Instead of successive divisions in iteration the new code uses bitwise
magic to interleave / deinterleave two 32bit values into a 64bit one.
All tests still passing and is measurably faster, so worth it.
The GIS standard and all the major DBs implementing GIS related
functions take coordinates as x,y that is longitude,latitude.
It was a bad start for Redis to do things differently, so even if this
means that existing users of the Geo module will be required to change
their code, Redis now conforms to the standard.
Usually Redis is very backward compatible, but this is not an exception
to this rule, since this is the first Geo implementation entering the
official Redis source code. It is not wise to try to be backward
compatible with code forks... :-)
The returned step was in some case not enough towards normal
coordinates (for example when our search position was was already near the
margin of the central area, and we had to match, using the east or west
neighbor, a very far point). Example:
geoadd points 67.575457940146066 -62.001317572780565 far
geoadd points 66.685439060295664 -58.925040587282297 center
georadius points 66.685439060295664 -58.925040587282297 200 km
In the above case the code failed to find a match (happens at smaller
latitudes too) even if far and center are at less than 200km.
Another fix introduced by this commit is a progressively larger area
towards the poles, since meridians are a lot less far away, so we need
to compensate for this.
The current implementation works comparably to the Tcl brute-force
stress tester implemented in the fuzzy test in the geo.tcl unit for
latitudes between -70 and 70, and is pretty accurate over +/-80 too,
with sporadic false negatives.
A more mathematically clean implementation is possible by computing the
meridian distance at the specified latitude and computing the step
according to it.
This commit simplifies the implementation in a few ways:
1. zsetScore implementation improved a bit and moved into t_zset.c where
is now also used to implement the ZSCORE command.
2. Range extraction from the sorted set remains a separated
implementation from the one in t_zset.c, but was hyper-specialized in
order to avoid accumulating results into a list and remove the ones
outside the radius.
3. A new type is introduced: geoArray, which can accumulate geoPoint
structures in a vector with power of two expansion policy. This is
useful since we have to call qsort() against it before returning the
result to the user.
4. As a result of 1, 2, 3, the two files zset.c and zset.h are now
removed, including the function to merge two lists (now handled with
functions that can add elements to existing geoArray arrays) and
the machinery used in order to pass zset results.
5. geoPoint structure simplified because of the general code structure
simplification, so we no longer need to take references to objects.
6. Not counting the JSON removal the refactoring removes 200 lines of
code for the same functionalities, with a simpler to read
7. GEORADIUS is now 2.5 times faster testing with 10k elements and a
radius resulting in 124 elements returned. However this is mostly a
side effect of the refactoring and simplification. More speed gains
can be achieved by trying to optimize the code.
Current todo:
- replace functions in zset.{c,h} with a new unified Redis
zset access API.
Once we get the zset interface fixed, we can squash
relevant commits in this branch and have one nice commit
to merge into unstable.
This commit adds:
- Geo commands
- Tests; runnable with: ./runtest --single unit/geo
- Geo helpers in deps/geohash-int/
- src/geo.{c,h} and src/geojson.{c,h} implementing geo commands
- Updated build configurations to get everything working
- TEMPORARY: src/zset.{c,h} implementing zset score and zset
range reading without writing to client output buffers.
- Modified linkage of one t_zset.c function for use in zset.c
This fixes issue #2535, that was actually an hiredis library bug (I
submitted an issue and fix to the redis/hiredis repo as well).
When an asynchronous hiredis connection subscribes to a Pub/Sub channel
and gets an error, and in other related conditions, the function
redisProcessCallbacks() enters a code path where the link is
disconnected, however the function returns before freeing the allocated
reply object. This causes a memory leak. The memory leak was trivial to
trigger in Redis Sentinel, which uses hiredis, every time we tried to
subscribe to an instance that required a password, in case the Sentinel
was configured either with the wrong password or without password at
all. In this case, the -AUTH error caused the leaking code path to be
It was verified with Valgrind that after this change the leak no longer
happens in Sentinel with a misconfigured authentication password.
Main reasons for upgrade:
- Remove a warning when building Redis
- Add multi pack/unpack
- Improve memory usage and use Lua allocator properly
- Fix some edge case encoding/decoding bugs
cjson calls isinf, but some Solaris versions don't have isinf
even with the attempted fix we have in deps/Makefile.
We can harmlessly include the Redis solarisfixes.h header to
give cjson proper isinf.
Note: cjson has a compile-time setting for using their own defined
isinf, but the Redis definition in solarisfixes.h is more complete.
Fixes antirez#1620
The new cjson has some improvements over our current version including
increased platform compatability, a new resource limit to restrict
decode depth, and better invalid number handling.
One minor change was required to deps/Makefile because this version
of cjson doesn't export itself globally, so we added a quick little
cjson now has an optional higher performing float parsing interface,
but we are not including it (g_fmt.c, dtoa.c) because it requires
endianness declaration during compile time.
This commit is exactly lua_cjson.c from 2.1.0 with one minor
change of altering the two Lua includes for local search
instead of system-wide importing.
A few people have written custom C commands because bit
manipulation isn't exposed through Lua. Let's give
them Mike Pall's bitop.
This adds bitop 1.0.2 (2012-05-08) from
bitop is imported as "bit" into the global namespace.
New Lua commands: bit.tobit, bit.tohex, bit.bnot,, bit.bor, bit.bxor,
bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift, bit.rol, bit.ror, bit.bswap
Verification of working (the asserts would abort on error, so (nil) is correct):> eval "assert(bit.tobit(1) == 1); assert( == 1); assert(bit.bxor(1,2) == 3); assert(bit.bor(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) == 255)" 0
(nil)> eval 'assert(0x7fffffff == 2147483647, "broken hex literals"); assert(0xffffffff == -1 or 0xffffffff == 2^32-1, "broken hex literals"); assert(tostring(-1) == "-1", "broken tostring()"); assert(tostring(0xffffffff) == "-1" or tostring(0xffffffff) == "4294967295", "broken tostring()")' 0
Tests also integrated into the scripting tests and can be run with:
./runtest --single unit/scripting
Tests are excerpted from `bittest.lua` included in the bitop distribution.
The core linenoise code was being backported, but not
the README or example. It's less confusing for users
if everything matches across directories.
Fix inspired by @thrig
This is hiredis f225c276be7fd0646019b51023e3f41566633dfe
This update includes all changes that diverged inside of Redis since
the last update. This version also allows optional source address
binding for connections which we need for some Sentinel deployments.
Redis gitignore was too aggressive since simply broken.
Jemalloc gitignore was too agressive because it is conceived to just
keep the files that allow to generate all the rest in development
environments (so for instance the "configure" file is excluded).