Related to #4840.
Note that when we re-enter the event loop with aeProcessEvents() we
don't process timers, nor before/after sleep callbacks, so we should
never end calling freeClientsInAsyncFreeQueue() when re-entering the
Related to #5201.
I removed the !!! Warning part since compared to the other errors, a
missing EXEC is in theory a normal happening in the AOF file, at least
in theory: may happen in a differnet number of situations, and it's
probably better to don't give the user the feeling that something really
bad happened.
This is useful in order to spot bugs where we fail
at updating the pointer returned by the insertion
function. Normally often the same pointer is returned,
making it harder than needed to spot bugs.
Related to #5210.
When HAVE_MALLOC_SIZE is false, each call to zrealloc causes used_memory
to increase by PREFIX_SIZE more than it should, due to mis-matched
accounting between the original zmalloc (which includes PREFIX size in
its increment) and zrealloc (which misses it from its decrement).
I've also supplied a command-line test to easily demonstrate the
problem. It's not wired into the test framework, because I don't know
TCL so I'm not sure how to automate it.
sdsZmallocSize assumes a dynamically allocated SDS. When given a string
object created by createEmbeddedStringObject, it calls zmalloc_size on a
pointer that isn't the one returned by zmalloc
There are two problems if we use lastcmd:
1. BRPOPLPUSH cannot be rewrited as RPOPLPUSH in multi/exec
In mulit/exec context, the lastcmd is exec.
2. Redis will crash when execute RPOPLPUSH loading from AOF
In fakeClient, the lastcmd is NULL.
Storing the context is useless, because we can't really reuse that
later. For instance in the API RM_DictNext() that returns a
RedisModuleString for the next key iterated, the user should pass the
new context, because we may run the keys of the dictionary in a
different context of the one where the dictionary was created. Also the
dictionary may be created without a context, but we may still demand
automatic memory management for the returned strings while iterating.