGPACK_MAX_NESTING #define LUACMSGPACK_MAX_NESTING 16 /* Max tables nesting. */ #endif /* Check if float or double can be an integer without loss of precision */ #define IS_INT_TYPE_EQUIVALENT(x, T) (!isinf(x) && (T)(x) == (x)) #define IS_INT64_EQUIVALENT(x) IS_INT_TYPE_EQUIVALENT(x, int64_t) #define IS_INT_EQUIVALENT(x) IS_INT_TYPE_EQUIVALENT(x, int) /* If size of pointer is equal to a 4 byte integer, we're on 32 bits. */ #if UINTPTR_MAX == UINT_MAX #define BITS_32 1 #else #define BITS_32 0 #endif #if BITS_32 #define lua_pushunsigned(L, n) lua_pushnumber(L, n) #else #define lua_pushunsigned(L, n) lua_pushinteger(L, n) #endif /* ============================================================================= * MessagePack implementation and bindings for Lua 5.1/5.2. * Copyright(C) 2012 Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez@gmail.com> * * http://github.com/antirez/lua-cmsgpack * * For MessagePack specification check the following web site: * http://wiki.msgpack.org/display/MSGPACK/Format+specification * * See Copyright Notice at the end of this file. * * CHANGELOG: * 19-Feb-2012 (ver 0.1.0): Initial release. * 20-Feb-2012 (ver 0.2.0): Tables encoding improved. * 20-Feb-2012 (ver 0.2.1): Minor bug fixing. * 20-Feb-2012 (ver 0.3.0): Module renamed lua-cmsgpack (was lua-msgpack). * 04-Apr-2014 (ver 0.3.1): Lua 5.2 support and minor bug fix. * 07-Apr-2014 (ver 0.4.0): Multiple pack/unpack, lua allocator, efficiency. * ========================================================================== */ /* -------------------------- Endian conversion -------------------------------- * We use it only for floats and doubles, all the other conversions performed * in an endian independent fashion. So the only thing we need is a function * that swaps a binary string if arch is little endian (and left it untouched * otherwise). */ /* Reverse memory bytes if arch is little endian. Given the conceptual * simplicity of the Lua build system we prefer check for endianess at runtime. * The performance difference should be acceptable. */ void memrevifle(void *ptr, size_t len) { unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)ptr, *e = (unsigned char *)p+len-1, aux; int test = 1; unsigned char *testp = (unsigned char*) &test; if (testp[0] == 0) return; /* Big endian, nothing to do. */ len /= 2; while(len--) { aux = *p; *p = *e; *e = aux; p++; e--; } } /* ---------------------------- String buffer ---------------------------------- * This is a simple implementation of string buffers. The only operation * supported is creating empty buffers and appending bytes to it. * The string buffer uses 2x preallocation on every realloc for O(N) append * behavior. */ typedef struct mp_buf { unsigned char *b; size_t len, free; } mp_buf; void *mp_realloc(lua_State *L, void *target, size_t osize,size_t nsize) { void *(*local_realloc) (void *, void *, size_t osize, size_t nsize) = NULL; void *ud; local_realloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ud); return local_realloc(ud, target, osize, nsize); } mp_buf *mp_buf_new(lua_State *L) { mp_buf *buf = NULL; /* Old size = 0; new size = sizeof(*buf) */ buf = (mp_buf*)mp_realloc(L, NULL, 0, sizeof(*buf)); buf->b = NULL; buf->len = buf->free = 0; return buf; } void mp_buf_append(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, const unsigned char *s, size_t len) { if (buf->free < len) { size_t newsize = (buf->len+len)*2; buf->b = (unsigned char*)mp_realloc(L, buf->b, buf->len + buf->free, newsize); buf->free = newsize - buf->len; } memcpy(buf->b+buf->len,s,len); buf->len += len; buf->free -= len; } void mp_buf_free(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { mp_realloc(L, buf->b, buf->len + buf->free, 0); /* realloc to 0 = free */ mp_realloc(L, buf, sizeof(*buf), 0); } /* ---------------------------- String cursor ---------------------------------- * This simple data structure is used for parsing. Basically you create a cursor * using a string pointer and a length, then it is possible to access the * current string position with cursor->p, check the remaining length * in cursor->left, and finally consume more string using * mp_cur_consume(cursor,len), to advance 'p' and subtract 'left'. * An additional field cursor->error is set to zero on initialization and can * be used to report errors. */ #define MP_CUR_ERROR_NONE 0 #define MP_CUR_ERROR_EOF 1 /* Not enough data to complete operation. */ #define MP_CUR_ERROR_BADFMT 2 /* Bad data format */ typedef struct mp_cur { const unsigned char *p; size_t left; int err; } mp_cur; void mp_cur_init(mp_cur *cursor, const unsigned char *s, size_t len) { cursor->p = s; cursor->left = len; cursor->err = MP_CUR_ERROR_NONE; } #define mp_cur_consume(_c,_len) do { _c->p += _len; _c->left -= _len; } while(0) /* When there is not enough room we set an error in the cursor and return. This * is very common across the code so we have a macro to make the code look * a bit simpler. */ #define mp_cur_need(_c,_len) do { \ if (_c->left < _len) { \ _c->err = MP_CUR_ERROR_EOF; \ return; \ } \ } while(0) /* ------------------------- Low level MP encoding -------------------------- */ void mp_encode_bytes(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, const unsigned char *s, size_t len) { unsigned char hdr[5]; int hdrlen; if (len < 32) { hdr[0] = 0xa0 | (len&0xff); /* fix raw */ hdrlen = 1; } else if (len <= 0xff) { hdr[0] = 0xd9; hdr[1] = len; hdrlen = 2; } else if (len <= 0xffff) { hdr[0] = 0xda; hdr[1] = (len&0xff00)>>8; hdr[2] = len&0xff; hdrlen = 3; } else { hdr[0] = 0xdb; hdr[1] = (len&0xff000000)>>24; hdr[2] = (len&0xff0000)>>16; hdr[3] = (len&0xff00)>>8; hdr[4] = len&0xff; hdrlen = 5; } mp_buf_append(L,buf,hdr,hdrlen); mp_buf_append(L,buf,s,len); } /* we assume IEEE 754 internal format for single and double precision floats. */ void mp_encode_double(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, double d) { unsigned char b[9]; float f = d; assert(sizeof(f) == 4 && sizeof(d) == 8); if (d == (double)f) { b[0] = 0xca; /* float IEEE 754 */ memcpy(b+1,&f,4); memrevifle(b+1,4); mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,5); } else if (sizeof(d) == 8) { b[0] = 0xcb; /* double IEEE 754 */ memcpy(b+1,&d,8); memrevifle(b+1,8); mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,9); } } void mp_encode_int(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int64_t n) { unsigned char b[9]; int enclen; if (n >= 0) { if (n <= 127) { b[0] = n & 0x7f; /* positive fixnum */ enclen = 1; } else if (n <= 0xff) { b[0] = 0xcc; /* uint 8 */ b[1] = n & 0xff; enclen = 2; } else if (n <= 0xffff) { b[0] = 0xcd; /* uint 16 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[2] = n & 0xff; enclen = 3; } else if (n <= 0xffffffffLL) { b[0] = 0xce; /* uint 32 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[2] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[3] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[4] = n & 0xff; enclen = 5; } else { b[0] = 0xcf; /* uint 64 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56; b[2] = (n & 0xff000000000000LL) >> 48; b[3] = (n & 0xff0000000000LL) >> 40; b[4] = (n & 0xff00000000LL) >> 32; b[5] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[6] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[7] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[8] = n & 0xff; enclen = 9; } } else { if (n >= -32) { b[0] = ((signed char)n); /* negative fixnum */ enclen = 1; } else if (n >= -128) { b[0] = 0xd0; /* int 8 */ b[1] = n & 0xff; enclen = 2; } else if (n >= -32768) { b[0] = 0xd1; /* int 16 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[2] = n & 0xff; enclen = 3; } else if (n >= -2147483648LL) { b[0] = 0xd2; /* int 32 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[2] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[3] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[4] = n & 0xff; enclen = 5; } else { b[0] = 0xd3; /* int 64 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56; b[2] = (n & 0xff000000000000LL) >> 48; b[3] = (n & 0xff0000000000LL) >> 40; b[4] = (n & 0xff00000000LL) >> 32; b[5] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[6] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[7] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[8] = n & 0xff; enclen = 9; } } mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,enclen); } void mp_encode_array(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int64_t n) { unsigned char b[5]; int enclen; if (n <= 15) { b[0] = 0x90 | (n & 0xf); /* fix array */ enclen = 1; } else if (n <= 65535) { b[0] = 0xdc; /* array 16 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[2] = n & 0xff; enclen = 3; } else { b[0] = 0xdd; /* array 32 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[2] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[3] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[4] = n & 0xff; enclen = 5; } mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,enclen); } void mp_encode_map(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int64_t n) { unsigned char b[5]; int enclen; if (n <= 15) { b[0] = 0x80 | (n & 0xf); /* fix map */ enclen = 1; } else if (n <= 65535) { b[0] = 0xde; /* map 16 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[2] = n & 0xff; enclen = 3; } else { b[0] = 0xdf; /* map 32 */ b[1] = (n & 0xff000000) >> 24; b[2] = (n & 0xff0000) >> 16; b[3] = (n & 0xff00) >> 8; b[4] = n & 0xff; enclen = 5; } mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,enclen); } /* --------------------------- Lua types encoding --------------------------- */ void mp_encode_lua_string(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { size_t len; const char *s; s = lua_tolstring(L,-1,&len); mp_encode_bytes(L,buf,(const unsigned char*)s,len); } void mp_encode_lua_bool(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { unsigned char b = lua_toboolean(L,-1) ? 0xc3 : 0xc2; mp_buf_append(L,buf,&b,1); } /* Lua 5.3 has a built in 64-bit integer type */ void mp_encode_lua_integer(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { #if (LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503) && BITS_32 lua_Number i = lua_tonumber(L,-1); #else lua_Integer i = lua_tointeger(L,-1); #endif mp_encode_int(L, buf, (int64_t)i); } /* Lua 5.2 and lower only has 64-bit doubles, so we need to * detect if the double may be representable as an int * for Lua < 5.3 */ void mp_encode_lua_number(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { lua_Number n = lua_tonumber(L,-1); if (IS_INT64_EQUIVALENT(n)) { mp_encode_lua_integer(L, buf); } else { mp_encode_double(L,buf,(double)n); } } void mp_encode_lua_type(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int level); /* Convert a lua table into a message pack list. */ void mp_encode_lua_table_as_array(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int level) { #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502 size_t len = lua_objlen(L,-1), j; #else size_t len = lua_rawlen(L,-1), j; #endif mp_encode_array(L,buf,len); for (j = 1; j <= len; j++) { lua_pushnumber(L,j); lua_gettable(L,-2); mp_encode_lua_type(L,buf,level+1); } } /* Convert a lua table into a message pack key-value map. */ void mp_encode_lua_table_as_map(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int level) { size_t len = 0; /* First step: count keys into table. No other way to do it with the * Lua API, we need to iterate a first time. Note that an alternative * would be to do a single run, and then hack the buffer to insert the * map opcodes for message pack. Too hackish for this lib. */ lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L,-2)) { lua_pop(L,1); /* remove value, keep key for next iteration. */ len++; } /* Step two: actually encoding of the map. */ mp_encode_map(L,buf,len); lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L,-2)) { /* Stack: ... key value */ lua_pushvalue(L,-2); /* Stack: ... key value key */ mp_encode_lua_type(L,buf,level+1); /* encode key */ mp_encode_lua_type(L,buf,level+1); /* encode val */ } } /* Returns true if the Lua table on top of the stack is exclusively composed * of keys from numerical keys from 1 up to N, with N being the total number * of elements, without any hole in the middle. */ int table_is_an_array(lua_State *L) { int count = 0, max = 0; #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 lua_Number n; #else lua_Integer n; #endif /* Stack top on function entry */ int stacktop; stacktop = lua_gettop(L); lua_pushnil(L); while(lua_next(L,-2)) { /* Stack: ... key value */ lua_pop(L,1); /* Stack: ... key */ /* The <= 0 check is valid here because we're comparing indexes. */ #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 if ((LUA_TNUMBER != lua_type(L,-1)) || (n = lua_tonumber(L, -1)) <= 0 || !IS_INT_EQUIVALENT(n)) #else if (!lua_isinteger(L,-1) || (n = lua_tointeger(L, -1)) <= 0) #endif { lua_settop(L, stacktop); return 0; } max = (n > max ? n : max); count++; } /* We have the total number of elements in "count". Also we have * the max index encountered in "max". We can't reach this code * if there are indexes <= 0. If you also note that there can not be * repeated keys into a table, you have that if max==count you are sure * that there are all the keys form 1 to count (both included). */ lua_settop(L, stacktop); return max == count; } /* If the length operator returns non-zero, that is, there is at least * an object at key '1', we serialize to message pack list. Otherwise * we use a map. */ void mp_encode_lua_table(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int level) { if (table_is_an_array(L)) mp_encode_lua_table_as_array(L,buf,level); else mp_encode_lua_table_as_map(L,buf,level); } void mp_encode_lua_null(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf) { unsigned char b[1]; b[0] = 0xc0; mp_buf_append(L,buf,b,1); } void mp_encode_lua_type(lua_State *L, mp_buf *buf, int level) { int t = lua_type(L,-1); /* Limit the encoding of nested tables to a specified maximum depth, so that * we survive when called against circular references in tables. */ if (t == LUA_TTABLE && level == LUACMSGPACK_MAX_NESTING) t = LUA_TNIL; switch(t) { case LUA_TSTRING: mp_encode_lua_string(L,buf); break; case LUA_TBOOLEAN: mp_encode_lua_bool(L,buf); break; case LUA_TNUMBER: #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 mp_encode_lua_number(L,buf); break; #else if (lua_isinteger(L, -1)) { mp_encode_lua_integer(L, buf); } else { mp_encode_lua_number(L, buf); } break; #endif case LUA_TTABLE: mp_encode_lua_table(L,buf,level); break; default: mp_encode_lua_null(L,buf); break; } lua_pop(L,1); } /* * Packs all arguments as a stream for multiple upacking later. * Returns error if no arguments provided. */ int mp_pack(lua_State *L) { int nargs = lua_gettop(L); int i; mp_buf *buf; if (nargs == 0) return luaL_argerror(L, 0, "MessagePack pack needs input."); buf = mp_buf_new(L); for(i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) { /* Copy argument i to top of stack for _encode processing; * the encode function pops it from the stack when complete. */ lua_pushvalue(L, i); mp_encode_lua_type(L,buf,0); lua_pushlstring(L,(char*)buf->b,buf->len); /* Reuse the buffer for the next operation by * setting its free count to the total buffer size * and the current position to zero. */ buf->free += buf->len; buf->len = 0; } mp_buf_free(L, buf); /* Concatenate all nargs buffers together */ lua_concat(L, nargs); return 1; } /* ------------------------------- Decoding --------------------------------- */ void mp_decode_to_lua_type(lua_State *L, mp_cur *c); void mp_decode_to_lua_array(lua_State *L, mp_cur *c, size_t len) { assert(len <= UINT_MAX); int index = 1; lua_newtable(L); while(len--) { lua_pushnumber(L,index++); mp_decode_to_lua_type(L,c); if (c->err) return; lua_settable(L,-3); } } void mp_decode_to_lua_hash(lua_State *L, mp_cur *c, size_t len) { assert(len <= UINT_MAX); lua_newtable(L); while(len--) { mp_decode_to_lua_type(L,c); /* key */ if (c->err) return; mp_decode_to_lua_type(L,c); /* value */ if (c->err) return; lua_settable(L,-3); } } /* Decode a Message Pack raw object pointed by the string cursor 'c' to * a Lua type, that is left as the only result on the stack. */ void mp_decode_to_lua_type(lua_State *L, mp_cur *c) { mp_cur_need(c,1); /* If we return more than 18 elements, we must resize the stack to * fit all our return values. But, there is no way to * determine how many objects a msgpack will unpack to up front, so * we request a +1 larger stack on each iteration (noop if stack is * big enough, and when stack does require resize it doubles in size) */ luaL_checkstack(L, 1, "too many return values at once; " "use unpack_one or unpack_limit instead."); switch(c->p[0]) { case 0xcc: /* uint 8 */ mp_cur_need(c,2); lua_pushunsigned(L,c->p[1]); mp_cur_consume(c,2); break; case 0xd0: /* int 8 */ mp_cur_need(c,2); lua_pushinteger(L,(signed char)c->p[1]); mp_cur_consume(c,2); break; case 0xcd: /* uint 16 */ mp_cur_need(c,3); lua_pushunsigned(L, (c->p[1] << 8) | c->p[2]); mp_cur_consume(c,3); break; case 0xd1: /* int 16 */ mp_cur_need(c,3); lua_pushinteger(L,(int16_t) (c->p[1] << 8) | c->p[2]); mp_cur_consume(c,3); break; case 0xce: /* uint 32 */ mp_cur_need(c,5); lua_pushunsigned(L, ((uint32_t)c->p[1] << 24) | ((uint32_t)c->p[2] << 16) | ((uint32_t)c->p[3] << 8) | (uint32_t)c->p[4]); mp_cur_consume(c,5); break; case 0xd2: /* int 32 */ mp_cur_need(c,5); lua_pushinteger(L, ((int32_t)c->p[1] << 24) | ((int32_t)c->p[2] << 16) | ((int32_t)c->p[3] << 8) | (int32_t)c->p[4]); mp_cur_consume(c,5); break; case 0xcf: /* uint 64 */ mp_cur_need(c,9); lua_pushunsigned(L, ((uint64_t)c->p[1] << 56) | ((uint64_t)c->p[2] << 48) | ((uint64_t)c->p[3] << 40) | ((uint64_t)c->p[4] << 32) | ((uint64_t)c->p[5] << 24) | ((uint64_t)c->p[6] << 16) | ((uint64_t)c->p[7] << 8) | (uint64_t)c->p[8]); mp_cur_consume(c,9); break; case 0xd3: /* int 64 */ mp_cur_need(c,9); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 lua_pushnumber(L, #else lua_pushinteger(L, #endif ((int64_t)c->p[1] << 56) | ((int64_t)c->p[2] << 48) | ((int64_t)c->p[3] << 40) | ((int64_t)c->p[4] << 32) | ((int64_t)c->p[5] << 24) | ((int64_t)c->p[6] << 16) | ((int64_t)c->p[7] << 8) | (int64_t)c->p[8]); mp_cur_consume(c,9); break; case 0xc0: /* nil */ lua_pushnil(L); mp_cur_consume(c,1); break; case 0xc3: /* true */ lua_pushboolean(L,1); mp_cur_consume(c,1); break; case 0xc2: /* false */ lua_pushboolean(L,0); mp_cur_consume(c,1); break; case 0xca: /* float */ mp_cur_need(c,5); assert(sizeof(float) == 4); { float f; memcpy(&f,c->p+1,4); memrevifle(&f,4); lua_pushnumber(L,f); mp_cur_consume(c,5); } break; case 0xcb: /* double */ mp_cur_need(c,9); assert(sizeof(double) == 8); { double d; memcpy(&d,c->p+1,8); memrevifle(&d,8); lua_pushnumber(L,d); mp_cur_consume(c,9); } break; case 0xd9: /* raw 8 */ mp_cur_need(c,2); { size_t l = c->p[1]; mp_cur_need(c,2+l); lua_pushlstring(L,(char*)c->p+2,l); mp_cur_consume(c,2+l); } break; case 0xda: /* raw 16 */ mp_cur_need(c,3); { size_t l = (c->p[1] << 8) | c->p[2]; mp_cur_need(c,3+l); lua_pushlstring(L,(char*)c->p+3,l); mp_cur_consume(c,3+l); } break; case 0xdb: /* raw 32 */ mp_cur_need(c,5); { size_t l = ((size_t)c->p[1] << 24) | ((size_t)c->p[2] << 16) | ((size_t)c->p[3] << 8) | (size_t)c->p[4]; mp_cur_consume(c,5); mp_cur_need(c,l); lua_pushlstring(L,(char*)c->p,l); mp_cur_consume(c,l); } break; case 0xdc: /* array 16 */ mp_cur_need(c,3); { size_t l = (c->p[1] << 8) | c->p[2]; mp_cur_consume(c,3); mp_decode_to_lua_array(L,c,l); } break; case 0xdd: /* array 32 */ mp_cur_need(c,5); { size_t l = ((size_t)c->p[1] << 24) | ((size_t)c->p[2] << 16) | ((size_t)c->p[3] << 8) | (size_t)c->p[4]; mp_cur_consume(c,5); mp_decode_to_lua_array(L,c,l); } break; case 0xde: /* map 16 */ mp_cur_need(c,3); { size_t l = (c->p[1] << 8) | c->p[2]; mp_cur_consume(c,3); mp_decode_to_lua_hash(L,c,l); } break; case 0xdf: /* map 32 */ mp_cur_need(c,5); { size_t l = ((size_t)c->p[1] << 24) | ((size_t)c->p[2] << 16) | ((size_t)c->p[3] << 8) | (size_t)c->p[4]; mp_cur_consume(c,5); mp_decode_to_lua_hash(L,c,l); } break; default: /* types that can't be idenitified by first byte value. */ if ((c->p[0] & 0x80) == 0) { /* positive fixnum */ lua_pushunsigned(L,c->p[0]); mp_cur_consume(c,1); } else if ((c->p[0] & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { /* negative fixnum */ lua_pushinteger(L,(signed char)c->p[0]); mp_cur_consume(c,1); } else if ((c->p[0] & 0xe0) == 0xa0) { /* fix raw */ size_t l = c->p[0] & 0x1f; mp_cur_need(c,1+l); lua_pushlstring(L,(char*)c->p+1,l); mp_cur_consume(c,1+l); } else if ((c->p[0] & 0xf0) == 0x90) { /* fix map */ size_t l = c->p[0] & 0xf; mp_cur_consume(c,1); mp_decode_to_lua_array(L,c,l); } else if ((c->p[0] & 0xf0) == 0x80) { /* fix map */ size_t l = c->p[0] & 0xf; mp_cur_consume(c,1); mp_decode_to_lua_hash(L,c,l); } else { c->err = MP_CUR_ERROR_BADFMT; } } } int mp_unpack_full(lua_State *L, int limit, int offset) { size_t len; const char *s; mp_cur c; int cnt; /* Number of objects unpacked */ int decode_all = (!limit && !offset); s = luaL_checklstring(L,1,&len); /* if no match, exits */ if (offset < 0 || limit < 0) /* requesting negative off or lim is invalid */ return luaL_error(L, "Invalid request to unpack with offset of %d and limit of %d.", offset, len); else if (offset > len) return luaL_error(L, "Start offset %d greater than input length %d.", offset, len); if (decode_all) limit = INT_MAX; mp_cur_init(&c,(const unsigned char *)s+offset,len-offset); /* We loop over the decode because this could be a stream * of multiple top-level values serialized together */ for(cnt = 0; c.left > 0 && cnt < limit; cnt++) { mp_decode_to_lua_type(L,&c); if (c.err == MP_CUR_ERROR_EOF) { return luaL_error(L,"Missing bytes in input."); } else if (c.err == MP_CUR_ERROR_BADFMT) { return luaL_error(L,"Bad data format in input."); } } if (!decode_all) { /* c->left is the remaining size of the input buffer. * subtract the entire buffer size from the unprocessed size * to get our next start offset */ int offset = len - c.left; /* Return offset -1 when we have have processed the entire buffer. */ lua_pushinteger(L, c.left == 0 ? -1 : offset); /* Results are returned with the arg elements still * in place. Lua takes care of only returning * elements above the args for us. * In this case, we have one arg on the stack * for this function, so we insert our first return * value at position 2. */ lua_insert(L, 2); cnt += 1; /* increase return count by one to make room for offset */ } return cnt; } int mp_unpack(lua_State *L) { return mp_unpack_full(L, 0, 0); } int mp_unpack_one(lua_State *L) { int offset = luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0); /* Variable pop because offset may not exist */ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)-1); return mp_unpack_full(L, 1, offset); } int mp_unpack_limit(lua_State *L) { int limit = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2); int offset = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, 0); /* Variable pop because offset may not exist */ lua_pop(L, lua_gettop(L)-1); return mp_unpack_full(L, limit, offset); } int mp_safe(lua_State *L) { int argc, err, total_results; argc = lua_gettop(L); /* This adds our function to the bottom of the stack * (the "call this function" position) */ lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(1)); lua_insert(L, 1); err = lua_pcall(L, argc, LUA_MULTRET, 0); total_results = lua_gettop(L); if (!err) { return total_results; } else { lua_pushnil(L); lua_insert(L,-2); return 2; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ const struct luaL_Reg cmds[] = { {"pack", mp_pack}, {"unpack", mp_unpack}, {"unpack_one", mp_unpack_one}, {"unpack_limit", mp_unpack_limit}, {0} }; int luaopen_create(lua_State *L) { int i; /* Manually construct our module table instead of * relying on _register or _newlib */ lua_newtable(L); for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(*cmds) - 1); i++) { lua_pushcfunction(L, cmds[i].func); lua_setfield(L, -2, cmds[i].name); } /* Add metadata */ lua_pushliteral(L, LUACMSGPACK_NAME); lua_setfield(L, -2, "_NAME"); lua_pushliteral(L, LUACMSGPACK_VERSION); lua_setfield(L, -2, "_VERSION"); lua_pushliteral(L, LUACMSGPACK_COPYRIGHT); lua_setfield(L, -2, "_COPYRIGHT"); lua_pushliteral(L, LUACMSGPACK_DESCRIPTION); lua_setfield(L, -2, "_DESCRIPTION"); return 1; } LUALIB_API int luaopen_cmsgpack(lua_State *L) { luaopen_create(L); #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502 /* Register name globally for 5.1 */ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setglobal(L, LUACMSGPACK_NAME); #endif return 1; } LUALIB_API int luaopen_cmsgpack_safe(lua_State *L) { int i; luaopen_cmsgpack(L); /* Wrap all functions in the safe handler */ for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(cmds)/sizeof(*cmds) - 1); i++) { lua_getfield(L, -1, cmds[i].name); lua_pushcclosure(L, mp_safe, 1); lua_setfield(L, -2, cmds[i].name); } #if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 502 /* Register name globally for 5.1 */ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_setglobal(L, LUACMSGPACK_SAFE_NAME); #endif return 1; } /****************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2012 Salvatore Sanfilippo. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************/