This cased a segfault in some Linux system and was GCC-specific.
Commit modified by @antirez:
1) Stripped away the part to set the proc title via config for now.
2) Handle initialization of setproctitle only when the replacement
is used.
3) Don't require GCC now that the attribute constructor is no
longer used.
This commit allows Redis to set a process name that includes the binding
address and the port number in order to make operations simpler.
Redis children processes doing AOF rewrites or RDB saving change the
name into redis-aof-rewrite and redis-rdb-bgsave respectively.
This in general makes harder to kill the wrong process because of an
error and makes simpler to identify saving children.
This feature was suggested by Arnaud GRANAL in the Redis Google Group,
Arnaud also pointed me to the setproctitle.c implementation includeed in
this commit.
This feature should work on all the Linux, OSX, and all the three major
BSD systems.
SELECT was still transmitted to slaves using the inline protocol, that
is conceived mostly for humans to type into telnet sessions, and is
notably not understood by redis-cli --slave.
Now the new protocol is used instead.
Before this commit every Redis slave had its own selected database ID
state. This was not actually useful as the emitted stream of commands
is identical for all the slaves.
Now the the currently selected database is a global state that is set to
-1 when a new slave is attached, in order to force the SELECT command to
be re-emitted for all the slaves.
This change is useful in order to implement replication partial
resynchronization in the future, as makes sure that the stream of
commands received by slaves, including SELECT commands, are exactly the
same for every slave connected, at any time.
In this way we could have a global offset that can identify a specific
piece of the master -> slaves stream of commands.
Further details from @antirez:
It was reported by @StopForumSpam on Twitter that the Redis replication
link was strangely using multiple TCP packets for multiple commands.
This wastes a lot of bandwidth and is due to the TCP_NODELAY option we
enable on the socket after accepting a new connection.
However the master -> slave channel is a one-way channel since Redis
replication is asynchronous, so there is no point in trying to reduce
the latency, we should aim to reduce the bandwidth. For this reason this
commit introduces the ability to disable the nagle algorithm on the
socket after a successful SYNC.
This feature is off by default because the delay can be up to 40
milliseconds with normally configured Linux kernels.
When keyspace events are enabled, the overhead is not sever but
noticeable, so this commit introduces the ability to select subclasses
of events in order to avoid to generate events the user is not
interested in.
The events can be selected using redis.conf or CONFIG SET / GET.
This commit fixes issue #875 that was caused by the following events:
1) There is an active child doing BGSAVE.
2) flushall is called (or any other condition that makes Redis killing
the saving child process).
3) An error is sensed by Redis as the child exited with an error (killed
by a singal), that stops accepting write commands until a BGSAVE happens
to be executed with success.
Whitelisting SIGUSR1 and making sure Redis always uses this signal in
order to kill its own children fixes the issue.
When a SIGTERM is received Redis schedules a shutdown. However if it
fails to perform the shutdown it must be clear the shutdown_asap flag
otehrwise it will try again and again possibly making the server
The Redis Slow Log always used to log the slow commands executed inside
a MULTI/EXEC block. However also EXEC was logged at the end, which is
perfectly useless.
Now EXEC is no longer logged and a test was added to test this behavior.
This fixes issue #759.
REDIS_HZ is the frequency our serverCron() function is called with.
A more frequent call to this function results into less latency when the
server is trying to handle very expansive background operations like
mass expires of a lot of keys at the same time.
Redis 2.4 used to have an HZ of 10. This was good enough with almost
every setup, but the incremental key expiration algorithm was working a
bit better under *extreme* pressure when HZ was set to 100 for Redis
However for most users a latency spike of 30 milliseconds when million
of keys are expiring at the same time is acceptable, on the other hand a
default HZ of 100 in Redis 2.6 was causing idle instances to use some
CPU time compared to Redis 2.4. The CPU usage was in the order of 0.3%
for an idle instance, however this is a shame as more energy is consumed
by the server, if not important resources.
This commit introduces HZ as a runtime parameter, that can be queried by
INFO or CONFIG GET, and can be modified with CONFIG SET. At the same
time the default frequency is set back to 10.
In this way we default to a sane value of 10, but allows users to
easily switch to values up to 500 for near real-time applications if
needed and if they are willing to pay this small CPU usage penalty.
The idea is to be able to identify a build in a unique way, so for
instance after a bug report we can recognize that the build is the one
of a popular Linux distribution and perform the debugging in the same
EVALSHA used to crash if the SHA1 was not lowercase (Issue #783).
Fixed using a case insensitive dictionary type for the sha -> script
map used for replication of scripts.
After the transcation starts with a MULIT, the previous behavior was to
return an error on problems such as maxmemory limit reached. But still
to execute the transaction with the subset of queued commands on EXEC.
While it is true that the client was able to check for errors
distinguish QUEUED by an error reply, MULTI/EXEC in most client
implementations uses pipelining for speed, so all the commands and EXEC
are sent without caring about replies.
With this change:
1) EXEC fails if at least one command was not queued because of an
error. The EXECABORT error is used.
2) A generic error is always reported on EXEC.
3) The client DISCARDs the MULTI state after a failed EXEC, otherwise
pipelining multiple transactions would be basically impossible:
After a failed EXEC the next transaction would be simply queued as
the tail of the previous transaction.
By caching TCP connections used by MIGRATE to chat with other Redis
instances a 5x performance improvement was measured with
redis-benchmark against small keys.
This can dramatically speedup cluster resharding and other processes
where an high load of MIGRATE commands are used.
With COPY now MIGRATE does not remove the key from the source instance.
With REPLACE it uses RESTORE REPLACE on the target host so that even if
the key already eixsts in the target instance it will be overwritten.
The options can be used together.
The REPLACE option deletes an existing key with the same name (if any)
and materializes the new one. The default behavior without RESTORE is to
return an error if a key already exists.
So instead to reply with a generic error like:
-ERR ... wrong kind of value ...
now it replies with:
-WRONGTYPE ... wrong kind of value ...
This makes this particular error easy to check without resorting to
(fragile) pattern matching of the error string (however the error string
used to be consistent already).
Client libraries should return a specific exeption type for this error.
Most of the commit is about fixing unit tests.
After the wait3() syscall we used to do something like that:
if (pid == server.rdb_child_pid) {
} else {
So the AOF rewrite was handled in the else branch without actually
checking if the pid really matches. This commit makes the check explicit
and logs at WARNING level if the pid returned by wait3() does not match
neither the RDB or AOF rewrite child.
In some system, notably osx, the 3.5 GB limit was too far and not able
to prevent a crash for out of memory. The 3 GB limit works better and it
is still a lot of memory within a 4 GB theorical limit so it's not going
to bore anyone :-)
This fixes issue #711
Before of this commit it used to be like this:
... actual commands of the transaction ...
Because after all that is the natural order of things. Transaction
commands are queued and executed *only after* EXEC is called.
However this makes debugging with MONITOR a mess, so the code was
modified to provide a coherent output.
What happens is that MULTI is rendered in the MONITOR output as far as
possible, instead EXEC is propagated only after the transaction is
executed, or even in the case it fails because of WATCH, so in this case
you'll simply see:
An empty transaction.
If the server is password protected we need to accept AUTH when there is
a server busy (-BUSY) condition, otherwise it will be impossible to send
This fixes issue #708.
This commit warns the user with a log at "warning" level if:
1) After the server startup the maxmemory limit was found to be < 1MB.
2) After a CONFIG SET command modifying the maxmemory setting the limit
is set to a value that is smaller than the currently used memory.
The behaviour of the Redis server is unmodified, and this wil not make
the CONFIG SET command or a wrong configuration in redis.conf less
likely to create problems, but at least this will make aware most users
about a possbile error they committed without resorting to external
However no warning is issued if, as a result of loading the AOF or RDB
file, we are very near the maxmemory setting, or key eviction will be
needed in order to go under the specified maxmemory setting. The reason
is that in servers configured as a cache with an aggressive
maxmemory-policy most of the times restarting the server will cause this
condition to happen if persistence is not switched off.
This fixes issue #429.
SRANDMEMBER called with just the key argument can just return a single
random element from a Redis Set. However many users need to return
multiple unique elements from a Set, this is not a trivial problem to
handle in the client side, and for truly good performance a C
implementation was required.
After many requests for this feature it was finally implemented.
The problem implementing this command is the strategy to follow when
the number of elements the user asks for is near to the number of
elements that are already inside the set. In this case asking random
elements to the dictionary API, and trying to add it to a temporary set,
may result into an extremely poor performance, as most add operations
will be wasted on duplicated elements.
For this reason this implementation uses a different strategy in this
case: the Set is copied, and random elements are returned to reach the
specified count.
The code actually uses 4 different algorithms optimized for the
different cases.
If the count is negative, the command changes behavior and allows for
duplicated elements in the returned subset.