This replaces individual ziplist vs. linkedlist representations
for Redis list operations.
Big thanks for all the reviews and feedback from everybody in
In order to make sure every object has its own private LRU counter, when
maxmemory is enabled tryObjectEncoding() does not use the pool of shared
integers. However when the policy is not LRU-based, it does not make
sense to do so, and it is much better to save memory using shared
Previously, the command definition for the OBJECT command specified
a minimum of two args (and that it was variadic), which meant that
if you sent this:
When cluster was enabled, it would result in an assertion/SEGFAULT
when Redis was attempting to extract keys.
It appears that OBJECT is not variadic, and only ever takes 3 args.
All the Redis functions that need to modify the string value of a key in
a destructive way (APPEND, SETBIT, SETRANGE, ...) require to make the
object unshared (if refcount > 1) and encoded in raw format (if encoding
is not already REDIS_ENCODING_RAW).
This was cut & pasted many times in multiple places of the code. This
commit puts the small logic needed into a function called
For testing purposes it is handy to have a very high resolution of the
LRU clock, so that it is possible to experiment with scripts running in
just a few seconds how the eviction algorithms works.
This commit allows Redis to use the cached LRU clock, or a value
computed on demand, depending on the resolution. So normally we have the
good performance of a precomputed value, and a clock that wraps in many
days using the normal resolution, but if needed, changing a define will
switch behavior to an high resolution LRU clock.
We are sure the string is large, since when the sds optimization branch
is entered it means that it was not possible to encode it as EMBSTR for
size concerns.
When no encoding is possible, at least try to reallocate the sds string
with one that does not waste memory (with free space at the end of the
buffer) when the string is large enough.
We are sure that a string that is longer than 21 chars cannot be
represented by a 64 bit signed integer, as -(2^64) is 21 chars:
strlen(-18446744073709551616) => 21
Thanks to @run and @badboy for spotting this.
Triva: clang was not able to provide me a warning about that when
This closes#1024 and #1207, committing the change myself as the pull
requests no longer apply cleanly after other changes to the same
Previously two string encodings were used for string objects:
1) REDIS_ENCODING_RAW: a string object with obj->ptr pointing to an sds
2) REDIS_ENCODING_INT: a string object where the obj->ptr void pointer
is casted to a long.
This commit introduces a experimental new encoding called
REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR that implements an object represented by an sds
string that is not modifiable but allocated in the same memory chunk as
the robj structure itself.
The chunk looks like the following:
| robj data... | robj->ptr | sds header | string | \0 |
| ^
The robj->ptr points to the contiguous sds string data, so the object
can be manipulated with the same functions used to manipulate plan
string objects, however we need just on malloc and one free in order to
allocate or release this kind of objects. Moreover it has better cache
This new allocation strategy should benefit both the memory usage and
the performances. A performance gain between 60 and 70% was observed
during micro-benchmarks, however there is more work to do to evaluate
the performance impact and the memory usage behavior.
This fixes issue #1194, that contains many details.
However in short, it was possible for ZADD to not accept as score values
that was however possible to obtain with multiple calls to ZINCRBY, like
in the following example:
redis> zadd k 2.5e-308 m
(integer) 1
redis> zincrby k -2.4e-308 m
redis> zscore k m
redis> zadd k 9.9999999999999694e-310 m1
(error) ERR value is not a valid float
The problem was due to strtod() returning ERANGE in the following case
specified by POSIX:
"If the correct value would cause an underflow, a value whose magnitude
is no greater than the smallest normalized positive number in the return
type shall be returned and errno set to [ERANGE].".
Now instead the returned value is accepted even when ERANGE is returned
as long as the return value of the function is not negative or positive
HUGE_VAL or zero.
compareStringObject was not always giving the same result when comparing
two exact strings, but encoded as integers or as sds strings, since it
switched to strcmp() when at least one of the strings were not sds
For instance the two strings "123" and "123\x00456", where the first
string was integer encoded, would result into the old implementation of
compareStringObject() to return 0 as if the strings were equal, while
instead the second string is "greater" than the first in a binary
The same compasion, but with "123" encoded as sds string, would instead
return a value < 0, as it is correct. It is not impossible that the
above caused some obscure bug, since the comparison was not always
deterministic, and compareStringObject() is used in the implementation
of skiplists, hash tables, and so forth.
At the same time, collateStringObject() was introduced by this commit, so
that can be used by SORT command to return sorted strings usign
collation instead of binary comparison. See next commit.
decrRefCount used to get its argument as a void* pointer in order to be
used as destructor where a 'void free_object(void*)' prototype is
expected. However this made simpler to introduce bugs by freeing the
wrong pointer. This commit fixes the argument type and introduces a new
wrapper called decrRefCountVoid() that can be used when the void*
argument is needed.