This change fixes several warnings compiling at -O3 level with GCC
4.8.2, and at the same time, in case of misuse of the API, we have the
pointer initialize to NULL or the integer initialized to the value
-123456789 which is easy to spot by naked eye.
The old version of SPOP with "count" argument used an API call of dict.c
which was actually designed for a different goal, and was not capable of
good distribution. We follow a different three-cases approach optimized
for different ratiion between sets and requested number of elements.
The implementation is simpler and allowed the removal of a large amount
of code.
Severan problems are addressed but still a few missing.
Since replication of this command was more complex than others since it
needs to replicate multiple SREM commands, an old API able to do this
was reused (it was taken inside the implementation since it was pretty
obvious soon or later that would be useful). The API was improved a bit
so that now a command may opt-out for the standard command replication
when the server.dirty counter is incremented, in order to "manually"
replicate what it wants.
1. memory leak in t_set.c has been fixed
2. end-of-line spaces has been removed (from all over the place)
3. for loops have been ordered up to match existing Redis style (less weird)
4. comments format has been fixed (added * in the beggining of every comment line)
setTypeRandomElements() now returns unsigned long, and also uses unsigned long for anything related to count of members.
spopWithCountCommand() now uses unsigned long elements_returned instead of int, for values returned from setTypeRandomElements()
spopCommand() now runs spopWithCountCommand() in case the <count> param is found.
Added intsetRandomMembers() to Intset: Copies N random members from the set into inputted 'values' array. Uses either the Knuth or Floyd sample algos depending on ratio count/size.
Added setTypeRandomElements() to SET type: Returns a number of random elements from a non empty set. This is a version of setTypeRandomElement() that is modified in order to return multiple entries, using dictGetRandomKeys() and intsetRandomMembers().
Added tests for SPOP with <count>: unit/type/set, unit/scripting, integration/aof
Cleaned up code a bit to match with required Redis coding style
The bug could be easily triggered by:
SADD foo a b c 1 2 3 4 5 6
SDIFF foo foo
When the key was the same in two sets, an unsafe iterator was used to
check existence of elements in the same set we were iterating.
Usually this would just result into a wrong output, however with the
dict.c API misuse protection we have in place, the result was actually
an assertion failed that was triggered by the CI test, while creating
random datasets for the "MASTER and SLAVE consistency" test.
The previous implementation of SCAN parsed the cursor in the generic
function implementing SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN and ZSCAN.
The actual higher-level command implementation only checked for empty
keys and return ASAP in that case. The result was that inverting the
arguments of, for instance, SSCAN for example and write:
SSCAN 0 key
Instead of
SSCAN key 0
Resulted into no error, since 0 is a non-existing key name very likely.
Just the iterator returned no elements at all.
In order to fix this issue the code was refactored to extract the
function to parse the cursor and return the error. Every higher level
command implementation now parses the cursor and later checks if the key
exist or not.
Previously two string encodings were used for string objects:
1) REDIS_ENCODING_RAW: a string object with obj->ptr pointing to an sds
2) REDIS_ENCODING_INT: a string object where the obj->ptr void pointer
is casted to a long.
This commit introduces a experimental new encoding called
REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR that implements an object represented by an sds
string that is not modifiable but allocated in the same memory chunk as
the robj structure itself.
The chunk looks like the following:
| robj data... | robj->ptr | sds header | string | \0 |
| ^
The robj->ptr points to the contiguous sds string data, so the object
can be manipulated with the same functions used to manipulate plan
string objects, however we need just on malloc and one free in order to
allocate or release this kind of objects. Moreover it has better cache
This new allocation strategy should benefit both the memory usage and
the performances. A performance gain between 60 and 70% was observed
during micro-benchmarks, however there is more work to do to evaluate
the performance impact and the memory usage behavior.
In CASE 2, the call sunionDiffGenericCommand will involve the string "srandmember"
> sadd foo one
(integer 1)
> sadd srandmember two
(integer 2)
> srandmember foo 3
When keyspace events are enabled, the overhead is not sever but
noticeable, so this commit introduces the ability to select subclasses
of events in order to avoid to generate events the user is not
interested in.
The events can be selected using redis.conf or CONFIG SET / GET.
SDIFF used an algorithm that was O(N) where N is the total number
of elements of all the sets involved in the operation.
The algorithm worked like that:
1) For the first set, add all the members to an auxiliary set.
2) For all the other sets, remove all the members of the set from the
auxiliary set.
So it is an O(N) algorithm where N is the total number of elements in
all the sets involved in the diff operation.
Cristobal Viedma suggested to modify the algorithm to the following:
1) Iterate all the elements of the first set.
2) For every element, check if the element also exists in all the other
remaining sets.
3) Add the element to the auxiliary set only if it does not exist in any
of the other sets.
The complexity of this algorithm on the worst case is O(N*M) where N is
the size of the first set and M the total number of sets involved in the
However when there are elements in common, with this algorithm we stop
the computation for a given element as long as we find a duplicated
element into another set.
I (antirez) added an additional step to algorithm 2 to make it faster,
that is to sort the set to subtract from the biggest to the
smallest, so that it is more likely to find a duplicate in a larger sets
that are checked before the smaller ones.
None of course, for instance if the first set is much larger than the
other sets the second algorithm does a lot more work compared to the
first algorithm.
Similarly if the first set is much smaller than the other sets, the
original algorithm will less work.
So this commit makes Redis able to guess the number of operations
required by each algorithm, and select the best at runtime according
to the input received.
However, since the second algorithm has better constant times and can do
less work if there are duplicated elements, an advantage is given to the
second algorithm.
SRANDMEMBER called with just the key argument can just return a single
random element from a Redis Set. However many users need to return
multiple unique elements from a Set, this is not a trivial problem to
handle in the client side, and for truly good performance a C
implementation was required.
After many requests for this feature it was finally implemented.
The problem implementing this command is the strategy to follow when
the number of elements the user asks for is near to the number of
elements that are already inside the set. In this case asking random
elements to the dictionary API, and trying to add it to a temporary set,
may result into an extremely poor performance, as most add operations
will be wasted on duplicated elements.
For this reason this implementation uses a different strategy in this
case: the Set is copied, and random elements are returned to reach the
specified count.
The code actually uses 4 different algorithms optimized for the
different cases.
If the count is negative, the command changes behavior and allows for
duplicated elements in the returned subset.
networking related stuff moved into networking.c
moved more code
more work on layout of source code
SDS instantaneuos memory saving. By Pieter and Salvatore at VMware ;)
cleanly compiling again after the first split, now splitting it in more C files
moving more things around... work in progress
split replication code
splitting more
Sets split
Hash split
replication split
even more splitting
more splitting
minor change