The old test, designed to do a transformation on the bits that was
invertible, in order to avoid touching the original memory content, was
not effective as it was redis-server --test-memory. The former often
reported OK while the latter was able to spot the error.
So the test was substituted with one that may perform better, however
the new one must backup the memory tested, so it tests memory in small
pieces. This limits the effectiveness because of the CPU caches. However
some attempt is made in order to trash the CPU cache between the fill
and the check stages, but not for the addressing test unfortunately.
We'll see if this test will be able to find errors where the old failed.
There are some cases of printing unsigned integer with %d conversion
specificator and vice versa (signed integer with %u specificator).
Patch by Sergey Polovko. Backported to Redis from Disque.
Currently this feature is only accessible via DEBUG for testing, since
otherwise depending on the instance configuration a given script works
or is broken, which is against the Redis philosophy.
The command reports information about the hash table internal state
representing the specified database ID.
This can be used in order to investigate rehashings, memory usage issues
and for other debugging purposes.
It's possible large objects could be larger than 'int', so let's
upgrade all size counters to ssize_t.
This also fixes rdbSaveObject serialized bytes calculation.
Since entire serializations of data structures can be large,
so we don't want to limit their calculated size to a 32 bit signed max.
This commit increases object size calculation and
cascades the change back up to serializedlength printing.
Before:> debug object hihihi
... encoding:quicklist serializedlength:-2147483559 ...
After:> debug object hihihi
... encoding:quicklist serializedlength:2147483737 ...
Adds: ql_compressed (boolean, 1 if compression enabled for list, 0
Adds: ql_uncompressed_size (actual uncompressed size of all quicklistNodes)
Adds: ql_ziplist_max (quicklist max ziplist fill factor)
Compression ratio of the list is then ql_uncompressed_size / serializedlength
We report ql_uncompressed_size for all quicklists because serializedlength
is a _compressed_ representation anyway.
Sample output from a large list:> llen abc
(integer) 38370061> debug object abc
Value at:0x7ff97b51d140 refcount:1 encoding:quicklist serializedlength:19878335 lru:9718164 lru_seconds_idle:5 ql_nodes:21945 ql_avg_node:1748.46 ql_ziplist_max:-2 ql_compressed:0 ql_uncompressed_size:1643187761
The 1.36s result time is because rdbSavedObjectLen() is serializing the
object, not because of any new stats reporting.
If we run DEBUG OBJECT on a compressed list, DEBUG OBJECT takes almost *zero*
time because rdbSavedObjectLen() reuses already-compressed ziplists:> debug object abc
Value at:0x7fe5c5800040 refcount:1 encoding:quicklist serializedlength:19878335 lru:9718109 lru_seconds_idle:5 ql_nodes:21945 ql_avg_node:1748.46 ql_ziplist_max:-2 ql_compressed:1 ql_uncompressed_size:1643187761
Let user set how many nodes to *not* compress.
We can specify a compression "depth" of how many nodes
to leave uncompressed on each end of the quicklist.
Depth 0 = disable compression.
Depth 1 = only leave head/tail uncompressed.
- (read as: "skip 1 node on each end of the list before compressing")
Depth 2 = leave head, head->next, tail->prev, tail uncompressed.
- ("skip 2 nodes on each end of the list before compressing")
Depth 3 = Depth 2 + head->next->next + tail->prev->prev
- ("skip 3 nodes...")
This also:
- updates RDB storage to use native quicklist compression (if node is
already compressed) instead of uncompressing, generating the RDB string,
then re-compressing the quicklist node.
- internalizes the "fill" parameter for the quicklist so we don't
need to pass it to _every_ function. Now it's just a property of
the list.
- allows a runtime-configurable compression option, so we can
expose a compresion parameter in the configuration file if people
want to trade slight request-per-second performance for up to 90%+
memory savings in some situations.
- updates the quicklist tests to do multiple passes: 200k+ tests now.
Added field 'ql_nodes' and 'ql_avg_per_node'.
ql_nodes is the number of quicklist nodes in the quicklist.
ql_avg_node is the average fill level in each quicklist node. (LLEN / QL_NODES)
Sample output:> DEBUG object b
Value at:0x7fa42bf2fed0 refcount:1 encoding:quicklist serializedlength:18489 lru:8983768 lru_seconds_idle:3 ql_nodes:430 ql_avg_per_node:511.73> llen b
(integer) 220044
Slaves key expire is orchestrated by the master. Sometimes the master
will send the synthesized DEL to expire keys on the slave with a non
trivial delay (when the key is not accessed, only the incremental expiry
algorithm will expire it in background).
During that time, a key is logically expired, but slaves still return
the key if you GET (or whatever) it. This is a bad behavior.
However we can't simply trust the slave view of the key, since we need
the master to be able to send write commands to update the slave data
set, and DELs should only happen when the key is expired in the master
in order to ensure consistency.
However 99.99% of the issues with this behavior is when a client which
is not a master sends a read only command. In this case we are safe and
can consider the key as non existing.
This commit does a few changes in order to make this sane:
1. lookupKeyRead() is modified in order to return NULL if the above
conditions are met.
2. Calls to lookupKeyRead() in commands actually writing to the data set
are repliaced with calls to lookupKeyWrite().
There are redundand checks, so for example, if in "2" something was
overlooked, we should be still safe, since anyway, when the master
writes the behavior is to don't care about what expireIfneeded()
This commit is related to #1768, #1770, #2131.
Because of (not so) recent Redis changes, now the LRU internally
reported unit is milliseconds, not seconds, but the DEBUG OBJECT output
was still claiming seconds while providing milliseconds.
However OBJECT IDLETIME was working as expected, which is the correct
API to use.
Both upstart and systemd provide a way for daemons to
be supervised, as well as a mechanism for them to
signal their readyness status.
This patch provides compatibility with this functionality while
not interfering with other methods.
With this, it will be possible to use `expect stop` with upstart
and `Type=notify` with systemd.
A more detailed explanation of the mechanism can be found here:
The old DEBUG POPULATE form for automatic creation of test keys is:
Now an additional form is available:
DEBUG POPULATE <count> <prefix>
When prefix is not specified, it defaults to "key", so the keys are
named incrementally from key:0 to key:<count-1>. Otherwise the specified
prefix is used instead of "key".
The command is useful in order to populate different Redis instances
with key names guaranteed to don't collide. There are other debugging
uses, for example it is possible to add additional N keys using a count
of N and a random prefix at every call.
If we are in the signal handler, we don't want to handle
the signal again. In extreme cases, this can cause a stack overflow
and segfault Redis.
This commit adds peer ID caching in the client structure plus an API
change and the use of sdsMakeRoomFor() in order to improve the
reallocation pattern to generate the CLIENT LIST output.
Both the changes account for a very significant speedup.
The new "error" subcommand of the DEBUG command can reply with an user
selected error, specified as its sole argument:
DEBUG ERROR "LOADING please wait..."
The error is generated just prefixing the command argument with a "-"
character, and replacing newlines with spaces (since error replies can't
include newlines).
The goal of the command is to help in Client libraries unit tests by
making simple to simulate a command call triggering a given error.