When SORT is called with the option BY set to a string constant not
inclduing the wildcard character "*", there is no way to sort the output
so any ordering is valid. This allows the SORT internals to optimize its
work and don't really sort the output at all.
However it was odd that this option was not able to retain the natural
order of a sorted set. This feature was requested by users multiple
times as sometimes to call SORT with GET against sorted sets as a way to
mass-fetch objects can be handy.
This commit introduces two things:
1) The ability of SORT to return sorted sets elements in their natural
ordering when `BY nosort` is specified, accordingly to `DESC / ASC` options.
2) The ability of SORT to optimize this case further if LIMIT is passed
as well, avoiding to really fetch the whole sorted set, but directly
obtaining the specified range.
Because in this case the sorting is always deterministic, no
post-sorting activity is performed when SORT is called from a Lua
This commit fixes issue #98.
Lua arrays can't contain nil elements (see
http://www.lua.org/pil/19.1.html for more information), so Lua scripts
were not able to return a multi-bulk reply containing nil bulk
elements inside.
This commit introduces a special conversion: a table with just
a "nilbulk" field set to a boolean value is converted by Redis as a nil
bulk reply, but at the same time for Lua this type is not a "nil" so can
be used inside Lua arrays.
This type is also assigned to redis.NIL, so the following two forms
are equivalent and will be able to return a nil bulk reply as second
element of a three elements array:
EVAL "return {1,redis.NIL,3}" 0
EVAL "return {1,{nilbulk=true},3}" 0
The result in redis-cli will be:
1) (integer) 1
2) (nil)
3) (integer) 3
Redis provides support for blocking operations such as BLPOP or BRPOP.
This operations are identical to normal LPOP and RPOP operations as long
as there are elements in the target list, but if the list is empty they
block waiting for new data to arrive to the list.
All the clients blocked waiting for th same list are served in a FIFO
way, so the first that blocked is the first to be served when there is
more data pushed by another client into the list.
The previous implementation of blocking operations was conceived to
serve clients in the context of push operations. For for instance:
1) There is a client "A" blocked on list "foo".
2) The client "B" performs `LPUSH foo somevalue`.
3) The client "A" is served in the context of the "B" LPUSH,
Processing things in a synchronous way was useful as if "A" pushes a
value that is served by "B", from the point of view of the database is a
NOP (no operation) thing, that is, nothing is replicated, nothing is
written in the AOF file, and so forth.
However later we implemented two things:
1) Variadic LPUSH that could add multiple values to a list in the
context of a single call.
2) BRPOPLPUSH that was a version of BRPOP that also provided a "PUSH"
side effect when receiving data.
This forced us to make the synchronous implementation more complex. If
client "B" is waiting for data, and "A" pushes three elemnents in a
single call, we needed to propagate an LPUSH with a missing argument
in the AOF and replication link. We also needed to make sure to
replicate the LPUSH side of BRPOPLPUSH, but only if in turn did not
happened to serve another blocking client into another list ;)
This were complex but with a few of mutually recursive functions
everything worked as expected... until one day we introduced scripting
in Redis.
Scripting + synchronous blocking operations = Issue #614.
Basically you can't "rewrite" a script to have just a partial effect on
the replicas and AOF file if the script happened to serve a few blocked
The solution to all this problems, implemented by this commit, is to
change the way we serve blocked clients. Instead of serving the blocked
clients synchronously, in the context of the command performing the PUSH
operation, it is now an asynchronous and iterative process:
1) If a key that has clients blocked waiting for data is the subject of
a list push operation, We simply mark keys as "ready" and put it into a
2) Every command pushing stuff on lists, as a variadic LPUSH, a script,
or whatever it is, is replicated verbatim without any rewriting.
3) Every time a Redis command, a MULTI/EXEC block, or a script,
completed its execution, we run the list of keys ready to serve blocked
clients (as more data arrived), and process this list serving the
blocked clients.
4) As a result of "3" maybe more keys are ready again for other clients
(as a result of BRPOPLPUSH we may have push operations), so we iterate
back to step "3" if it's needed.
The new code has a much simpler semantics, and a simpler to understand
implementation, with the disadvantage of not being able to "optmize out"
a PUSH+BPOP as a No OP.
This commit will be tested with care before the final merge, more tests
will be added likely.
Bug #582 was not present in 32 bit builds of Redis as
getObjectFromLong() will return an error for overflow.
This commit makes sure that the test does not fail because of the error
returned when running against 32 bit builds.
remove unsafe and unnecessary cast.
until now, this cast may lead segmentation fault when end > UINT_MAX
setbit foo 0 1
bitcount 0 4294967295
=> ok
bitcount 0 4294967296
=> cause segmentation fault.
Note by @antirez: the commit was modified a bit to also change the
string length type to long, since it's guaranteed to be at max 512 MB in
size, so we can work with the same type across all the code path.
A regression test was also added.
SORT is able to return (faster than when ordering) unordered output if
the "BY" clause is used with a constant value. However we try to play
well with scripting requirements of determinism providing always sorted
outputs when SORT (and other similar commands) are called by Lua
However we used the general mechanism in place in scripting in order to
reorder SORT output, that is, if the command has the "S" flag set, the
Lua scripting engine will take an additional step when converting a
multi bulk reply to Lua value, calling a Lua sorting function.
This is suboptimal as we can do it faster inside SORT itself.
This is also broken as issue #545 shows us: basically when SORT is used
with a constant BY, and additionally also GET is used, the Lua scripting
engine was trying to order the output as a flat array, while it was
actually a list of key-value pairs.
What we do know is to recognized if the caller of SORT is the Lua client
(since we can check this using the REDIS_LUA_CLIENT flag). If so, and if
a "don't sort" condition is triggered by the BY option with a constant
string, we force the lexicographical sorting.
This commit fixes this bug and improves the performance, and at the same
time simplifies the implementation. This does not mean I'm smart today,
it means I was stupid when I committed the original implementation ;)
Redis used to crash with a call like the following:
EVAL "redis.call()" 0
Now the explicit check for at least one argument prevents the problem.
This commit fixes issue #655.
The new fuzzy tester also removes elements from the hash instead of just
adding random fields. This should increase the probability to find bugs
in the implementations of the hash type internal representations.
A new stress test was added to stress test the code converting a ziplist
into an hash table.
In this commit also randomValue helper function was modified to also
return negative values.
wait_for_condition is now used instead of the usual "after 1000" (that
is the way to sleep in Tcl). This should avoid to find the replica in
a state where it is loading the RDB in memory, returning -LOADING error.
This test used to fail when running the test over valgrind, due to the
added latencies.
(additional commit notes by antirez@gmail.com):
The rdbIsObjectType() macro was not updated when the new RDB object type
of ziplist encoded hashes was added.
As a result RESTORE, that uses rdbLoadObjectType(), failed when a
ziplist encoded hash was loaded.
This does not affected normal RDB loading because in that case we use
the lower-level function rdbLoadType().
The commit also adds a regression test.
In the issue #529 an user reported a bug that can be triggered with the
following code:
set a
bitop or x a b
The bug was introduced with the speed optimization in commit 8bbc076
that specializes every BITOP operation loop up to the minimum length of
the input strings.
However the computation of the minimum length contained an error when a
non existing key was present in the input, after a key that was non zero
This commit fixes the bug and adds a regression test for it.
Commit 33e1db36fa3948c8b9baa3991fd40e7f6b31fb9e modified the name of a
few INFO fields. This commit changes the Redis test to account for this
This commit adds a fast-path to the BITOP that can be used for all the
bytes from 0 to the minimal length of the string, and if there are
at max 16 input keys.
Often the intersected bitmaps are roughly the same size, so this
optimization can provide a 10x speed boost to most real world usages
of the command.
Bytes are processed four full words at a time, in loops specialized
for the specific BITOP sub-command, without the need to check for
length issues with the inputs (since we run this algorithm only as far
as there is data from all the keys at the same time).
The remaining part of the string is intersected in the usual way using
the slow but generic algorith.
It is possible to do better than this with inputs that are not roughly
the same size, sorting the input keys by length, by initializing the
result string in a smarter way, and noticing that the final part of the
output string composed of only data from the longest string does not
need any proecessing since AND, OR and XOR against an empty string does
not alter the output (zero in the first case, and the original string in
the other two cases).
More implementations will be implemented later likely, but this should
be enough to release Redis 2.6-RC4 with bitops merged in.
Note: this commit also adds better testing for BITOP NOT command, that
is currently the faster and hard to optimize further since it just
flips the bits of a single input string.
A bug in the implementation caused BITOP to crash the server if at least
one one of the source objects was integer encoded.
The new implementation takes an additional array of Redis objects
pointers and calls getDecodedObject() to get a reference to a string
encoded object, and then uses decrRefCount() to release the object.
Tests modified to cover the regression and improve coverage.
Fuzzing tests of BITCOUNT / BITOP are iterated multiple times.
The new BITCOUNT fuzzing test uses random strings in a wider interval of
lengths including zero-len strings.
The Redis implementation is tested against Tcl implementations of the
same operation. Both fuzzing and testing of specific aspects of the
commands behavior are performed.
Weeks ago trying to fix an harmless GCC warning I introduced a bug in
the ziplist-encoded implementations of sorted sets.
The bug completely broke zuiNext() iterator, that is used in the
ZINTERSTORE and ZUNIONSTORE implementation, so those two commands are no
longer reliable starting from Redis version 2.4.12 and latest 2.6.0-RC
This commit fixes the problem and adds a regression test.
A new primitive wait_for_condition was introduced in the scripting
engine that makes waiting for events simpler, so that it is simpler to
write tests that are more resistant to timing issues.
Two limits are added:
1) Up to SLOWLOG_ENTRY_MAX_ARGV arguments are logged.
2) Up to SLOWLOG_ENTRY_MAX_STRING bytes per argument are logged.
3) slowlog-max-len is set to 128 by default (was 1024).
The number of remaining arguments / bytes is logged in the entry
so that the user can understand better the nature of the logged command.