When we are blocked and a few events a processed from time to time, it
is smarter to call the event handler a few times in order to handle the
accept, read, write, close cycle of a client in a single pass, otherwise
there is too much latency added for clients to receive a reply while the
server is busy in some way (for example during the DB loading).
Previously, the (!fp) would only catch lack of free space
under OS X. Linux waits to discover it can't write until
it actually writes contents to disk.
(fwrite() returns success even if the underlying file
has no free space to write into. All the errors
only show up at flush/sync/close time.)
server.unixtime and server.mstime are cached less precise timestamps
that we use every time we don't need an accurate time representation and
a syscall would be too slow for the number of calls we require.
Such an example is the initialization and update process of the last
interaction time with the client, that is used for timeouts.
However rdbLoad() can take some time to load the DB, but at the same
time it did not updated the time during DB loading. This resulted in the
bug described in issue #1535, where in the replication process the slave
loads the DB, creates the redisClient representation of its master, but
the timestamp is so old that the master, under certain conditions, is
sensed as already "timed out".
Thanks to @yoav-steinberg and Redis Labs Inc for the bug report and
The previous fix for false positive timeout detected by master was not
complete. There is another blocking stage while loading data for the
first synchronization with the master, that is, flushing away the
current data from the DB memory.
This commit uses the newly introduced dict.c callback in order to make
some incremental work (to send "\n" heartbeats to the master) while
flushing the old data from memory.
It is hard to write a regression test for this issue unfortunately. More
support for debugging in the Redis core would be needed in terms of
functionalities to simulate a slow DB loading / deletion.
Starting with Redis 2.8 masters are able to detect timed out slaves,
while before 2.8 only slaves were able to detect a timed out master.
Now that timeout detection is bi-directional the following problem
happens as described "in the field" by issue #1449:
1) Master and slave setup with big dataset.
2) Slave performs the first synchronization, or a full sync
after a failed partial resync.
3) Master sends the RDB payload to the slave.
4) Slave loads this payload.
5) Master detects the slave as timed out since does not receive back the
REPLCONF ACK acknowledges.
Here the problem is that the master has no way to know how much the
slave will take to load the RDB file in memory. The obvious solution is
to use a greater replication timeout setting, but this is a shame since
for the 0.1% of operation time we are forced to use a timeout that is
not what is suited for 99.9% of operation time.
This commit tries to fix this problem with a solution that is a bit of
an hack, but that modifies little of the replication internals, in order
to be back ported to 2.8 safely.
During the RDB loading time, we send the master newlines to avoid
being sensed as timed out. This is the same that the master already does
while saving the RDB file to still signal its presence to the slave.
The single newline is used because:
1) It can't desync the protocol, as it is only transmitted all or
2) It can be safely sent while we don't have a client structure for the
master or in similar situations just with write(2).
Previously two string encodings were used for string objects:
1) REDIS_ENCODING_RAW: a string object with obj->ptr pointing to an sds
2) REDIS_ENCODING_INT: a string object where the obj->ptr void pointer
is casted to a long.
This commit introduces a experimental new encoding called
REDIS_ENCODING_EMBSTR that implements an object represented by an sds
string that is not modifiable but allocated in the same memory chunk as
the robj structure itself.
The chunk looks like the following:
| robj data... | robj->ptr | sds header | string | \0 |
| ^
The robj->ptr points to the contiguous sds string data, so the object
can be manipulated with the same functions used to manipulate plan
string objects, however we need just on malloc and one free in order to
allocate or release this kind of objects. Moreover it has better cache
This new allocation strategy should benefit both the memory usage and
the performances. A performance gain between 60 and 70% was observed
during micro-benchmarks, however there is more work to do to evaluate
the performance impact and the memory usage behavior.
When a BGSAVE fails, Redis used to flood itself trying to BGSAVE at
every next cron call, that is either 10 or 100 times per second
depending on configuration and server version.
This commit does not allow a new automatic BGSAVE attempt to be
performed before a few seconds delay (currently 5).
This avoids both the auto-flood problem and filling the disk with
logs at a serious rate.
The five seconds limit, considering a log entry of 200 bytes, will use
less than 4 MB of disk space per day that is reasonable, the sysadmin
should notice before of catastrofic events especially since by default
Redis will stop serving write queries after the first failed BGSAVE.
This fixes issue #849
This fixes cases where the RDB file does exist but can't be accessed for
any reason. For instance, when the Redis process doesn't have enough
permissions on the file.
This commit allows Redis to set a process name that includes the binding
address and the port number in order to make operations simpler.
Redis children processes doing AOF rewrites or RDB saving change the
name into redis-aof-rewrite and redis-rdb-bgsave respectively.
This in general makes harder to kill the wrong process because of an
error and makes simpler to identify saving children.
This feature was suggested by Arnaud GRANAL in the Redis Google Group,
Arnaud also pointed me to the setproctitle.c implementation includeed in
this commit.
This feature should work on all the Linux, OSX, and all the three major
BSD systems.
This commit fixes issue #875 that was caused by the following events:
1) There is an active child doing BGSAVE.
2) flushall is called (or any other condition that makes Redis killing
the saving child process).
3) An error is sensed by Redis as the child exited with an error (killed
by a singal), that stops accepting write commands until a BGSAVE happens
to be executed with success.
Whitelisting SIGUSR1 and making sure Redis always uses this signal in
order to kill its own children fixes the issue.
Finally Redis is able to report the amount of memory used by
copy-on-write while saving an RDB or writing an AOF file in background.
Note that this information is currently only logged (at NOTICE level)
and not shown in INFO because this is less trivial (but surely doable
with some minor form of interprocess communication).
The reason we can't capture this information on the parent before we
call wait3() is that the Linux kernel will release the child memory
ASAP, and only retain the minimal state for the process that is useful
to report the child termination to the parent.
The COW size is obtained by summing all the Private_Dirty fields found
in the "smap" file inside the proc filesystem for the process.
All this is Linux specific and is not available on other systems.
Improved comments to make clear that rdbLoadType() just loads a
general TYPE in the context of RDB that can be an object type or an
expire type, end-of-file, and so forth.
While rdbLoadObjectType() enforces that the type is a valid Object Type
otherwise it returns -1.
The 'persistence' section of INFO output now contains additional four
fields related to RDB and AOF persistence:
rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec Duration of latest BGSAVE in sec.
rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec Duration of current BGSAVE in sec.
aof_last_rewrite_time_sec Duration of latest AOF rewrite in sec.
aof_current_rewrite_time_sec Duration of current AOF rewrite in sec.
The 'current' fields are set to -1 if a BGSAVE / AOF rewrite is not in
progress. The 'last' fileds are set to -1 if no previous BGSAVE / AOF
rewrites were performed.
Additionally a few fields in the persistence section were renamed for
changes_since_last_save -> rdb_changes_since_last_save
bgsave_in_progress -> rdb_bgsave_in_progress
last_save_time -> rdb_last_save_time
last_bgsave_status -> rdb_last_bgsave_status
bgrewriteaof_in_progress -> aof_rewrite_in_progress
bgrewriteaof_scheduled -> aof_rewrite_scheduled
After the renaming, fields in the persistence section start with rdb_ or
aof_ prefix depending on the persistence method they describe.
The field 'loading' and related fields are not prefixed because they are
unique for both the persistence methods.
Redis now refuses accepting write queries if RDB persistence is
configured, but RDB snapshots can't be generated for some reason.
The status of the latest background save operation is now exposed
in the INFO output as well. This fixes issue #90.