Current todo:
- replace functions in zset.{c,h} with a new unified Redis
zset access API.
Once we get the zset interface fixed, we can squash
relevant commits in this branch and have one nice commit
to merge into unstable.
This commit adds:
- Geo commands
- Tests; runnable with: ./runtest --single unit/geo
- Geo helpers in deps/geohash-int/
- src/geo.{c,h} and src/geojson.{c,h} implementing geo commands
- Updated build configurations to get everything working
- TEMPORARY: src/zset.{c,h} implementing zset score and zset
range reading without writing to client output buffers.
- Modified linkage of one t_zset.c function for use in zset.c
1. HVSTRLEN -> HSTRLEN. It's unlikely one needs the length of the key,
not clear how the API would work (by value does not make sense) and
there will be better names anyway.
2. Default is to return 0 when field is missing.
3. Default is to return 0 when key is missing.
4. The implementation was slower than needed, and produced unnecessary COW.
Related issue #2415.
This test on Linux was extremely slow, since in Tcl we can't enable
easily tcp-nodelay, so the busy loop used to take *a lot* with bigger
writes. Fixed using pipelining.
This removes:
- list-max-ziplist-entries
- list-max-ziplist-value
This adds:
- list-max-ziplist-size
- list-compress-depth
Also updates config file with new sections and updates
tests to use quicklist settings instead of old list settings.
Previously, the old test ran 5,000 loops and used about 500k.
With quicklist, storing those same 5,000 loops takes up 24k, so the
"large value check" failed!
This increases the test to 20,000 loops which makes the object dump 96k.
This replaces individual ziplist vs. linkedlist representations
for Redis list operations.
Big thanks for all the reviews and feedback from everybody in
spopCommand() now runs spopWithCountCommand() in case the <count> param is found.
Added intsetRandomMembers() to Intset: Copies N random members from the set into inputted 'values' array. Uses either the Knuth or Floyd sample algos depending on ratio count/size.
Added setTypeRandomElements() to SET type: Returns a number of random elements from a non empty set. This is a version of setTypeRandomElement() that is modified in order to return multiple entries, using dictGetRandomKeys() and intsetRandomMembers().
Added tests for SPOP with <count>: unit/type/set, unit/scripting, integration/aof
Cleaned up code a bit to match with required Redis coding style
start_server now uses return value from Tcl exec to get the server pid,
however this introduces errors that depend from timing: a lot of the
testing code base assumed the server to be actually up and running when
server_start returns.
So the old code that waits to see the pid in the log file was restored.
Basically: test to make sure we can load cmsgpack
and do some sanity checks to make sure pack/unpack works
properly. We also have a bonus test for circular encoding
and decoding because I was curious how it worked.