Cluster: Tcl cluster client: slots-nodes map and close method.

Now the client is able to actually run commands in a Redis Cluster
assuming the slots->nodes map is stable.
This commit is contained in:
antirez 2014-05-02 10:55:07 +02:00
parent 5344357f80
commit fcd2065f8e

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@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ proc ::redis_cluster::__method__refresh_nodes_map {id} {
port $port \
flags $flags \
slaveof $slaveof \
slots $slots \
link $link \
dict set nodes $addr $node
@ -116,11 +117,33 @@ proc ::redis_cluster::__method__refresh_nodes_map {id} {
set ::redis_cluster::nodes($id) $nodes
# TODO: Populates the slots -> nodes map.
# Populates the slots -> nodes map.
dict for {addr node} $nodes {
puts "$addr -> $node"
foreach slotrange [dict get $node slots] {
lassign [split $slotrange -] start end
if {$end == {}} {set end $start}
for {set j $start} {$j <= $end} {incr j} {
dict set ::redis_cluster::slots($id) $j $addr
# Free a redis_cluster handle.
proc ::redis_cluster::__method__close {id} {
catch {
set nodes $::redis_cluster::nodes($id)
dict for {addr node} $nodes {
catch {
[dict get $node link] close
catch {unset ::redis_cluster::startup_nodes($id)}
catch {unset ::redis_cluster::nodes($id)}
catch {unset ::redis_cluster::slots($id)}
catch {interp alias {} ::redis_cluster::instance$id {}}
proc ::redis_cluster::__dispatch__ {id method args} {
if {[info command ::redis_cluster::__method__$method] eq {}} {