mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 00:50:50 +00:00
Merge pull request #5126 from oranagra/slave_buf_memory_2
slave buffers were wasteful and incorrectly counted causing eviction
This commit is contained in:
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ struct client *createFakeClient(void) {
c->obuf_soft_limit_reached_time = 0;
c->watched_keys = listCreate();
c->peerid = NULL;
return c;
@ -2712,9 +2712,9 @@ RedisModuleCallReply *RM_Call(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *cmdname, const ch
sds proto = sdsnewlen(c->buf,c->bufpos);
c->bufpos = 0;
while(listLength(c->reply)) {
sds o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
clientReplyBlock *o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
proto = sdscatsds(proto,o);
proto = sdscatlen(proto,o->buf,o->used);
reply = moduleCreateCallReplyFromProto(ctx,proto);
@ -56,11 +56,14 @@ size_t getStringObjectSdsUsedMemory(robj *o) {
/* Client.reply list dup and free methods. */
void *dupClientReplyValue(void *o) {
return sdsdup(o);
clientReplyBlock *old = o;
clientReplyBlock *buf = zmalloc(sizeof(clientReplyBlock) + old->size);
memcpy(buf, o, sizeof(clientReplyBlock) + old->size);
return buf;
void freeClientReplyValue(void *o) {
int listMatchObjects(void *a, void *b) {
@ -240,25 +243,31 @@ int _addReplyToBuffer(client *c, const char *s, size_t len) {
void _addReplyStringToList(client *c, const char *s, size_t len) {
if (c->flags & CLIENT_CLOSE_AFTER_REPLY) return;
if (listLength(c->reply) == 0) {
sds node = sdsnewlen(s,len);
c->reply_bytes += len;
} else {
listNode *ln = listLast(c->reply);
sds tail = listNodeValue(ln);
listNode *ln = listLast(c->reply);
clientReplyBlock *tail = ln? listNodeValue(ln): NULL;
/* It is possible that we have a tail list node, but no tail buffer.
* if addDeferredMultiBulkLength() was used. */
/* Append to this object when possible. If tail == NULL it was
* set via addDeferredMultiBulkLength(). */
if (tail && (sdsavail(tail) >= len || sdslen(tail)+len <= PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES)) {
tail = sdscatlen(tail,s,len);
listNodeValue(ln) = tail;
c->reply_bytes += len;
} else {
sds node = sdsnewlen(s,len);
c->reply_bytes += len;
/* Append to tail string when possible. */
if (tail) {
/* Copy the part we can fit into the tail, and leave the rest for a new node */
size_t avail = tail->size - tail->used;
size_t copy = avail >= len? len: avail;
memcpy(tail->buf + tail->used, s, copy);
tail->used += copy;
s += copy;
len -= copy;
if (len) {
/* Create a new node, make sure it is allocated to at least PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES */
tail = zmalloc(size + sizeof(clientReplyBlock));
/* take over the allocation's internal fragmentation */
tail->size = zmalloc_usable(tail) - sizeof(clientReplyBlock);
tail->used = len;
memcpy(tail->buf, s, len);
listAddNodeTail(c->reply, tail);
c->reply_bytes += tail->size;
@ -390,26 +399,35 @@ void *addDeferredMultiBulkLength(client *c) {
/* Populate the length object and try gluing it to the next chunk. */
void setDeferredMultiBulkLength(client *c, void *node, long length) {
listNode *ln = (listNode*)node;
sds len, next;
clientReplyBlock *next;
char lenstr[128];
size_t lenstr_len = sprintf(lenstr, "*%ld\r\n", length);
/* Abort when *node is NULL: when the client should not accept writes
* we return NULL in addDeferredMultiBulkLength() */
if (node == NULL) return;
len = sdscatprintf(sdsnewlen("*",1),"%ld\r\n",length);
listNodeValue(ln) = len;
c->reply_bytes += sdslen(len);
if (ln->next != NULL) {
next = listNodeValue(ln->next);
/* Only glue when the next node is non-NULL (an sds in this case) */
if (next != NULL) {
len = sdscatsds(len,next);
listNodeValue(ln) = len;
/* No need to update c->reply_bytes: we are just moving the same
* amount of bytes from one node to another. */
/* Glue into next node when:
* - the next node is non-NULL,
* - it has enough room already allocated
* - and not too large (avoid large memmove) */
if (ln->next != NULL && (next = listNodeValue(ln->next)) &&
next->size - next->used >= lenstr_len &&
next->used < PROTO_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES * 4) {
memmove(next->buf + lenstr_len, next->buf, next->used);
memcpy(next->buf, lenstr, lenstr_len);
next->used += lenstr_len;
} else {
/* Create a new node */
clientReplyBlock *buf = zmalloc(lenstr_len + sizeof(clientReplyBlock));
/* take over the allocation's internal fragmentation */
buf->size = zmalloc_usable(buf) - sizeof(clientReplyBlock);
buf->used = lenstr_len;
memcpy(buf->buf, lenstr, lenstr_len);
listNodeValue(ln) = buf;
c->reply_bytes += buf->size;
@ -895,7 +913,7 @@ client *lookupClientByID(uint64_t id) {
int writeToClient(int fd, client *c, int handler_installed) {
ssize_t nwritten = 0, totwritten = 0;
size_t objlen;
sds o;
clientReplyBlock *o;
while(clientHasPendingReplies(c)) {
if (c->bufpos > 0) {
@ -912,23 +930,24 @@ int writeToClient(int fd, client *c, int handler_installed) {
} else {
o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
objlen = sdslen(o);
objlen = o->used;
if (objlen == 0) {
c->reply_bytes -= o->size;
nwritten = write(fd, o + c->sentlen, objlen - c->sentlen);
nwritten = write(fd, o->buf + c->sentlen, objlen - c->sentlen);
if (nwritten <= 0) break;
c->sentlen += nwritten;
totwritten += nwritten;
/* If we fully sent the object on head go to the next one */
if (c->sentlen == objlen) {
c->reply_bytes -= o->size;
c->sentlen = 0;
c->reply_bytes -= objlen;
/* If there are no longer objects in the list, we expect
* the count of reply bytes to be exactly zero. */
if (listLength(c->reply) == 0)
@ -1899,10 +1918,7 @@ void rewriteClientCommandArgument(client *c, int i, robj *newval) {
* the caller wishes. The main usage of this function currently is
* enforcing the client output length limits. */
unsigned long getClientOutputBufferMemoryUsage(client *c) {
unsigned long list_item_size = sizeof(listNode)+5;
/* The +5 above means we assume an sds16 hdr, may not be true
* but is not going to be a problem. */
unsigned long list_item_size = sizeof(listNode) + sizeof(clientReplyBlock);
return c->reply_bytes + (list_item_size*listLength(c->reply));
@ -2148,6 +2148,7 @@ void replicationCacheMaster(client *c) {
server.master->read_reploff = server.master->reploff;
if (c->flags & CLIENT_MULTI) discardTransaction(c);
c->reply_bytes = 0;
c->bufpos = 0;
@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ int luaRedisGenericCommand(lua_State *lua, int raise_error) {
reply = sdsnewlen(c->buf,c->bufpos);
c->bufpos = 0;
while(listLength(c->reply)) {
sds o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
clientReplyBlock *o = listNodeValue(listFirst(c->reply));
reply = sdscatsds(reply,o);
reply = sdscatlen(reply,o->buf,o->used);
@ -3101,6 +3101,11 @@ sds genRedisInfoString(char *section) {
@ -3133,6 +3138,11 @@ sds genRedisInfoString(char *section) {
mh->total_frag, /* this is the total RSS overhead, including fragmentation, */
mh->total_frag_bytes, /* named so for backwards compatibility */
@ -619,6 +619,11 @@ typedef struct redisObject {
struct evictionPoolEntry; /* Defined in evict.c */
typedef struct clientReplyBlock {
size_t size, used;
char buf[];
} clientReplyBlock;
/* Redis database representation. There are multiple databases identified
* by integers from 0 (the default database) up to the max configured
* database. The database number is the 'id' field in the structure. */
@ -1423,6 +1428,7 @@ void addReplySubcommandSyntaxError(client *c);
void copyClientOutputBuffer(client *dst, client *src);
size_t sdsZmallocSize(sds s);
size_t getStringObjectSdsUsedMemory(robj *o);
void freeClientReplyValue(void *o);
void *dupClientReplyValue(void *o);
void getClientsMaxBuffers(unsigned long *longest_output_list,
unsigned long *biggest_input_buffer);
@ -1664,6 +1670,7 @@ int zslLexValueLteMax(sds value, zlexrangespec *spec);
/* Core functions */
int getMaxmemoryState(size_t *total, size_t *logical, size_t *tofree, float *level);
size_t freeMemoryGetNotCountedMemory();
int freeMemoryIfNeeded(void);
int processCommand(client *c);
void setupSignalHandlers(void);
@ -182,6 +182,9 @@ size_t zmalloc_size(void *ptr) {
if (size&(sizeof(long)-1)) size += sizeof(long)-(size&(sizeof(long)-1));
return size+PREFIX_SIZE;
size_t zmalloc_usable(void *ptr) {
return zmalloc_usable(ptr)-PREFIX_SIZE;
void zfree(void *ptr) {
@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ void *zmalloc_no_tcache(size_t size);
size_t zmalloc_size(void *ptr);
size_t zmalloc_usable(void *ptr);
#define zmalloc_usable(p) zmalloc_size(p)
#endif /* __ZMALLOC_H */
@ -142,3 +142,95 @@ start_server {tags {"maxmemory"}} {
proc test_slave_buffers {cmd_count payload_len limit_memory pipeline} {
start_server {tags {"maxmemory"}} {
start_server {} {
set slave [srv 0 client]
set slave_host [srv 0 host]
set slave_port [srv 0 port]
set master [srv -1 client]
set master_host [srv -1 host]
set master_port [srv -1 port]
# add 100 keys of 100k (10MB total)
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
$master setrange "key:$j" 100000 asdf
$master config set maxmemory-policy allkeys-random
$master config set client-output-buffer-limit "slave 100000000 100000000 60"
$master config set repl-backlog-size [expr {10*1024}]
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s 0 master_link_status] eq {up}
} else {
fail "Replication not started."
# measure used memory after the slave connected and set maxmemory
set orig_used [s -1 used_memory]
set orig_client_buf [s -1 mem_clients_normal]
set orig_mem_not_counted_for_evict [s -1 mem_not_counted_for_evict]
set orig_used_no_repl [expr {$orig_used - $orig_mem_not_counted_for_evict}]
set limit [expr {$orig_used - $orig_mem_not_counted_for_evict + 20*1024}]
if {$limit_memory==1} {
$master config set maxmemory $limit
# put the slave to sleep
set rd_slave [redis_deferring_client]
$rd_slave debug sleep 60
# send some 10mb woth of commands that don't increase the memory usage
if {$pipeline == 1} {
set rd_master [redis_deferring_client -1]
for {set k 0} {$k < $cmd_count} {incr k} {
$rd_master setrange key:0 0 [string repeat A $payload_len]
for {set k 0} {$k < $cmd_count} {incr k} {
#$rd_master read
} else {
for {set k 0} {$k < $cmd_count} {incr k} {
$master setrange key:0 0 [string repeat A $payload_len]
set new_used [s -1 used_memory]
set slave_buf [s -1 mem_clients_slaves]
set client_buf [s -1 mem_clients_normal]
set mem_not_counted_for_evict [s -1 mem_not_counted_for_evict]
set used_no_repl [expr {$new_used - $mem_not_counted_for_evict}]
set delta [expr {($used_no_repl - $client_buf) - ($orig_used_no_repl - $orig_client_buf)}]
assert {[$master dbsize] == 100}
assert {$slave_buf > 2*1024*1024} ;# some of the data may have been pushed to the OS buffers
assert {$delta < 50*1024 && $delta > -50*1024} ;# 1 byte unaccounted for, with 1M commands will consume some 1MB
$master client kill type slave
set killed_used [s -1 used_memory]
set killed_slave_buf [s -1 mem_clients_slaves]
set killed_mem_not_counted_for_evict [s -1 mem_not_counted_for_evict]
set killed_used_no_repl [expr {$killed_used - $killed_mem_not_counted_for_evict}]
set delta_no_repl [expr {$killed_used_no_repl - $used_no_repl}]
assert {$killed_slave_buf == 0}
assert {$delta_no_repl > -50*1024 && $delta_no_repl < 50*1024} ;# 1 byte unaccounted for, with 1M commands will consume some 1MB
test {slave buffer are counted correctly} {
# we wanna use many small commands, and we don't wanna wait long
# so we need to use a pipeline (redis_deferring_client)
# that may cause query buffer to fill and induce eviction, so we disable it
test_slave_buffers 1000000 10 0 1
test {slave buffer don't induce eviction} {
# test again with fewer (and bigger) commands without pipeline, but with eviction
test_slave_buffers 100000 100 1 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user