The slave sends \n keepalive messages to the master while parsing the rdb,
and later sends REPLCONF ACK once a second. rarely, the master recives both
a linefeed char and a REPLCONF in the same read, \n*3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n...
and it tries to trim two chars (\r\n) from the query buffer,
trimming the '*' from *3\r\n$8\r\nREPLCONF\r\n...
then the master tries to process a command starting with '3' and replies to
the slave a bunch of -ERR and one +OK.
although the slave silently ignores these (prints a log message), this corrupts
the replication offset at the slave since the slave increases the replication
offset, and the master did not.
other than the fix in processInlineBuffer, i did several other improvments
while hunting this very rare bug.
- when redis replies with "unknown command" it includes a portion of the
arguments, not just the command name. so it would be easier to understand
what was recived, in my case, on the slave side, it was -ERR, but
the "arguments" were the interesting part (containing info on the error).
- about a year ago i added code in addReplyErrorLength to print the error to
the log in case of a reply to master (since this string isn't actually
trasmitted to the master), now changed that block to print a similar log
message to indicate an error being sent from the master to the slave.
note that the slave is marked as CLIENT_SLAVE only after PSYNC was received,
so this will not cause any harm for REPLCONF, and will only indicate problems
that are gonna corrupt the replication stream anyway.
- two places were c->reply was emptied, and i wanted to reset sentlen
this is a precaution (i did not actually see such a problem), since a
non-zero sentlen will cause corruption to be transmitted on the socket.
A) slave buffers didn't count internal fragmentation and sds unused space,
this caused them to induce eviction although we didn't mean for it.
B) slave buffers were consuming about twice the memory of what they actually needed.
- this was mainly due to sdsMakeRoomFor growing to twice as much as needed each time
but networking.c not storing more than 16k (partially fixed recently in 237a38737).
- besides it wasn't able to store half of the new string into one buffer and the
other half into the next (so the above mentioned fix helped mainly for small items).
- lastly, the sds buffers had up to 30% internal fragmentation that was wasted,
consumed but not used.
C) inefficient performance due to starting from a small string and reallocing many times.
what i changed:
- creating dedicated buffers for reply list, counting their size with zmalloc_size
- when creating a new reply node from, preallocate it to at least 16k.
- when appending a new reply to the buffer, first fill all the unused space of the
previous node before starting a new one.
other changes:
- expose mem_not_counted_for_evict info field for the benefit of the test suite
- add a test to make sure slave buffers are counted correctly and that they don't cause eviction
With such information will be able to use a private localtime()
implementation serverLog(), which does not use any locking and is both
thread and fork() safe.
Unlike the BZPOP variants, these functions take a single key. This fixes
an erroneous CROSSSLOT error when passing a count to a cluster enabled
A user with many connections (10 thousand) on a single Redis server
reports in issue #4983 that sometimes Redis is idle becuase at the same
time many clients need to resize their query buffer according to the old
It looks like this was created by the fact that we allow the query
buffer to grow without problems to a size up to PROTO_MBULK_BIG_ARG
normally, but when the client is idle we immediately are more strict,
and a query buffer greater than 1024 bytes is already enough to trigger
the resize. So for instance if most of the clients stop at the same time
this issue should be easily triggered.
This behavior actually looks odd, and there should be only a clear limit
after we say, let's look at this query buffer to check if it's time to
resize it. This commit puts the limit at PROTO_MBULK_BIG_ARG, and the
check is performed both if compared to the peak usage the current usage
is too big, or if the client is idle.
Then when the check is performed, to waste just a few kbytes is
considered enough to proceed with the resize. This should fix the issue.
problems fixed:
* failing to read fragmentation information from jemalloc
* overflow in jemalloc fragmentation hint to the defragger
* test suite not triggering eviction after population
This commit, in some parts derived from PR #3041 which is no longer
possible to merge (because the user deleted the original branch),
implements the ability of slaves to have a special configuration
preventing that they try to start a failover when the master is failing.
There are multiple reasons for wanting this, and the feautre was
requested in issue #3021 time ago.
The differences between this patch and the original PR are the
1. The flag is saved/loaded on the nodes configuration.
2. The 'myself' node is now flag-aware, the flag is updated as needed
when the configuration is changed via CONFIG SET.
3. The flag name uses NOFAILOVER instead of NO_FAILOVER to be consistent
with existing NOADDR.
4. The redis.conf documentation was rewritten.
Thanks to @deep011 for the original patch.
other fixes / improvements:
- LUA script memory isn't taken from zmalloc (taken from libc malloc)
so it can cause high fragmentation ratio to be displayed (which is false)
- there was a problem with "fragmentation" info being calculated from
RSS and used_memory sampled at different times (now sampling them together)
other details:
- adding a few more allocator info fields to INFO and MEMORY commands
- improve defrag test to measure defrag latency of big keys
- increasing the accuracy of the defrag test (by looking at real grag info)
this way we can use an even lower threshold and still avoid false positives
- keep the old (total) "fragmentation" field unchanged, but add new ones for spcific things
- add these the MEMORY DOCTOR command
- deduct LUA memory from the rss in case of non jemalloc allocator (one for which we don't "allocator active/used")
- reduce sampling rate of the rss and allocator info