Now it logs the file name if it is not accessible. Also there is a
different error for the missing config file case, and for the non
writable file case.
The new command allows to change master-specific configurations
at runtime. All the settable parameters can be retrivied via the
SENTINEL MASTER command, so there is no equivalent "GET" command.
The claim about unlinking the instance from the connected hash tables
was the opposite of the reality. Also the current actual behavior is
safer in most cases, so it is better to manually unlink when needed.
Redis hash table implementation has many non-blocking features like
incremental rehashing, however while deleting a large hash table there
was no way to have a callback called to do some incremental work.
This commit adds this support, as an optiona callback argument to
dictEmpty() that is currently called at a fixed interval (one time every
65k deletions).
The way the role change was recoded was not sane and too much
convoluted, causing the role information to be not always updated.
This commit fixes issue #1445.
When there is a master address switch, the reported role must be set to
master so that we have a chance to re-sample the INFO output to check if
the new address is reporting the right role.
Otherwise if the role was wrong, it will be sensed as wrong even after
the address switch, and for enough time according to the role change
time, for Sentinel consider the master SDOWN.
This fixes isue #1446, that describes the effects of this bug in
Sentinels are now desynchronized in a better way changing the time
handler frequency between 10 and 20 HZ. This way on average a
desynchronization of 25 milliesconds is produced that should be larger
enough compared to network latency, avoiding most split-brain condition
during the vote.
Now that the clocks are desynchronized, to have larger random delays when
performing operations can be easily achieved in the following way.
Take as example the function that starts the failover, that is
called with a frequency between 10 and 20 HZ and will start the
failover every time there are the conditions. By just adding as an
additional condition something like rand()%4 == 0, we can amplify the
desynchronization between Sentinel instances easily.
See issue #1419.
The result of this one-char bug was pretty serious, if the new master
had the same port of the previous master, but just a different IP
address, non-leader Sentinels would not be able to recognize the
configuration change.
This commit fixes issue #1394.
Many thanks to @shanemadden that reported the bug and helped
investigating it.
Some are just to know if the master is down, and in this case the runid
in the request is set to "*", others are actually in order to seek for a
vote and get elected. In the latter case the runid is set to the runid
of the instance seeking for the vote.
Also the sentinel configuration rewriting was modified in order to
account for failover in progress, where we need to provide the promoted
slave address as master address, and the old master address as one of
the slaves address.
We'll use CONFIG REWRITE (internally) in order to store the new
configuration of a Sentinel after the internal state changes. In order
to do so, we need configuration options (that usually the user will not
touch at all) about config epoch of the master, Sentinels and Slaves
known for this master, and so forth.
The time Sentinel waits since the slave is detected to be configured to
the wrong master, before reconfiguring it, is now the failover_timeout
time as this makes more sense in order to give the Sentinel performing
the failover enoung time to reconfigure the slaves slowly (if required
by the configuration).
Also we now PUBLISH more frequently the new configuraiton as this allows
to switch the reapprearing master back to slave faster.
Also defaulf failover timeout changed to 3 minutes as the failover is a
fairly fast procedure most of the times, unless there are a very big
number of slaves and the user picked to configure them sequentially (in
that case the user should change the failover timeout accordingly).