There was a bug in Redis Cluster caused by clients blocked in a blocking
list pop operation, for keys no longer handled by the instance, or
in a condition where the cluster became down after the client blocked.
A typical situation is:
1) BLPOP <somekey> 0
2) <somekey> hash slot is resharded to another master.
The client will block forever int this case.
A symmentrical non-cluster-specific bug happens when an instance is
turned from master to slave. In that case it is more serious since this
will desynchronize data between slaves and masters. This other bug was
discovered as a side effect of thinking about the bug explained and
fixed in this commit, but will be fixed in a separated commit.
1. No need to set btype in processUnblockedClients(), since clients
flagged REDIS_UNBLOCKED should have it already cleared.
2. When putting clients in the unblocked clients list, clientsArePaused()
should flag them with REDIS_UNBLOCKED. Not strictly needed with the
current code but is more coherent.