The new bitfield command is an extension to the Redis bit operations,
where not just single bit operations are performed, but the array of
bits composing a string, can be addressed at random, not aligned
offsets, with any width unsigned and signed integers like u8, s5, u10
(up to 64 bit signed integers and 63 bit unsigned integers).
The BITFIELD command supports subcommands that can SET, GET, or INCRBY
those arbitrary bit counters, with multiple overflow semantics.
Trivial and credits:
A similar command was imagined a few times in the past, but for
some reason looked a bit far fetched or not well specified.
Finally the command was proposed again in a clear form by
Yoav Steinberg from Redis Labs, that proposed a set of commands on
arbitrary sized integers stored at bit offsets.
Starting from this proposal I wrote an initial specification of a single
command with sub-commands similar to what Yoav envisioned, using short
names for types definitions, and adding control on the overflow.
This commit is the resulting implementation.
BITFIELD mykey OVERFLOW wrap INCRBY i2 10 -1 GET i2 10
CLUSTER SLOTS now includes IDs in the nodes description associated with
a given slot range. Certain client libraries implementations need a way
to reference a node in an unique way, so they were relying on CLUSTER
NODES, that is not a stable API and may change frequently depending on
Redis Cluster future requirements.
1. Bug #3035 is fixed (NULL pointer access). This was happening with the
folling set of conditions:
* For some reason one of the Sentinels, let's call it Sentinel_A, changed ID (reconfigured from scratch), but is as the same address at which it used to be.
* Sentinel_A performs a failover and/or has a newer configuration compared to another Sentinel, that we call, Sentinel_B.
* Sentinel_B receives an HELLO message from Sentinel_A, where the address and/or ID is mismatched, but it is reporting a newer configuration for the master they are both monitoring.
2. Sentinels now must have an ID otherwise they are not loaded nor persisted in the configuration. This allows to have conflicting Sentinels with the same address since now the master->sentinels dictionary is indexed by Sentinel ID.
3. The code now detects if a Sentinel is annoucing itself with an IP/port pair already busy (of another Sentinel). The old Sentinel that had the same port/pair is set as having port 0, that means, the address is invalid. We may discover the right address later via HELLO messages.
The change covers the case where:
1. There is a node we can't reach (in fail or pfail state).
2. We see a different address for this node, in the gossip section sent
to us by a node that, instead, is able to talk with the node we cannot
talk to.
In this case it's a good bet to switch to the address reported by this
node, since there was an address switch and it is able to talk with the
node and we are not.
However previosuly this was done in a dangerous way, by initiating an
handshake. The handshake, using the MEET packet, forces the receiver to
join our cluster, and this is not a good idea. If the node in question
really just switched address, but is the same node, it already knows about
us, so we just need to perform an address update and a reconnection.
So with this commit instead we just update the address of the node,
release the node link if any, and attempt to reconnect in the next
clusterCron() cycle.
The commit also improves debugging messages printed by Cluster during
address or ID switches.
Another leak was fixed in the case of syntax error by restructuring the
allocation strategy for the two dynamic vectors.
We also make sure to always close the cached socket on I/O errors so that
all the I/O errors are handled the same, even if we had a previously
queued error of a different kind from the destination server.
Thanks to Kevin McGehee. Related to issue #3016.
In issue #3016 Kevin McGehee identified multiple very serious issues in
the new implementation of MIGRATE. This commit attempts to restructure
the code in oder to avoid mistakes, an analysis of the new
implementation is in progress in order to check for possible edge cases.
With this commit we preserve the list of nodes that have .slaveof set
to the node, even when the node is turned into a slave, and make sure to
fix the .slaveof pointers to NULL when a node is freed from memory,
regardless of the fact it's a slave or a master.
Basically we try to remember the logical master in the current
configuration even if the logical master advertised it as a slave
already. However we still remember the associations, so that when a node
is freed we can fix them.
This should fix issue #3002.
Sometimes during "fixes" we have to setup a new configuration and assign
slots to nodes. With BUMPEPOCH we can make sure the new configuration of
the node will win if there are conflicting configurations (for example
another node is *also* claiming the same slot because the cluster is
totally messed up).
This fix, provided by Paul Kulchenko (@pkulchenko), allows the Lua
scripting engine to evaluate statements with a trailing comment like the
following one:
EVAL "print() --comment" 0
Lua can't parse the above if the string does not end with a newline, so
now a final newline is always added automatically. This does not change
the SHA1 of scripts since the SHA1 is computed on the body we pass to
EVAL, without the other code we add to register the function.
Extend the MIGRATE extra freedom to be able to be called in the context
of the local slot, anytime there is a slot open in one or the other
direction (importing or migrating). This is useful for redis-trib to fix
the cluster when it has in an odd state.
Thix fix allows "redis-trib fix" to make its work in certain cases where
previously an error was reported.