Implementation notes: as INFO is "already broken", I didn't want to break it further. Instead of computing the server.lua_script dict size on every call, I'm keeping a running sum of the body's length and dict overheads.
This implementation is naive as it **does not** take into consideration dict rehashing, but that inaccuracy pays off in speed ;)
Demo time:
$ redis-cli info memory | grep "script"
$ redis-cli eval "" 0 ; redis-cli info memory | grep "script"
$ redis-cli script flush ; redis-cli info memory | grep "script"
$ redis-cli eval "return('Hello, Script Cache :)')" 0 ; redis-cli info memory | grep "script"
"Hello, Script Cache :)"
$ redis-cli eval "return redis.sha1hex(\"return('Hello, Script Cache :)')\")" 0 ; redis-cli info memory | grep "script"
✔ 19:03:54 redis [lua_scripts-in-info-memory L ✚…⚑] $ redis-cli evalsha 1be72729d43da5114929c1260a749073732dc822 0
"Hello, Script Cache :)"
The main change introduced by this commit is pretending that help
arrays are more text than code, thus indenting them at level 0. This
improves readability, and is an old practice when defining arrays of
C strings describing text.
Additionally a few useless return statements are removed, and the HELP
subcommand capitalized when printed to the user.
The function in its initial form, and after the fixes for the PSYNC2
bugs, required code duplication in multiple spots. This commit modifies
it in order to always compute the script name independently, and to
return the SDS of the SHA of the body: this way it can be used in all
the places, including for SCRIPT LOAD, without duplicating the code to
create the Lua function name. Note that this requires to re-compute the
body SHA1 in the case of EVAL seeing a script for the first time, but
this should not change scripting performance in any way because new
scripts definition is a rare event happening the first time a script is
seen, and the SHA1 computation is anyway not a very slow process against
the typical Redis script and compared to the actua Lua byte compiling of
the body.
Note that the function used to assert() if a duplicated script was
loaded, however actually now two times over three, we want the function
to handle duplicated scripts just fine: this happens in SCRIPT LOAD and
in RDB AUX "lua" loading. Moreover the assert was not defending against
some obvious failure mode, so now the function always tests against
already defined functions at start.
Unfortunately, as outlined by @soloestoy in #4505, "lua" AUX RDB field
loading in case of duplicated script was still broken. This commit fixes
this problem and also a memory leak introduced by the past commit.
Note that now we have a regression test able to duplicate the issue, so
this commit was actually tested against the regression. The original PR
also had a valid fix, but I prefer to hide the details of scripting.c
outside scripting.c, and later "SCRIPT LOAD" should also be able to use
the function luaCreateFunction() instead of redoing the work.
In the case of slaves loading the RDB from master, or in other similar
cases, the script is already defined, and the function registering the
script should not fail in the assert() call.
Related to #4483. As suggested by @soloestoy, we can retrieve the SHA1
from the body. Given that in the new implementation using AUX fields we
ended copying around a lot to create new objects and strings, extremize
such concept and trade CPU for space inside the RDB file.
This adds a new `addReplyHelp` helper that's used by commands
when returning a help text. The following commands have been
Fix entry command table entry for OBJECT for HELP option.
After #4472 the command may have just 2 arguments.
Improve OBJECT HELP descriptions.
See #4472.
For example:
1. A module command called within a MULTI section.
2. A Lua script with replicate_commands() called within a MULTI section.
3. A module command called from a Lua script in the above context.
This fix, provided by Paul Kulchenko (@pkulchenko), allows the Lua
scripting engine to evaluate statements with a trailing comment like the
following one:
EVAL "print() --comment" 0
Lua can't parse the above if the string does not end with a newline, so
now a final newline is always added automatically. This does not change
the SHA1 of scripts since the SHA1 is computed on the body we pass to
EVAL, without the other code we add to register the function.
Example of offending code:
> script debug yes
> eval "local a = {1} a[1] = a\nprint(a)" 0
1) * Stopped at 1, stop reason = step over
2) -> 1 local a = {1} a[1] = a
> next
1) * Stopped at 2, stop reason = step over
2) -> 2 print(a)
> print
... server crash ...
Now it lists code around the current position by default. Can list any
other part using other arguments, but a new "whole" command was added in
order to show the whole source code easily.
When the debugger exits now it produces an <endsession> tag that informs
redis-cli (or other debugging clients) that the session terminated.
This way the client knows there is yet another reply to read (the one of
the EVAL script itself), and can switch to non-debugging mode ASAP.
It's handly to just eval "5+5" without the return and see it printed on
the screen as result. However prepending "return" does not always result
into valid Lua code. So what we do is to exploit a common Lua community
trick of trying to compile with return prepended, and if compilation
fails then it's not an expression that can be returned, so we try again
without prepending "return". Works great apparently.