Previously, many files had individual main() functions for testing,
but each required being compiled with their own testing flags.
That gets difficult when you have 8 different flags you need
to set just to run all tests (plus, some test files required
other files to be compiled aaginst them, and it seems some didn't
build at all without including the rest of Redis).
Now all individual test main() funcions are renamed to a test
function for the file itself and one global REDIS_TEST define enables
testing across the entire codebase.
Tests can now be run with:
- `./redis-server test <test>`
e.g. ./redis-server test ziplist
If REDIS_TEST is not defined, then no tests get included and no
tests are included in the final redis-server binary.
1. Server unxtime may remain not updated while loading AOF, so ETA is
not updated correctly.
2. Number of processed byte was not initialized.
3. Possible division by zero condition (likely cause of issue #1932).
spopCommand() now runs spopWithCountCommand() in case the <count> param is found.
Added intsetRandomMembers() to Intset: Copies N random members from the set into inputted 'values' array. Uses either the Knuth or Floyd sample algos depending on ratio count/size.
Added setTypeRandomElements() to SET type: Returns a number of random elements from a non empty set. This is a version of setTypeRandomElement() that is modified in order to return multiple entries, using dictGetRandomKeys() and intsetRandomMembers().
Added tests for SPOP with <count>: unit/type/set, unit/scripting, integration/aof
Cleaned up code a bit to match with required Redis coding style
Otherwise there are security risks, especially when providing Redis as a
service, the user may "sniff" for admin commands renamed to an
unguessable string via rename-command in redis.conf.
There is no standard cross-platform way of obtaining
system memory info, but I found a useful function
convering all common platforms. I removed support
for uncommon Redis platforms (windows, AIX) and left
others intact.
For more info, see:
The system memory info is cached on startup, but some systems
may be able to change the amount of memory visible to Redis
at runtime if Redis is deployed in a VM or container.
Also see #1820
Track bandwidth used by clients and replication (but diskless
replication is not tracked since the actual transfer happens in the
child process).
This includes a refactoring that makes tracking new instantaneous
metrics simpler.
PFCOUNT is technically speaking a write command, since the cached value
of the HLL is exposed in the data structure (design error, mea culpa), and
can be modified by PFCOUNT.
However if we flag PFCOUNT as "w", read only slaves can't execute the
command, which is a problem since there are environments where slaves
are used to scale PFCOUNT reads.
Nor it is possible to just prevent PFCOUNT to modify the data structure
in slaves, since without the cache we lose too much efficiency.
So while this commit allows slaves to create a temporary inconsistency
(the strings representing the HLLs in the master and slave can be
different in certain moments) it is actually harmless.
In the long run this should be probably fixed by turning the HLL into a
more opaque representation, for example by storing the cached value in
the part of the string which is not exposed (this should be possible
with SDS strings).
Both upstart and systemd provide a way for daemons to
be supervised, as well as a mechanism for them to
signal their readyness status.
This patch provides compatibility with this functionality while
not interfering with other methods.
With this, it will be possible to use `expect stop` with upstart
and `Type=notify` with systemd.
A more detailed explanation of the mechanism can be found here:
We need to remember what is the saving strategy of the current RDB child
process, since the configuration may be modified at runtime via CONFIG
SET and still we'll need to understand, when the child exists, what to
do and for what goal the process was initiated: to create an RDB file
on disk or to write stuff directly to slave's sockets.
Modified by @antirez since the original fix to genInfoString() looked
weak. Probably the clang analyzer complained about `section` being
possibly NULL, and strcasecmp() called with a NULL pointer. In the
practice this can never happen, still for the sake of correctness
the right fix is not to modify only the first call, but to set `section`
to the value of "default" if it happens to be NULL.
PING can now be called with an additional arugment, behaving exactly
like the ECHO command. PING can now also be called in Pub/Sub mode (with
one more more subscriptions to channels / patterns) in order to trigger
the delivery of an asynchronous pong message with the optional payload.
This fixes issue #420.
The code tested many times if a client had active Pub/Sub subscriptions
by checking the length of a list and dictionary where the patterns and
channels are stored. This was substituted with a client flag called
REDIS_PUBSUB that is simpler to test for. Moreover in order to manage
this flag some code was refactored.
This commit is believed to have no effects in the behavior of the
Previously, the command definition for the OBJECT command specified
a minimum of two args (and that it was variadic), which meant that
if you sent this:
When cluster was enabled, it would result in an assertion/SEGFAULT
when Redis was attempting to extract keys.
It appears that OBJECT is not variadic, and only ever takes 3 args.
We introduce the distinction between slow and fast commands since those
are two different sources of latency. An O(1) or O(log N) command without
side effects (can't trigger deletion of large objects as a side effect of
its execution) if delayed is a symptom of inherent latency of the system.
A non-fast command (commands that may run large O(N) computations) if
delayed may just mean that the user is executing slow operations.
The advices LATENCY should provide in this two different cases are
different, so we log the two classes of commands in a separated way.