master was closing the connection if the RDB transfer took long time.
and also sent PINGs to the slave before it got the initial ACK, in which case the slave wouldn't be able to find the EOF marker.
1. No need to set btype in processUnblockedClients(), since clients
flagged REDIS_UNBLOCKED should have it already cleared.
2. When putting clients in the unblocked clients list, clientsArePaused()
should flag them with REDIS_UNBLOCKED. Not strictly needed with the
current code but is more coherent.
When the list of unblocked clients were processed, btype was set to
blocking type none, but the client remained flagged with REDIS_BLOCKED.
When timeout is reached (or when the client disconnects), unblocking it
will trigger an assertion.
There is no need to process pending requests from blocked clients, so
now clientsArePaused() just avoid touching blocked clients.
read() and write() return ssize_t (signed long), not int.
For other offsets, we can use the unsigned size_t type instead
of a signed offset (since our replication offsets and buffer
positions are never negative).
Track bandwidth used by clients and replication (but diskless
replication is not tracked since the actual transfer happens in the
child process).
This includes a refactoring that makes tracking new instantaneous
metrics simpler.
zmalloc(0) cauesd to actually trigger a non-zero allocation since with
standard libc malloc we have our own zmalloc header for memory tracking,
but at the same time the returned pointer is at the end of the block and
not in the middle. This triggers a false positive when testing with
When the inline protocol args count is 0, we now avoid reallocating
c->argv, preventing the issue to happen.
RDB EOF detection was relying on the final part of the RDB transfer to
be a magic 40 bytes EOF marker. However as the slave is put online
immediately, and because of sockets timeouts, the replication stream is
actually contiguous with the RDB file.
This means that to detect the EOF correctly we should either:
1) Scan all the stream searching for the mark. Sucks CPU-wise.
2) Start to send the replication stream only after an acknowledge.
3) Implement a proper chunked encoding.
For now solution "2" was picked, so the master does not start to send
ASAP the stream of commands in the case of diskless replication. We wait
for the first REPLCONF ACK command from the slave, that certifies us
that the slave correctly loaded the RDB file and is ready to get more
The code tested many times if a client had active Pub/Sub subscriptions
by checking the length of a list and dictionary where the patterns and
channels are stored. This was substituted with a client flag called
REDIS_PUBSUB that is simpler to test for. Moreover in order to manage
this flag some code was refactored.
This commit is believed to have no effects in the behavior of the
Technically the problem is due to the client type API that does not
return a special value for the master, however fixing it locally in the
CLIENT KILL command is better currently because otherwise we would
introduce a new output buffer limit class as a side effect.
This will be used by CLIENT KILL and is also a good way to ensure a
given client is still the same across CLIENT LIST calls.
The output of CLIENT LIST was modified to include the new ID, but this
change is considered to be backward compatible as the API does not imply
you can do positional parsing, since each filed as a different name.
Because of output buffer limits Redis internals had this idea of type of
clients: normal, pubsub, slave. It is possible to set different output
buffer limits for the three kinds of clients.
However all the macros and API were named after output buffer limit
classes, while the idea of a client type is a generic one that can be
This commit does two things:
1) Rename the API and defines with more general names.
2) Change the class of clients executing the MONITOR command from "slave"
to "normal".
"2" is a good idea because you want to have very special settings for
slaves, that are not a good idea for MONITOR clients that are instead
normal clients even if they are conceptually slave-alike (since it is a
push protocol).
The backward-compatibility breakage resulting from "2" is considered to
be minimal to care, since MONITOR is a debugging command, and because
anyway this change is not going to break the format or the behavior, but
just when a connection is closed on big output buffer issues.
This commit adds peer ID caching in the client structure plus an API
change and the use of sdsMakeRoomFor() in order to improve the
reallocation pattern to generate the CLIENT LIST output.
Both the changes account for a very significant speedup.
When we are blocked and a few events a processed from time to time, it
is smarter to call the event handler a few times in order to handle the
accept, read, write, close cycle of a client in a single pass, otherwise
there is too much latency added for clients to receive a reply while the
server is busy in some way (for example during the DB loading).
When the listening sockets readable event is fired, we have the chance
to accept multiple clients instead of accepting a single one. This makes
Redis more responsive when there is a mass-connect event (for example
after the server startup), and in workloads where a connect-disconnect
pattern is used often, so that multiple clients are waiting to be
accepted continuously.
As a side effect, this commit makes the LOADING, BUSY, and similar
errors much faster to deliver to the client, making Redis more
responsive when there is to return errors to inform the clients that the
server is blocked in an not interruptible operation.
When we set a protocol error we should return with REDIS_ERR to let the
caller know it should stop processing the client.
Bug found in a code auditing related to issue #1699.
The API is one of the bulding blocks of CLUSTER FAILOVER command that
executes a manual failover in Redis Cluster. However exposed as a
command that the user can call directly, it makes much simpler to
upgrade a standalone Redis instance using a slave in a safer way.
The commands works like that:
CLIENT PAUSE <milliesconds>
All the clients that are not slaves and not in MONITOR state are paused
for the specified number of milliesconds. This means that slaves are
normally served in the meantime.
At the end of the specified amount of time all the clients are unblocked
and will continue operations normally. This command has no effects on
the population of the slow log, since clients are not blocked in the
middle of operations but only when there is to process new data.
Note that while the clients are unblocked, still new commands are
accepted and queued in the client buffer, so clients will likely not
block while writing to the server while the pause is active.
A client can enter a special cluster read-only mode using the READONLY
command: if the client read from a slave instance after this command,
for slots that are actually served by the instance's master, the queries
will be processed without redirection, allowing clients to read from
slaves (but without any kind fo read-after-write guarantee).
The READWRITE command can be used in order to exit the readonly state.
Starting with Redis 2.8 masters are able to detect timed out slaves,
while before 2.8 only slaves were able to detect a timed out master.
Now that timeout detection is bi-directional the following problem
happens as described "in the field" by issue #1449:
1) Master and slave setup with big dataset.
2) Slave performs the first synchronization, or a full sync
after a failed partial resync.
3) Master sends the RDB payload to the slave.
4) Slave loads this payload.
5) Master detects the slave as timed out since does not receive back the
REPLCONF ACK acknowledges.
Here the problem is that the master has no way to know how much the
slave will take to load the RDB file in memory. The obvious solution is
to use a greater replication timeout setting, but this is a shame since
for the 0.1% of operation time we are forced to use a timeout that is
not what is suited for 99.9% of operation time.
This commit tries to fix this problem with a solution that is a bit of
an hack, but that modifies little of the replication internals, in order
to be back ported to 2.8 safely.
During the RDB loading time, we send the master newlines to avoid
being sensed as timed out. This is the same that the master already does
while saving the RDB file to still signal its presence to the slave.
The single newline is used because:
1) It can't desync the protocol, as it is only transmitted all or
2) It can be safely sent while we don't have a client structure for the
master or in similar situations just with write(2).
Since we started sending REPLCONF ACK from slaves to masters, the
lastinteraction field of the client structure is always refreshed as
soon as there is room in the socket output buffer, so masters in timeout
are detected with too much delay (the socket buffer takes a lot of time
to be filled by small REPLCONF ACK <number> entries).
This commit only counts data received as interactions with a master,
solving the issue.