From 06e09c9b586d0e2c5d91dc596f871be56c6e0971 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: antirez Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 20:50:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] no more html documentation --- doc/AppendCommand.html | 48 ----- doc/AppendOnlyFileHowto.html | 41 ----- doc/AuthCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/Benchmarks.html | 129 ------------- doc/BgrewriteaofCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/BgsaveCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/BlpopCommand.html | 51 ------ doc/BrpoplpushCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/CommandReference.html | 47 ----- doc/Comparisons.html | 42 ----- doc/ConfigCommand.html | 76 -------- doc/Configuration.html | 38 ---- doc/ConnectionHandlingSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/ControlCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/Credits.html | 38 ---- doc/DbsizeCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/DelCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/DesignPatterns.html | 37 ---- doc/EventLibray.html | 44 ----- doc/ExistsCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ExpireCommand.html | 96 ---------- doc/FAQ.html | 70 -------- doc/Features.html | 38 ---- doc/FlushallCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/FlushdbCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/FromSqlToDataStructures.html | 37 ---- doc/GenericCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/GetCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/GetbitCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/GetsetCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/HackingStrings.html | 83 --------- doc/HashCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/Hashes.html | 37 ---- doc/HdelCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/HexistsCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/HgetCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/HgetallCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/HincrbyCommand.html | 45 ----- doc/HlenCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/HmgetCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/HmsetCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/HsetCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/HsetnxCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/IncrCommand.html | 43 ----- doc/InfoCommand.html | 48 ----- doc/IntroductionToRedisDataTypes.html | 152 ---------------- doc/KeysCommand.html | 43 ----- doc/LastsaveCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/LindexCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/ListCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/Lists.html | 42 ----- doc/LlenCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/LpopCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/LrangeCommand.html | 47 ----- doc/LremCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/LsetCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/LtrimCommand.html | 47 ----- doc/MgetCommand.html | 52 ------ doc/MonitorCommand.html | 63 ------- doc/MoveCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/MsetCommand.html | 44 ----- doc/MultiExecCommand.html | 166 ----------------- doc/NonexistentCommands.html | 51 ------ doc/ObjectHashMappers.html | 39 ---- doc/Pipelining.html | 36 ---- doc/ProgrammingExamples.html | 38 ---- doc/ProtocolSpecification.html | 137 -------------- doc/PublishSubscribe.html | 115 ------------ doc/QuickStart.html | 68 ------- doc/QuitCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/README.html | 119 ------------ doc/RandomkeyCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/Redis0100ChangeLog.html | 67 ------- doc/Redis0900ChangeLog.html | 56 ------ doc/RedisBigData.html | 61 ------- doc/RedisCLI.html | 37 ---- doc/RedisEventLibrary.html | 70 -------- doc/RedisGuides.html | 37 ---- doc/RedisInternals.html | 38 ---- doc/RedisPipelining.html | 93 ---------- doc/RedisStatus.html | 56 ------ doc/Redis_1_2_0_Changelog.html | 40 ----- doc/Redis_2_0_0_Changelog.html | 62 ------- doc/Redis_2_0_Whats_new.html | 59 ------ doc/RenameCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/RenamenxCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ReplicationHowto.html | 43 ----- doc/ReplyTypes.html | 42 ----- doc/RoadMap.html | 38 ---- doc/RpoplpushCommand.html | 44 ----- doc/RpushCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/SaddCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/SaveCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/ScardCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/SdiffCommand.html | 45 ----- doc/SdiffstoreCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/SelectCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/SetCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/SetCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/SetbitCommand.html | 45 ----- doc/SetexCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/SetnxCommand.html | 51 ------ doc/SetrangeCommand.html | 58 ------ doc/Sets.html | 36 ---- doc/ShutdownCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/SideBar.html | 36 ---- doc/SinterCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/SinterstoreCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/SismemberCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/SlaveofCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/SmembersCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/SmoveCommand.html | 44 ----- doc/SortCommand.html | 75 -------- doc/SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/SortedSets.html | 36 ---- doc/Speed.html | 38 ---- doc/SponsorshipHistory.html | 38 ---- doc/SpopCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/SrandmemberCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/SremCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/StringCommandsSidebar.html | 36 ---- doc/Strings.html | 37 ---- doc/StrlenCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/SubstrCommand.html | 52 ------ doc/SunionCommand.html | 40 ----- doc/SunionstoreCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/SupportedLanguages.html | 60 ------- doc/SupportedPlatforms.html | 37 ---- doc/TemplateCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/TtlCommand.html | 38 ---- doc/TwitterAlikeExample.html | 250 -------------------------- doc/TypeCommand.html | 46 ----- doc/UnstableSource.html | 39 ---- doc/VirtualMemorySpecification.html | 156 ---------------- doc/VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html | 66 ------- doc/ZaddCommand.html | 43 ----- doc/ZcardCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/ZincrbyCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ZrangeCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ZrangebyscoreCommand.html | 77 -------- doc/ZrankCommand.html | 43 ----- doc/ZremCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ZremrangebyrankCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html | 39 ---- doc/ZscoreCommand.html | 41 ----- doc/ZunionCommand.html | 42 ----- doc/ZunionstoreCommand.html | 43 ----- doc/index.html | 43 ----- doc/redis.png | Bin 2801 -> 0 bytes doc/style.css | 25 --- 150 files changed, 7467 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 doc/AppendCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/AppendOnlyFileHowto.html delete mode 100644 doc/AuthCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/Benchmarks.html delete mode 100644 doc/BgrewriteaofCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/BgsaveCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/BlpopCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/BrpoplpushCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/CommandReference.html delete mode 100644 doc/Comparisons.html delete mode 100644 doc/ConfigCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/Configuration.html delete mode 100644 doc/ConnectionHandlingSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/ControlCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/Credits.html delete mode 100644 doc/DbsizeCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/DelCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/DesignPatterns.html delete mode 100644 doc/EventLibray.html delete mode 100644 doc/ExistsCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ExpireCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/FAQ.html delete mode 100644 doc/Features.html delete mode 100644 doc/FlushallCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/FlushdbCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/FromSqlToDataStructures.html delete mode 100644 doc/GenericCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/GetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/GetbitCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/GetsetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HackingStrings.html delete mode 100644 doc/HashCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/Hashes.html delete mode 100644 doc/HdelCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HexistsCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HgetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HgetallCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HincrbyCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HlenCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HmgetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HmsetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HsetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/HsetnxCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/IncrCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/InfoCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/IntroductionToRedisDataTypes.html delete mode 100644 doc/KeysCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LastsaveCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LindexCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ListCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/Lists.html delete mode 100644 doc/LlenCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LpopCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LrangeCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LremCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LsetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/LtrimCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/MgetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/MonitorCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/MoveCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/MsetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/MultiExecCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/NonexistentCommands.html delete mode 100644 doc/ObjectHashMappers.html delete mode 100644 doc/Pipelining.html delete mode 100644 doc/ProgrammingExamples.html delete mode 100644 doc/ProtocolSpecification.html delete mode 100644 doc/PublishSubscribe.html delete mode 100644 doc/QuickStart.html delete mode 100644 doc/QuitCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/README.html delete mode 100644 doc/RandomkeyCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/Redis0100ChangeLog.html delete mode 100644 doc/Redis0900ChangeLog.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisBigData.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisCLI.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisEventLibrary.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisGuides.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisInternals.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisPipelining.html delete mode 100644 doc/RedisStatus.html delete mode 100644 doc/Redis_1_2_0_Changelog.html delete mode 100644 doc/Redis_2_0_0_Changelog.html delete mode 100644 doc/Redis_2_0_Whats_new.html delete mode 100644 doc/RenameCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/RenamenxCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ReplicationHowto.html delete mode 100644 doc/ReplyTypes.html delete mode 100644 doc/RoadMap.html delete mode 100644 doc/RpoplpushCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/RpushCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SaddCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SaveCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ScardCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SdiffCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SdiffstoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SelectCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetbitCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetexCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetnxCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SetrangeCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/Sets.html delete mode 100644 doc/ShutdownCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SideBar.html delete mode 100644 doc/SinterCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SinterstoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SismemberCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SlaveofCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SmembersCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SmoveCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SortCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/SortedSets.html delete mode 100644 doc/Speed.html delete mode 100644 doc/SponsorshipHistory.html delete mode 100644 doc/SpopCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SrandmemberCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SremCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/StringCommandsSidebar.html delete mode 100644 doc/Strings.html delete mode 100644 doc/StrlenCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SubstrCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SunionCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SunionstoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/SupportedLanguages.html delete mode 100644 doc/SupportedPlatforms.html delete mode 100644 doc/TemplateCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/TtlCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/TwitterAlikeExample.html delete mode 100644 doc/TypeCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/UnstableSource.html delete mode 100644 doc/VirtualMemorySpecification.html delete mode 100644 doc/VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZaddCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZcardCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZincrbyCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZrangeCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZrangebyscoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZrankCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZremCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZremrangebyrankCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZscoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZunionCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/ZunionstoreCommand.html delete mode 100644 doc/index.html delete mode 100644 doc/redis.png delete mode 100644 doc/style.css diff --git a/doc/AppendCommand.html b/doc/AppendCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index c2d8ed5b..00000000 --- a/doc/AppendCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- -AppendCommand: Contents
  APPEND _key_ _value_
    Return value
    Examples -
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- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

APPEND _key_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(1). The amortized time complexity is O(1) assuming the appended value is small and the already present value is of any size, since the dynamic string library used by Redis will double the free space available on every reallocation.
If the key already exists and is a string, this command appends theprovided value at the end of the string.If the key does not exist it is created and set as an empty string, soAPPEND will be very similar to SET in this special case.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically the total length of the string after the append operation.


-redis> exists mykey
-(integer) 0
-redis> append mykey "Hello "
-(integer) 6
-redis> append mykey "World"
-(integer) 11
-redis> get mykey
-"Hello World"
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- #sidebar RedisGuides -

Append Only File HOWTO

General Information

Append only file is an alternative durability option for Redis. What this mean? Let's start with some fact:

  • For default Redis saves snapshots of the dataset on disk, in a binary file called dump.rdb (by default at least). For instance you can configure Redis to save the dataset every 60 seconds if there are at least 100 changes in the dataset, or every 1000 seconds if there is at least a single change in the dataset. This is known as "Snapshotting".
  • Snapshotting is not very durable. If your computer running Redis stops, your power line fails, or you write killall -9 redis-server for a mistake, the latest data written on Redis will get lost. There are applications where this is not a big deal. There are applications where this is not acceptable and Redis was not an option for this applications.
-What is the solution? To use append only file as alternative to snapshotting. How it works?

  • It is an 1.1 only feature.
  • You have to turn it on editing the configuration file. Just make sure you have "appendonly yes" somewhere.
  • Append only files work this way: every time Redis receive a command that changes the dataset (for instance a SET or LPUSH command) it appends this command in the append only file. When you restart Redis it will first re-play the append only file to rebuild the state.

Log rewriting

As you can guess... the append log file gets bigger and bigger, every time there is a new operation changing the dataset. Even if you set always the same key "mykey" to the values of "1", "2", "3", ... up to 10000000000 in the end you'll have just a single key in the dataset, just a few bytes! but how big will be the append log file? Very very big.

So Redis supports an interesting feature: it is able to rebuild the append log file, in background, without to stop processing client commands. The key is the command BGREWRITEAOF. This command basically is able to use the dataset in memory in order to rewrite the shortest sequence of commands able to rebuild the exact dataset that is currently in memory.

So from time to time when the log gets too big, try this command. It's safe as if it fails you will not lost your old log (but you can make a backup copy given that currently 1.1 is still in beta!).

Wait... but how does this work?

Basically it uses the same fork() copy-on-write trick that snapshotting already uses. This is how the algorithm works:

  • Redis forks, so now we have a child and a parent.
  • The child starts writing the new append log file in a temporary file.
  • The parent accumulates all the new changes in an in-memory buffer (but at the same time it writes the new changes in the old append only file, so if the rewriting fails, we are safe).
  • When the child finished to rewrite the file, the parent gets a signal, and append the in-memory buffer at the end of the file generated by the child.
  • Profit! Now Redis atomically renames the old file into the new one, and starts appending new data into the new file.

How durable is the append only file?

Check redis.conf, you can configure how many times Redis will fsync() data on disk. There are three options:

  • Fsync() every time a new command is appended to the append log file. Very very slow, very safe.
  • Fsync() one time every second. Fast enough, and you can lose 1 second of data if there is a disaster.
  • Never fsync(), just put your data in the hands of the Operating System. The faster and unsafer method.
-The suggested (and default) policy is "everysec". It is both very fast and pretty safe. The "always" policy is very slow in practice, even if it was improved in Redis 2.0.0 there is no way to make fsync() faster than it is.

What should I do if my Append Only File gets corrupted?

It is possible that the server crashes while writing the AOF file (this still should never lead to inconsistencies) corrupting the file in a way that is no longer loadable by Redis. When this happens you can fix this problem using the following procedure:

  • Make a backup copy of your AOF file.
  • Fix the original file with: ./redis-check-aof --fix <filename>
  • Optionally use diff -u to check what is the difference between two files.
  • Restart the server with the fixed file.
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- -AuthCommand: Contents
  AUTH _password_
    Return value -
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- #sidebar ConnectionHandlingSidebar

AUTH _password_

Request for authentication in a password protected Redis server.A Redis server can be instructed to require a password before to allow clientsto issue commands. This is done using the requirepass directive in theRedis configuration file.
If the password given by the client is correct the server replies withan OK status code reply and starts accepting commands from the client.Otherwise an error is returned and the clients needs to try a new password.Note that for the high performance nature of Redis it is possible to trya lot of passwords in parallel in very short time, so make sure to generatea strong and very long password so that this attack is infeasible.

Return value

Status code reply - -
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- -Benchmarks: Contents
  How Fast is Redis?
  Latency percentiles -
- -


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How Fast is Redis?

Redis includes the redis-benchmark utility that simulates SETs/GETs done by N clients at the same time sending M total queries (it is similar to the Apache's ab utility). Below you'll find the full output of the benchmark executed against a Linux box.

  • The test was done with 50 simultaneous clients performing 100000 requests.
  • The value SET and GET is a 256 bytes string.
  • The Linux box is running Linux 2.6, it's Xeon X3320 2.5Ghz.
  • Text executed using the loopback interface (
-Results: about 110000 SETs per second, about 81000 GETs per second.

Latency percentiles

-./redis-benchmark -n 100000
-====== SET ======
-  100007 requests completed in 0.88 seconds
-  50 parallel clients
-  3 bytes payload
-  keep alive: 1
-58.50% <= 0 milliseconds
-99.17% <= 1 milliseconds
-99.58% <= 2 milliseconds
-99.85% <= 3 milliseconds
-99.90% <= 6 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 9 milliseconds
-114293.71 requests per second
-====== GET ======
-  100000 requests completed in 1.23 seconds
-  50 parallel clients
-  3 bytes payload
-  keep alive: 1
-43.12% <= 0 milliseconds
-96.82% <= 1 milliseconds
-98.62% <= 2 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 3 milliseconds
-81234.77 requests per second
-====== INCR ======
-  100018 requests completed in 1.46 seconds
-  50 parallel clients
-  3 bytes payload
-  keep alive: 1
-32.32% <= 0 milliseconds
-96.67% <= 1 milliseconds
-99.14% <= 2 milliseconds
-99.83% <= 3 milliseconds
-99.88% <= 4 milliseconds
-99.89% <= 5 milliseconds
-99.96% <= 9 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 18 milliseconds
-68458.59 requests per second
-====== LPUSH ======
-  100004 requests completed in 1.14 seconds
-  50 parallel clients
-  3 bytes payload
-  keep alive: 1
-62.27% <= 0 milliseconds
-99.74% <= 1 milliseconds
-99.85% <= 2 milliseconds
-99.86% <= 3 milliseconds
-99.89% <= 5 milliseconds
-99.93% <= 7 milliseconds
-99.96% <= 9 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 22 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 208 milliseconds
-88109.25 requests per second
-====== LPOP ======
-  100001 requests completed in 1.39 seconds
-  50 parallel clients
-  3 bytes payload
-  keep alive: 1
-54.83% <= 0 milliseconds
-97.34% <= 1 milliseconds
-99.95% <= 2 milliseconds
-99.96% <= 3 milliseconds
-99.96% <= 4 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 9 milliseconds
-100.00% <= 208 milliseconds
-71994.96 requests per second
Notes: changing the payload from 256 to 1024 or 4096 bytes does not change the numbers significantly (but reply packets are glued together up to 1024 bytes so GETs may be slower with big payloads). The same for the number of clients, from 50 to 256 clients I got the same numbers. With only 10 clients it starts to get a bit slower.

You can expect different results from different boxes. For example a low profile box like Intel core duo T5500 clocked at 1.66Ghz running Linux 2.6 will output the following: -
- ./redis-benchmark -q -n 100000
-SET: 53684.38 requests per second
-GET: 45497.73 requests per second
-INCR: 39370.47 requests per second
-LPUSH: 34803.41 requests per second
-LPOP: 37367.20 requests per second
Another one using a 64 bit box, a Xeon L5420 clocked at 2.5 Ghz:

- ./redis-benchmark -q -n 100000
-PING: 111731.84 requests per second
-SET: 108114.59 requests per second
-GET: 98717.67 requests per second
-INCR: 95241.91 requests per second
-LPUSH: 104712.05 requests per second
-LPOP: 93722.59 requests per second
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- - - -
- -BgrewriteaofCommand: Contents
    Return value -
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- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


Please for detailed information about the Redis Append Only File checkthe Append Only File Howto.
BGREWRITEAOF rewrites the Append Only File in background when it gets toobig. The Redis Append Only File is a Journal, so every operation modifyingthe dataset is logged in the Append Only File (and replayed at startup).This means that the Append Only File always grows. In order to rebuildits content the BGREWRITEAOF creates a new version of the append only filestarting directly form the dataset in memory in order to guarantee thegeneration of the minimal number of commands needed to rebuild the database.
The Append Only File Howto contains further details.

Return value

Status code reply - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/BgsaveCommand.html b/doc/BgsaveCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 33468ae5..00000000 --- a/doc/BgsaveCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -BgsaveCommand: Contents
    Return value -
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- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


Save the DB in background. The OK code is immediately returned.Redis forks, the parent continues to server the clients, the childsaves the DB on disk then exit. A client my be able to check if theoperation succeeded using the LASTSAVE command.

Return value

Status code reply - -
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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

BLPOP _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_ _timeout_ (Redis >

1.3.1) = -

BRPOP _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_ _timeout_ (Redis >

1.3.1) = -Time complexity: O(1)
BLPOP (and BRPOP) is a blocking list pop primitive. You can see this commandsas blocking versions of LPOP and RPOP able toblock if the specified keys don't exist or contain empty lists.
The following is a description of the exact semantic. We describe BLPOP butthe two commands are identical, the only difference is that BLPOP pops theelement from the left (head) of the list, and BRPOP pops from the right (tail).

Non blocking behavior

When BLPOP is called, if at least one of the specified keys contain a nonempty list, an element is popped from the head of the list and returned tothe caller together with the name of the key (BLPOP returns a two elementsarray, the first element is the key, the second the popped value).
Keys are scanned from left to right, so for instance if youissue BLPOP list1 list2 list3 0 against a dataset where list1 does notexist but list2 and list3 contain non empty lists, BLPOP guaranteesto return an element from the list stored at list2 (since it is the firstnon empty list starting from the left).

Blocking behavior

If none of the specified keys exist or contain non empty lists, BLPOPblocks until some other client performs a LPUSH oran RPUSH operation against one of the lists.
Once new data is present on one of the lists, the client finally returnswith the name of the key unblocking it and the popped value.
When blocking, if a non-zero timeout is specified, the client will unblockreturning a nil special value if the specified amount of seconds passedwithout a push operation against at least one of the specified keys.
The timeout argument is interpreted as an integer value. A timeout of zero means instead to block forever.

Multiple clients blocking for the same keys

Multiple clients can block for the same key. They are put intoa queue, so the first to be served will be the one that started to waitearlier, in a first-blpopping first-served fashion.

blocking POP inside a MULTI/EXEC transaction

BLPOP and BRPOP can be used with pipelining (sending multiple commands and reading the replies in batch), but it does not make sense to use BLPOP or BRPOP inside a MULTI/EXEC block (a Redis transaction).
The behavior of BLPOP inside MULTI/EXEC when the list is empty is to return a multi-bulk nil reply, exactly what happens when the timeout is reached. If you like science fiction, think at it like if inside MULTI/EXEC the time will flow at infinite speed :)

Return value

BLPOP returns a two-elements array via a multi bulk reply in order to returnboth the unblocking key and the popped value.
When a non-zero timeout is specified, and the BLPOP operation timed out,the return value is a nil multi bulk reply. Most client values will returnfalse or nil accordingly to the programming language used.
-Multi bulk reply -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/BrpoplpushCommand.html b/doc/BrpoplpushCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index ba45eab0..00000000 --- a/doc/BrpoplpushCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -BrpoplpushCommand: Contents
  BRPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ _timeout_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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BRPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ _timeout_ (Redis >

2.1.8) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Blocking version of the RPOPLPUSH command. Atomically removes and returnsthe last element (tail) of the source list at srckey, and as a side effect pushes the returned element in the head of the list at dstkey.
-If the source list is empty, the client blocks until another client pushes against the source list. Of course in such a case the push operation against the destination list will be performed after the command unblocks detecting a push against the source list.

Note that the command returns an error if the target key already exists but is not a list. The error is delayed at the time the push operation is attempted, that is, immediately if the source list is not empty, or when the first push against the source list happens in the case the command would block.

The timeout value can be 0 or a positive integer value. When it is zero the command will block forever, until something is pushed against srckey. Otherwise the command will wait the specified number of seconds at max, returning an nil value when the timeout expires.

The source and destination of the list can be the same, having the effect of rotating the list. Please check RPOPLPUSH for more information.

Return value

Bulk reply -
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- = Redis Command Reference =

Every command name links to a specific wiki page describing the behavior of the command.

Categorized Command List

Connection handling

Command Parameters Description
QUIT - close the connection
AUTH password simple password authentication if enabled

Commands operating on all value types

Command Parameters Description
EXISTS key test if a key exists
DEL key delete a key
TYPE key return the type of the value stored at key
KEYS pattern return all the keys matching a given pattern
RANDOMKEY - return a random key from the key space
RENAME oldname newname rename the old key in the new one, destroying the newname key if it already exists
RENAMENX oldname newname rename the oldname key to newname, if the newname key does not already exist
DBSIZE - return the number of keys in the current db
EXPIRE - set a time to live in seconds on a key
PERSIST - remove the expire from a key
TTL - get the time to live in seconds of a key
SELECT index Select the DB with the specified index
MOVE key dbindex Move the key from the currently selected DB to the dbindex DB
FLUSHDB - Remove all the keys from the currently selected DB
FLUSHALL - Remove all the keys from all the databases

Commands operating on string values

Command Parameters Description
SET key value Set a key to a string value
GET key Return the string value of the key
GETSET key value Set a key to a string returning the old value of the key
SETNX key value Set a key to a string value if the key does not exist
SETEX key time value Set+Expire combo command
SETBIT key offset value Set bit at offset to value
GETBIT key offset Return bit value at offset
MSET key1 value1 key2 value2 ... keyN valueN Set multiple keys to multiple values in a single atomic operation
MSETNX key1 value1 key2 value2 ... keyN valueN Set multiple keys to multiple values in a single atomic operation if none of the keys already exist
MGET key1 key2 ... keyN Multi-get, return the strings values of the keys
INCR key Increment the integer value of key
INCRBY key integer Increment the integer value of key by integer
DECR key Decrement the integer value of key
DECRBY key integer Decrement the integer value of key by integer
APPEND key value Append the specified string to the string stored at key
SUBSTR key start end Return a substring of a larger string

Commands operating on lists

Command Parameters Description
RPUSH key value Append an element to the tail of the List value at key
LPUSH key value Append an element to the head of the List value at key
LLEN key Return the length of the List value at key
LRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the List at key
LTRIM key start end Trim the list at key to the specified range of elements
LINDEX key index Return the element at index position from the List at key
LSET key index value Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key
LREM key count value Remove the first-N, last-N, or all the elements matching value from the List at key
LPOP key Return and remove (atomically) the first element of the List at key
RPOP key Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the List at key
BLPOP key1 key2 ... keyN timeout Blocking LPOP
BRPOP key1 key2 ... keyN timeout Blocking RPOP
RPOPLPUSH srckey dstkey Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the source List stored at srckey and push the same element to the destination List stored at dstkey
BRPOPLPUSH srckey dstkey Like RPOPLPUSH but blocking of source key is empty

Commands operating on sets

Command Parameters Description
SADD key member Add the specified member to the Set value at key
SREM key member Remove the specified member from the Set value at key
SPOP key Remove and return (pop) a random element from the Set value at key
SMOVE srckey dstkey member Move the specified member from one Set to another atomically
SCARD key Return the number of elements (the cardinality) of the Set at key
SISMEMBER key member Test if the specified value is a member of the Set at key
SINTER key1 key2 ... keyN Return the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN
SINTERSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey
SUNION key1 key2 ... keyN Return the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN
SUNIONSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey
SDIFF key1 key2 ... keyN Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN
SDIFFSTORE dstkey key1 key2 ... keyN Compute the difference between the Set key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey
SMEMBERS key Return all the members of the Set value at key
SRANDMEMBER key Return a random member of the Set value at key

Commands operating on sorted zsets (sorted sets)

Command Parameters Description
ZADD key score member Add the specified member to the Sorted Set value at key or update the score if it already exist
ZREM key member Remove the specified member from the Sorted Set value at key
ZINCRBY key increment member If the member already exists increment its score by increment, otherwise add the member setting increment as score
ZRANK key member Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from low to high
ZREVRANK key member Return the rank (or index) or member in the sorted set at key, with scores being ordered from high to low
ZRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key
ZREVRANGE key start end Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key, exactly like ZRANGE, but the sorted set is ordered in traversed in reverse order, from the greatest to the smallest score
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max Return all the elements with score >= min and score <= max (a range query) from the sorted set
ZCOUNT key min max Return the number of elements with score >= min and score <= max in the sorted set
ZCARD key Return the cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted set at key
ZSCORE key element Return the score associated with the specified element of the sorted set at key
ZREMRANGEBYRANK key min max Remove all the elements with rank >= min and rank <= max from the sorted set
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max Remove all the elements with score >= min and score <= max from the sorted set
ZUNIONSTORE / ZINTERSTORE dstkey N key1 ... keyN WEIGHTS w1 ... wN AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX Perform a union or intersection over a number of sorted sets with optional weight and aggregate

Commands operating on hashes

Command Parameters Description
HSET key field value Set the hash field to the specified value. Creates the hash if needed.
HGET key field Retrieve the value of the specified hash field.
HMGET key field1 ... fieldN Get the hash values associated to the specified fields.
HMSET key field1 value1 ... fieldN valueN Set the hash fields to their respective values.
HINCRBY key field integer Increment the integer value of the hash at key on field with integer.
HEXISTS key field Test for existence of a specified field in a hash
HDEL key field Remove the specified field from a hash
HLEN key Return the number of items in a hash.
HKEYS key Return all the fields in a hash.
HVALS key Return all the values in a hash.
HGETALL key Return all the fields and associated values in a hash.


Command Parameters Description
SORT key BY pattern LIMIT start end GET pattern ASC|DESC ALPHA Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters


Command Parameters Description
MULTI/EXEC/DISCARD/WATCH/UNWATCH - Redis atomic transactions


Command Parameters Description
SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE/PUBLISH - Redis Public/Subscribe messaging paradigm implementation

Persistence control commands

Command Parameters Description
SAVE - Synchronously save the DB on disk
BGSAVE - Asynchronously save the DB on disk
LASTSAVE - Return the UNIX time stamp of the last successfully saving of the dataset on disk
SHUTDOWN - Synchronously save the DB on disk, then shutdown the server
BGREWRITEAOF - Rewrite the append only file in background when it gets too big

Remote server control commands

Command Parameters Description
INFO - Provide information and statistics about the server
MONITOR - Dump all the received requests in real time
SLAVEOF - Change the replication settings
CONFIG - Configure a Redis server at runtime
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    Tokyo Cabinet / Toyo Tyrant -
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- if your are asking yourself how is Redis different fom other key-value stores here you will find it compared to some of the most popular contendors (all great software) in this category.


  • Memcached is not persistent, it just holds everything in memory without saving since its main goal is to be used as a cache, while Redis is persistent.
  • Like memcached Redis uses a key-value model, but while keys can just be strings, values in Redis can be Lists, Sets or SortedSets and complex operations like intersections, set/get n-th element of lists, pop/push of elements, can be performed against sets and lists.

Tokyo Cabinet / Toyo Tyrant

Redis and Tokyo Cabinet can be used for the same applications, but actually they are very different beasts. If you read Twitter messages of people involved in scalable things both products are reported to work well, but surely there are times where one or the other can be the best choice.

  • Tokyo Cabinet writes synchronously on disk, Redis takes the whole dataset on memory and writes on disk asynchronously. Tokyo Cabinet is safer and probably a better idea if your dataset is going to be bigger than RAM, but Redis is faster (note that Redis supports master-slave replication that is trivial to setup, so you are safe anyway if you want a setup where data can't be lost even after a disaster).
  • Redis supports higher level operations and data structures. Tokyo Cabinet supports a kind of database that is able to organize data into rows with named fields (in a way very similar to Berkeley DB) but can't do things like server side List and Set operations Redis is able to do: pushing or popping from Lists in an atomic way, in O(1) time complexity, server side Set intersections, Sorting of schema free data in complex ways (By the way TC supports sorting in the table-based database format). Redis on the other hand does not support the abstraction of tables with fields, the idea is that you can build this stuff in software easily if you really need a table-alike approach.
  • Tokyo Cabinet does not implement a networking layer. You have to use a networking layer called Tokyo Tyrant that interfaces to Tokyo Cabinet so you can talk to Tokyo Cabinet in a client-server fashion. In Redis the networking support is built-in inside the server, and is basically the only interface between the external world and the dataset.
  • Redis is reported to be much faster, especially if you plan to access Tokyo Cabinet via Tokyo Tyrant. Here I can only say that with Redis you can expect 100,000 operations/seconds with a normal Linux box and 50 concurrent clients. You should test Redis, Tokyo, and the other alternatives with your specific work load to get a feeling about performances for your application.
  • Redis is not an on-disk DB engine like Tokyo: the latter can be used as a fast DB engine in your C project without the networking overhead just linking to the library. Still in many scalable applications you need multiple servers talking with multiple clients, so the client-server model is almost always needed, this is why in Redis this is built-in.
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CONFIG GET _pattern_ (Redis >

2.0)= -

CONFIG SET _parameter_ _value_ (Redis >


The CONFIG command is able to retrieve or alter the configuration of a runningRedis server. Not all the configuration parameters are supported.
CONFIG has two sub commands, GET and SET. The GET command is used to readthe configuration, while the SET command is used to alter the configuration.

CONFIG GET _pattern_

CONFIG GET returns the current configuration parameters. This sub commandonly accepts a single argument, that is glob style pattern. All theconfiguration parameters matching this parameter are reported as alist of key-value pairs. Example:
-$ redis-cli config get '*'
-1. "dbfilename"
-2. "dump.rdb"
-3. "requirepass"
-4. (nil)
-5. "masterauth"
-6. (nil)
-7. "maxmemory"
-8. "0\n"
-9. "appendfsync"
-10. "everysec"
-11. "save"
-12. "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"
-$ redis-cli config get 'm*'
-1. "masterauth"
-2. (nil)
-3. "maxmemory"
-4. "0\n"
The return type of the command is a bulk reply.

CONFIG SET _parameter_ _value_

CONFIG SET is used in order to reconfigure the server, setting a specificconfiguration parameter to a new value.
The list of configuration parameters supported by CONFIG SET can beobtained issuing a CONFIG GET * command.
The configuration set using CONFIG SET is immediately loaded by the Redisserver that will start acting as specified starting from the next command.
-$ ./redis-cli 
-redis> set x 10
-redis> config set maxmemory 200
-redis> set y 20
-(error) ERR command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'
-redis> config set maxmemory 0
-redis> set y 20

Parameters value format

The value of the configuration parameter is the same as the one of thesame parameter in the Redis configuration file, with the following exceptions:
  • The save paramter is a list of space-separated integers. Every pair of integers specify the time and number of changes limit to trigger a save. For instance the command CONFIG SET save "3600 10 60 10000" will configure the server to issue a background saving of the RDB file every 3600 seconds if there are at least 10 changes in the dataset, and every 60 seconds if there are at least 10000 changes. To completely disable automatic snapshots just set the parameter as an empty string.
  • All the integer parameters representing memory are returned and accepted only using bytes as unit.

See Also

The INFO command can be used in order to read configuriaton parameters that are not available in the CONFIG command. -
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- -Configuration: Contents -
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- The redis.conf file included in the source code distribution is a starting point, you should be able to modify it in order do adapt it to your needs without troubles reading the comments inside the file.

In order to start Redis using a configuration file just pass the file name as the sole argument when starting the server:

-$ ./redis-server redis.conf
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- == Connection handling ==

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- == Control Commands ==

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  Credits -
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  • The Redis server was designed and written by Salvatore Sanfilippo (aka antirez)
  • Ezra Zygmuntowicz (aka ezmobius) - Ruby client lib initial version and hacking
  • Ludovico Magnocavallo (aka ludo) - Python clinet lib
  • Valentino Volonghi of Adroll - Erlang client lib
  • brettbender - found and fixed a bug in sds.c that caused the server to crash at least on 64 bit systems, and anyway to be buggy since we used the same vararg thing against vsprintf without to call va_start and va_end every time.
  • Dobrica Pavlinusic - Perl client lib
  • Brian Hammond - AUTH command implementation, C++ client lib
  • Daniele Alessandri - Lua client lib
  • Corey Stup - C99 cleanups
  • Taylor Weibley - Ruby client improvements
  • Bob Potter - Rearrange redisObject struct to reduce memory usage in 64bit environments
  • Luca Guidi and Brian McKinney - Ruby client improvements
  • Aman Gupta - SDIFF / SDIFFSTORE, other Set operations improvements, ability to disable clients timeout.
  • Diego Rosario Brogna - Code and ideas about dumping backtrace on sigsegv and similar error conditions.
-p.s. sorry to take this file in sync is hard in this early days. Please drop me an email if I forgot to add your name here! - -
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- -DbsizeCommand: Contents
    Return value -
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Return the number of keys in the currently selected database.

Return value

Integer reply - -
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- -DelCommand: Contents
  DEL _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
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DEL _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Remove the specified keys. If a given key does not existno operation is performed for this key. The command returns the number ofkeys removed.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-an integer greater than 0 if one or more keys were removed
-0 if none of the specified key existed
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- Use random keys instead of incremental keys in order to avoid a single-key that gets incremented by many servers. This can can't be distributed among servers. - -
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- -EventLibray: Contents
  Event Library
    Why is an Event Library needed at all? -
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Event Library

Why is an Event Library needed at all?

Let us figure it out through a series of Q&As.

Q: What do you expect a network server to be doing all the time? <br/> -A: Watch for inbound connections on the port its listening and accept them.

Q: Calling accept yields a descriptor. What do I do with it?<br/> -A: Save the descriptor and do a non-blocking read/write operation on it.

Q: Why does the read/write have to be non-blocking?<br/> -A: If the file operation ( even a socket in Unix is a file ) is blocking how could the server for example accept other connection requests when its blocked in a file I/O operation.

Q: I guess I have to do many such non-blocking operations on the socket to see when it's ready. Am I right?<br/> -A: Yes. That is what an event library does for you. Now you get it.

Q: How do Event Libraries do what they do?<br/> -A: They use the operating system's polling facility along with timers.

Q: So are there any open source event libraries that do what you just described? <br/> -A: Yes. Libevent and Libev are two such event libraries that I can recall off the top of my head.

Q: Does Redis use such open source event libraries for handling socket I/O?<br/> -A: No. For various reasons Redis uses its own event library. -
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- -ExistsCommand: Contents
  EXISTS _key_
    Return value -
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EXISTS _key_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Test if the specified key exists. The command returns"0" if the key exists, otherwise "1" is returned.Note that even keys set with an empty string as value willreturn "1".

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the key exists.
-0 if the key does not exist.
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EXPIRE _key_ _seconds_


EXPIREAT _key_ _unixtime_ (Redis >

1.1)= -

PERSIST _key_ (Redis >

2.1.3) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Set a timeout on the specified key. After the timeout the key will beautomatically deleted by the server. A key with an associated timeout issaid to be volatile in Redis terminology.
Voltile keys are stored on disk like the other keys, the timeout is persistenttoo like all the other aspects of the dataset. Saving a dataset containingexpires and stopping the server does not stop the flow of time as Redisstores on disk the time when the key will no longer be available as Unixtime, and not the remaining seconds.
EXPIREAT works exctly like EXPIRE but instead to get the number of secondsrepresenting the Time To Live of the key as a second argument (that is arelative way of specifing the TTL), it takes an absolute one in the form ofa UNIX timestamp (Number of seconds elapsed since 1 Gen 1970).
EXPIREAT was introduced in order to implement the Append Only File persistence modeso that EXPIRE commands are automatically translated into EXPIREAT commands for the append only file. Of course EXPIREAT can alsoused by programmers that need a way to simply specify that a given key should expire at a given time in the future.
Since Redis 2.1.3 you can update the value of the timeout of a key alreadyhaving an expire set. It is also possible to undo the expire at allturning the key into a normal key using the PERSIST command.

How the expire is removed from a key

When the key is set to a new value using the SET command, or when a keyis destroied via DEL, the timeout is removed from the key.

Restrictions with write operations against volatile keys

IMPORTANT: Since Redis 2.1.3 or greater, there are no restrictions aboutthe operations you can perform against volatile keys, however older versionsof Redis, including the current stable version 2.0.0, has the followinglimitations:
Write operations like LPUSH, LSET and every other command that has theeffect of modifying the value stored at a volatile key have a special semantic:basically a volatile key is destroyed when it is target of a write operation.See for example the following usage pattern:
-% ./redis-cli lpush mylist foobar /Users/antirez/hack/redis
-% ./redis-cli lpush mylist hello  /Users/antirez/hack/redis
-% ./redis-cli expire mylist 10000 /Users/antirez/hack/redis
-% ./redis-cli lpush mylist newelement
-% ./redis-cli lrange mylist 0 -1  /Users/antirez/hack/redis
-1. newelement
What happened here is that LPUSH against the key with a timeout set deletedthe key before to perform the operation. There is so a simple rule, writeoperations against volatile keys will destroy the key before to perform theoperation. Why Redis uses this behavior? In order to retain an importantproperty: a server that receives a given number of commands in the samesequence will end with the same dataset in memory. Without the delete-on-writesemantic what happens is that the state of the server depends on the timethe commands were issued. This is not a desirable property in a distributed databasethat supports replication.

Restrictions for write operations with volatile keys as sources

Even when the volatile key is not modified as part of a write operation, if it is -read in a composite write operation (such as SINTERSTORE) it will be cleared at the -start of the operation. This is done to avoid concurrency issues in replication. -Imagine a key that is about to expire and the composite operation is run against it. -On a slave node, this key might already be expired, which leaves you with a -desync in your dataset.

Setting the timeout again on already volatile keys

Trying to call EXPIRE against a key that already has an associated timeoutwill not change the timeout of the key, but will just return 0. If insteadthe key does not have a timeout associated the timeout will be set and EXPIREwill return 1.

Enhanced Lazy Expiration algorithm

Redis does not constantly monitor keys that are going to be expired.Keys are expired simply when some client tries to access a key, andthe key is found to be timed out.
Of course this is not enough as there are expired keys that will neverbe accessed again. This keys should be expired anyway, so once everysecond Redis test a few keys at random among keys with an expire set.All the keys that are already expired are deleted from the keyspace.

Version 1.0

Each time a fixed number of keys where tested (100 by default). So ifyou had a client setting keys with a very short expire faster than 100for second the memory continued to grow. When you stopped to insertnew keys the memory started to be freed, 100 keys every second in thebest conditions. Under a peak Redis continues to use more and more RAMeven if most keys are expired in each sweep.

Version 1.1

Each time Redis:
  1. Tests 100 random keys from expired keys set.
  2. Deletes all the keys found expired.
  3. If more than 25 keys were expired, it start again from 1.
This is a trivial probabilistic algorithm, basically the assumption isthat our sample is representative of the whole key space,and we continue to expire until the percentage of keys that are likelyto be expired is under 25%
This means that at any given moment the maximum amount of keys alreadyexpired that are using memory is at max equal to max setting operations per second divided by 4.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1: the timeout was set.
-0: the timeout was not set since the key already has an associated timeout
-   (this may happen only in Redis versions < 2.1.3, Redis >= 2.1.3 will
-   happily update the timeout), or the key does not exist.

FAQ: Can you explain better why Redis < 2.1.3 deletes keys with an EXPIRE on write operations?

-Ok let's start with the problem: -
-redis> set a 100
-redis> expire a 360
-(integer) 1
-redis> incr a
-(integer) 1
-I set a key to the value of 100, then set an expire of 360 seconds, and then incremented the key (before the 360 timeout expired of course). The obvious result would be: 101, instead the key is set to the value of 1. Why? -There is a very important reason involving the Append Only File and Replication. Let's rework a bit our example adding the notion of time to the mix: -
-SET a 100
-... wait 10 seconds ...
-Imagine a Redis version that does not implement the "Delete keys with an expire set on write operation" semantic. -Running the above example with the 10 seconds pause will lead to 'a' being set to the value of 1, as it no longer exists when INCR is called 10 seconds later.

Instead if we drop the 10 seconds pause, the result is that 'a' is set to 101.

And in the practice timing changes! For instance the client may wait 10 seconds before INCR, but the sequence written in the Append Only File (and later replayed-back as fast as possible when Redis is restarted) will not have the pause. Even if we add a timestamp in the AOF, when the time difference is smaller than our timer resolution, we have a race condition.

The same happens with master-slave replication. Again, consider the example above: the client will use the same sequence of commands without the 10 seconds pause, but the replication link will slow down for a few seconds due to a network problem. Result? The master will contain 'a' set to 101, the slave 'a' set to 1.

The only way to avoid this but at the same time have reliable non time dependent timeouts on keys is to destroy volatile keys when a write operation is attempted against it.

After all Redis is one of the rare fully persistent databases that will give you EXPIRE. This comes to a cost :)

FAQ: How this limitations were solved in Redis versions > 2.1.3?

Since Redis 2.1.3 there are no longer restrictions in the use you can do of write commands against volatile keys, still the replication and AOF file are guaranteed to be fully consistent.

In order to obtain a correct behavior without sacrificing consistency now when a key expires, a DEL operation is synthesized in both the AOF file and against all the attached slaves. This way the expiration process is centralized in the master instance, and there is no longer a chance of consistency errors.

However while the slaves while connected to a master will not expire keys independently, they'll still take the full state of the expires existing in the dataset, so when a slave is elected to a master it will be able to expire the keys independently, fully acting as a master. -
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- -FAQ: Contents
  Isn't this key-value thing just hype?
  Can I backup a Redis DB while the server is working?
  What's the Redis memory footprint?
  I like Redis high level operations and features, but I don't like it takes everything in memory and I can't have a dataset larger the memory. Plans to change this?
  Why Redis takes the whole dataset in RAM?
  If my dataset is too big for RAM and I don't want to use consistent hashing or other ways to distribute the dataset across different nodes, what I can do to use Redis anyway?
  Do you plan to implement Virtual Memory in Redis? Why don't just let the Operating System handle it for you?
  Is there something I can do to lower the Redis memory usage?
  I have an empty Redis server but INFO and logs are reporting megabytes of memory in use!
  What happens if Redis runs out of memory?
  Does Redis use more memory running in 64 bit boxes? Can I use 32 bit Redis in 64 bit systems?
  How much time it takes to load a big database at server startup?
  Background saving is failing with a fork() error under Linux even if I've a lot of free RAM!
  Are Redis on disk snapshots atomic?
  Redis is single threaded, how can I exploit multiple CPU / cores?
  I'm using some form of key hashing for partitioning, but what about SORT BY?
  What is the maximum number of keys a single Redis instance can hold? and what the max number of elements in a List, Set, Ordered Set?
  What Redis means actually?
  Why did you started the Redis project? -
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- = Why I need Redis if there is already memcachedb, Tokyo Cabinet, ...? =

Memcachedb is basically memcached done persistent. Redis is a different evolution -path in the key-value DBs, the idea is that the main advantages of key-value DBs -are retained even without a so severe loss of comfort of plain key-value DBs. -So Redis offers more features:

  • Keys can store different data types, not just strings. Notably Lists and Sets. For example if you want to use Redis as a log storage system for different computers every computer can just RPUSH data to the computer_ID key. Don't want to save more than 1000 log lines per computer? Just issue a LTRIM computer_ID 0 999 command to trim the list after every push.
  • Another example is about Sets. Imagine to build a social news site like Reddit. Every time a user upvote a given news you can just add to the news_ID_upmods key holding a value of type SET the id of the user that did the upmodding. Sets can also be used to index things. Every key can be a tag holding a SET with the IDs of all the objects associated to this tag. Using Redis set intersection you obtain the list of IDs having all this tags at the same time.
  • We wrote a simple Twitter Clone using just Redis as database. Download the source code from the download section and imagine to write it with a plain key-value DB without support for lists and sets... it's much harder.
  • Multiple DBs. Using the SELECT command the client can select different datasets. This is useful because Redis provides a MOVE atomic primitive that moves a key form a DB to another one, if the target DB already contains such a key it returns an error: this basically means a way to perform locking in distributed processing.
  • So what is Redis really about? The User interface with the programmer. Redis aims to export to the programmer the right tools to model a wide range of problems. Sets, Lists with O(1) push operation, lrange and ltrim, server-side fast intersection between sets, are primitives that allow to model complex problems with a key value database.

Isn't this key-value thing just hype?

I imagine key-value DBs, in the short term future, to be used like you use memory in a program, with lists, hashes, and so on. With Redis it's like this, but this special kind of memory containing your data structures is shared, atomic, persistent.

When we write code it is obvious, when we take data in memory, to use the most sensible data structure for the work, right? Incredibly when data is put inside a relational DB this is no longer true, and we create an absurd data model even if our need is to put data and get this data back in the same order we put it inside (an ORDER BY is required when the data should be already sorted. Strange, dont' you think?).

Key-value DBs bring this back at home, to create sensible data models and use the right data structures for the problem we are trying to solve.

Can I backup a Redis DB while the server is working?

Yes you can. When Redis saves the DB it actually creates a temp file, then rename(2) that temp file name to the destination file name. So even while the server is working it is safe to save the database file just with the cp unix command. Note that you can use master-slave replication in order to have redundancy of data, but if all you need is backups, cp or scp will do the work pretty well.

What's the Redis memory footprint?

Worst case scenario: 1 Million keys with the key being the natural numbers from 0 to 999999 and the string "Hello World" as value use 100MB on my Intel macbook (32bit). Note that the same data stored linearly in an unique string takes something like 16MB, this is the norm because with small keys and values there is a lot of overhead. Memcached will perform similarly.

With large keys/values the ratio is much better of course.

64 bit systems will use much more memory than 32 bit systems to store the same keys, especially if the keys and values are small, this is because pointers takes 8 bytes in 64 bit systems. But of course the advantage is that you can have a lot of memory in 64 bit systems, so to run large Redis servers a 64 bit system is more or less required.

I like Redis high level operations and features, but I don't like it takes everything in memory and I can't have a dataset larger the memory. Plans to change this?

Short answer: If you are using a Redis client that supports consistent hashing you can distribute the dataset across different nodes. For instance the Ruby clients supports this feature. There are plans to develop redis-cluster that basically is a dummy Redis server that is only used in order to distribute the requests among N different nodes using consistent hashing.

Why Redis takes the whole dataset in RAM?

Redis takes the whole dataset in memory and writes asynchronously on disk in order to be very fast, you have the best of both worlds: hyper-speed and persistence of data, but the price to pay is exactly this, that the dataset must fit on your computers RAM.

If the data is larger then memory, and this data is stored on disk, what happens is that the bottleneck of the disk I/O speed will start to ruin the performances. Maybe not in benchmarks, but once you have real load from multiple clients with distributed key accesses the data must come from disk, and the disk is damn slow. Not only, but Redis supports higher level data structures than the plain values. To implement this things on disk is even slower.

Redis will always continue to hold the whole dataset in memory because this days scalability requires to use RAM as storage media, and RAM is getting cheaper and cheaper. Today it is common for an entry level server to have 16 GB of RAM! And in the 64-bit era there are no longer limits to the amount of RAM you can have in theory.

Amazon EC2 now provides instances with 32 or 64 GB of RAM.

If my dataset is too big for RAM and I don't want to use consistent hashing or other ways to distribute the dataset across different nodes, what I can do to use Redis anyway?

You may try to load a dataset larger than your memory in Redis and see what happens, basically if you are using a modern Operating System, and you have a lot of data in the DB that is rarely accessed, the OS's virtual memory implementation will try to swap rarely used pages of memory on the disk, to only recall this pages when they are needed. If you have many large values rarely used this will work. If your DB is big because you have tons of little values accessed at random without a specific pattern this will not work (at low level a page is usually 4096 bytes, and you can have different keys/values stored at a single page. The OS can't swap this page on disk if there are even few keys used frequently).

Another possible solution is to use both MySQL and Redis at the same time, basically take the state on Redis, and all the things that get accessed very frequently: user auth tokens, Redis Lists with chronologically ordered IDs of the last N-comments, N-posts, and so on. Then use MySQL as a simple storage engine for larger data, that is just create a table with an auto-incrementing ID as primary key and a large BLOB field as data field. Access MySQL data only by primary key (the ID). The application will run the high traffic queries against Redis but when there is to take the big data will ask MySQL for specific resources IDs.

Update: it could be interesting to test how Redis performs with datasets larger than memory if the OS swap partition is in one of this very fast Intel SSD disks.

Do you plan to implement Virtual Memory in Redis? Why don't just let the Operating System handle it for you?

Yes, in order to support datasets bigger than RAM there is the plan to -implement transparent Virtual Memory in Redis, that is, the ability to -transfer large values associated to keys rarely used on Disk, and -reload them transparently in memory when this values are requested in -some way.

So you may ask why don't let the operating system VM do the work for -us. There are two main reasons: in Redis even a large value stored at -a given key, for instance a 1 million elements list, is not allocated -in a contiguous piece of memory. It's actually very fragmented since -Redis uses quite aggressive object sharing and allocated Redis Objects -structures reuse.

So you can imagine the memory layout composed of 4096 bytes pages that -actually contain different parts of different large values. Not only, -but a lot of values that are large enough for us to swap out to disk, -like a 1024k value, is just one quarter the size of a memory page, and -likely in the same page there are other values that are not rarely -used. So this value wil never be swapped out by the operating system. -This is the first reason for implementing application-level virtual -memory in Redis.

There is another one, as important as the first. A complex object in -memory like a list or a set is something 10 times bigger than the -same object serialized on disk. Probably you already noticed how Redis -snapshots on disk are damn smaller compared to the memory usage of -Redis for the same objects. This happens because when data is in -memory is full of pointers, reference counters and other metadata. Add -to this malloc fragmentation and need to return word-aligned chunks of -memory and you have a clear picture of what happens. So this means to -have 10 times the I/O between memory and disk than otherwise needed.

Is there something I can do to lower the Redis memory usage?

Yes, try to compile it with 32 bit target if you are using a 64 bit box.

If you are using Redis >= 1.3, try using the Hash data type, it can save a lot of memory.

If you are using hashes or any other type with values bigger than 128 bytes try also this to lower the RSS usage (Resident Set Size): EXPORT MMAP_THRESHOLD=4096

I have an empty Redis server but INFO and logs are reporting megabytes of memory in use!

This may happen and it's prefectly ok. Redis objects are small C structures allocated and freed a lot of times. This costs a lot of CPU so instead of being freed, released objects are taken into a free list and reused when needed. This memory is taken exactly by this free objects ready to be reused.

What happens if Redis runs out of memory?

With modern operating systems malloc() returning NULL is not common, usually the server will start swapping and Redis performances will be disastrous so you'll know it's time to use more Redis servers or get more RAM.

The INFO command (work in progress in this days) will report the amount of memory Redis is using so you can write scripts that monitor your Redis servers checking for critical conditions.

You can also use the "maxmemory" option in the config file to put a limit to the memory Redis can use. If this limit is reached Redis will start to reply with an error to write commands (but will continue to accept read-only commands).

Does Redis use more memory running in 64 bit boxes? Can I use 32 bit Redis in 64 bit systems?

Redis uses a lot more memory when compiled for 64 bit target, especially if the dataset is composed of many small keys and values. Such a database will, for instance, consume 50 MB of RAM when compiled for the 32 bit target, and 80 MB for 64 bit! That's a big difference.

You can run 32 bit Redis binaries in a 64 bit Linux and Mac OS X system without problems. For OS X just use make 32bit. For Linux instead, make sure you have libc6-dev-i386 installed, then use make 32bit if you are using the latest Git version. Instead for Redis <= 1.2.2 you have to edit the Makefile and replace "-arch i386" with "-m32".

If your application is already able to perform application-level sharding, it is very advisable to run N instances of Redis 32bit against a big 64 bit Redis box (with more than 4GB of RAM) instead than a single 64 bit instance, as this is much more memory efficient.

How much time it takes to load a big database at server startup?

Just an example on normal hardware: It takes about 45 seconds to restore a 2 GB database on a fairly standard system, no RAID. This can give you some kind of feeling about the order of magnitude of the time needed to load data when you restart the server.

Background saving is failing with a fork() error under Linux even if I've a lot of free RAM!

Short answer: echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory :)

And now the long one:

Redis background saving schema relies on the copy-on-write semantic of fork in modern operating systems: Redis forks (creates a child process) that is an exact copy of the parent. The child process dumps the DB on disk and finally exits. In theory the child should use as much memory as the parent being a copy, but actually thanks to the copy-on-write semantic implemented by most modern operating systems the parent and child process will share the common memory pages. A page will be duplicated only when it changes in the child or in the parent. Since in theory all the pages may change while the child process is saving, Linux can't tell in advance how much memory the child will take, so if the overcommit_memory setting is set to zero fork will fail unless there is as much free RAM as required to really duplicate all the parent memory pages, with the result that if you have a Redis dataset of 3 GB and just 2 GB of free memory it will fail.

Setting overcommit_memory to 1 says Linux to relax and perform the fork in a more optimistic allocation fashion, and this is indeed what you want for Redis.

A good source to understand how Linux Virtual Memory work and other alternatives for overcommit_memory and overcommit_ratio is this classic from Red Hat Magaize, "Understanding Virtual Memory":

Are Redis on disk snapshots atomic?

Yes, redis background saving process is always fork(2)ed when the server is outside of the execution of a command, so every command reported to be atomic in RAM is also atomic from the point of view of the disk snapshot.

Redis is single threaded, how can I exploit multiple CPU / cores?

Simply start multiple instances of Redis in different ports in the same box and threat them as different servers! Given that Redis is a distributed database anyway in order to scale you need to think in terms of multiple computational units. At some point a single box may not be enough anyway.

In general key-value databases are very scalable because of the property that different keys can stay on different servers independently.

In Redis there are client libraries such Redis-rb (the Ruby client) that are able to handle multiple servers automatically using consistent hashing. We are going to implement consistent hashing in all the other major client libraries. If you use a different language you can implement it yourself otherwise just hash the key before to SET / GET it from a given server. For example imagine to have N Redis servers, server-0, server-1, ..., server-N. You want to store the key "foo", what's the right server where to put "foo" in order to distribute keys evenly among different servers? Just perform the crc = CRC32("foo"), then servernum = crc % N (the rest of the division for N). This will give a number between 0 and N-1 for every key. Connect to this server and store the key. The same for gets.

This is a basic way of performing key partitioning, consistent hashing is much better and this is why after Redis 1.0 will be released we'll try to implement this in every widely used client library starting from Python and PHP (Ruby already implements this support).

I'm using some form of key hashing for partitioning, but what about SORT BY?

With SORT BY you need that all the weight keys are in the same Redis instance of the list/set you are trying to sort. In order to make this possible we developed a concept called key tags. A key tag is a special pattern inside a key that, if preset, is the only part of the key hashed in order to select the server for this key. For example in order to hash the key "foo" I simply perform the CRC32 checksum of the whole string, but if this key has a pattern in the form of the characters {...} I only hash this substring. So for example for the key "foo{bared}" the key hashing code will simply perform the CRC32 of "bared". This way using key tags you can ensure that related keys will be stored on the same Redis instance just using the same key tag for all this keys. Redis-rb already implements key tags.

What is the maximum number of keys a single Redis instance can hold? and what the max number of elements in a List, Set, Ordered Set?

In theory Redis can handle up to 232 keys, and was tested in practice to handle at least 150 million of keys per instance. We are working in order to experiment with larger values.

Every list, set, and ordered set, can hold 2
32 elements.

Actually Redis internals are ready to allow up to 264 elements but the current disk dump format don't support this, and there is a lot time to fix this issues in the future as currently even with 128 GB of RAM it's impossible to reach 232 elements.

What Redis means actually?

Redis means two things: -
  • it's a joke on the word Redistribute (instead to use just a Relational DB redistribute your workload among Redis servers)
  • it means REmote DIctionary Server

Why did you started the Redis project?

In order to scale LLOOGG. But after I got the basic server working I liked the idea to share the work with other guys, and Redis was turned into an open source project. -
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Features (DRAFT)

Checking Redis for the first time? Here your will find the most important features, and pointers to a lot more information.


Redis is written in ANSI C, and loads the whole dataset in memory, so it is wicked fast! Up to 110,000 SETs/second, 81,000 GETs/second can be achieved in an entry level Linux box. Read more about Redis Speed.

Also Redis supports Pipelining of commands and getting and setting múltiple values in a single command to speed up communication with the client libraries.


While all the data lives in memory, changes are asynchronously saved on disk using flexible policies based on elapsed time and/or number of updates since last save.

If you can't afford losing some data, starting on version 1.1 (currently in beta but you can download it from the Git repository) Redis supports an append-only file persistence mode. Check more on Persistence, or read the AppendOnlyFileHowto for more information.

Support for Data Structures

Values in Redis can be Strings as in a conventional key-value store, but also Lists, Sets, and SortedSets (to be support in version 1.1). This data types allow pushing/poping elements, or adding/removing them, also perform server side union, intersection, difference between sets, and so forth depending on the types. Redis supports different kind of sorting abilities for Sets and Lists.

You can think in Redis as a Data Structures Server, that allows you to model non trivial problems. Read Data Types to learn more about the way Redis handle Strings, and the Commands supported by Lists, Sets and SortedSets

Atomic Operations

Redis operations working on the different Data Types are atomic, so setting or increasing a key, adding and removing elements from a set, increasing a counter will all be accomplished safely.

Variety of Supported Languages

Ruby, Python, Twisted Python, PHP, Erlang, Tcl, Perl, Lua, Java, Scala, Clojure, choose your poison. Check the list of Supported Languages for all the details.

If your favorite language is not supported yet, you can write your own client library, as the Protocol is pretty simple.

Master/Slave Replication

Redis supports a very simple and fast Master/Slave replication. Is so simple it takes only one line in the configuration file to set it up, and 21 seconds for a Slave to complete the initial sync of 10 MM key set in a Amazon EC2 instance.

Read more about Master/Slave Replication.


Distributing the dataset across multiple Redis instances is easy in Redis, as in any other key-value store. And this depends basically on the Languages client libraries being able to do so.

Read more about Sharding if you want to know more abour distributing data and workload in Redis.

Hot Backups


Simple to Install, Setup and Manage

Installing Redis requires little more than downloading it, uncompressing it and running make. Management is near zero, so you can start using Redis in a matter of minutes.

Go on and read about Redis installation, its Setup and Management.


Redis is written in ANSI C and works in most POSIX systems like Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, and so on. Redis is reported to compile and work under WIN32 if compiled with Cygwin, but there is no official support for Windows currently.

Liberal Licensing

Redis is free software released under the very liberal BSD license.

What's next?

Want to get started with Redis? Try the Quick Start you will be up and running in just a matter of minutes.

Check the Code Samples and find how you can use Redis with your favorite programming language.

Compare Redis with other key-value stores, like Tokyo Cabinet or Memcached. - -
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    Return value -
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Delete all the keys of all the existing databases, not just the currently selected one. This command never fails.

Return value

Status code reply - -
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    Return value -
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Delete all the keys of the currently selected DB. This command never fails.

Return value

Status code reply - -
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- -FromSqlToDataStructures: Contents
  Introduction (IDEA MORE THAN A DRAFT)
    Data Structures
    Dude where is my SELECT statement?
    SORT to the rescue
      SORT BY
    HASHEs -
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¿Coming from SQLand? ¿Who doesn't? Redis is simple, primitive when comapred to the world you are used to in the world of Relational Database Managers (RDBMS) and Structure Query Language (SQL), here you will find insight to build bridges between both worlds to model real life problems.

Data Structures

When I was young, happy and single ;) I studied Data Structures at the university, actually I learnt Data Structures and Algorithms before learning anything about Databases, and particularly RDBMS and SQL. This is natural because you need to know about Data Structures and Algorithms to understand a Database.

Redis can be seen as a Data Structures Server, a very simple interface to a extremly fast and efficient

Dude where is my SELECT statement?


In SQL there is no such thing as a "natural" order, a SELECT statement without a ORDER BY clause will return data in a undefined order. In Redis LISTs address the problem of natural ordering, ...


So you have a bunch of unordered data,

SORT to the rescue

But sometimes we need to actually sort a LIST in a order different from its natural or take a SET and have it ordered, there is where the fast SORT commands comes handy...


Just SORTing keys would be kind of boring, sometimes useless right? Well, you can SORT...


Umm, sorry you will have to wait for a upcoming version of Redis to have Hashes, but here are Idioms you should house to manage Dictionary like data... -
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  GET _key_
    Return value -
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GET _key_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Get the value of the specified key. If the keydoes not exist the special value 'nil' is returned.If the value stored at key is not a string an erroris returned because GET can only handle string values.

Return value

Bulk reply - -
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- -GetbitCommand: Contents
  GETBIT _key_ _offset_ (Redis >
    Return value -
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GETBIT _key_ _offset_ (Redis >

2.1.8) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.
-When offset is beyond the string length, the string is assumed to be a contiguous space with 0 bits. When key does not exist it is assumed to be an empty string, so offset is always out of range and the value is also assumed to be a contiguous space with 0 bits.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically: the bit value stored at offset. -
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  GETSET _key_ _value_
    Return value
    Design patterns -
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GETSET _key_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(1)
GETSET is an atomic set this value and return the old value command.Set key to the string value and return the old value stored at key.The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB).

Return value

Bulk reply

Design patterns

GETSET can be used together with INCR for counting with atomic reset whena given condition arises. For example a process may call INCR against thekey mycounter every time some event occurred, but from time totime we need to get the value of the counter and reset it to zero atomicallyusing GETSET mycounter 0.
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- -HackingStrings: Contents
  Hacking Strings
    Creating Redis Strings -
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Hacking Strings

The implementation of Redis strings is contained in sds.c ( sds stands for Simple Dynamic Strings ).

The C structure sdshdr declared in sds.h represents a Redis string:

-struct sdshdr {
-    long len;
-    long free;
-    char buf[];
The buf character array stores the actual string.

The len field stores the length of buf. This makes obtaining the length -of a Redis string an O(1) operation.

The free field stores the number of additional bytes available for use.

Together the len and free field can be thought of as holding the metadata of the -buf character array.

Creating Redis Strings

A new data type named sds is defined in sds.h to be a synonymn for a character pointer:

-typedef char *sds;
sdsnewlen function defined in sds.c creates a new Redis String:

-sds sdsnewlen(const void *init, size_t initlen) {
-    struct sdshdr *sh;
-    sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1);
-    if (sh == NULL) sdsOomAbort();
-    if (sh == NULL) return NULL;
-    sh->len = initlen;
-    sh->free = 0;
-    if (initlen) {
-        if (init) memcpy(sh->buf, init, initlen);
-        else memset(sh->buf,0,initlen);
-    }
-    sh->buf[initlen] = '\0';
-    return (char*)sh->buf;
Remember a Redis string is a variable of type struct sdshdr. But sdsnewlen returns a character pointer!!

That's a trick and needs some explanation.

Suppose I create a Redis string using sdsnewlen like below:

-sdsnewlen("redis", 5);
This creates a new variable of type struct sdshdr allocating memory for len and free -fields as well as for the buf character array.

-sh = zmalloc(sizeof(struct sdshdr)+initlen+1); // initlen is length of init argument.
After sdsnewlen succesfully creates a Redis string the result is something like:

-^   ^
-sh  sh->buf 
sdsnewlen returns sh->buf to the caller.

What do you do if you need to free the Redis string pointed by sh?

You want the pointer sh but you only have the pointer sh->buf.

Can you get the pointer sh from sh->buf?

Yes. Pointer arithmetic. Notice from the above ASCII art that if you subtract -the size of two longs from sh->buf you get the pointer sh.

The sizeof two longs happens to be the size of struct sdshdr.

Look at sdslen function and see this trick at work:

-size_t sdslen(const sds s) {
-    struct sdshdr *sh = (void*) (s-(sizeof(struct sdshdr)));
-    return sh->len;
Knowing this trick you could easily go through the rest of the functions in sds.c.

The Redis string implementation is hidden behind an interface that accepts only character pointers. The users of Redis strings need not care about how its implemented and treat Redis strings as a character pointer. -
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- == Hash Commands ==

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- -Hashes: Contents
  Redis Hash Type
  Implementation details -
- -


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Redis Hash Type

Redis Hashes are unordered maps of Redis Strings between fields and values. It is possible to add, remove, test for existence of fields in O(1) amortized time. It is also possible to enumerate all the keys, values, or both, in O(N) (where N is the number of fields inside the hash).

Redis Hashes are interesting because they are very well suited to represent objects. For instance web applications users can be represented by a Redis Hash containing fields such username, encrpypted_password, lastlogin, and so forth.

Another very important property of Redis Hashes is that they use very little memory for hashes composed of a small number of fields (configurable, check redis.conf for details), compared to storing every field as a top level Redis key. This is obtained using a different specialized representation for small hashes. See the implementation details paragraph below for more information.

Commands operating on hashes try to make a good use of the return value in order to signal the application about previous existence of fields. For instance the HSET command will return 1 if the field set was not already present in the hash, otherwise will return 0 (and the user knows this was just an update operation).

The max number of fields in a set is 232-1 (4294967295, more than 4 billion of members per hash).

Implementation details

The obvious internal representation of hashes is indeed an hash table, as the name of the data structure itself suggests. Still the drawback of this representation is that there is a lot of space overhead for hash table metadata.

Because one of the most interesting uses of Hashes is object encoding, and objects are often composed of a few fields each, Redis uses a different internal representation for small hashes (for Redis to consider a hash small, this must be composed a limited number of fields, and each field and value can't exceed a given number of bytes. All this is user-configurable).

Small hashes are thus encoded using a data structure called zipmap (is not something you can find in a CS book, the name is a Redis invention), that is a very memory efficient data structure to represent string to string maps, at the cost of being O(N) instead of O(1) for most operations. Since the constant times of this data structure are very small, and the zipmaps are converted into real hash tables once they are big enough, the amortized time of Redis hashes is still O(1), and in the practice small zipmaps are not slower than small hash tables because they are designed for good cache locality and fast access.

The result is that small hashes are both memory efficient and fast, while bigger hashes are fast but not as memory efficient than small hashes. - -
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- -HdelCommand: Contents
  HDEL _key_ _field_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HDEL _key_ _field_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Remove the specified field from an hash stored at key.
If the field was present in the hash it is deleted and 1 is returned, otherwise 0 is returned and no operation is performed.

Return value

Integer reply -
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- - - -
- -HexistsCommand: Contents
  HEXISTS _key_ _field_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HEXISTS _key_ _field_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Return 1 if the hash stored at key contains the specified field.
Return 0 if the key is not found or the field is not present.

Return value

Integer reply -
- -
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- - - -
- -HgetCommand: Contents
  HGET _key_ _field_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HGET _key_ _field_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
If key holds a hash, retrieve the value associated to the specified field.
If the field is not found or the key does not exist, a special 'nil' value is returned.

Return value

Bulk reply -
- -
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- - - -
- -HgetallCommand: Contents
  HKEYS _key_ (Redis >
  HVALS _key_ (Redis >
  HGETALL _key_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HKEYS _key_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -

HVALS _key_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -

HGETALL _key_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of fields in the hash
HKEYS returns all the fields names contained into a hash, HVALS all the associated values, while HGETALL returns both the fields and values in the form of field1, value1, field2, value2, ..., fieldN, valueN.

Return value

Multi Bulk Reply -
- -
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- - - -
- -HincrbyCommand: Contents
  HINCRBY _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- -

HINCRBY _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Increment the number stored at field in the hash at key by value. If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created. If field does not exist or holds a string, the value is set to 0 before applying the operation.
The range of values supported by HINCRBY is limited to 64 bit signed integers.


-Since the value argument is signed you can use this command to perform both increments and decrements:

-HINCRBY key field 1 (increment by one)
-HINCRBY key field -1 (decrement by one, just like the DECR command)
-HINCRBY key field -10 (decrement by 10)

Return value

Integer reply The new value at field after the increment operation. -
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- - - -
- -HlenCommand: Contents
  HLEN _key_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HLEN _key_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Return the number of entries (fields) contained in the hash stored at key. If the specified key does not exist, 0 is returned assuming an empty hash.

Return value

Integer reply -
- -
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- - - -
- -HmgetCommand: Contents
  HMGET _key_ _field1_ ... _fieldN_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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HMGET _key_ _field1_ ... _fieldN_ (Redis >

1.3.10) = -Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the number of fields)
Retrieve the values associated to the specified fields.
If some of the specified fields do not exist, nil values are returned.Non existing keys are considered like empty hashes.

Return value

Multi Bulk Reply specifically a list of all the values associated with the specified fields, in the same order of the request. - -
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HMSET _key_ _field1_ _value1_ ... _fieldN_ _valueN_ (Redis >

1.3.10) = -Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the number of fields)
Set the respective fields to the respective values. HMSET replaces old values with new values.
If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created.

Return value

Status code reply Always +OK because HMSET can't fail -
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- - - -
- -HsetCommand: Contents
  HSET _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar HashCommandsSidebar

HSET _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Set the specified hash field to the specified value.
If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created.
If the field already exists, and the HSET just produced an update of thevalue, 0 is returned, otherwise if a new field is created 1 is returned.

Return value

Integer reply -
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- - - -
- -HsetnxCommand: Contents
  HSETNX _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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- -

HSETNX _key_ _field_ _value_ (Redis >

1.3.10)= -Time complexity: O(1)
Set the specified hash field to the specified value, if field does not exist yet.
If key does not exist, a new key holding a hash is created.
If the field already exists, this operation has no effect and returns 0.Otherwise, the field is set to value and the operation returns 1.

Return value

Integer reply -
- -
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- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

INCR _key_


INCRBY _key_ _integer_


DECR _key_ _integer_


DECRBY _key_ _integer_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Increment or decrement the number stored at key by one. If the key doesnot exist or contains a value of a wrong type, set the key to thevalue of "0" before to perform the increment or decrement operation.
INCRBY and DECRBY work just like INCR and DECR but instead toincrement/decrement by 1 the increment/decrement is integer.
INCR commands are limited to 64 bit signed integers.
-Note: this is actually a string operation, that is, in Redis there are not "integer" types. Simply the string stored at the key is parsed as a base 10 64 bit signed integer, incremented, and then converted back as a string.

Return value

Integer reply, this commands will reply with the new value of key after the increment or decrement. -
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- - - -
- -InfoCommand: Contents
    Return value
    Notes -
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- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


The info command returns different information and statistics about the server in an format that's simple to parse by computers and easy to red by huamns.

Return value

Bulk reply, specifically in the following format:

All the fields are in the form field:value


  • used_memory is returned in bytes, and is the total number of bytes allocated by the program using malloc.
  • uptime_in_days is redundant since the uptime in seconds contains already the full uptime information, this field is only mainly present for humans.
  • changes_since_last_save does not refer to the number of key changes, but to the number of operations that produced some kind of change in the dataset.
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- #sidebar RedisGuides -

A fifteen minutes introduction to Redis data types

As you already probably know Redis is not a plain key-value store, actually it is a data structures server, supporting different kind of values. That is, you can't just set strings as values of keys. All the following data types are supported as values:

  • Binary-safe strings.
  • Lists of binary-safe strings.
  • Sets of binary-safe strings, that are collection of unique unsorted elements. You can think at this as a Ruby hash where all the keys are set to the 'true' value.
  • Sorted sets, similar to Sets but where every element is associated to a floating number score. The elements are taken sorted by score. You can think at this as Ruby hashes where the key is the element and the value is the score, but where elements are always taken in order without requiring a sorting operation.
-It's not always trivial to grasp how this data types work and what to use in order to solve a given problem from the Redis command reference, so this document is a crash course to Redis data types and their most used patterns.

For all the examples we'll use the redis-cli utility, that's a simple but handy command line utility to issue commands against the Redis server.

Redis keys

Before to start talking about the different kind of values supported by Redis it is better to start saying that keys are not binary safe strings in Redis, but just strings not containing a space or a newline character. For instance "foo" or "123456789" or "foo_bar" are valid keys, while "hello world" or "hello\n" are not.

Actually there is nothing inside the Redis internals preventing the use of binary keys, it's just a matter of protocol, and actually the new protocol introduced with Redis 1.2 (1.2 betas are 1.1.x) in order to implement commands like MSET, is totally binary safe. Still for now consider this as an hard limit as the database is only tested with "normal" keys.

A few other rules about keys:

  • Too long keys are not a good idea, for instance a key of 1024 bytes is not a good idea not only memory-wise, but also because the lookup of the key in the dataset may require several costly key-comparisons.
  • Too short keys are not a good idea. There is no point in writing "u:1000:pwd" as key if you can write instead "user:1000:password", the latter is more readable and the added space is very little compared to the space used by the key object itself.
  • Try to stick with a schema. For instance "object-type:id:field" can be a nice idea, like in "user:1000:password". I like to use dots for multi-words fields, like in "".

The string type

This is the simplest Redis type. If you use only this type, Redis will be something like a memcached server with persistence.

Let's play a bit with the string type:

-$ ./redis-cli set mykey "my binary safe value"
-$ ./redis-cli get mykey
-my binary safe value
As you can see using the Set command and the Get command is trivial to set values to strings and have this strings returned back.

Values can be strings (including binary data) of every kind, for instance you can store a jpeg image inside a key. A value can't be bigger than 1 Gigabyte.

Even if strings are the basic values of Redis, there are interesting operations you can perform against them. For instance one is atomic increment:

-$ ./redis-cli set counter 100
-$ ./redis-cli incr counter
-(integer) 101
-$ ./redis-cli incr counter
-(integer) 102
-$ ./redis-cli incrby counter 10
-(integer) 112
The INCR command parses the string value as an integer, increments it by one, and finally sets the obtained value as the new string value. There are other similar commands like INCRBY, DECR and DECRBY. Actually internally it's always the same command, acting in a slightly different way.

What means that INCR is atomic? That even multiple clients issuing INCR against the same key will never incur into a race condition. For instance it can't never happen that client 1 read "10", client 2 read "10" at the same time, both increment to 11, and set the new value of 11. The final value will always be of 12 ad the read-increment-set operation is performed while all the other clients are not executing a command at the same time.

Another interesting operation on string is the GETSET command, that does just what its name suggests: Set a key to a new value, returning the old value, as result. Why this is useful? Example: you have a system that increments a Redis key using the INCR command every time your web site receives a new visit. You want to collect this information one time every hour, without loosing a single key. You can GETSET the key assigning it the new value of "0" and reading the old value back.

The List type

To explain the List data type it's better to start with a little of theory, as the term List is often used in an improper way by information technology folks. For instance "Python Lists" are not what the name may suggest (Linked Lists), but them are actually Arrays (the same data type is called Array in Ruby actually).

From a very general point of view a List is just a sequence of ordered elements: 10,20,1,2,3 is a list, but when a list of items is implemented using an Array and when instead a Linked List is used for the implementation, the properties change a lot.

Redis lists are implemented via Linked Lists, this means that even if you have million of elements inside a list, the operation of adding a new element in the head or in the tail of the list is performed in constant time. Adding a new element with the LPUSH command to the head of a ten elements list is the same speed as adding an element to the head of a 10 million elements list.

What's the downside? That accessing an element by index is very fast in lists implemented with an Array and not so fast in lists implemented by linked lists.

Redis Lists are implemented with linked lists because for a database system is crucial to be able to add elements to a very long list in a very fast way. Another strong advantage is, as you'll see in a moment, that Redis Lists can be taken at constant length in constant time.

First steps with Redis lists

The LPUSH command add a new element into a list, on the left (on head), while the RPUSH command add a new element into alist, ot the right (on tail). Finally the LRANGE command extract ranges of elements from lists:

-$ ./redis-cli rpush messages "Hello how are you?"
-$ ./redis-cli rpush messages "Fine thanks. I'm having fun with Redis"
-$ ./redis-cli rpush messages "I should look into this NOSQL thing ASAP"
-$ ./redis-cli lrange messages 0 2
-1. Hello how are you?
-2. Fine thanks. I'm having fun with Redis
-3. I should look into this NOSQL thing ASAP
Note that LRANGE takes two indexes, the first and the last element of the range to return. Both the indexes can be negative to tell Redis to start to count for the end, so -1 is the last element, -2 is the penultimate element of the list, and so forth.

As you can guess from the example above, lists can be used, for instance, in order to implement a chat system. Another use is as queues in order to route messages between different processes. But the key point is that you can use Redis lists every time you require to access data in the same order they are added. This will not require any SQL ORDER BY operation, will be very fast, and will scale to millions of elements even with a toy Linux box.

For instance in ranking systems like the social news you can add every new submitted link into a List, and with LRANGE it's possible to paginate results in a trivial way.

In a blog engine implementation you can have a list for every post, where to push blog comments, and so forth.

Pushing IDs instead of the actual data in Redis lists

In the above example we pushed our "objects" (simply messages in the example) directly inside the Redis list, but this is often not the way to go, as objects can be referenced in multiple times: in a list to preserve their chronological order, in a Set to remember they are about a specific category, in another list but only if this object matches some kind of requisite, and so forth.

Let's return back to the example. A more credible pattern for adding submitted links (news) to the list is the following:

-$ ./redis-cli incr
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli set news:1:title "Redis is simple"
-$ ./redis-cli set news:1:url ""
-$ ./redis-cli lpush 1
We obtained an unique incremental ID for our news object just incrementing a key, then used this ID to create the object setting a key for every field in the object. Finally the ID of the new object was pushed on the list.

This is just the start. Check the Command Reference and read about all the other list related commands. You can remove elements, rotate lists, get and set elements by index, and of course retrieve the length of the list with LLEN.

Redis Sets

Redis Sets are unordered collection of binary-safe strings. The SADD command adds a new element to a set. It's also possible to do a number of other operations against sets like testing if a given element already exists, performing the intersection, union or difference between multiple sets and so forth. An example is worth 1000 words:

-$ ./redis-cli sadd myset 1
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd myset 2
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd myset 3
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli smembers myset
-1. 3
-2. 1
-3. 2
I added three elements to my set and told Redis to return back all the elements. As you can see they are not sorted.

Now let's check if a given element exists:

-$ ./redis-cli sismember myset 3
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sismember myset 30
-(integer) 0
"3" is a member of the set, while "30" is not. Sets are very good in order to express relations between objects. For instance we can easily use Redis Sets in order to implement tags.

A simple way to model this is to have, for every object you want to tag, a Set with all the IDs of the tags associated with the object, and for every tag that exists, a Set of of all the objects tagged with this tag.

For instance if our news ID 1000 is tagged with tag 1,2,5 and 77, we can specify the following two Sets:

-$ ./redis-cli sadd news:1000:tags 1
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd news:1000:tags 2
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd news:1000:tags 5
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd news:1000:tags 77
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd tag:1:objects 1000
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd tag:2:objects 1000
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd tag:5:objects 1000
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli sadd tag:77:objects 1000
-(integer) 1
To get all the tags for a given object is trivial:

$ ./redis-cli smembers news:1000:tags -1. 5 -2. 1 -3. 77 -4. 2

But there are other non trivial operations that are still easy to implement using the right Redis commands. For instance we may want the list of all the objects having as tags 1, 2, 10, and 27 at the same time. We can do this using the SinterCommand that performs the intersection between different sets. So in order to reach our goal we can just use:

-$ ./redis-cli sinter tag:1:objects tag:2:objects tag:10:objects tag:27:objects
-... no result in our dataset composed of just one object ;) ...
Look at the Command Reference to discover other Set related commands, there are a bunch of interesting one. Also make sure to check the SORT command as both Redis Sets and Lists are sortable.

A digression. How to get unique identifiers for strings

In our tags example we showed tag IDs without to mention how this IDs can be obtained. Basically for every tag added to the system, you need an unique identifier. You also want to be sure that there are no race conditions if multiple clients are trying to add the same tag at the same time. Also, if a tag already exists, you want its ID returned, otherwise a new unique ID should be created and associated to the tag.

Redis 1.4 will add the Hash type. With it it will be trivial to associate strings with unique IDs, but how to do this today with the current commands exported by Redis in a reliable way?

Our first attempt (that is broken) can be the following. Let's suppose we want to get an unique ID for the tag "redis":

  • In order to make this algorithm binary safe (they are just tags but think to utf8, spaces and so forth) we start performing the SHA1 sum of the tag. SHA1(redis) = b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52.
  • Let's check if this tag is already associated with an unique ID with the command GET tag:b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52:id.
  • If the above GET returns an ID, return it back to the user. We already have the unique ID.
  • Otherwise... create a new unique ID with INCR (assume it returned 123456).
  • Finally associate this new ID to our tag with SET tag:b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52:id 123456 and return the new ID to the caller.
-Nice. Or better.. broken! What about if two clients perform this commands at the same time trying to get the unique ID for the tag "redis"? If the timing is right they'll both get nil from the GET operation, will both increment the key and will set two times the key. One of the two clients will return the wrong ID to the caller. To fix the algorithm is not hard fortunately, and this is the sane version:

  • In order to make this algorithm binary safe (they are just tags but think to utf8, spaces and so forth) we start performing the SHA1 sum of the tag. SHA1(redis) = b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52.
  • Let's check if this tag is already associated with an unique ID with the command GET tag:b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52:id.
  • If the above GET returns an ID, return it back to the user. We already have the unique ID.
  • Otherwise... create a new unique ID with INCR (assume it returned 123456).
  • Finally associate this new ID to our tag with SETNX tag:b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52:id 123456. By using SETNX if a different client was faster than this one the key wil not be setted. Not only, SETNX returns 1 if the key is set, 0 otherwise. So... let's add a final step to our computation.
  • If SETNX returned 1 (We set the key) return 123456 to the caller, it's our tag ID, otherwise perform GET tag:b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52:id and return the value to the caller.

Sorted sets

Sets are a very handy data type, but... they are a bit too unsorted in order to fit well for a number of problems ;) This is why Redis 1.2 introduced Sorted Sets. They are very similar to Sets, collections of binary-safe strings, but this time with an associated score, and an operation similar to the List LRANGE operation to return items in order, but working against Sorted Sets, that is, the ZRANGE command.

Basically Sorted Sets are in some way the Redis equivalent of Indexes in the SQL world. For instance in our example above there was no mention about how to generate the actual home page with news raked by user votes and time. We'll see how sorted sets can fix this problem, but it's better to start with something simpler, illustrating the basic working of this advanced data type. Let's add a few selected hackers with their year of birth as "score".

-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1940 "Alan Kay"
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1953 "Richard Stallman"
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1965 "Yukihiro Matsumoto"
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1916 "Claude Shannon"
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1969 "Linus Torvalds"
-(integer) 1
-$ ./redis-cli zadd hackers 1912 "Alan Turing"
-(integer) 1
For sorted sets it's a joke to return these hackers sorted by their birth year because actually they are already sorted. Sorted sets are implemented via a dual-ported data structure containing both a skip list and an hash table, so every time we add an element Redis performs an O(log(N)) operation, that's good, but when we ask for sorted elements Redis does not have to do any work at all, it's already all sorted:

-$ ./redis-cli zrange hackers 0 -1
-1. Alan Turing
-2. Claude Shannon
-3. Alan Kay
-4. Richard Stallman
-5. Yukihiro Matsumoto
-6. Linus Torvalds
Didn't know that Linus was younger than Yukihiro btw ;)

Anyway I want to order this elements the other way around, using ZrangeCommand instead of ZrangeCommand this time:

-$ ./redis-cli zrevrange hackers 0 -1
-1. Linus Torvalds
-2. Yukihiro Matsumoto
-3. Richard Stallman
-4. Alan Kay
-5. Claude Shannon
-6. Alan Turing
A very important note, ZSets have just a "default" ordering but you are still free to call the SORT command against sorted sets to get a different ordering (but this time the server will waste CPU). An alternative for having multiple orders is to add every element in multiple sorted sets at the same time.

Operating on ranges

Sorted sets are more powerful than this. They can operate on ranges. For instance let's try to get all the individuals that born up to the 1950. We use the ZRANGEBYSCORE command to do it:

-$ ./redis-cli zrangebyscore hackers -inf 1950
-1. Alan Turing
-2. Claude Shannon
-3. Alan Kay
We asked Redis to return all the elements with a score between negative infinite and 1950 (both extremes are included).

It's also possible to remove ranges of elements. For instance let's remove all the hackers born between 1940 and 1960 from the sorted set:

-$ ./redis-cli zremrangebyscore hackers 1940 1960
-(integer) 2
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE is not the best command name, but it can be very useful, and returns the number of removed elements.

Back to the reddit example

For the last time, back to the Reddit example. Now we have a decent plan to populate a sorted set in order to generate the home page. A sorted set can contain all the news that are not older than a few days (we remove old entries from time to time using ZREMRANGEBYSCORE). A background job gets all the elements from this sorted set, get the user votes and the time of the news, and compute the score to populate the sorted set with the news IDs and associated scores. To show the home page we have just to perform a blazingly fast call to ZRANGE.

From time to time we'll remove too old news from the sorted set as well in order for our system to work always against a limited set of news.

Updating the scores of a sorted set

Just a final note before to finish this tutorial. Sorted sets scores can be updated at any time. Just calling again ZADD against an element already included in the sorted set will update its score (and position) in O(log(N)), so sorted sets are suitable even when there are tons of updates.

This tutorial is in no way complete, this is just the basics to get started with Redis, read the Command Reference to discover a lot more.

Thanks for reading. Salvatore. -
- -
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- - - -
- -KeysCommand: Contents
  KEYS _pattern_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

KEYS _pattern_

-Time complexity: O(n) (with n being the number of keys in the DB, and assuming keys and pattern of limited length)
Returns all the keys matching the glob-style pattern asspace separated strings. For example if you have in thedatabase the keys "foo" and "foobar" the command "KEYS foo*"will return "foo foobar".
Note that while the time complexity for this operation is O(n)the constant times are pretty low. For example Redis runningon an entry level laptop can scan a 1 million keys databasein 40 milliseconds. Still it's better to consider this one of -
the slow commands that may ruin the DB performance if not usedwith care*.
In other words this command is intended only for debugging and *special* operations like creating a script to change the DB schema. Don't use it in your normal code. Use Redis Sets in order to group together a subset of objects.
-Glob style patterns examples: -
* h?llo will match hello hallo hhllo* h*llo will match hllo heeeello* h[ae]llo will match hello and hallo, but not hillo
Use \ to escape special chars if you want to match them verbatim.

Return value

-Multi bulk reply
- -
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- - - -
- -LastsaveCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


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Return the UNIX TIME of the last DB save executed with success.A client may check if a BGSAVE command succeeded reading the LASTSAVEvalue, then issuing a BGSAVE command and checking at regular intervalsevery N seconds if LASTSAVE changed.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically an UNIX time stamp. - -
- -
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- - - -
- -LindexCommand: Contents
  LINDEX _key_ _index_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LINDEX _key_ _index_

-Time complexity: O(n) (with n being the length of the list)
Return the specified element of the list stored at the specifiedkey. 0 is the first element, 1 the second and so on. Negative indexesare supported, for example -1 is the last element, -2 the penultimateand so on.
If the value stored at key is not of list type an error is returned.If the index is out of range a 'nil' reply is returned.
Note that even if the average time complexity is O(n) asking forthe first or the last element of the list is O(1).

Return value

Bulk reply, specifically the requested element. -
- -
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- -ListCommandsSidebar: Contents -
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- - - -
- -Lists: Contents
  Redis List Type
  Implementation details -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

Redis List Type

Redis Lists are lists of Redis Strings, sorted by insertion order. It's possible to add elements to a Redis List pushing new elements on the head (on the left) or on the tail (on the right) of the list.

The LPUSH command inserts a new elmenet on head, while RPUSH inserts a new element on tail. A new list is created when one of this operations is performed against an empty key.

For instance if perform the following operations: -
-LPUSH mylist a   # now the list is "a"
-LPUSH mylist b   # now the list is "b","a"
-RPUSH mylist c   # now the list is "b","a","c" (RPUSH was used this time)
-The resulting list stored at mylist will contain the elements "b","a","c".

The max length of a list is 232-1 elements (4294967295, more than 4 billion of elements per list).

Implementation details

Redis Lists are implemented as doubly liked lists. A few commands benefit from the fact the lists are doubly linked in order to reach the needed element starting from the nearest extreme (head or tail). LRANGE and LINDEX are examples of such commands.

The use of linked lists also guarantees that regardless of the length of the list pushing and popping are O(1) operations.

Redis Lists cache length information so LLEN is O(1) as well. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LlenCommand.html b/doc/LlenCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 07072a42..00000000 --- a/doc/LlenCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -LlenCommand: Contents
  LLEN _key_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LLEN _key_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Return the length of the list stored at the specified key. If thekey does not exist zero is returned (the same behaviour as forempty lists). If the value stored at key is not a list an error is returned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-The length of the list.
- -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LpopCommand.html b/doc/LpopCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 58dffb93..00000000 --- a/doc/LpopCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -LpopCommand: Contents
  LPOP _key_
  RPOP _key_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LPOP _key_


RPOP _key_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Atomically return and remove the first (LPOP) or last (RPOP) elementof the list. For example if the list contains the elements "a","b","c" LPOPwill return "a" and the list will become "b","c".
If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the specialvalue 'nil' is returned.

Return value

Bulk reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LrangeCommand.html b/doc/LrangeCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 28dbf890..00000000 --- a/doc/LrangeCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LRANGE _key_ _start_ _end_

-Time complexity: O(start+n) (with n being the length of the range and start being the start offset)Return the specified elements of the list stored at the specified -key. Start and end are zero-based indexes. 0 is the first element -of the list (the list head), 1 the next element and so on.

For example LRANGE foobar 0 2 will return the first three elements -of the list.

start and end can also be negative numbers indicating offsets -from the end of the list. For example -1 is the last element of -the list, -2 the penultimate element and so on.

Consistency with range functions in various programming languages

Note that if you have a list of numbers from 0 to 100, LRANGE 0 10 will return -11 elements, that is, rightmost item is included. This may or may not be consistent with -behavior of range-related functions in your programming language of choice (think Ruby's, Array#slice or Python's range() function).

LRANGE behavior is consistent with one of Tcl.

Out-of-range indexes

Indexes out of range will not produce an error: if start is over -the end of the list, or start > end, an empty list is returned. -If end is over the end of the list Redis will threat it just like -the last element of the list.

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically a list of elements in the specified range. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LremCommand.html b/doc/LremCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 142160f0..00000000 --- a/doc/LremCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -LremCommand: Contents
  LREM _key_ _count_ _value_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LREM _key_ _count_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the length of the list)
Remove the first count occurrences of the value element from the list.If count is zero all the elements are removed. If count is negativeelements are removed from tail to head, instead to go from head to tailthat is the normal behaviour. So for example LREM with count -2 and_hello_ as value to remove against the list (a,b,c,hello,x,hello,hello) willlave the list (a,b,c,hello,x). The number of removed elements is returnedas an integer, see below for more information about the returned value.Note that non existing keys are considered like empty lists by LREM, so LREMagainst non existing keys will always return 0.

Return value

Integer Reply, specifically:

-The number of removed elements if the operation succeeded
- -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LsetCommand.html b/doc/LsetCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5b833650..00000000 --- a/doc/LsetCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -LsetCommand: Contents
  LSET _key_ _index_ _value_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LSET _key_ _index_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(N) (with N being the length of the list)
Set the list element at index (see LINDEX for information about the_index_ argument) with the new value. Out of range indexes willgenerate an error. Note that setting the first or last elements ofthe list is O(1).
Similarly to other list commands accepting indexes, the index can be negative to access elements starting from the end of the list. So -1 is the last element, -2 is the penultimate, and so forth.

Return value

Status code reply -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/LtrimCommand.html b/doc/LtrimCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 08d3231a..00000000 --- a/doc/LtrimCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -LtrimCommand: Contents
  LTRIM _key_ _start_ _end_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

LTRIM _key_ _start_ _end_

-Time complexity: O(n) (with n being len of list - len of range)
Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specifiedrange of elements specified. Start and end are zero-based indexes.0 is the first element of the list (the list head), 1 the next elementand so on.
For example LTRIM foobar 0 2 will modify the list stored at foobarkey so that only the first three elements of the list will remain.
_start_ and end can also be negative numbers indicating offsetsfrom the end of the list. For example -1 is the last element ofthe list, -2 the penultimate element and so on.
Indexes out of range will not produce an error: if start is overthe end of the list, or start > end, an empty list is left as value.If end over the end of the list Redis will threat it just likethe last element of the list.
Hint: the obvious use of LTRIM is together with LPUSH/RPUSH. For example:
-        LPUSH mylist <someelement>
-        LTRIM mylist 0 99
The above two commands will push elements in the list taking care thatthe list will not grow without limits. This is very useful when usingRedis to store logs for example. It is important to note that when usedin this way LTRIM is an O(1) operation because in the average casejust one element is removed from the tail of the list.

Return value

Status code reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/MgetCommand.html b/doc/MgetCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 0c716907..00000000 --- a/doc/MgetCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -MgetCommand: Contents
  MGET _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value
    Example -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

MGET _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity: O(1) for every key
Get the values of all the specified keys. If one or more keys dont existor is not of type String, a 'nil' value is returned instead of the valueof the specified key, but the operation never fails.

Return value

Multi bulk reply


-$ ./redis-cli set foo 1000
-$ ./redis-cli set bar 2000
-$ ./redis-cli mget foo bar
-1. 1000
-2. 2000
-$ ./redis-cli mget foo bar nokey
-1. 1000
-2. 2000
-3. (nil)
- -
- -
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- - - -
- -MonitorCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


MONITOR is a debugging command that outputs the whole sequence of commandsreceived by the Redis server. is very handy in order to understandwhat is happening into the database. This command is used directlyvia telnet.
-% telnet 6379
-Connected to
-Escape character is '^]'.
-keys *
-set x 6
-get x
-del x
-get x
-set key_x 5
-set key_y 5
-set key_z 5
-set foo_a 5
The ability to see all the requests processed by the server is useful in orderto spot bugs in the application both when using Redis as a database and asa distributed caching system.
In order to end a monitoring session just issue a QUIT command by hand.

Return value

Non standard return value, just dumps the received commands in an infinite flow. - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/MoveCommand.html b/doc/MoveCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 3bab67d0..00000000 --- a/doc/MoveCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -MoveCommand: Contents
  MOVE _key_ _dbindex_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

MOVE _key_ _dbindex_

Move the specified key from the currently selected DB to the specifieddestination DB. Note that this command returns 1 only if the key wassuccessfully moved, and 0 if the target key was already there or if thesource key was not found at all, so it is possible to use MOVE as a lockingprimitive.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the key was moved
-0 if the key was not moved because already present on the target DB or was not found in the current DB.
- -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/MsetCommand.html b/doc/MsetCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 2b6bff0f..00000000 --- a/doc/MsetCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - -


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MSET _key1_ _value1_ _key2_ _value2_ ... _keyN_ _valueN_ (Redis >

1.1) = -

MSETNX _key1_ _value1_ _key2_ _value2_ ... _keyN_ _valueN_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity: O(1) to set every key
Set the the respective keys to the respective values. MSET will replace oldvalues with new values, while MSETNX will not perform any operation at alleven if just a single key already exists.
Because of this semantic MSETNX can be used in order to set different keysrepresenting different fields of an unique logic object in a way thatensures that either all the fields or none at all are set.
Both MSET and MSETNX are atomic operations. This means that for instanceif the keys A and B are modified, another client talking to Redis can eithersee the changes to both A and B at once, or no modification at all.

MSET Return value

Status code reply Basically +OK as MSET can't fail

MSETNX Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the all the keys were set
-0 if no key was set (at least one key already existed)
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/MultiExecCommand.html b/doc/MultiExecCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 97f21482..00000000 --- a/doc/MultiExecCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

WATCH key1 key2 ... keyN (Redis >

2.1.0)= -












MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD and WATCH commands are the foundation of Redis Transactions. -A Redis Transaction allows the execution of a group of Redis commands in a single -step, with two important guarantees:

  • All the commands in a transaction are serialized and executed sequentially. It can never happen that a request issued by another client is served in the middle of the execution of a Redis transaction. This guarantees that the commands are executed as a single atomic operation.
  • Either all of the commands or none are processed. The EXEC command triggers the execution of all the commands in the transaction, so if a client loses the connection to the server in the context of a transaction before calling the MULTI command none of the operations are performed, instead if the EXEC command is called, all the operations are performed. An exception to this rule is when the Append Only File is enabled: every command that is part of a Redis transaction will log in the AOF as long as the operation is completed, so if the Redis server crashes or is killed by the system administrator in some hard way it is possible that only a partial number of operations are registered.
-Since Redis 2.1.0, it's also possible to add a further guarantee to the above two, in the form of optimistic locking of a set of keys in a way very similar to a CAS (check and set) operation. This is documented later in this manual page.


A Redis transaction is entered using the MULTI command. The command always -replies with OK. At this point the user can issue multiple commands. Instead -of executing these commands, Redis will "queue" them. All the commands are -executed once EXEC is called.

Calling DISCARD instead will flush the transaction queue and will exit -the transaction.

The following is an example using the Ruby client: -
-?> r.multi
-=> "OK"
->> r.incr "foo"
-=> "QUEUED"
->> r.incr "bar"
-=> "QUEUED"
->> r.incr "bar"
-=> "QUEUED"
->> r.exec
-=> [1, 1, 2]
-As it is possible to see from the session above, MULTI returns an "array" of -replies, where every element is the reply of a single command in the -transaction, in the same order the commands were queued.

When a Redis connection is in the context of a MULTI request, all the commands -will reply with a simple string "QUEUED" if they are correct from the -point of view of the syntax and arity (number of arguments) of the commaand. -Some commands are still allowed to fail during execution time.

This is more clear on the protocol level; In the following example one command -will fail when executed even if the syntax is right: -
-Connected to localhost.
-Escape character is '^]'.
-SET a 3 
--ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
-MULTI returned a two elements bulk reply where one is an +OK -code and one is a -ERR reply. It's up to the client lib to find a sensible -way to provide the error to the user.

IMPORTANT: even when a command will raise an error, all the other commandsin the queue will be processed. Redis will NOT stop the processing ofcommands once an error is found.
-Another example, again using the write protocol with telnet, shows how -syntax errors are reported ASAP instead: -
-INCR a b c
--ERR wrong number of arguments for 'incr' command
-This time due to the syntax error the "bad" INCR command is not queued -at all.

The DISCARD command

DISCARD can be used in order to abort a transaction. No command will be executed, and the state of the client is again the normal one, outside of a transaction. Example using the Ruby client: -
-?> r.set("foo",1)
-=> true
->> r.multi
-=> "OK"
->> r.incr("foo")
-=> "QUEUED"
->> r.discard
-=> "OK"
->> r.get("foo")
-=> "1"

Check and Set (CAS) transactions using WATCH

WATCH is used in order to provide a CAS (Check and Set) behavior to -Redis Transactions.

WATCHed keys are monitored in order to detect changes against this keys. -If at least a watched key will be modified before the EXEC call, the -whole transaction will abort, and EXEC will return a nil object -(A Null Multi Bulk reply) to notify that the transaction failed.

For example imagine we have the need to atomically increment the value -of a key by 1 (I know we have INCR, let's suppose we don't have it).

The first try may be the following: -
-val = GET mykey
-val = val + 1
-SET mykey $val
-This will work reliably only if we have a single client performing the operation in a given time. -If multiple clients will try to increment the key about at the same time -there will be a race condition. For instance client A and B will read the -old value, for instance, 10. The value will be incremented to 11 by both -the clients, and finally SET as the value of the key. So the final value -will be "11" instead of "12".

Thanks to WATCH we are able to model the problem very well: -
-WATCH mykey
-val = GET mykey
-val = val + 1
-SET mykey $val
-Using the above code, if there are race conditions and another client -modified the result of val in the time between our call to WATCH and -our call to EXEC, the transaction will fail.

We'll have just to re-iterate the operation hoping this time we'll not get -a new race. This form of locking is called optimistic locking and is -a very powerful form of locking as in many problems there are multiple -clients accessing a much bigger number of keys, so it's very unlikely that -there are collisions: usually operations don't need to be performed -multiple times.

WATCH explained

So what is WATCH really about? It is a command that will make the EXEC -conditional: we are asking Redis to perform the transaction only if no -other client modified any of the WATCHed keys. Otherwise the transaction is not -entered at all. (Note that if you WATCH a volatile key and Redis expires the key after you WATCHed it, EXEC will still work. More.)

WATCH can be called multiple times. Simply all the WATCH calls will -have the effects to watch for changes starting from the call, up to the -moment EXEC is called.

When EXEC is called, either if it will fail or succeed, all keys are -UNWATCHed. Also when a client connection is closed, everything gets -UNWATCHed.

It is also possible to use the UNWATCH command (without arguments) in order -to flush all the watched keys. Sometimes this is useful as we -optimistically lock a few keys, since possibly we need to perform a transaction -to alter those keys, but after reading the current content of the keys -we don't want to proceed. When this happens we just call UNWATCH so that -the connection can already be used freely for new transactions.

WATCH used to implement ZPOP

A good example to illustrate how WATCH can be used to create new atomic -operations otherwise not supported by Redis is to implement ZPOP, that is -a command that pops the element with the lower score from a sorted set -in an atomic way. This is the simplest implementation: -
-WATCH zset
-ele = ZRANGE zset 0 0
-ZREM zset ele
-If EXEC fails (returns a nil value) we just re-iterate the operation.

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically:

-The result of a MULTI/EXEC command is a multi bulk reply where every element is the return value of every command in the atomic transaction.
If a MULTI/EXEC transaction is aborted because of WATCH detected modified keys, a Null Multi Bulk reply is returned. -
- -
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- -NonexistentCommands: Contents
  SET with expire
- -


- -
- A list of commands that don't exist in Redis, but can be accomplished in a different way. -
- -
- -This is a list of commands that don't exist in Redis, but can be accomplished in a different way, usually by means of WATCH/MULTI/EXEC.

For better performance, you can pipeline multiple commands.


GETSET for Hashes.

-WATCH foo
-old_value = HGET foo field
-HSET foo field new_value

SET with expire



Add an element to a sorted set, only if the element doesn't already exist (by default, ZADD would update the element's score if it already exists). See thread.

-WATCH foo
-score = ZSCORE foo bar
-IF score != NIL
-  ZADD foo 1 bar
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- - - -
- -ObjectHashMappers: Contents
  Object Hash Mappers
      redis-models -
- -


- -
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- -
- -

Object Hash Mappers

Looking for a higher level if abstraction for your Objects, their Properties and Relationships?

There is not need to stick to the client libraries exposing the raw features of Redis, here you will find a list of Object Hash Mappers, working in the same fashion a ORM does.







  • Minimal model support for Redis. Directly maps Ruby properties to model_name:id:field_name keys in redis. Scalar, List and Set properties are supported. Values can be marshaled to/from Integer, Float, DateTime, JSON.
  • Repository:
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- -Pipelining: Contents
  Pipelining (DRAFT) -
- -


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- -

Pipelining (DRAFT)

A client library can use the same connection in order to issue multiple commands. But Redis supports pipelining, so multiple commands can be sent to the server with a single write operation by the client, without need to read the server reply in order to issue the next command. All the replies can be read at the end.

Usually Redis server and client will have a very fast link so this is not very important to support this feature in a client implementation, still if an application needs to issue a very large number of commands in s short time, using pipelining can be much faster.

Please read the ProtocolSpecification if you want to learn more about the way Redis clients and the server communicate.

Pipelining is one of the Speed Features of Redis, you can also check the support for send and receive multiple values in a single command. -
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- -ProgrammingExamples: Contents
  Programming Examples (DRAFT)
      Note Taking -
- -


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- -

Programming Examples (DRAFT)


-Nothing speaks better than code examples, here you are:



A Java clone of Retwis showcase integration between the Play! framework and Redis Google Code Project Page



A PHP Twitter clone, the original example of Redis capabilities. With a live demo, and an article explaining it design. You can find the code in the Downloads tab.



A simplied version of the application running from Mirko Froehlich (@digitalhobbit) with a full blog post explaining its development at Building a Twitter Filter With Sinatra, Redis, and TweetStream


The "simple" Redis-based queue behind Github background jobs, that replaced SQS, Starling, ActiveMessaging, BackgroundJob, DelayedJob, and Beanstalkd. Developed by Chris Wanstrath (@defunkt) the code is at, be sure to read the introduction


A port of Retwis to Ruby and Sinatra written by Daniel Lucraft (@DanLucraft) Full source code is available at


Scanty is minimal blogging software developed by Adam Wiggins (@hirodusk) It is not a blogging engine, but it’s small and easy to modify, so it could be the starting point for your blog. This fork is modified to use Redis, a full featured key-value database, instead of SQL.

Note Taking

A very simple note taking example of Ruby and Redis application using Sinatra. Developed by Pieter Noordhuis @pnoordhuis, you can check the code at -
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- = Protocol Specification =

The Redis protocol is a compromise between the following things:

  • Simple to implement.
  • Fast to parse by a computer.
  • Easy enough to parse by a human.

Networking layer

A client connects to a Redis server creating a TCP connection to the port 6379. -Every Redis command or data transmitted by the client and the server is -terminated by "\r\n" (CRLF).


Redis accepts commands composed of different arguments. -Once a command is received, it is processed and a reply is sent back to the client.

The new unified request protocol

The new unified protocol was introduced in Redis 1.2, but it became the standard way for talking with the Redis server in Redis 2.0.

In the unified protocol all the arguments sent to the Redis server are binary safe. This is the general form:

-*<number of arguments> CR LF
-$<number of bytes of argument 1> CR LF
-<argument data> CR LF
-$<number of bytes of argument N> CR LF
-<argument data> CR LF
See the following example:

This is how the above command looks as a quoted string, so that it is possible to see the exact value of every byte in the query:

As you will see in a moment this format is also used in Redis replies. -The format used for every argument "$6\r\nmydata\r\n" is called a Bulk Reply. -While the actual unified request protocol is what Redis uses to return list of items, and is called a Multi Bulk Reply. It is just the sum of N different -Bulk Replies prefixed by a *<argc>\r\n string where <argc> is the number of arguments (Bulk Replies) that will follow.


Redis will reply to commands with different kinds of replies. It is possible to check the kind of reply from the first byte sent by the server:

  • With a single line reply the first byte of the reply will be "+"
  • With an error message the first byte of the reply will be "-"
  • With an integer number the first byte of the reply will be ":"
  • With bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "$"
  • With multi-bulk reply the first byte of the reply will be "*"

Single line reply

A single line reply is in the form of a single line string -starting with "+" terminated by "\r\n". For example:

The client library should return everything after the "+", that is, the string "OK" in the example.

The following commands reply with a single line reply: -PING, SET, SELECT, SAVE, BGSAVE, SHUTDOWN, RENAME, LPUSH, RPUSH, LSET, LTRIM

Error reply

Errors are sent exactly like Single Line Replies. The only difference is that the first byte is "-" instead of "+".

Error replies are only sent when something strange happened, for instance if you try to perform an operation against the wrong data type, or if the command does not exist and so forth. So an exception should be raised by the library client when an Error Reply is received.

Integer reply

This type of reply is just a CRLF terminated string representing an integer, prefixed by a ":" byte. For example ":0\r\n", or ":1000\r\n" are integer replies.

With commands like INCR or LASTSAVE using the integer reply to actually return a value there is no special meaning for the returned integer. It is just an incremental number for INCR, a UNIX time for LASTSAVE and so on.

Some commands like EXISTS will return 1 for true and 0 for false.

Other commands like SADD, SREM and SETNX will return 1 if the operation was actually done, 0 otherwise.


Bulk replies

Bulk replies are used by the server in order to return a single binary safe string.

-C: GET mykey
-S: $6
-S: foobar
The server sends as the first line a "$" byte followed by the number of bytes -of the actual reply, followed by CRLF, then the actual data bytes are sent, -followed by additional two bytes for the final CRLF. -The exact sequence sent by the server is:

If the requested value does not exist the bulk reply will use the special -value -1 as data length, example:

-C: GET nonexistingkey
-S: $-1
The client library API should not return an empty string, but a nil object, when the requested object does not exist. -For example a Ruby library should return 'nil' while a C library should return -NULL (or set a special flag in the reply object), and so forth.

Multi-Bulk replies

Commands like LRANGE need to return multiple values (every element -of the list is a value, and LRANGE needs to return more than a single element). This is accomplished using multiple bulk writes, -prefixed by an initial line indicating how many bulk writes will follow. -The first byte of a multi bulk reply is always *. Example:

-C: LRANGE mylist 0 3
-S: *4
-S: $3
-S: foo
-S: $3
-S: bar
-S: $5
-S: Hello
-S: $5
-S: World
As you can see the multi bulk reply is exactly the same format used in order -to send commands to the Redis server unsing the unified protocol.

The first line the server sent is "4\r\n" in order to specify that four bulk -replies will follow. Then every bulk write is transmitted.

If the specified key does not exist, instead of the number of elements in the -list the special value -1 is sent as count. Example:

-C: LRANGE nokey 0 1
-S: *-1
A client library API SHOULD return a nil object and not an empty list when this -happens. This makes possible to distinguish between empty list and other error conditions (for instance a timeout condition in the BLPOP command).

Nil elements in Multi-Bulk replies

Single elements of a multi bulk reply may have -1 length, in order to signal that this elements are missing and not empty strings. This can happen with the SORT command when used with the GET pattern option when the specified key is missing. Example of a multi bulk reply containing an empty element:

-S: *3
-S: $3
-S: foo
-S: $-1
-S: $3
-S: bar
The second element is nul. The client library should return something like this:


Multiple commands and pipelining

A client can use the same connection in order to issue multiple commands. -Pipelining is supported so multiple commands can be sent with a single -write operation by the client, it is not needed to read the server reply -in order to issue the next command. All the replies can be read at the end.

Usually Redis server and client will have a very fast link so this is not -very important to support this feature in a client implementation, still -if an application needs to issue a very large number of commands in short -time to use pipelining can be much faster.

The old protocol for sending commands

Before of the Unified Request Protocol Redis used a different protocol to send -commands, that is still supported since it is simpler to type by hand via telnet. In this protocol there are two kind of commands:

* Inline commands: simple commands where argumnets are just space separated strings. No binary safeness is possible.* Bulk commands: bulk commands are exactly like inline commands, but the last argument is handled in a special way in order to allow for a binary-safe last argument.

Inline Commands

The simplest way to send Redis a command is via
Inline Commands. -The following is an example of a server/client chat using an inline command (the server chat starts with S:, the client chat with C:)

The following is another example of an INLINE command returning an integer:

-C: EXISTS somekey
-S: :0
Since 'somekey' does not exist the server returned ':0'.

Note that the EXISTS command takes one argument. Arguments are separated -by spaces.

Bulk commands

Some commands when sent as inline commands require a special form in order -to support a binary safe last argument. This commands will use the last argument -for a "byte count", then the bulk data is sent (that can be binary safe since -the server knows how many bytes to read).

See for instance the following example:

-C: SET mykey 6
-C: foobar
-S: +OK
The last argument of the commnad is '6'. This specify the number of DATA -bytes that will follow, that is, the string "foobar". Note that even this bytes are terminated by two additional bytes of CRLF.

All the bulk commands are in this exact form: instead of the last argument -the number of bytes that will follow is specified, followed by the bytes -composing the argument itself, and CRLF. In order to be more clear for the programmer this is the string sent by the client in the above sample:

"SET mykey 6\r\nfoobar\r\n"
-Redis has an internal list of what command is inline and what command is bulk, so you have to send this commands accordingly. It is strongly suggested to use the new Unified Request Protocol instead. -
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- =SUBSCRIBE channel_1 channel_2 ... channel_N= -

UNSUBSCRIBE channel_1 channel_2 ... channel_N


UNSUBSCRIBE (unsubscribe from all channels)


PSUBSCRIBE pattern_1 pattern_2 ... pattern_N


PUNSUBSCRIBE pattern_1 pattern_2 ... pattern_N


PUNSUBSCRIBE (unsubscribe from all patterns)


PUBLISH channel message

Time complexity: subscribe is O(1), unsubscribe is O(N) where N is the number of clients already subscribed to a channel, publish is O(N+M) where N is the number of clients subscribed to the receiving channel, and M is the total number of subscribed patterns (by any client). Psubscribe is O(N) where N is the number of patterns the Psubscribing client is already subscribed to. Punsubscribe is O(N+M) where N is the number of patterns the Punsubscribing client is already subscribed and M is the number of total patterns subscribed in the system (by any client).

Note: this commands are available starting form Redis 2.0.0

SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH commands implement thePublish/Subscribe messaging paradigm where (citing Wikipedia) senders (publishers) are not programmed to send their messages to specific receivers (subscribers). Rather, published messages are characterized into channels, without knowledge of what (if any) subscribers there may be. Subscribers express interest in one or more channels, and only receive messages that are of interest, without knowledge of what (if any) publishers there are. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology.
For instance in order to subscribe to the channels foo and bar the clientwill issue the SUBSCRIBE command followed by the names of the channels.
-SUBSCRIBE foo bar
All the messages sent by other clients to this channels will be pushed bythe Redis server to all the subscribed clients, in the form of a threeelements bulk reply, where the first element is the message type, thesecond the originating channel, and the third argument the message payload.
A client subscribed to 1 or more channels should NOT issue other commandsother than SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE, but can subscribe or unsubscribeto other channels dynamically.
The reply of the SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE operations are sent in the formof messages, so that the client can just read a coherent stream of messageswhere the first element indicates the kind of message.

Format of pushed messages

Messages are in the form of multi bulk replies with three elements.The first element is the kind of message:
  • "subscribe": means that we successfully subscribed to the channel given as second element of the multi bulk reply. The third argument represents the number of channels we are currently subscribed to.
  • "unsubscribe": means that we successfully unsubscribed from the channel given as second element of the multi bulk reply. The third argument represents the number of channels we are currently subscribed to. If this latest argument is zero, we are no longer subscribed to any channel, and the client can issue any kind of Redis command as we are outside the Pub/sub state.
  • "message": it is a message received as result of a PUBLISH command issued by another client. The second element is the name of the originating channel, and the third the actual message payload.

Unsubscribing from all the channels at once

-If the UNSUBSCRIBE command is issued without additional arguments, it is equivalent to unsubscribing to all the channels we are currently subscribed. A message for every unsubscribed channel will be received. -

Wire protocol example

-SUBSCRIBE first second
-at this point from another client we issue a PUBLISH operation against the channel named "second". This is what the first client receives: -
-Now the client unsubscribes itself from all the channels using the UNSUBSCRIBE command without additional arguments: -

PSUBSCRIBE and PUNSUBSCRIBE: pattern matching subscriptions

-Redis Pub/Sub implementation supports pattern matching. Clients may subscribe to glob style patterns in order to receive all the messages sent to channel names matching a given pattern.

For instance the command: -
-Will receive all the messages sent to the channel and and so forth. All the glob style patterns as valid, so multiple wild cards are supported.

Messages received as a result of pattern matching are sent in a different format: -
  • The type of the message is "pmessage": it is a message received as result of a PUBLISH command issued by another client, matching a pattern matching subscription. The second element is the original pattern matched, the third element is the name of the originating channel, and the last element the actual message payload.
-Similarly to SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE and PUNSUBSCRIBE commands are acknowledged by the system sending a message of type "psubscribe" and "punsubscribe" using the same format as the "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" message format. -

Messages matching both a pattern and a channel subscription

-A client may receive a single message multiple time if it's subscribed to multiple patterns matching a published message, or it is subscribed to both patterns and channels matching the message. Like in the following example: -
-In the above example, if a message is sent to the foo channel, the client will receive two messages, one of type "message" and one of type "pmessage". -

The meaning of the count of subscriptions with pattern matching

-In subscribe, unsubscribe, psubscribe and punsubscribe message types, the last argument is the count of subscriptions still active. This number is actually the total number of channels and patterns the client is still subscribed to. So the client will exit the Pub/Sub state only when this count will drop to zero as a result of unsubscription from all the channels and patterns. -

More details on the PUBLISH command

-The Publish command is a bulk command where the first argument is the target class, and the second argument the data to send. It returns an Integer Reply representing the number of clients that received the message (that is, the number of clients that were listening for this class). -

Programming Example

-Pieter Noordhuis provided a great example using Event-machine and Redis to create a multi user high performance web chat, with source code included of course! -

Client library implementations hints

-Because all the messages received contain the original subscription causing the message delivery (the channel in the case of "message" type, and the original pattern in the case of "pmessage" type) clinet libraries may bind the original subscription to callbacks (that can be anonymous functions, blocks, function pointers, and so forth), using an hash table.

When a message is received an O(1) lookup can be done in order to deliver the message to the registered callback. -
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- - - -
- -QuickStart: Contents
  Quick Start
    Obtain the latest version
    Run the server
    Play with the built in client
    Further reading -
- -


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- #sidebar RedisGuides -

Quick Start

This quickstart is a five minutes howto on how to get started with Redis. For more information on Redis check Redis Documentation Index.

Obtain the latest version

The latest stable source distribution of Redis can be obtained at this location as a tarball.

-$ wget
The unstable source code, with more features but not ready for production, can be downloaded using git:

-$ git clone git://


Redis can be compiled in most POSIX systems. To compile Redis just untar the tar.gz, enter the directly and type 'make'.

-$ tar xvzf redis-1.02.tar.gz
-$ cd redis-1.02
-$ make
In order to test if the Redis server is working well in your computer make sure to run make test and check that all the tests are passed.

Run the server

Redis can run just fine without a configuration file (when executed without a config file a standard configuration is used). To run Redis just type the following command:

-$ ./redis-server
With the default configuration Redis will log to the standard output so you can check what happens. Later, you can change the default settings.

Play with the built in client

Redis ships with a command line client that is automatically compiled when you ran make and it is called redis-cliFor instance to set a key and read back the value use the following:

-$ ./redis-cli set mykey somevalue
-$ ./redis-cli get mykey
What about adding elements to a list:

-$ ./redis-cli lpush mylist firstvalue
-$ ./redis-cli lpush mylist secondvalue
-$ ./redis-cli lpush mylist thirdvalue
-$ ./redis-cli lrange mylist 0 -1
-1. thirdvalue
-2. secondvalue
-3. firstvalue
-$ ./redis-cli rpop mylist
-$ ./redis-cli lrange mylist 0 -1
-1. thirdvalue
-2. secondvalue

Further reading

- -
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- - - -
- -QuitCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar ConnectionHandlingSidebar


Ask the server to silently close the connection.

Return value

None. The connection is closed as soon as the QUIT command is received. - -
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- = Introduction =

Redis is an extremely fast and powerful key-value store database and server implemented in ANSI C. Redis offers many different ways to do one straightforward thing: store a value ("antirez") to a key ("redis"). While the format of keys must always be simple strings, the power is with the values, which support the following data types:

-Each value type has an associated list of commands which can operate on them, and the The Redis Command Reference contains an up to date list of these commands, organized primarily by data type. The Redis source also includes a Redis command line interface which allows you to interact directly with the server, and is the means by which this introduction will provide examples. Once you walk through the Redis Quick Start Guide to get your instance of Redis running, you can follow along.

One of the most powerful aspects of Redis is the wide range of commands which are optimized to work with specific data value types and executed as atomic server-side operations. The List type is a great example - Redis implements O(1) operations such as LPUSH or RPUSH, which have accompanying LPOP and RPOP methods:

-redis> lpush programming_languages C
-redis> lpush programming_languages Ruby
-redis> rpush programming_languages Python
-redis> rpop programming_languages
-redis> lpop programming_languages
More complex operations are available for each data type as well. Continuing with lists, you can get a range of elements with LRANGE (O(start+n)) or trim the list with LTRIM (O(n)):

-redis> lpush cities NYC
-redis> lpush cities SF
-redis> lpush cities Tokyo
-redis> lpush cities London
-redis> lpush cities Paris
-redis> lrange cities 0 2
-1. Paris
-2. London
-3. Tokyo
-redis> ltrim cities 0 1
-redis> lpop cities
-redis> lpop cities
-redis> lpop cities
You can also add and remove elements from a set, and perform intersections, unions, and differences.

Redis can also be looked at as a data structures server. A Redis user is virtually provided with an interface to Abstract Data Types, saving them from the responsibility of implementing concrete data structures and algorithms -- indeed both algorithms and data structures in Redis are properly chosen in order to obtain the best performance.

All data in memory, but saved on disk

Redis loads and mantains the whole dataset into memory, but the dataset is persistent, since at the same time it is saved on disk, so that when the server is restarted data can be loaded back in memory.

There are two kinds of persistence supported: the first one is called snapshotting. In this mode Redis periodically writes to disk asynchronously. The dataset is loaded from the dump every time the server is (re)started.

Redis can be configured to save the dataset when a certain number of changes is reached and after a given number of seconds elapses. For example, you can configure Redis to save after 1000 changes and at most 60 seconds since the last save. You can specify any combination for these numbers.

Because data is written asynchronously, when a system crash occurs, the last few queries can get lost (that is acceptable in many applications but not in all). In order to make this a non issue Redis supports another, safer persistence mode, called Append Only File, where every command received altering the dataset (so not a read-only command, but a write command) is written on an append only file ASAP. This commands are replayed when the server is restarted in order to rebuild the dataset in memory.

Redis Append Only File supports a very handy feature: the server is able to safely rebuild the append only file in background in a non-blocking fashion when it gets too long. You can find more details in the Append Only File HOWTO.

Master-Slave replication made trivial

Whatever will be the persistence mode you'll use Redis supports master-slave replications if you want to stay really safe or if you need to scale to huge amounts of reads.

Redis Replication is trivial to setup. So trivial that all you need to do in order to configure a Redis server to be a slave of another one, with automatic synchronization if the link will go down and so forth, is the following config line: slaveof 6379. We provide a Replication Howto if you want to know more about this feature.

It's persistent but supports expires

Redis can be used as a memcached on steroids because is as fast as memcached but with a number of features more. Like memcached, Redis also supports setting timeouts to keys so that this key will be automatically removed when a given amount of time passes.

Beyond key-value databases

All these features allow to use Redis as the sole DB for your scalable application without the need of any relational database. We wrote a simple Twitter clone in PHP + Redis to show a real world example, the link points to an article explaining the design and internals in very simple words.

Multiple databases support

Redis supports multiple databases with commands to atomically move keys from one database to the other. By default DB 0 is selected for every new connection, but using the SELECT command it is possible to select a different database. The MOVE operation can move an item from one DB to another atomically. This can be used as a base for locking free algorithms together with the 'RANDOMKEY' commands.

Know more about Redis!

To really get a feeling about what Redis is and how it works please try reading A fifteen minutes introduction to Redis data types.

To know a bit more about how Redis works internally continue reading.

Redis Tutorial

(note, you can skip this section if you are only interested in "formal" doc.)

Later in this document you can find detailed information about Redis commands, -the protocol specification, and so on. This kind of documentation is useful -but... if you are new to Redis it is also BORING! The Redis protocol is designed -so that is both pretty efficient to be parsed by computers, but simple enough -to be used by humans just poking around with the 'telnet' command, so this -section will show to the reader how to play a bit with Redis to get an initial -feeling about it, and how it works.

To start just compile redis with 'make' and start it with './redis-server'. -The server will start and log stuff on the standard output, if you want -it to log more edit redis.conf, set the loglevel to debug, and restart it.

You can specify a configuration file as unique parameter:

./redis-server /etc/redis.conf
-This is NOT required. The server will start even without a configuration file -using a default built-in configuration.

Now let's try to set a key to a given value:

-$ telnet localhost 6379
-Connected to localhost.
-Escape character is '^]'.
-SET foo 3  
The first line we sent to the server is "set foo 3". This means "set the key -foo with the following three bytes I'll send you". The following line is -the "bar" string, that is, the three bytes. So the effect is to set the -key "foo" to the value "bar". Very simple!

(note that you can send commands in lowercase and it will work anyway, -commands are not case sensitive)

Note that after the first and the second line we sent to the server there -is a newline at the end. The server expects commands terminated by "\r\n" -and sequence of bytes terminated by "\r\n". This is a minimal overhead from -the point of view of both the server and client but allows us to play with -Redis with the telnet command easily.

The last line of the chat between server and client is "+OK". This means -our key was added without problems. Actually SET can never fail but -the "+OK" sent lets us know that the server received everything and -the command was actually executed.

Let's try to get the key content now:

-GET foo
Ok that's very similar to 'set', just the other way around. We sent "get foo", -the server replied with a first line that is just the $ character follwed by -the number of bytes the value stored at key contained, followed by the actual -bytes. Again "\r\n" are appended both to the bytes count and the actual data. In Redis slang this is called a bulk reply.

What about requesting a non existing key?

-GET blabla
When the key does not exist instead of the length, just the "$-1" string is sent. Since a -1 length of a bulk reply has no meaning it is used in order to specifiy a 'nil' value and distinguish it from a zero length value. Another way to check if a given key exists or not is indeed the EXISTS command:

-EXISTS nokey
As you can see the server replied ':0' the first time since 'nokey' does not -exist, and ':1' for 'foo', a key that actually exists. Replies starting with the colon character are integer reply.

Ok... now you know the basics, read the REDIS COMMAND REFERENCE section to -learn all the commands supported by Redis and the PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION -section for more details about the protocol used if you plan to implement one -for a language missing a decent client implementation.


Redis is released under the BSD license. See the COPYING file for more information.


Redis is written and maintained by Salvatore Sanfilippo, Aka 'antirez'. -
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- -RandomkeyCommand: Contents
    Return value -
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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar


-Time complexity: O(1)
Return a randomly selected key from the currently selected DB.

Return value

Singe line reply, specifically the randomly selected key or an empty string is the database is empty. - -
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- -Redis0100ChangeLog: Contents
  Redis 0.100 Changelog -
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Redis 0.100 Changelog

-- SUNION, SDIFF, SUNIONSTORE, SDIFFSTORE commands implemented. (Aman Gupta, antirez)
-- Non blocking replication. Now while N slaves are synchronizing, the master will continue to ask to client queries. (antirez)
-- PHP client ported to PHP5 (antirez)
-- FLUSHALL/FLUSHDB no longer sync on disk. Just increment the dirty counter by the number of elements removed, that will probably trigger a background saving operation (antirez)
-- INCRBY/DECRBY now support 64bit increments, with tests (antirez)
-- New fields in INFO command, bgsave_in_progress and replication related (antirez)
-- Ability to specify a different file name for the DB (... can't remember ...)
-- GETSET command, atomic GET + SET (antirez)
-- SMOVE command implemented, atomic move-element across sets operation (antirez)
-- Ability to work with huge data sets, tested up to 350 million keys (antirez)
-- Warns if /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory is set to 0 on Linux. Also make sure to don't resize the hash tables while the child process is saving in order to avoid copy-on-write of memory pages (antirez)
-- Infinite number of arguments for MGET and all the other commands (antirez)
-- CPP client (Brian Hammond)
-- DEL is now a vararg, IMPORTANT: memory leak fixed in loading DB code (antirez)
-- Benchmark utility now supports random keys (antirez)
-- Timestamp in log lines (antirez)
-- Fix SINTER/UNIONSTORE to allow for &=/|= style operations (i.e. SINTERSTORE set1 set1 set2) (Aman Gupta)
-- Partial qsort implemented in SORT command, only when both BY and LIMIT is used (antirez)
-- Allow timeout=0 config to disable client timeouts (Aman Gupta)
-- Alternative (faster/simpler) ruby client API compatible with Redis-rb (antirez)
-- S*STORE now return the cardinality of the resulting set (antirez)
-- TTL command implemented (antirez)
-- Critical bug about glueoutputbuffers=yes fixed. Under load and with pipelining and clients disconnecting on the middle of the chat with the server, Redis could block. (antirez)
-- Different replication fixes (antirez)
-- SLAVEOF command implemented for remote replication management (antirez)
-- Issue with redis-client used in scripts solved, now to check if the latest argument must come from standard input we do not check that stdin is or not a tty but the command arity (antirez)
-- Warns if using the default config (antirez)
-- maxclients implemented, see redis.conf for details (antirez)
-- max bytes of a received command enlarged from 1k to 32k (antirez)
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- -Redis0900ChangeLog: Contents
  CHANGELOG for Redis 0.900 -
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CHANGELOG for Redis 0.900

-2009-06-16 client libraries updated (antirez)
-2009-06-16 Better handling of background saving process killed or crashed (antirez)
-2009-06-14 number of keys info in INFO command (Diego Rosario Brogna)
-2009-06-14 SPOP documented (antirez)
-2009-06-14 Clojure library (Ragnar Dahlén)
-2009-06-10 It is now possible to specify - as config file name to read it from stdin (antirez)
-2009-06-10 max bytes in an inline command raised to 1024*1024 bytes, in order to allow for very large MGETs and still protect from client crashes (antirez)
-2009-06-08 SPOP implemented. Hash table resizing for Sets and Expires too. Changed the resize policy to play better with RANDOMKEY and SPOP. (antirez)
-2009-06-07 some minor changes to the backtrace code (antirez)
-2009-06-07 enable backtrace capabilities only for Linux and MacOSX (antirez)
-2009-06-07 Dump a backtrace on sigsegv/sigbus, original coded (Diego Rosario Brogna)
-2009-06-05 Avoid a busy loop while sending very large replies against very fast links, this allows to be more responsive with other clients even under a KEY * against the loopback interface (antirez)
-2009-06-05 Kill the background saving process before performing SHUTDOWN to avoid races (antirez)
-2009-06-05 LREM now returns :0 for non existing keys (antirez)
-2009-06-05 added config.h for #ifdef business isolation, added fstat64 for Mac OS X (antirez)
-2009-06-04 macosx specific zmalloc.c, uses malloc_size function in order to avoid to waste memory and time to put an additional header (antirez)
-2009-06-04 DEBUG OBJECT implemented (antirez)
-2009-06-03 shareobjectspoolsize implemented in reds.conf, in order to control the pool size when object sharing is on (antirez)
-2009-05-27 maxmemory implemented (antirez)
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- =Redis Big Data: facts and guidelines=

BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF blocking fork() call

-fork.c && ./a.out
-allocated:     1 MB, fork() took 0.000
-allocated:    10 MB, fork() took 0.001
-allocated:   100 MB, fork() took 0.007
-allocated:  1000 MB, fork() took 0.059
-allocated: 10000 MB, fork() took 0.460
-allocated: 20000 MB, fork() took 0.895
-allocated: 30000 MB, fork() took 1.327
-allocated: 40000 MB, fork() took 1.759
-allocated: 50000 MB, fork() took 2.190
-allocated: 60000 MB, fork() took 2.621
-allocated: 70000 MB, fork() took 3.051
-allocated: 80000 MB, fork() took 3.483
-allocated: 90000 MB, fork() took 3.911
-allocated: 100000 MB, fork() took 4.340
-allocated: 110000 MB, fork() took 4.770
-allocated: 120000 MB, fork() took 5.202

Using multiple cores


Splitting data into multiple instances


BGSAVE / AOFSAVE memory usage, and copy on write


BGSAVE / AOFSAVE time for big datasets


Non blocking hash table

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- -RedisCLI: Contents
  Redis CLI -
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- Redis Command Line Interface -
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Redis CLI

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- -RedisEventLibrary: Contents
  Redis Event Library
    Event Loop Initialization
    Event Loop Processing
      processTimeEvents -
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- #sidebar RedisInternals

Redis Event Library

Redis implements its own event library. The event library is implemented in ae.c.

The best way to understand how the Redis event library works is to understand how Redis uses it.

Event Loop Initialization

-initServer function defined in redis.c initializes the numerous fields of the redisServer structure variable. One such field is the Redis event loop el:

-aeEventLoop *el 
initServer initializes server.el field by calling aeCreateEventLoop defined in ae.c. The definition of aeEventLoop is below: -
-typedef struct aeEventLoop 
-    int maxfd;
-    long long timeEventNextId;
-    aeFileEvent events[AE_SETSIZE]; /* Registered events */
-    aeFiredEvent fired[AE_SETSIZE]; /* Fired events */
-    aeTimeEvent *timeEventHead;
-    int stop;
-    void *apidata; /* This is used for polling API specific data */
-    aeBeforeSleepProc *beforesleep;
-} aeEventLoop;


aeCreateEventLoop first mallocs aeEventLoop structure then calls ae_epoll.c:aeApiCreate. - -aeApiCreate mallocs aeApiState that has two fields - epfd that holds the epoll file descriptor returned by a call from [ epoll_create] and events that is of type struct epoll_event define by the Linux epoll library. The use of the events field will be described later. - -Next is 'ae.c:aeCreateTimeEvent. But before that initServer call anet.c:anetTcpServer that creates and returns a listening descriptor. The descriptor is listens to port 6379 by default. The returned listening descriptor is stored in server.fd field.


aeCreateTimeEvent accepts the following as parameters:

  • eventLoop: This is server.el in redis.c
  • milliseconds: The number of milliseconds from the curent time after which the timer expires.
  • proc: Function pointer. Stores the address of the function that has to be called after the timer expires.
  • clientData: Mostly NULL.
  • finalizerProc: Pointer to the function that has to be called before the timed event is removed from the list of timed events.
-initServer calls aeCreateTimeEvent to add a timed event to timeEventHead field of server.el. timeEventHead is a pointer to a list of such timed events. The call to aeCreateTimeEvent from redis.c:initServer function is given below:

-aeCreateTimeEvent(server.el /*eventLoop*/, 1 /*milliseconds*/, serverCron /*proc*/, NULL /*clientData*/, NULL /*finalizerProc*/);
redis.c:serverCron performs many operations that helps keep Redis running properly.


The essence of aeCreateFileEvent function is to execute epoll_ctl system call which adds a watch for EPOLLIN event on the listening descriptor create by anetTcpServer and associate it with the epoll descriptor created by a call to aeCreateEventLoop.

Following is an explanation of what precisely aeCreateFileEvent does when called from redis.c:initServer.

initServer passes the following arguments to aeCreateFileEvent: -
  • server.el: The event loop created by aeCreateEventLoop. The epoll descriptor is got from server.el.
  • server.fd: The listening descriptor that also serves as an index to access the relevant file event structure from the eventLoop->events table and store extra information like the callback function.
  • AE_READABLE: Signifies that server.fd has to be watched for EPOLLIN event.
  • acceptHandler: The function that has to be executed when the event being watched for is ready. This function pointer is stored in eventLoop->events[server.fd]->rfileProc.
-This completes the initialization of Redis event loop.

Event Loop Processing

ae.c:aeMain called from redis.c:main does the job of processing the event loop that is initialized in the previous phase.

ae.c:aeMain calls ae.c:aeProcessEvents in a while loop that processes pending time and file events.


ae.c:aeProcessEvents looks for the time event that will be pending in the smallest amount of time by calling ae.c:aeSearchNearestTimer on the event loop. In our case there is only one timer event in the event loop that was created by ae.c:aeCreateTimeEvent.

Remember, that timer event created by aeCreateTimeEvent has by now probably elapsed because it had a expiry time of one millisecond. Since, the timer has already expired the seconds and microseconds fields of the tvp timeval structure variable is initialized to zero.

The tvp structure variable along with the event loop variable is passed to ae_epoll.c:aeApiPoll.

aeApiPoll functions does a epoll_wait on the epoll descriptor and populates the eventLoop->fired table with the details: -
  • fd: The descriptor that is now ready to do a read/write operation depending on the mask value. The
  • mask: The read/write event that can now be performed on the corresponding descriptor.
-aeApiPoll returns the number of such file events ready for operation. Now to put things in context, if any client has requested for a connection then aeApiPoll would have noticed it and populated the eventLoop->fired table with an entry of the descriptor being the listening descriptor and mask being AE_READABLE.

Now, aeProcessEvents calls the redis.c:acceptHandler registered as the callback. acceptHandler executes [ accept] on the listening descriptor returning a connected descriptor with the client. redis.c:createClient adds a file event on the connected descriptor through a call to ae.c:aeCreateFileEvent like below:

-    if (aeCreateFileEvent(server.el, c->fd, AE_READABLE,
-        readQueryFromClient, c) == AE_ERR) {
-        freeClient(c);
-        return NULL;
-    }
c is the redisClient structure variable and c->fd is the connected descriptor.

Next the ae.c:aeProcessEvent calls ae.c:processTimeEvents


ae.processTimeEvents iterates over list of time events starting at eventLoop->timeEventHead.

For every timed event that has elapsed processTimeEvents calls the registered callback. In this case it calls the only timed event callback registered, that is, redis.c:serverCron. The callback returns the time in milliseconds after which the callback must be called again. This change is recorded via a call to ae.c:aeAddMilliSeconds and will be handled on the next iteration of ae.c:aeMain while loop.

That's all. - -
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- -RedisInternals: Contents
  Redis Internals
    Redis STRINGS
    Redis Virtual Memory
    Redis Event Library -
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Redis Internals

This is a source code level documentation of Redis.


String is the basic building block of Redis types.

Redis is a key-value store. -All Redis keys are strings and its also the simplest value type.

Lists, sets, sorted sets and hashes are other more complex value types and even -these are composed of strings.

Hacking Strings documents the Redis String implementation details.

Redis Virtual Memory

A technical specification full of details about the Redis Virtual Memory subsystem

Redis Event Library

Read event library to understand what an event library does and why its needed.

Redis event library documents the implementation details of the event library used by Redis -
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Request/Response protocols and RTT

-Redis is a TCP server using the client-server model and what is called a Request/Response protocol.

This means that usually a request is accomplished with the following steps: -
  • The client sends a query to the server, and reads from the socket, usually in a blocking way, for the server response.
  • The server processes the command and sends the response back to the server.
So for instance a four commands sequence is something like this: -
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 1
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 2
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 3
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 4
Clients and Servers are connected via a networking link. Such a link can be very fast (a loopback interface) or very slow (a connection established over the internet with many hops between the two hosts). Whatever the network latency is, there is a time for the packets to travel from the client to the server, and back from the server to the client to carry the reply.

This time is called RTT (Round Trip Time). It is very easy to see how this can affect the performances when a client needs to perform many requests in a row (for instance adding many elements to the same list, or populating a database with many keys). For instance if the RTT time is 250 milliseconds (in the case of a very slow link over the internet), even if the server is able to process 100k requests per second, we'll be able to process at max four requests per second.

If the interface used is a loopback interface, the RTT is much shorter (for instance my host reports 0,044 milliseconds pinging, but it is still a lot if you need to perform many writes in a row.

Fortunately there is a way to improve this use cases. -

Redis Pipelining

-A Request/Response server can be implemented so that it is able to process new requests even if the client didn't already read the old responses. This way it is possible to send multiple commands to the server without waiting for the replies at all, and finally read the replies in a single step.

This is called pipelining, and is a technique widely in use since many decades. For instance many POP3 protocol implementations already supported this feature, dramatically speeding up the process of downloading new emails from the server.

Redis supports pipelining since the very early days, so whatever version you are running, you can use pipelining with Redis. This is an example using the raw netcat utility: -
-$ (echo -en "PING\r\nPING\r\nPING\r\n"; sleep 1) | nc localhost 6379
-This time we are not paying the cost of RTT for every call, but just one time for the three commands.

To be very explicit, with pipelining the order of operations of our very first example will be the following: -
  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Client: INCR X
  • Server: 1
  • Server: 2
  • Server: 3
  • Server: 4
IMPORTANT NOTE: while the client sends commands using pipelining, the server will be forced to queue the replies, using memory. So if you need to send many many commands with pipelining it's better to send this commands up to a given reasonable number, for instance 10k commands, read the replies, and send again other 10k commands and so forth. The speed will be nearly the same, but the additional memory used will be at max the amount needed to queue the replies for this 10k commands. -

Some benchmark

-In the following benchmark we'll use the Redis Ruby client, supporting pipelining, to test the speed improvement due to pipelining: -
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'redis'
-def bench(descr)
-    start =
-    yield
-    puts "#{descr} #{} seconds"
-def without_pipelining
-    r =
-    10000.times {
-    }
-def with_pipelining
-    r =
-    r.pipelined {
-        10000.times {
-        }
-    }
-bench("without pipelining") {
-    without_pipelining
-bench("with pipelining") {
-    with_pipelining
-Running the above simple script will provide this figures in my Mac OS X system, running over the loopback interface, where pipelining will provide the smallest improvement as the RTT is already pretty low: -
-without pipelining 1.185238 seconds
-with pipelining 0.250783 seconds
-As you can see using pipelining we improved the transfer by a factor of five. -

Pipelining VS other multi-commands

-Often we get requests about adding new commands performing multiple operations in a single pass. -For instance there is no command to add multiple elements in a set. You need calling many times SADD.

With pipelining you can have performances near to an MSADD command, but at the same time we'll avoid bloating the Redis command set with too many commands. An additional advantage is that the version written using just SADD will be ready for a distributed environment (for instance Redis Cluster, that is in the process of being developed) just dropping the pipelining code. -
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Redis Status Page

Hello! Redis uses versions composed of three numbers separated by a dot: major.minor.patchlevel.

When the minor is an odd number, it is used for an unstable release, so stable releases are for instance 1.2, 2.0, and so forth.

This is the status of the different Redis versions currently available:

  • 1.2 is the legacy redis stable release, now it is completely obsoleted by Redis 2.0. Redis 2.0 is almost completely back compatible with 1.2 so upgrading is usually not a problem. Still 1.2 is believed to be a very stable release that works well, so if you are using it in production with code that probably will not modified to use more advanced Redis features available in 2.0, it makes sense to take 1.2 running. For everything new, it's better to start with 2.0.
  • 2.0 is the current stable release. It is better than 1.2 in more or less everything: more features, more mature code, better replication, better persistence, and so forth. It is currently what most users should use, unless they really need features that are only available into an unstable release.
  • 2.1 is the current unstable release, and there are no tar.gz for this release, you need to download it from git. Warning: the master branch in git may work most of the time but is NOT what you should use. What's better instead is to use the 2.2-alpha tags: every time Redis 2.1.x is stable enough and the new features merged passed all the tests for a couple of weeks, and we didn't received severe bug reports from users, we tag master as 2.2-alpha number, where number is simply a progressive number. Just pick this number.

How stable are the alpha previews?

-Well it is surely ok for development, but it is not recommended for production. Still there are many users that trust Redis development process so much to use alpha releases in production, but this is up to you, we don't give any guarantee ;)

How to obtain a 2.2-alpha preview

Simply using git: -
-$ git clone git://
-Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/redis/.git/
-Then you can list all the branches matching 2.1-alpha with: -
-cd redis
-$ git tag | grep 2.2-alpha
-At this point you can just use git checkout tagname, substituting tagname with 2.2-alphaX where X is the greater progressive number you see in the listing.

ETA for Redis 2.2?

-Redis 2.2 is planned to enter the release candidate stage before the end of the 2010.

When will we be able to see a working version of Redis Cluster?

-I'm already working at it, I mean not just designing, but writing code. In three months we should have some kind of experimental version, while in six months we should have the first release candidate.

Probably the first stable release of Redis with working cluster will be called 3.0, but I'll try to merge it into 2.2 as an experimental support if we'll be sure there is no impact in the stability of the system when clustering is not used. -
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What's new in Redis 1.2

New persistence mode: Append Only File

The Append Only File is an alternative way to save your data in Redis that is fully durable! Unlike the snapshotting (default) persistence mode, where the database is saved asynchronously from time to time, the Append Only File saves every change ASAP in a text-only file that works like a journal. Redis will play back this file again at startup reloading the whole dataset back in memory. Redis Append Only File supports background Log compaction. For more info read the Append Only File HOWTO.

New data type: sorted sets

Sorted sets are collections of elements (like Sets) with an associated score (in the form of a double precision floating point number). Elements in a sorted set are taken in order, so for instance to take the greatest element is an O(1) operation. Insertion and deletion is O(log(N)). Sorted sets are implemented using a dual ported data structure consisting of an hash table and a skip list. For more information please read the Introduction To Redis Data Types.

Specialized integer objects encoding

Redis 1.2 will use less memory than Redis 1.0 for values in Strings, Lists or Sets elements that happen to be representable as 32 or 64 bit signed integers (it depends on your arch bits for the long C type). This is totally transparent form the point of view of the user, but will safe a lot of memory (30% less in datasets where there are many integers).


That is, setting multiple keys in one command, atomically. For more information see the MSET command wiki page.

Better Performances

  • 100x times faster SAVE and BGSAVE! There was a problem in the LZF lib configuration that is now resolved. The effect is this impressive speedup. Also the saving child will no longer use 100% of CPU.
  • Glue output buffer and writev(). Many commands producing large outputs, like LRANGE, will now be even 10 times faster, thanks to the new output buffer gluing algorithm and the (optional) use of writev(2) syscall.
  • Support for epool and kqueue / kevent. 10,000 clients scalability.
  • Much better EXPIRE support, now it's possible to work with very large sets of keys expiring in very short time without to incur in memory problems (the new algorithm expires keys in an adaptive way, so will get more aggressive if there are a lot of expiring keys)

Solaris Support

Redis will now compile and work on Solaris without problems. Warning: the Solaris user base is very little, so Redis running on Solaris may not be as tested and stable as it is on Linux and Mac OS X.

Support for the new generation protocol

  • Redis is now able to accept commands in a new fully binary safe way: with the new protocol keys are binary safe, not only values, and there is no distinction between bulk commands and inline commands. This new protocol is currently used only for MSET and MSETNX but at some point it will hopefully replace the old one. See the Multi Bulk Commands section in the Redis Protocol Specification for more information.

A few new commands about already supported data types

  • The SortCommand is now supprots the STORE and GET # forms, the first can be used to save sorted lists, sets or sorted sets into keys for caching. Check the manual page for more information about the GET # form.
  • The new RPOPLPUSH command can do many interesting magics, and a few of this are documented in the wiki page of the command.

Bug fixing

Of course, many bugs are now fixed, and I bet, a few others introduced: this is how software works after all, so make sure to report issues in the Redis mailing list or in the Google Code issues tracker.

Enjoy! -antirez

CHANGELOG for Redis 1.1.90

  • 2009-09-10 in-memory specialized object encoding. (antirez)
  • 2009-09-17 maxmemory fixed in 64 systems for values > 4GB. (antirez)
  • 2009-10-07 multi-bulk protocol implemented. (antriez)
  • 2009-10-16 MSET and MSETNX commands implemented (antirez)
  • 2009-10-21 SRANDMEMBER added (antirez)
  • 2009-10-23 Fixed compilation in mac os x snow leopard when compiling a 32 bit binary. (antirez)
  • 2009-10-23 New data type: Sorted sets and Z-commands (antirez)
  • 2009-10-26 Solaris fixed (Alan Harder)
  • 2009-10-29 Fixed Issue a number of open issues (antirez)
  • 2009-10-30 New persistence mode: append only file (antirez)
  • 2009-11-01 SORT STORE option (antirez)
  • 2009-11-03 redis-cli now accepts a -r (repeat) switch. (antirez)
  • 2009-11-04 masterauth option merged (Anthony Lauzon)
  • 2009-11-04 redis-test is now a better Redis citizen, testing everything against DB 9 and 10 and only if this DBs are empty. (antirez)
  • 2009-11-10 Implemented a much better lazy expiring algorithm for EXPIRE (antirez)
  • 2009-11-11 RPUSHLPOP (antirez from an idea of @ezmobius)
  • 2009-11-12 Merge git:// (Can't remmber what this implements, sorry)
  • 2009-11-17 multi-bulk reply support for redis-bench, LRANGE speed tests (antirez)
  • 2009-11-17 support for writev implemented. (Stefano Barbato)
  • 2009-11-19 debug mode (-D) in redis-bench (antirez)
  • 2009-11-21 SORT GET # implemented (antirez)
  • 2009-11-23 ae.c made modular, with support for epoll. (antirez)
  • 2009-11-26 background append log rebuilding (antirez)
  • 2009-11-28 Added support for kqueue. (Harish Mallipeddi)
  • 2009-11-29 SORT support for sorted sets (antirez, thanks to @tobi for the idea)
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- - - -
- -Redis_2_0_0_Changelog: Contents
  Redis 2.0: What's new?
      Blocking pop
      Virtual Memory
      Special Thanks
      DOWNLOAD -
- -


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- -

Redis 2.0: What's new?

The release of Redis 2.0 marks a major milestone in Redis development. Apart from an endless list of new features, there are some major ones that deserve to be highlighted.

It's worth to mention that while Redis 2.0.0 just reached its first stable release, Redis 2.2.0 is near to reach feature freeze, so ... be prepared for new exiting things in very short time!


-The MULTI/EXEC family of commands were added to fulfill the need to execute multiple commands as a single atomic block. -Because all commands inside a MULTI/EXEC block are serialized and executed sequentially, it is not possible that another -client request is served in the middle of executing this block. All commands are executed one after the other when -EXEC is called, which makes sure either all or no commands are executed, independent of the state of the client connection.

More on MULTI/EXEC: - -Note that WATCH, a CAS (check and set) variant of MULTI/EXEC will be available on 2.2.0 and is not part of 2.0.0.

Blocking pop

-The commands BLPOP and BRPOP were added to support popping from a list in a blocking fashion. This means the client -connection will be blocked for a certain amount of time until another client pushes an item on a list. These commands -are frequently used in producer/consumer scenarios.

More on blocking pop: - -


-The family of publish/subscribe commands let clients publish messages onto channels and subscribe to receive all messages -that are published on channels. Also included are commands to receive all messages for which the channel matches a given pattern.

More on publish/subscribe: - -


-This new datatype allows to store multiple key/value pairs on a single key. Together with the list of regular commands you -would expect for such a datatype (HSET, HGET, HDEL, HLEN, HKEYS, ...), it is also possible to use the values inside a hash -for any SORT operation.

More on hashes: - -

Virtual Memory

-Redis Virtual Memory allows users to grow their dataset beyond the limits of their RAM.

More on virtual memory: - -


  • Salvatore Sanfilippo
  • Pieter Noordhuis
  • Antonio Ognio
  • Alex McHale
  • Michel Martens
  • Damian Janowski
  • Bruno Deferrari
  • Ashley Martens
  • Derek Collison
  • Damian Janowski
  • Jeremy Zawodny
  • Konstantin Merenkov
  • Michel Martens
  • Sam Hendley

Special Thanks

-Thanks to VMware sponsoring the work of Salvatore and Pieter, and the Redis community of users and client library developers. Redis 2.0.0 was possible only thanks to your support.


-You can grab Redis 2.0.0 from Google Code.

It is also tagged on Git. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/Redis_2_0_Whats_new.html b/doc/Redis_2_0_Whats_new.html deleted file mode 100644 index 95c5d95e..00000000 --- a/doc/Redis_2_0_Whats_new.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -Redis_2_0_Whats_new: Contents
  Redis 2.0: What's new?
      Blocking pop
      Virtual Memory
    Contributors -
- -


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- -

Redis 2.0: What's new?

The release of Redis 2.0 marks a major milestone in Redis development. Apart from an endless list of new features, there are some major ones that deserve to be highlighted.


-The MULTI/EXEC family of commands were added to fulfill the need to execute multiple commands as a single atomic block. -Because all commands inside a MULTI/EXEC block are serialized and executed sequentially, it is not possible that another -client request is served in the middle of executing this block. All commands are executed one after the other when -EXEC is called, which makes sure either all or no commands are executed, independent of the state of the client connection.

More on MULTI/EXEC: - -

Blocking pop

-The commands BLPOP and BRPOP were added to support popping from a list in a blocking fashion. This means the client -connection will be blocked for a certain amount of time until another client pushes an item on a list. These commands -are frequently used in producer/consumer scenarios.

More on blocking pop: - -


-The family of publish/subscribe commands let clients publish messages onto channels and subscribe to receive all messages -that are published on channels. Also included are commands to receive all messages for which the channel matches a given pattern.

More on publish/subscribe: - -


-This new datatype allows to store multiple key/value pairs on a single key. Together with the list of regular commands you -would expect for such a datatype (HSET, HGET, HDEL, HLEN, HKEYS, ...), it is also possible to use the values inside a hash -for any SORT operation.

More on hashes: - -

Virtual Memory

-Redis Virtual Memory allows users to grow their dataset beyond the limits of their RAM.

More on virtual memory: - -


  • Salvatore Sanfilippo
  • Pieter Noordhuis
  • Antonio Ognio
  • Alex McHale
  • Michel Martens
  • Damian Janowski
  • Bruno Deferrari
  • Ashley Martens
  • Derek Collison
  • Damian Janowski
  • Jeremy Zawodny
  • Konstantin Merenkov
  • Michel Martens
  • Sam Hendley
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- - - -
- -RenameCommand: Contents
  RENAME _oldkey_ _newkey_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

RENAME _oldkey_ _newkey_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Atomically renames the key oldkey to newkey. If the source anddestination name are the same an error is returned. If newkeyalready exists it is overwritten.

Return value

Status code repy - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/RenamenxCommand.html b/doc/RenamenxCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e41d3dae..00000000 --- a/doc/RenamenxCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -RenamenxCommand: Contents
  RENAMENX _oldkey_ _newkey_
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

RENAMENX _oldkey_ _newkey_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Rename oldkey into newkey but fails if the destination key newkey already exists.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the key was renamed
-0 if the target key already exist
- -
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- - - -
- -ReplicationHowto: Contents
  Redis Replication Howto
    General Information
    How Redis replication works
    Configuration -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar RedisGuides -

Redis Replication Howto

General Information

Redis replication is a very simple to use and configure master-slave replication that allows slave Redis servers to be exact copies of master servers. The following are some very important facts about Redis replication:

  • A master can have multiple slaves.
  • Slaves are able to accept other slaves connections, so instead to connect a number of slaves against the same master it is also possible to connect some of the slaves to other slaves in a graph-alike structure.
  • Redis replication is non-blocking on the master side, this means that the master will continue to serve queries while one or more slaves are performing the first synchronization. Instead replication is blocking on the slave side: while the slave is performing the first synchronization it can't reply to queries.
  • Replications can be used both for scalability, in order to have multiple slaves for read-only queries (for example heavy SORT operations can be launched against slaves), or simply for data redundancy.
  • It is possible to use replication to avoid the saving process on the master side: just configure your master redis.conf in order to avoid saving at all (just comment al the "save" directives), then connect a slave configured to save from time to time.

How Redis replication works

In order to start the replication, or after the connection closes in order resynchronize with the master, the slave connects to the master and issues the SYNC command.

The master starts a background saving, and at the same time starts to collect all the new commands received that had the effect to modify the dataset. When the background saving completed the master starts the transfer of the database file to the slave, that saves it on disk, and then load it in memory. At this point the master starts to send all the accumulated commands, and all the new commands received from clients that had the effect of a dataset modification, to the slave, as a stream of commands, in the same format of the Redis protocol itself.

You can try it yourself via telnet. Connect to the Redis port while the server is doing some work and issue the SYNC command. You'll see a bulk transfer and then every command received by the master will be re-issued in the telnet session.

Slaves are able to automatically reconnect when the master <-> slave link goes down for some reason. If the master receives multiple concurrent slave synchronization requests it performs a single background saving in order to serve all them.


To configure replication is trivial: just add the following line to the slave configuration file: -
-slaveof 6379
-Of course you need to replace 6379 with your master ip address (or hostname) and port. - -
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Redis Reply Types

Redis commands can reply to the client with four different kind of replies, you can find the protocol level specification of this replies in the Redis Protocol Specification. This page is instead an higher level description of the four types of replies from the point of view of the final user.

Status code reply

-Status code replies are single line strings having the + character as first byte. The string to return to the client is simply verything that follows the first + character. For example the PING command returns +PONG, that is the string "PONG".

Error reply

-This is like a status code reply but the first character is - instead of +. The client library should raise an error for error replies and stop the execution of the program if the exception is not trapped, showing the error message (everything following the first - character). An example of error is "-Error no such key" or "-foobar". Note that error replies will not collide with negative integer replies since integer replies are prefixed with the : character.

Integer reply

-At protocol level integer replies are single line replies in form of a decimal singed number prefixed by a : character. For example :10 is an integer reply. Redis commands returning true or false will use an integer reply with 0 or 1 as values where 0 is false and 1 is true.

Integer replies are usually passed by client libraries as integer values.

Bulk reply

-A bulk reply is a binary-safe reply that is used to return a binary safe single string value (string is not limited to alphanumerical strings, it may contain binary data of any kind). Client libraries will usually return a string as return value of Redis commands returning bulk replies. There is a special bulk reply that signal that the element does not exist. When this happens the client library should return 'nil', 'false', or some other special element that can be distinguished by an empty string.

Multi bulk reply

-While a bulk reply returns a single string value, multi bulk replies are used to return multiple values: lists, sets, and so on. Elements of a bulk reply can be missing. Client libraries should return 'nil' or 'false' in order to make this elements distinguishable from empty strings. Client libraries should return multi bulk replies that are about ordered elements like list ranges as lists, and bulk replies about sets as hashes or Sets if the implementation language has a Set type. - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/RoadMap.html b/doc/RoadMap.html deleted file mode 100644 index 59f35711..00000000 --- a/doc/RoadMap.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -RoadMap: Contents
  Road Map (ROUGH DRAFT)
    Features added in past versions
    1.1 / 1.2
    0.x / 1.0 -
- -


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- -


The up to date, raw Road Map for Redis is part of the source code, you can find it here:

Features added in past versions

1.1 / 1.2


0.x / 1.0

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- - - diff --git a/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html b/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index dbd82029..00000000 --- a/doc/RpoplpushCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

RPOPLPUSH _srckey_ _dstkey_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Atomically return and remove the last (tail) element of the srckey list,and push the element as the first (head) element of the dstkey list. Forexample if the source list contains the elements "a","b","c" and thedestination list contains the elements "foo","bar" after an RPOPLPUSH commandthe content of the two lists will be "a","b" and "c","foo","bar".
If the key does not exist or the list is already empty the specialvalue 'nil' is returned. If the srckey and dstkey are the same theoperation is equivalent to removing the last element from the list and pusingit as first element of the list, so it's a "list rotation" command.

Programming patterns: safe queues

Redis lists are often used as queues in order to exchange messages betweendifferent programs. A program can add a message performing an LPUSH operationagainst a Redis list (we call this program a Producer), while another program(that we call Consumer) can process the messages performing an RPOP commandin order to start reading the messages from the oldest.
Unfortunately if a Consumer crashes just after an RPOP operation the messagegets lost. RPOPLPUSH solves this problem since the returned message isadded to another "backup" list. The Consumer can later remove the messagefrom the backup list using the LREM command when the message was correctlyprocessed.
Another process, called Helper, can monitor the "backup" list to check fortimed out entries to repush against the main queue.

Programming patterns: server-side O(N) list traversal

Using RPOPPUSH with the same source and destination key a process canvisit all the elements of an N-elements List in O(N) without to transferthe full list from the server to the client in a single LRANGE operation.Note that a process can traverse the list even while other processesare actively RPUSHing against the list, and still no element will be skipped.

Return value

Bulk reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/RpushCommand.html b/doc/RpushCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index d7fe7de5..00000000 --- a/doc/RpushCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -RpushCommand: Contents
      RPUSH _key_ _string_
      LPUSH _key_ _string_
    Return value -
- -


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- -
- #sidebar ListCommandsSidebar

RPUSH _key_ _string_


LPUSH _key_ _string_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Add the string value to the head (LPUSH) or tail (RPUSH) of the liststored at key. If the key does not exist an empty list is created just beforethe append operation. If the key exists but is not a List an erroris returned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically, the number of elements inside the list after the push operation. - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SaddCommand.html b/doc/SaddCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 57c2dfad..00000000 --- a/doc/SaddCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SaddCommand: Contents
  SADD _key_ _member_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SADD _key_ _member_

-Time complexity O(1)
Add the specified member to the set value stored at key. If memberis already a member of the set no operation is performed. If keydoes not exist a new set with the specified member as sole member iscreated. If the key exists but does not hold a set value an error isreturned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the new element was added
-0 if the element was already a member of the set
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SaveCommand.html b/doc/SaveCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5b703059..00000000 --- a/doc/SaveCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SaveCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


Save the whole dataset on disk (this means that all the databases are saved, as well as keys with an EXPIRE set (the expire is preserved). The server hangs while the saving is notcompleted, no connection is served in the meanwhile. An OK codeis returned when the DB was fully stored in disk.
The background variant of this command is BGSAVE that is able to perform the saving in the background while the server continues serving other clients.

Return value

Status code reply -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ScardCommand.html b/doc/ScardCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index da7b3cbd..00000000 --- a/doc/ScardCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -ScardCommand: Contents
  SCARD _key_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SCARD _key_

-Time complexity O(1)
Return the set cardinality (number of elements). If the key does notexist 0 is returned, like for empty sets.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-the cardinality (number of elements) of the set as an integer.
- -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SdiffCommand.html b/doc/SdiffCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7aef28b9..00000000 --- a/doc/SdiffCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SdiffCommand: Contents
  SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(N) with N being the total number of elements of all the sets
Return the members of a set resulting from the difference between the firstset provided and all the successive sets. Example:
-key1 = x,a,b,c
-key2 = c
-key3 = a,d
-SDIFF key1,key2,key3 => x,b
Non existing keys are considered like empty sets.

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically the list of common elements. - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SdiffstoreCommand.html b/doc/SdiffstoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 91962acb..00000000 --- a/doc/SdiffstoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SdiffstoreCommand: Contents
  SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets
This command works exactly like SDIFF but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored in dstkey.

Return value

Status code reply -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SelectCommand.html b/doc/SelectCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e63aa7e4..00000000 --- a/doc/SelectCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SelectCommand: Contents
  SELECT _index_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

SELECT _index_

Select the DB with having the specified zero-based numeric index.For default every new client connection is automatically selectedto DB 0.

Return value

Status code reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SetCommand.html b/doc/SetCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9557be6f..00000000 --- a/doc/SetCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SetCommand: Contents
  SET _key_ _value_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

SET _key_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Set the string value as value of the key.The string can't be longer than 1073741824 bytes (1 GB).

Return value

Status code reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SetCommandsSidebar.html b/doc/SetCommandsSidebar.html deleted file mode 100644 index fc612b6c..00000000 --- a/doc/SetCommandsSidebar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SetCommandsSidebar: Contents -
- -


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- - - -
- -SetbitCommand: Contents
  SETBIT _key_ _offset_ _value_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- -

SETBIT _key_ _offset_ _value_ (Redis >

2.1.8) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.
-The bit is either set or cleared depending on value, which can be either 0 or 1. When key does not exist, a new string value is created. The string is grown to make sure it can hold a bit at offset. The offset argument is required to be greater than or equal to 0, and is limited to 232-1 (which limits bitmaps to 512MB). -When the string at key is grown, added bits are set to 0.

Warning: When setting the last possible bit (offset equal to 2
32-1) and the string value stored at key does not yet hold a string value, or holds a small string value, Redis needs to allocate all intermediate memory which can block the server for some time. -On a 2010 Macbook Pro, setting bit number 232-1 (512MB allocation) takes ~300ms, -setting bit number 230-1 (128MB allocation) takes ~80ms, -setting bit number 228-1 (32MB allocation) takes ~30ms and -setting bit number 226-1 (8MB allocation) takes ~8ms. -Note that once this first allocation is done, subsequent calls to SETBIT for the same key will not have the allocation overhead.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically: the original bit value stored at offset. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SetexCommand.html b/doc/SetexCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7c766d85..00000000 --- a/doc/SetexCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SetexCommand: Contents
  SETEX _key_ _time_ _value_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

SETEX _key_ _time_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(1)
The command is exactly equivalent to the following group of commands:
-SET _key_ _value_
-EXPIRE _key_ _time_
The operation is atomic. An atomic SET+EXPIRE operation was already providedusing MULTI/EXEC, but SETEX is a faster alternative providedbecause this operation is very common when Redis is used as a Cache.

Return value

Status code reply -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SetnxCommand.html b/doc/SetnxCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8c47e72d..00000000 --- a/doc/SetnxCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

SETNX _key_ _value_

-Time complexity: O(1)
SETNX works exactly like SET with the only difference thatif the key already exists no operation is performed.SETNX actually means "SET if Not eXists".

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the key was set
-0 if the key was not set

Design pattern: Implementing locking with SETNX

SETNX can also be seen as a locking primitive. For instance to acquirethe lock of the key foo, the client could try the following:
-SETNX <current UNIX time + lock timeout + 1>
If SETNX returns 1 the client acquired the lock, setting the lock.fookey to the UNIX time at witch the lock should no longer be considered valid.The client will later use DEL in order to release the lock.
If SETNX returns 0 the key is already locked by some other client. We caneither return to the caller if it's a non blocking lock, or enter aloop retrying to hold the lock until we succeed or some kind of timeoutexpires.

Handling deadlocks

In the above locking algorithm there is a problem: what happens if a clientfails, crashes, or is otherwise not able to release the lock?It's possible to detect this condition because the lock key contains aUNIX timestamp. If such a timestamp is <= the current Unix time the lockis no longer valid.
When this happens we can't just call DEL against the key to remove the lockand then try to issue a SETNX, as there is a race condition here, whenmultiple clients detected an expired lock and are trying to release it.
  • C1 and C2 read to check the timestamp, because SETNX returned 0 to both C1 and C2, as the lock is still hold by C3 that crashed after holding the lock.
  • C1 sends DEL
  • C1 sends SETNX => success!
  • C2 sends DEL
  • C2 sends SETNX => success!
  • ERROR: both C1 and C2 acquired the lock because of the race condition.
Fortunately it's possible to avoid this issue using the following algorithm.Let's see how C4, our sane client, uses the good algorithm:
  • C4 sends SETNX in order to acquire the lock
  • The crashed C3 client still holds it, so Redis will reply with 0 to C4.
  • C4 GET to check if the lock expired. If not it will sleep one second (for instance) and retry from the start.
  • If instead the lock is expired because the UNIX time at is older than the current UNIX time, C4 tries to perform GETSET <current unix timestamp + lock timeout + 1>
  • Thanks to the GETSET command semantic C4 can check if the old value stored at key is still an expired timestamp. If so we acquired the lock!
  • Otherwise if another client, for instance C5, was faster than C4 and acquired the lock with the GETSET operation, C4 GETSET operation will return a non expired timestamp. C4 will simply restart from the first step. Note that even if C4 set the key a bit a few seconds in the future this is not a problem.
-IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to make this locking algorithm more robust, a client holding a lock should always check the timeout didn't expired before to unlock the key with DEL because client failures can be complex, not just crashing but also blocking a lot of time against some operation and trying to issue DEL after a lot of time (when the LOCK is already hold by some other client). -
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- - - -
- -SetrangeCommand: Contents
  SETRANGE _key_ _offset_ _value_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

SETRANGE _key_ _offset_ _value_ (Redis >

2.1.8) = -Time complexity: O(1) not counting the time taken to copy the new string in place, as usually this string is small so the amoritzed time is O(1). Otheriwse O(M) with M being the length of the value argument
Overwrites part of a string at key starting at the specified offset,for all the length of value.If the offset is over the old length of the string, the string is paddedwith zero bytes until needed. Non existing keys are considered likealready containing an empty string.


First example, basic usage setting a range.

-redis> set foo "Hello World"
-redis> setrange foo 6 "Redis"
-(integer) 11
-redis> get foo
-"Hello Redis"
Example of the zero padding behavior.

-redis> del foo
-(integer) 1
-redis> setrange foo 10 bar
-(integer) 13
-redis> get foo
Note that the maximum offset that you can set is 536870911 as Redis Strings are limited to 512 megabytes. You can still create longer arrays of values using multiple keys.

Warning: When setting the last possible byte and the string value stored at key does not yet hold a string value, or holds a small string value, Redis needs to allocate all intermediate memory which can block the server for some time. -On a 2010 Macbook Pro, setting byte number 536870911 (512MB allocation) takes ~300ms, -setting byte number 134217728 (128MB allocation) takes ~80ms, -setting bit number 33554432 (32MB allocation) takes ~30ms and -setting bit number 8388608 (8MB allocation) takes ~8ms. -Note that once this first allocation is done, subsequent calls to SETRANGE for the same key will not have the allocation overhead.


Thanks to SETRANGE and the analogous GETRANGE command you can use Redis strings as a linear array of memory with O(1) random access. This is a very fast and efficient storage in many real world use cases.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically: the length of the string after it was modified by the command. - -
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- - - -
- -Sets: Contents
  Redis Set Type
  Implementation details -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

Redis Set Type

Redis Sets are unordered collections of Redis Strings. It's possible to add, remove, and test for existence of members in O(1).

Redis Sets have the desirable property of not allowing repeated members. Adding the same element multiple times will result in a set having a single copy of this element. Practically speaking this means that adding an members does not require a "check if exists then add" operation.

Commands operating on sets try to make a good use of the return value in order to signal the application about previous existence of members. For instance the SADD command will return 1 if the element added was not already a member of the set, otherwise will return 0.

The max number of members in a set is 232-1 (4294967295, more than 4 billion of members per set).

Redis Sets support a wide range of operations, like union, intersection, difference. Intersection is optimized in order to perform the smallest number of lookups. For instance if you try to intersect a 10000 members set with a 2 members set Redis will iterate the 2 members set testing for members existence in the other set, performing 2 lookups instead of 10000.

Implementation details

Redis Sets are implemented using hash tables, so adding, removing and testing for members is O(1) in the average. The hash table will automatically resize when new elements are added or removed into a Set.

The hash table resizing is a blocking operation performed synchronously so working with huge sets (consisting of many millions of elements) care should be taken when mass-inserting a very big amount of elements in a Set while other clients are querying Redis at high speed.

It is possible that in the near future Redis will switch to skip lists (already used in sorted sets) in order to avoid such a problem. -
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- - - -
- -ShutdownCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar


Stop all the clients, save the DB, then quit the server. This commandsmakes sure that the DB is switched off without the lost of any data.This is not guaranteed if the client uses simply "SAVE" and then"QUIT" because other clients may alter the DB data between the twocommands.

Return value

Status code reply on error. On success nothing is returned since the server quits and the connection is closed. - -
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- - - -
- -SinterCommand: Contents
  SINTER _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SINTER _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(NM) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M the number of sets
Return the members of a set resulting from the intersection of all thesets hold at the specified keys. Like in LRANGE the result is sent tothe client as a multi-bulk reply (see the protocol specification formore information). If just a single key is specified, then this commandproduces the same result as SMEMBERS. Actually SMEMBERS is just syntaxsugar for SINTERSECT.
Non existing keys are considered like empty sets, so if one of the keys ismissing an empty set is returned (since the intersection with an emptyset always is an empty set).

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically the list of common elements. - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SinterstoreCommand.html b/doc/SinterstoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 61cdbfa3..00000000 --- a/doc/SinterstoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SinterstoreCommand: Contents
  SINTERSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SINTERSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(NM) worst case where N is the cardinality of the smallest set and M the number of sets
This commnad works exactly like SINTER but instead of being returned the resulting set is sotred as dstkey.

Return value

Status code reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SismemberCommand.html b/doc/SismemberCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 58768ef7..00000000 --- a/doc/SismemberCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SismemberCommand: Contents
  SISMEMBER _key_ _member_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SISMEMBER _key_ _member_

-Time complexity O(1)
Return 1 if member is a member of the set stored at key, otherwise0 is returned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the element is a member of the set
-0 if the element is not a member of the set OR if the key does not exist
- -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SlaveofCommand.html b/doc/SlaveofCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 8937306c..00000000 --- a/doc/SlaveofCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SlaveofCommand: Contents
  SLAVEOF _host_ _port_
  SLAVEOF no one
    Return value -
- -


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- -
- #sidebar ControlCommandsSidebar

SLAVEOF _host_ _port_


SLAVEOF no one

The SLAVEOF command can change the replication settings of a slave on the fly.If a Redis server is arleady acting as slave, the command SLAVEOF NO ONEwill turn off the replicaiton turning the Redis server into a MASTER.In the proper form SLAVEOF hostname port will make the server a slave of thespecific server listening at the specified hostname and port.
If a server is already a slave of some master, SLAVEOF hostname port willstop the replication against the old server and start the synchrnonizationagainst the new one discarding the old dataset.
The form SLAVEOF no one will stop replication turning the server into aMASTER but will not discard the replication. So if the old master stop workingit is possible to turn the slave into a master and set the application touse the new master in read/write. Later when the other Redis server will befixed it can be configured in order to work as slave.

Return value

Status code reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SmembersCommand.html b/doc/SmembersCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index a3ef124e..00000000 --- a/doc/SmembersCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SmembersCommand: Contents
  SMEMBERS _key_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar


-Time complexity O(N)
Return all the members (elements) of the set value stored at key. Thisis just syntax glue for SINTER.

Return value

Multi bulk reply -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SmoveCommand.html b/doc/SmoveCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1bdb001f..00000000 --- a/doc/SmoveCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SmoveCommand: Contents
  SMOVE _srckey_ _dstkey_ _member_
    Return value -
- -


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- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SMOVE _srckey_ _dstkey_ _member_

-Time complexity O(1)
Move the specifided member from the set at srckey to the set at dstkey.This operation is atomic, in every given moment the element will appear tobe in the source or destination set for accessing clients.
If the source set does not exist or does not contain the specified elementno operation is performed and zero is returned, otherwise the element isremoved from the source set and added to the destination set. On successone is returned, even if the element was already present in the destinationset.
An error is raised if the source or destination keys contain a non Set value.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the element was moved
-0 if the element was not found on the first set and no operation was performed
- -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SortCommand.html b/doc/SortCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 90c8ac7f..00000000 --- a/doc/SortCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - -


- -
- -
- -
- = SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT start count] [GET pattern] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE dstkey] = -
Sort the elements contained in the List, Set, orSorted Set value at key. By defaultsorting is numeric with elements being compared as double precisionfloating point numbers. This is the simplest form of SORT:
-SORT mylist
Assuming mylist contains a list of numbers, the return value will bethe list of numbers ordered from the smallest to the biggest number.In order to get the sorting in reverse order use DESC:
-SORT mylist DESC
The ASC option is also supported but it's the default so you don'treally need it.If you want to sort lexicographically use ALPHA. Note that Redis isutf-8 aware assuming you set the right value for the LC_COLLATEenvironment variable.
Sort is able to limit the number of returned elements using the LIMIT option:
-SORT mylist LIMIT 0 10
In the above example SORT will return only 10 elements, starting fromthe first one (start is zero-based). Almost all the sort options canbe mixed together. For example the command:
Will sort mylist lexicographically, in descending order, returning onlythe first 10 elements.
Sometimes you want to sort elements using external keys as weights tocompare instead to compare the actual List Sets or Sorted Set elements.For example the list mylist may contain the elements 1, 2, 3, 4, thatare just unique IDs of objects stored at object_1, object_2, object_3and object_4, while the keys weight_1, weight_2, weight_3 and weight_4can contain weights we want to use to sort our list of objectsidentifiers. We can use the following command:

Sorting by external keys

-SORT mylist BY weight_*
the BY option takes a pattern (weight_* in our example) that is usedin order to generate the key names of the weights used for sorting.Weight key names are obtained substituting the first occurrence of *with the actual value of the elements on the list (1,2,3,4 in our example).
Our previous example will return just the sorted IDs. Often it isneeded to get the actual objects sorted (object_1, ..., object_4 in theexample). We can do it with the following command:

Not Sorting at all

-SORT mylist BY nosort
also the BY option can take a "nosort" specifier. This is useful if you want to retrieve a external key (using GET, read below) but you don't want the sorting overhead.

Retrieving external keys

-SORT mylist BY weight_* GET object_*
Note that GET can be used multiple times in order to get more keys forevery element of the original List, Set or Sorted Set sorted.
Since Redis >= 1.1 it's possible to also GET the list elements itselfusing the special # pattern:
-SORT mylist BY weight_* GET object_* GET #

Storing the result of a SORT operation

By default SORT returns the sorted elements as its return value.Using the STORE option instead to return the elements SORT willstore this elements as a Redis List in the specified key.An example:
-SORT mylist BY weight_* STORE resultkey
An interesting pattern using SORT ... STORE consists in associatingan EXPIRE timeout to the resulting key so that inapplications where the result of a sort operation can be cached forsome time other clients will use the cached list instead to call SORTfor every request. When the key will timeout an updated version ofthe cache can be created using SORT ... STORE again.
Note that implementing this pattern it is important to avoid that multipleclients will try to rebuild the cached version of the cacheat the same time, so some form of locking should be implemented(for instance using SETNX).

SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field

It's possible to use BY and GET options against Hash fields using the following syntax:
-SORT mylist BY weight_*->fieldname
-SORT mylist GET object_*->fieldname
The two chars string -> is used in order to signal the name of the Hash field. The key is substituted as documented above with sort BY and GET against normal keys, and the Hash stored at the resulting key is accessed in order to retrieve the specified field.

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically a list of sorted elements. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html b/doc/SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html deleted file mode 100644 index c2e8fae0..00000000 --- a/doc/SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SortedSetCommandsSidebar: Contents -
- -


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- - - -
- -SortedSets: Contents
  Redis Sorted Set Type
  Implementation details -
- -


- -
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- -
- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

Redis Sorted Set Type

Redis Sorted Sets are, similarly to Sets, collections of Redis Strings. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set hash an associated score that is used in order to take this member in order.

The ZADD command is used to add a new member to a Sorted Set, specifying the score of the element. Calling ZADD against a member already present in the sorted set but using a different score will update the score for the element, moving it to the right position in order to preserve ordering.

It's possible to get ranges of elements from Sorted Sets in a very similar way to what happens with Lists and the LRANGE command using the Sorted Sets ZRANGE command.

It's also possible to get or remove ranges of elements by score using the ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZREMRANGEBYSCORE commands.

The max number of members in a sorted set is 232-1 (4294967295, more than 4 billion of members per set).

Note that while Sorted Sets are already ordered, it is still possible to use the SORT command against sorted sets to get the elements in a different order.

Implementation details

Redis Sets are implemented using a dual-ported data structure containing a skip list and an hash table. When an element is added a map between the element and the score is added to the hash table (so that given the element we get the score in O(1)), and a map between the score and the element is added in the skip list so that elements are taken in order.

Redis uses a special skip list implementation that is doubly linked so that it's possible to traverse the sorted set from tail to head if needed (Check the ZREVRANGE command).

When ZADD is used in order to update the score of an element, Redis retrieve the score of the element using the hash table, so that it's fast to access the element inside the skip list (that's indexed by score) in order to update the position.

Like it happens for Sets the hash table resizing is a blocking operation performed synchronously so working with huge sorted sets (consisting of many millions of elements) care should be taken when mass-inserting a very big amount of elements in a Set while other clients are querying Redis at high speed.

It is possible that in the near future Redis will switch to skip lists even for the element => score map, so every Sorted Set will have two skip lists, one indexed by element and one indexed by score. -
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- - - -
- -Speed: Contents
    TODO -
- -


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- -



  • Written in ANSI C
  • Pipelining
  • MultiBulkCommands
  • epoll >= 1.1
  • Benchmarks
-Redis takes the whole dataset in memory and writes asynchronously to disk in order to be very fast, you have the best of both worlds: hyper-speed and persistence for your data.

Establishing a new connection to a Redis Server is simple and fast nothing more that a TCP three way handshake. There is no authentication or other handshake involved (Google Group: Can we use connection pool in Redis?) You can read more about the way Redis clients communicate with servers in the Protocol Specification.

On most commodity hardware it takes about 45 seconds to restore a 2 GB database, without fancy RAID. This can give you some kind of feeling about the order of magnitude of the time needed to load data when you restart the server, so restarting a server is fast too.

Also Replication is fast, benchamarks will give you the the same order of magnitude a restart does (Google Group: Replication speed benchmak) -
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- - - -
- -SponsorshipHistory: Contents
  Redis Sponsorship History -
- -


- -
- -
- -

Redis Sponsorship History

Important notice: since 15 March 2010 I Joined VMware that is sponsoring all my work on Redis. Thank you to all the companies and people donating in the past. No further donations are accepted.

This is a list of companies that sponsorship Redis developments, with details about the sponsored features. Thanks for helping the project!.

  • 15 January 2010, provided Virtual Machines for Redis testing in a virtualized environment.

  • 14 January 2010, provided Virtual Machines for Redis testing in a virtualized environment.

  • 18 Dec 2009, part of Virtual Memory.

  • 15 Dec 2009, part of Redis Cluster.

  • 13 Dec 2009, for blocking POP (BLPOP) and part of the Virtual Memory implementation.
-Also thaks to the following people or organizations that donated to the Project: - -
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- - - -
- -SpopCommand: Contents
  SPOP _key_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SPOP _key_

-Time complexity O(1)
Remove a random element from a Set returning it as return value.If the Set is empty or the key does not exist, a nil object is returned.
The SRANDMEMBER command does a similar work butthe returned element is not removed from the Set.

Return value

Bulk reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SrandmemberCommand.html b/doc/SrandmemberCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 43a22387..00000000 --- a/doc/SrandmemberCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SrandmemberCommand: Contents
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar


-Time complexity O(1)
Return a random element from a Set, without removing the element. If the Set is empty or the key does not exist, a nil object is returned.
The SPOP command does a similar work but the returned elementis popped (removed) from the Set.

Return value

Bulk reply - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SremCommand.html b/doc/SremCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e5aab23e..00000000 --- a/doc/SremCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SremCommand: Contents
  SREM _key_ _member_
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SREM _key_ _member_

-Time complexity O(1)
Remove the specified member from the set value stored at key. If_member_ was not a member of the set no operation is performed. If keydoes not hold a set value an error is returned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the new element was removed
-0 if the new element was not a member of the set
- -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/StringCommandsSidebar.html b/doc/StringCommandsSidebar.html deleted file mode 100644 index 78bc40e1..00000000 --- a/doc/StringCommandsSidebar.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -StringCommandsSidebar: Contents -
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- - - -
- -Strings: Contents
  Redis String Type
  Implementation details -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

Redis String Type

Strings are the most basic Redis kind of values. Redis Strings are binary safe, this means a Redis string can contain any kind of data, for instance a JPEG image or a serialized Ruby object, and so forth.

A String value can be at max 512 Megabytes in length.

Strings are treated as integer values by the INCR commands family, in this respect the value of an intger is limited to a singed 64 bit value.

Note that the single elements contained in Redis Lists, Sets and Sorted Sets, are Redis Strings.

Implementation details

Strings are implemented using a dynamic strings library called sds.c (simple dynamic strings). This library caches the current length of the string, so to obtain the length of a Redis string is an O(1) operation (but currently there is no such STRLEN command. It will likely be added later).

Redis strings are incapsualted into Redis Objects. Redis Objects use a reference counting memory management system, so a single Redis String can be shared in different places of the dataset. This means that if you happen to use the same strings many times (especially if you have object sharing turned on in the configuration file) Redis will try to use the same string object instead to allocate one new every time.

Starting from version 1.1 Redis is also able to encode in a special way strings that are actually just numbers. Instead to save the string as an array of characters Redis will save the integer value in order to use less memory. With many datasets this can reduce the memory usage of about 30% compared to Redis 1.0. - -
- -
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- - - -
- -StrlenCommand: Contents
  STRLEN _key_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

STRLEN _key_ (Redis >

2.1.8) = -Time complexity: O(1)
Returns the length of the string stored at the specified key.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically: the length of the string. - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SubstrCommand.html b/doc/SubstrCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index b5f4f792..00000000 --- a/doc/SubstrCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SubstrCommand: Contents
  SUBSTR _key_ _start_ _end_
  GETRANGE _key_ _start_ _end_
    Return value
    Examples -
- -


- -
- -
- -
- #sidebar StringCommandsSidebar

SUBSTR _key_ _start_ _end_


GETRANGE _key_ _start_ _end_

-Time complexity: O(start+n) (with start being the start index and n the total length of the requested range). Note that the lookup part of this command is O(1) so for small strings this is actually an O(1) command.Warning: this command was renamed into GETRANGE. SUBSTR will be taken as an alias until the next major release of Redis.

Return a subset of the string from offset start to offset end(both offsets are inclusive).Negative offsets can be used in order to provide an offset starting fromthe end of the string. So -1 means the last char, -2 the penultimate andso forth.
The function handles out of range requests without raising an error, butjust limiting the resulting range to the actual length of the string.

Return value

Bulk reply


-redis> set s "This is a string"
-redis> substr s 0 3
-redis> substr s -3 -1
-redis> substr s 0 -1
-"This is a string"
-redis> substr s 9 100000
-" string"
- -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/SunionCommand.html b/doc/SunionCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 7f7ec5b3..00000000 --- a/doc/SunionCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SunionCommand: Contents
  SUNION _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
- -


- -
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- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SUNION _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets
Return the members of a set resulting from the union of all thesets hold at the specified keys. Like in LRANGE the result is sent tothe client as a multi-bulk reply (see the protocol specification formore information). If just a single key is specified, then this commandproduces the same result as SMEMBERS.
Non existing keys are considered like empty sets.

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically the list of common elements. - -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/SunionstoreCommand.html b/doc/SunionstoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e4f627e2..00000000 --- a/doc/SunionstoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -SunionstoreCommand: Contents
  SUNIONSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_
    Return value -
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- #sidebar SetCommandsSidebar

SUNIONSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_

-Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets
This command works exactly like SUNION but instead of being returned the resulting set is stored as dstkey. Any existing value in dstkey will be over-written.

Return value

Status code reply -
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- -SupportedLanguages: Contents
  Supported Languages (DRAFT)
    Features Support Matrix
      Version 1.1
      Version 1.0
    Client Libraries Reference
      as3 (ActionScript 3)
      redis-clojure (Clojure)
      CL-Redis (Common Lisp)
      erldis (Erlang)
      Go-Redis (Go)
      haskell-redis (Haskell)
      redis-lua (Lua)
      redis-rb (Ruby)
      scala-redis (Scala)
      Tcl -
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Supported Languages (DRAFT)

Wondering if you can use Redis from your favorite language? Well here is the definitive guide to the available client libraries.

This libraries are intended to expose Redis commands, but you also have the option to use some higher level libraries that provide a Object Hash Mappings pretty much the same idea implemented by a classic ORM.



Features Support Matrix

The following matrix should give you a quick overviwe of the state of the different client libraries existing for each supported language.

The core command set is the one of Version 1.0, while Sharding and Pipelining are convenient client side features not tied to any Redis server version.

Version 1.1

Compatible client libraries are expected to implement the command sets specified in Version 1.0 plus:

  • String: MSET, MSETNX.
  • List: RPOPLPUSH.

Version 1.0

Compatible client libraries are expected to implement the following command sets:

  • Sort: SORT
  • Connection: AUTH, QUIT?. ???
  • Persistence: SAVE, BGSAVE, LASTSAVE, SHUTDOWN?. ???
  • Server: INFO, MONITOR? SLAVEOF? ???
Language Name Sharding Pipelining 1.1 1.0
ActionScript 3 as3redis No Yes Yes Yes
Clojure redis-clojure No No Partial Yes
Common Lisp CL-Redis No No No Yes
Erlang erldis No Looks like No Looks like
Go Go-Redis No Yes Yes Yes
Haskell haskell-redis No No No Yes
Java JDBC-Redis No No No Yes
Java JRedis No Yes Yes Yes
Java Jedis No Yes Yes Yes
LUA redis-lua No No Yes Yes
Perl Redis Client No No No Yes
Perl AnyEvent::Redis No No No Yes
PHP Redis PHP Bindings No No No Yes
PHP phpredis (C) No No No Yes
PHP Predis Yes Yes Yes Yes
PHP Redisent Yes No No Yes
Python Python Client No No No Yes
Python py-redis No No Partial Yes
Python txredis No No No Yes
Ruby redis-rb Yes Yes Yes Yes
Scala scala-redis Yes No No Yes
TCL TCL No No Yes Yes

Client Libraries Reference

as3 (ActionScript 3)


redis-clojure (Clojure)


CL-Redis (Common Lisp)


erldis (Erlang)


Go-Redis (Go)


haskell-redis (Haskell)




  • JDBC-Redis is Java driver using the JDBC interface for Redis Database. This project doesn't aim for a complete implementation of the JDBC specification since Redis isn't a relational database, but should provide a familiar interface to Java developers interact with Redis.
  • Repository:




  • Jedis is a small and sane Redis client for Java. It aims to be easier to use by providing a more natural API. It currently supports the binary-safe protocol and pipelining. Sharding and connection pooling is on the way.
  • Author: Jonathan Leibiusky, @xetorthio.
  • Repository:

redis-lua (Lua)



Perl Client





Redis PHP Bindings





  • A flexible and feature-complete PHP client library for the Redis key-value database. Predis is currently a work-in-progress and it targets PHP >= 5.3, though it is highly due to be backported to PHP >= 5.2.6 as soon as the public API and the internal design on the main branch will be considered stable enough.
  • Author: Daniele Alessandri, @jol1hahn
  • Repository:




Python Client






redis-rb (Ruby)


scala-redis (Scala)



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- -SupportedPlatforms: Contents
  Supported Platforms -
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Supported Platforms

Redis can be compiled in most POSIX systems, but the development targets mainly:

  • Linux
  • Mac OS X
  • FreeBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • Solaris (startting with Version 1.1)
-Windows (using CygWin) is not a supported platform. -
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- -TemplateCommand: Contents
    Return value
    See also -
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- -TtlCommand: Contents
  TTL _key_
    Return value -
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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

TTL _key_

The TTL command returns the remaining time to live in seconds of a key that has an EXPIRE set. This introspection capability allows a Redis client to check how many seconds a given key will continue to be part of the dataset. If the Key does not exists or does not have an associated expire, -1 is returned.

Return value

Integer reply - -
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A case study: Design and implementation of a simple Twitter clone using only the Redis key-value store as database and PHP

In this article I'll explain the design and the implementation of a simple clone of Twitter written using PHP and Redis as only database. The programming community uses to look at key-value stores like special databases that can't be used as drop in replacement for a relational database for the development of web applications. This article will try to prove the contrary.

Our Twitter clone, called Retwis, is structurally simple, has very good performances, and can be distributed among N web servers and M Redis servers with very little efforts. You can find the source code here.

We use PHP for the example since it can be read by everybody. The same (or... much better) results can be obtained using Ruby, Python, Erlang, and so on.

News! Retwis-rb is a port of Retwis to Ruby and Sinatra written by Daniel Lucraft! With full source code included of course, the git repository is linked at the end of the Retwis-RB page. The rest of this article targets PHP, but Ruby programmers can also check the other source code, it conceptually very similar.

Key-value stores basics

-The essence of a key-value store is the ability to store some data, called value, inside a key. This data can later be retrieved only if we know the exact key used to store it. There is no way to search something by value. So for example I can use the command SET to store the value bar at key foo:

-SET foo bar
Redis will store our data permanently, so we can later ask for "What is the value stored at key foo?" and Redis will reply with bar:

-GET foo => bar
Other common operations provided by key-value stores are DEL used to delete a given key, and the associated value, SET-if-not-exists (called SETNX on Redis) that sets a key only if it does not already exist, and INCR that is able to atomically increment a number stored at a given key:

-SET foo 10
-INCR foo => 11
-INCR foo => 12
-INCR foo => 13

Atomic operations

-So far it should be pretty simple, but there is something special about INCR. Think about this, why to provide such an operation if we can do it ourself with a bit of code? After all it is as simple as:

-x = GET foo
-x = x + 1
-SET foo x
The problem is that doing the increment this way will work as long as there is only a client working with the value x at a time. See what happens if two computers are accessing this data at the same time:

-x = GET foo (yields 10)
-y = GET foo (yields 10)
-x = x + 1 (x is now 11)
-y = y + 1 (y is now 11)
-SET foo x (foo is now 11)
-SET foo y (foo is now 11)
Something is wrong with that! We incremented the value two times, but instead to go from 10 to 12 our key holds 11. This is because the INCR operation done with GET / increment / SET is not an atomic operation. Instead the INCR provided by Redis, Memcached, ..., are atomic implementations, the server will take care to protect the get-increment-set for all the time needed to complete in order to prevent simultaneous accesses.

What makes Redis different from other key-value stores is that it provides more operations similar to INCR that can be used together to model complex problems. This is why you can use Redis to write whole web applications without using an SQL database and without to get mad. -

Beyond key-value stores

-In this section we will see what Redis features we need to build our Twitter clone. The first thing to know is that Redis values can be more than strings. Redis supports Lists and Sets as values, and there are atomic operations to operate against this more advanced values so we are safe even with multiple accesses against the same key. Let's start from Lists:

-LPUSH mylist a (now mylist holds one element list 'a')
-LPUSH mylist b (now mylist holds 'b,a')
-LPUSH mylist c (now mylist holds 'c,b,a')
LPUSH means Left Push, that is, add an element to the left (or to the head) of the list stored at mylist. If the key mylist does not exist it is automatically created by Redis as an empty list before the PUSH operation. As you can imagine, there is also the RPUSH operation that adds the element on the right of the list (on the tail).

This is very useful for our Twitter clone. Updates of users can be stored into a list stored at username:updates for instance. There are operations to get data or information from Lists of course. For instance LRANGE returns a range of the list, or the whole list.

-LRANGE mylist 0 1 => c,b
LRANGE uses zero-based indexes, that is the first element is 0, the second 1, and so on. The command aguments are LRANGE key first-index last-index. The last index argument can be negative, with a special meaning: -1 is the last element of the list, -2 the penultimate, and so on. So in order to get the whole list we can use:

-LRANGE mylist 0 -1 => c,b,a
Other important operations are LLEN that returns the length of the list, and LTRIM that is like LRANGE but instead of returning the specified range trims the list, so it is like Get range from mylist, Set this range as new value but atomic. We will use only this List operations, but make sure to check the Redis documentation to discover all the List operations supported by Redis. -

The set data type

-There is more than Lists, Redis also supports Sets, that are unsorted collection of elements. It is possible to add, remove, and test for existence of members, and perform intersection between different Sets. Of course it is possible to ask for the list or the number of elements of a Set. Some example will make it more clear. Keep in mind that SADD is the add to set operation, SREM is the remove from set operation, sismember is the test if it is a member operation, and SINTER is perform intersection operation. Other operations are SCARD that is used to get the cardinality (the number of elements) of a Set, and SMEMBERS that will return all the members of a Set.

-SADD myset a
-SADD myset b
-SADD myset foo
-SADD myset bar
-SCARD myset => 4
-SMEMBERS myset => bar,a,foo,b
Note that SMEMBERS does not return the elements in the same order we added them, since Sets are unsorted collections of elements. When you want to store the order it is better to use Lists instead. Some more operations against Sets:

-SADD mynewset b
-SADD mynewset foo
-SADD mynewset hello
-SINTER myset mynewset => foo,b
SINTER can return the intersection between Sets but it is not limited to two sets, you may ask for intersection of 4,5 or 10000 Sets. Finally let's check how SISMEMBER works:

-SISMEMBER myset foo => 1
-SISMEMBER myset notamember => 0
Ok I think we are ready to start coding! -


-If you didn't download it already please grab the source code of Retwis. It's a simple tar.gz file with a few of .php files inside. The implementation is very simple. You will find the PHP library client inside (redis.php) that is used to talk with the Redis server from PHP. This library was written by Ludovico Magnocavallo and you are free to reuse this in your own projects, but for updated version of the library please download the Redis distribution.

Another thing you probably want is a working Redis server. Just get the source, compile with make, and run with ./redis-server and you are done. No configuration is required at all in order to play with it or to run Retwis in your computer. -

Data layout

-Working with a relational database this is the stage were the database layout should be produced in form of tables, indexes, and so on. We don't have tables, so what should be designed? We need to identify what keys are needed to represent our objects and what kind of values this keys need to hold.

Let's start from Users. We need to represent this users of course, with the username, userid, password, followers and following users, and so on. The first question is, what should identify an user inside our system? The username can be a good idea since it is unique, but it is also too big, and we want to stay low on memory. So like if our DB was a relational one we can associate an unique ID to every user. Every other reference to this user will be done by id. That's very simple to do, because we have our atomic INCR operation! When we create a new user we can do something like this, assuming the user is callled "antirez":

-INCR global:nextUserId => 1000
-SET uid:1000:username antirez
-SET uid:1000:password p1pp0
We use the global:nextUserId key in order to always get an unique ID for every new user. Then we use this unique ID to populate all the other keys holding our user data. This is a Design Pattern with key-values stores! Keep it in mind. -Besides the fields already defined, we need some more stuff in order to fully define an User. For example sometimes it can be useful to be able to get the user ID from the username, so we set this key too:

-SET username:antirez:uid 1000
This may appear strange at first, but remember that we are only able to access data by key! It's not possible to tell Redis to return the key that holds a specific value. This is also our strength, this new paradigm is forcing us to organize the data so that everything is accessible by primary key, speaking with relational DBs language. -

Following, followers and updates

-There is another central need in our system. Every user has followers users and following users. We have a perfect data structure for this work! That is... Sets. So let's add this two new fields to our schema:

-uid:1000:followers => Set of uids of all the followers users
-uid:1000:following => Set of uids of all the following users
Another important thing we need is a place were we can add the updates to display in the user home page. We'll need to access this data in chronological order later, from the most recent update to the older ones, so the perfect kind of Value for this work is a List. Basically every new update will be LPUSHed in the user updates key, and thanks to LRANGE we can implement pagination and so on. Note that we use the words updates and posts interchangeably, since updates are actually "little posts" in some way.

-uid:1000:posts => a List of post ids, every new post is LPUSHed here.


-Ok we have more or less everything about the user, but authentication. We'll handle authentication in a simple but robust way: we don't want to use PHP sessions or other things like this, our system must be ready in order to be distributed among different servers, so we'll take the whole state in our Redis database. So all we need is a random string to set as the cookie of an authenticated user, and a key that will tell us what is the user ID of the client holding such a random string. We need two keys in order to make this thing working in a robust way:

-SET uid:1000:auth fea5e81ac8ca77622bed1c2132a021f9
-SET auth:fea5e81ac8ca77622bed1c2132a021f9 1000
In order to authenticate an user we'll do this simple work (login.php): -
  • Get the username and password via the login form
  • Check if the username:<username>:uid key actually exists
  • If it exists we have the user id, (i.e. 1000)
  • Check if uid:1000:password matches, if not, error message
  • Ok authenticated! Set "fea5e81ac8ca77622bed1c2132a021f9" (the value of uid:1000:auth) as "auth" cookie
-This is the actual code:

-# Form sanity checks
-if (!gt("username") || !gt("password"))
-    goback("You need to enter both username and password to login.");
-# The form is ok, check if the username is available
-$username = gt("username");
-$password = gt("password");
-$r = redisLink();
-$userid = $r->get("username:$username:id");
-if (!$userid)
-    goback("Wrong username or password");
-$realpassword = $r->get("uid:$userid:password");
-if ($realpassword != $password)
-    goback("Wrong useranme or password");
-# Username / password OK, set the cookie and redirect to index.php
-$authsecret = $r->get("uid:$userid:auth");
-header("Location: index.php");
This happens every time the users log in, but we also need a function isLoggedIn in order to check if a given user is already authenticated or not. These are the logical steps preformed by the isLoggedIn function: -
  • Get the "auth" cookie from the user. If there is no cookie, the user is not logged in, of course. Let's call the value of this cookie <authcookie>
  • Check if auth:<authcookie> exists, and what the value (the user id) is (1000 in the exmple).
  • In order to be sure check that uid:1000:auth matches.
  • Ok the user is authenticated, and we loaded a bit of information in the $User global variable.
-The code is simpler than the description, possibly:

-function isLoggedIn() {
-    global $User, $_COOKIE;
-    if (isset($User)) return true;
-    if (isset($_COOKIE['auth'])) {
-        $r = redisLink();
-        $authcookie = $_COOKIE['auth'];
-        if ($userid = $r->get("auth:$authcookie")) {
-            if ($r->get("uid:$userid:auth") != $authcookie) return false;
-            loadUserInfo($userid);
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return false;
-function loadUserInfo($userid) {
-    global $User;
-    $r = redisLink();
-    $User['id'] = $userid;
-    $User['username'] = $r->get("uid:$userid:username");
-    return true;
loadUserInfo as separated function is an overkill for our application, but it's a good template for a complex application. The only thing it's missing from all the authentication is the logout. What we do on logout? That's simple, we'll just change the random string in uid:1000:auth, remove the old auth:<oldauthstring> and add a new auth:<newauthstring>.

Important: the logout procedure explains why we don't just authenticate the user after the lookup of auth:<randomstring>, but double check it against uid:1000:auth. The true authentication string is the latter, the auth:<randomstring> is just an authentication key that may even be volatile, or if there are bugs in the program or a script gets interrupted we may even end with multiple auth:<something> keys pointing to the same user id. The logout code is the following (logout.php):

-if (!isLoggedIn()) {
-    header("Location: index.php");
-    exit;
-$r = redisLink();
-$newauthsecret = getrand();
-$userid = $User['id'];
-$oldauthsecret = $r->get("uid:$userid:auth");
-header("Location: index.php");
That is just what we described and should be simple to undestand. -


-Updates, also known as posts, are even simpler. In order to create a new post on the database we do something like this:

-INCR global:nextPostId => 10343
-SET post:10343 "$owner_id|$time|I'm having fun with Retwis"
As you can se the user id and time of the post are stored directly inside the string, we don't need to lookup by time or user id in the example application so it is better to compact everything inside the post string.

After we create a post we obtain the post id. We need to LPUSH this post id in every user that's following the author of the post, and of course in the list of posts of the author. This is the file update.php that shows how this is performed:

-if (!isLoggedIn() || !gt("status")) {
-    header("Location:index.php");
-    exit;
-$r = redisLink();
-$postid = $r->incr("global:nextPostId");
-$status = str_replace("\n"," ",gt("status"));
-$post = $User['id']."|".time()."|".$status;
-$followers = $r->smembers("uid:".$User['id'].":followers");
-if ($followers === false) $followers = Array();
-$followers[] = $User['id']; /* Add the post to our own posts too */
-foreach($followers as $fid) {
-    $r->push("uid:$fid:posts",$postid,false);
-# Push the post on the timeline, and trim the timeline to the
-# newest 1000 elements.
-header("Location: index.php");
The core of the function is the foreach. We get using SMEMBERS all the followers of the current user, then the loop will LPUSH the post against the uid:<userid>:posts of every follower.

Note that we also maintain a timeline with all the posts. In order to do so what is needed is just to LPUSH the post against global:timeline. Let's face it, do you start thinking it was a bit strange to have to sort things added in chronological order using ORDER BY with SQL? I think so indeed. -

Paginating updates

-Now it should be pretty clear how we can user LRANGE in order to get ranges of posts, and render this posts on the screen. The code is simple:

-function showPost($id) {
-    $r = redisLink();
-    $postdata = $r->get("post:$id");
-    if (!$postdata) return false;
-    $aux = explode("|",$postdata);
-    $id = $aux[0];
-    $time = $aux[1];
-    $username = $r->get("uid:$id:username");
-    $post = join(array_splice($aux,2,count($aux)-2),"|");
-    $elapsed = strElapsed($time);
-    $userlink = "<a class=\"username\" href=\"profile.php?u=".urlencode($username)."\">".utf8entities($username)."</a>";
-    echo('<div class="post">'.$userlink.' '.utf8entities($post)."<br>");
-    echo('<i>posted '.$elapsed.' ago via web</i></div>');
-    return true;
-function showUserPosts($userid,$start,$count) {
-    $r = redisLink();
-    $key = ($userid == -1) ? "global:timeline" : "uid:$userid:posts";
-    $posts = $r->lrange($key,$start,$start+$count);
-    $c = 0;
-    foreach($posts as $p) {
-        if (showPost($p)) $c++;
-        if ($c == $count) break;
-    }
-    return count($posts) == $count+1;
showPost will simply convert and print a Post in HTML while showUserPosts get range of posts passing them to showPosts.

Following users

If user id 1000 (antirez) wants to follow user id 1001 (pippo), we can do this with just two SADD:

-SADD uid:1000:following 1001
-SADD uid:1001:followers 1000
Note the same pattern again and again, in theory with a relational database the list of following and followers is a single table with fields like following_id and follower_id. With queries you can extract the followers or following of every user. With a key-value DB that's a bit different as we need to set both the 1000 is following 1001 and 1001 is followed by 1000 relations. This is the price to pay, but on the other side accessing the data is simpler and ultra-fast. And having this things as separated sets allows us to do interesting stuff, for example using SINTER we can have the intersection of 'following' of two different users, so we may add a feature to our Twitter clone so that it is able to say you at warp speed, when you visit somebody' else profile, "you and foobar have 34 followers in common" and things like that.

You can find the code that sets or removes a following/follower relation at follow.php. It is trivial as you can see. -

Making it horizontally scalable

-Gentle reader, if you reached this point you are already an hero, thank you. Before to talk about scaling horizontally it is worth to check the performances on a single server. Retwis is amazingly fast, without any kind of cache. On a very slow and loaded server, apache benchmark with 100 parallel clients issuing 100000 requests measured the average pageview to take 5 milliseconds. This means you can serve millions of users every day with just a single Linux box, and this one was monkey asses slow! Go figure with more recent hardware.

So, first of all, probably you will not need more than one server for a lot of applications, even when you have a lot of users. But let's assume we are Twitter and need to handle a huge amount of traffic. What to do? -

Hashing the key

-The first thing to do is to hash the key and issue the request on different servers based on the key hash. There are a lot of well known algorithms to do so, for example check the Redis Ruby library client that implements consistent hashing, but the general idea is that you can turn your key into a number, and than take the reminder of the division of this number by the number of servers you have:

-server_id = crc32(key) % number_of_servers
This has a lot of problems since if you add one server you need to move too much keys and so on, but this is the general idea even if you use a better hashing scheme like consistent hashing.

Ok, are key accesses distributed among the key space? Well, all the user data will be partitioned among different servers. There are no inter-keys operations used (like SINTER, otherwise you need to care that things you want to intersect will end in the same server. This is why Redis unlike memcached does not force a specific hashing scheme, it's application specific). Btw there are keys that are accessed more frequently.

Special keys

For example every time we post a new message, we need to increment the global:nextPostId key. How to fix this problem? A Single server will get a lot if increments. The simplest way to handle this is to have a dedicated server just for increments. This is probably an overkill btw unless you have really a lot of traffic. There is another trick. The ID does not really need to be an incremental number, but just it needs to be unique. So you can get a random string long enough to be unlikely (almost impossible, if it's md5-size) to collide, and you are done. We successfully eliminated our main problem to make it really horizontally scalable!

There is another one: global:timeline. There is no fix for this, if you need to take something in order you can split among different servers and then merge when you need to get the data back, or take it ordered and use a single key. Again if you really have so much posts per second, you can use a single server just for this. Remember that with commodity hardware Redis is able to handle 100000 writes for second, that's enough even for Twitter, I guess.

Please feel free to use the comments below for questions and feedbacks. -
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- -TypeCommand: Contents
  TYPE _key_
    Return value
    See also -
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- #sidebar GenericCommandsSidebar

TYPE _key_

-Time complexity: O(1)
Return the type of the value stored at key in form of astring. The type can be one of "none", "string", "list", "set"."none" is returned if the key does not exist.

Return value

Status code reply, specifically:

-"none" if the key does not exist
-"string" if the key contains a String value
-"list" if the key contains a List value
-"set" if the key contains a Set value
-"zset" if the key contains a Sorted Set value
-"hash" if the key contains a Hash value

See also

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- -UnstableSource: Contents
  Get the latest Redis source code
    Unstable code
    Stable code -
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Unstable code

-The development version of Redis is hosted here at Github, have fun cloning the source code with Git. If you are not familar with Git just use the download button to get a tarball.

Stable code

-Warning: the development source code is only intended for people that want to develop Redis or absolutely need the latest features still not available on the stable releases. You may have a better experience with the latest stable tarball. - -
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- #sidebar RedisInternals

Virtual Memory technical specification

This document details the internals of the Redis Virtual Memory subsystem. The intended audience is not the final user but programmers willing to understand or modify the Virtual Memory implementation.

Keys vs Values: what is swapped out?

-The goal of the VM subsystem is to free memory transferring Redis Objects from memory to disk. This is a very generic command, but specifically, Redis transfers only objects associated with values. In order to understand better this concept we'll show, using the DEBUG command, how a key holding a value looks from the point of view of the Redis internals: -
-redis> set foo bar
-redis> debug object foo
-Key at:0x100101d00 refcount:1, value at:0x100101ce0 refcount:1 encoding:raw serializedlength:4
-As you can see from the above output, the Redis top level hash table maps Redis Objects (keys) to other Redis Objects (values). The Virtual Memory is only able to swap values on disk, the objects associated to keys are always taken in memory: this trade off guarantees very good lookup performances, as one of the main design goals of the Redis VM is to have performances similar to Redis with VM disabled when the part of the dataset frequently used fits in RAM.

How does a swapped value looks like internally

-When an object is swapped out, this is what happens in the hash table entry: -
  • The key continues to hold a Redis Object representing the key.
  • The value is set to NULL
So you may wonder where we store the information that a given value (associated to a given key) was swapped out. Just in the key object!

This is how the Redis Object structure robj looks like: -
-/* The actual Redis Object */
-typedef struct redisObject {
-    void *ptr;
-    unsigned char type;
-    unsigned char encoding;
-    unsigned char storage;  /* If this object is a key, where is the value?
-                             * REDIS_VM_MEMORY, REDIS_VM_SWAPPED, ... */
-    unsigned char vtype; /* If this object is a key, and value is swapped out,
-                          * this is the type of the swapped out object. */
-    int refcount;
-    /* VM fields, this are only allocated if VM is active, otherwise the
-     * object allocation function will just allocate
-     * sizeof(redisObjct) minus sizeof(redisObjectVM), so using
-     * Redis without VM active will not have any overhead. */
-    struct redisObjectVM vm;
-} robj;
-As you can see there are a few fields about VM. The most important one is storage, that can be one of this values: -
  • REDIS_VM_MEMORY: the associated value is in memory.
  • REDIS_VM_SWAPPED: the associated values is swapped, and the value entry of the hash table is just set to NULL.
  • REDIS_VM_LOADING: the value is swapped on disk, the entry is NULL, but there is a job to load the object from the swap to the memory (this field is only used when threaded VM is active).
  • REDIS_VM_SWAPPING: the value is in memory, the entry is a pointer to the actual Redis Object, but there is an I/O job in order to transfer this value to the swap file.
If an object is swapped on disk (REDIS_VM_SWAPPED or REDIS_VM_LOADING), how do we know where it is stored, what type it is, and so forth? That's simple: the vtype field is set to the original type of the Redis object swapped, while the vm field (that is a redisObjectVM structure) holds information about the location of the object. This is the definition of this additional structure: -
-/* The VM object structure */
-struct redisObjectVM {
-    off_t page;         /* the page at which the object is stored on disk */
-    off_t usedpages;    /* number of pages used on disk */
-    time_t atime;       /* Last access time */
-} vm;
-As you can see the structure contains the page at which the object is located in the swap file, the number of pages used, and the last access time of the object (this is very useful for the algorithm that select what object is a good candidate for swapping, as we want to transfer on disk objects that are rarely accessed).

As you can see, while all the other fields are using unused bytes in the old Redis Object structure (we had some free bit due to natural memory alignment concerns), the vm field is new, and indeed uses additional memory. Should we pay such a memory cost even when VM is disabled? No! This is the code to create a new Redis Object: -
-... some code ...
-        if (server.vm_enabled) {
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&server.obj_freelist_mutex);
-            o = zmalloc(sizeof(*o));
-        } else {
-            o = zmalloc(sizeof(*o)-sizeof(struct redisObjectVM));
-        }
-... some code ...
-As you can see if the VM system is not enabled we allocate just sizeof(*o)-sizeof(struct redisObjectVM) of memory. Given that the vm field is the last in the object structure, and that this fields are never accessed if VM is disabled, we are safe and Redis without VM does not pay the memory overhead.

The Swap File

-The next step in order to understand how the VM subsystem works is understanding how objects are stored inside the swap file. The good news is that's not some kind of special format, we just use the same format used to store the objects in .rdb files, that are the usual dump files produced by Redis using the SAVE command.

The swap file is composed of a given number of pages, where every page size is a given number of bytes. This parameters can be changed in redis.conf, since different Redis instances may work better with different values: it depends on the actual data you store inside it. The following are the default values: -
-vm-page-size 32
-vm-pages 134217728
-Redis takes a "bitmap" (an contiguous array of bits set to zero or one) in memory, every bit represent a page of the swap file on disk: if a given bit is set to 1, it represents a page that is already used (there is some Redis Object stored there), while if the corresponding bit is zero, the page is free.

Taking this bitmap (that will call the page table) in memory is a huge win in terms of performances, and the memory used is small: we just need 1 bit for every page on disk. For instance in the example below 134217728 pages of 32 bytes each (4GB swap file) is using just 16 MB of RAM for the page table.

Transfering objects from memory to swap

-In order to transfer an object from memory to disk we need to perform the following steps (assuming non threaded VM, just a simple blocking approach):

  • Find how many pages are needed in order to store this object on the swap file. This is trivially accomplished just calling the function rdbSavedObjectPages that returns the number of pages used by an object on disk. Note that this function does not duplicate the .rdb saving code just to understand what will be the length after an object will be saved on disk, we use the trick of opening /dev/null and writing the object there, finally calling ftello in order check the amount of bytes required. What we do basically is to save the object on a virtual very fast file, that is, /dev/null.
  • Now that we know how many pages are required in the swap file, we need to find this number of contiguous free pages inside the swap file. This task is accomplished by the vmFindContiguousPages function. As you can guess this function may fail if the swap is full, or so fragmented that we can't easily find the required number of contiguous free pages. When this happens we just abort the swapping of the object, that will continue to live in memory.
  • Finally we can write the object on disk, at the specified position, just calling the function vmWriteObjectOnSwap.
As you can guess once the object was correctly written in the swap file, it is freed from memory, the storage field in the associated key is set to REDIS_VM_SWAPPED, and the used pages are marked as used in the page table. -

Loading objects back in memory

-Loading an object from swap to memory is simpler, as we already know where the object is located and how many pages it is using. We also know the type of the object (the loading functions are required to know this information, as there is no header or any other information about the object type on disk), but this is stored in the vtype field of the associated key as already seen above.

Calling the function vmLoadObject passing the key object associated to the value object we want to load back is enough. The function will also take care of fixing the storage type of the key (that will be REDIS_VM_MEMORY), marking the pages as freed in the page table, and so forth.

The return value of the function is the loaded Redis Object itself, that we'll have to set again as value in the main hash table (instead of the NULL value we put in place of the object pointer when the value was originally swapped out). -

How blocking VM works

-Now we have all the building blocks in order to describe how the blocking VM works. First of all, an important detail about configuration. In order to enable blocking VM in Redis server.vm_max_threads must be set to zero. -We'll see later how this max number of threads info is used in the threaded VM, for now all it's needed to now is that Redis reverts to fully blocking VM when this is set to zero.

We also need to introduce another important VM parameter, that is, server.vm_max_memory. This parameter is very important as it is used in order to trigger swapping: Redis will try to swap objects only if it is using more memory than the max memory setting, otherwise there is no need to swap as we are matching the user requested memory usage. -

Blocking VM swapping

-Swapping of object from memory to disk happens in the cron function. This function used to be called every second, while in the recent Redis versions on git it is called every 100 milliseconds (that is, 10 times per second). -If this function detects we are out of memory, that is, the memory used is greater than the vm-max-memory setting, it starts transferring objects from memory to disk in a loop calling the function vmSwapOneObect. This function takes just one argument, if 0 it will swap objects in a blocking way, otherwise if it is 1, I/O threads are used. In the blocking scenario we just call it with zero as argument.

vmSwapOneObject acts performing the following steps: -
  • The key space in inspected in order to find a good candidate for swapping (we'll see later what a good candidate for swapping is).
  • The associated value is transfered to disk, in a blocking way.
  • The key storage field is set to REDIS_VM_SWAPPED, while the vm fields of the object are set to the right values (the page index where the object was swapped, and the number of pages used to swap it).
  • Finally the value object is freed and the value entry of the hash table is set to NULL.
The function is called again and again until one of the following happens: there is no way to swap more objects because either the swap file is full or nearly all the objects are already transfered on disk, or simply the memory usage is already under the vm-max-memory parameter. -

What values to swap when we are out of memory?

-Understanding what's a good candidate for swapping is not too hard. A few objects at random are sampled, and for each their swappability is commuted as: -
-swappability = age*log(size_in_memory)
-The age is the number of seconds the key was not requested, while size_in_memory is a fast estimation of the amount of memory (in bytes) used by the object in memory. So we try to swap out objects that are rarely accessed, and we try to swap bigger objects over smaller one, but the latter is a less important factor (because of the logarithmic function used). This is because we don't want bigger objects to be swapped out and in too often as the bigger the object the more I/O and CPU is required in order to transfer it. -

Blocking VM loading

-What happens if an operation against a key associated with a swapped out object is requested? For instance Redis may just happen to process the following command: -
-GET foo
-If the value object of the foo key is swapped we need to load it back in memory before processing the operation. In Redis the key lookup process is centralized in the lookupKeyRead and lookupKeyWrite functions, this two functions are used in the implementation of all the Redis commands accessing the keyspace, so we have a single point in the code where to handle the loading of the key from the swap file to memory.

So this is what happens: -
  • The user calls some command having as argumenet a swapped key
  • The command implementation calls the lookup function
  • The lookup function search for the key in the top level hash table. If the value associated with the requested key is swapped (we can see that checking the storage field of the key object), we load it back in memory in a blocking way before to return to the user.
-This is pretty straightforward, but things will get more interesting with the threads. From the point of view of the blocking VM the only real problem is the saving of the dataset using another process, that is, handling BGSAVE and BGREWRITEAOF commands. -

Background saving when VM is active

-The default Redis way to persist on disk is to create .rdb files using a child process. Redis calls the fork() system call in order to create a child, that has the exact copy of the in memory dataset, since fork duplicates the whole program memory space (actually thanks to a technique called Copy on Write memory pages are shared between the parent and child process, so the fork() call will not require too much memory).

In the child process we have a copy of the dataset in a given point in the time. Other commands issued by clients will just be served by the parent process and will not modify the child data.

The child process will just store the whole dataset into the dump.rdb file and finally will exit. But what happens when the VM is active? Values can be swapped out so we don't have all the data in memory, and we need to access the swap file in order to retrieve the swapped values. While child process is saving the swap file is shared between the parent and child process, since: -
  • The parent process needs to access the swap file in order to load values back into memory if an operation against swapped out values are performed.
  • The child process needs to access the swap file in order to retrieve the full dataset while saving the data set on disk.
In order to avoid problems while both the processes are accessing the same swap file we do a simple thing, that is, not allowing values to be swapped out in the parent process while a background saving is in progress. This way both the processes will access the swap file in read only. This approach has the problem that while the child process is saving no new values can be transfered on the swap file even if Redis is using more memory than the max memory parameters dictates. This is usually not a problem as the background saving will terminate in a short amount of time and if still needed a percentage of values will be swapped on disk ASAP.

An alternative to this scenario is to enable the Append Only File that will have this problem only when a log rewrite is performed using the BGREWRITEAOF command. -

The problem with the blocking VM

-The problem of blocking VM is that... it's blocking :) -This is not a problem when Redis is used in batch processing activities, but for real-time usage one of the good points of Redis is the low latency. The blocking VM will have bad latency behaviors as when a client is accessing a swapped out value, or when Redis needs to swap out values, no other clients will be served in the meantime.

Swapping out keys should happen in background. Similarly when a client is accessing a swapped out value other clients accessing in memory values should be served mostly as fast as when VM is disabled. Only the clients dealing with swapped out keys should be delayed.

All this limitations called for a non-blocking VM implementation. -

Threaded VM

-There are basically three main ways to turn the blocking VM into a non blocking one. -
  • 1: One way is obvious, and in my opionion, not a good idea at all, that is, turning Redis itself into a theaded server: if every request is served by a different thread automatically other clients don't need to wait for blocked ones. Redis is fast, exports atomic operations, has no locks, and is just 10k lines of code, because it is single threaded, so this was not an option for me.
  • 2: Using non-blocking I/O against the swap file. After all you can think Redis already event-loop based, why don't just handle disk I/O in a non-blocking fashion? I also discarded this possiblity because of two main reasons. One is that non blocking file operations, unlike sockets, are an incompatibility nightmare. It's not just like calling select, you need to use OS-specific things. The other problem is that the I/O is just one part of the time consumed to handle VM, another big part is the CPU used in order to encode/decode data to/from the swap file. This is I picked option three, that is...
  • 3: Using I/O threads, that is, a pool of threads handling the swap I/O operations. This is what the Redis VM is using, so let's detail how this works.

I/O Threads

-The threaded VM design goals where the following, in order of importance: -
  • Simple implementation, little room for race condtions, simple locking, VM system more or less completeley decoupled from the rest of Redis code.
  • Good performances, no locks for clients accessing values in memory.
  • Ability to decode/encode objects in the I/O threads.
The above goals resulted in an implementation where the Redis main thread (the one serving actual clients) and the I/O threads communicate using a queue of jobs, with a single mutex. -Basically when main thread requires some work done in the background by some I/O thread, it pushes an I/O job structure in the server.io_newjobs queue (that is, just a linked list). If there are no active I/O threads, one is started. At this point some I/O thread will process the I/O job, and the result of the processing is pushed in the server.io_processed queue. The I/O thread will send a byte using an UNIX pipe to the main thread in order to signal that a new job was processed and the result is ready to be processed.

This is how the iojob structure looks like: -
-typedef struct iojob {
-    int type;   /* Request type, REDIS_IOJOB_* */
-    redisDb *db;/* Redis database */
-    robj *key;  /* This I/O request is about swapping this key */
-    robj *val;  /* the value to swap for REDIS_IOREQ_*_SWAP, otherwise this
-                 * field is populated by the I/O thread for REDIS_IOREQ_LOAD. */
-    off_t page; /* Swap page where to read/write the object */
-    off_t pages; /* Swap pages needed to save object. PREPARE_SWAP return val */
-    int canceled; /* True if this command was canceled by blocking side of VM */
-    pthread_t thread; /* ID of the thread processing this entry */
-} iojob;
-There are just three type of jobs that an I/O thread can perform (the type is specified by the type field of the structure): -
  • REDIS_IOJOB_LOAD: load the value associated to a given key from swap to memory. The object offset inside the swap file is page, the object type is key->vtype. The result of this operation will populate the val field of the structure.
  • REDIS_IOJOB_PREPARE_SWAP: compute the number of pages needed in order to save the object pointed by val into the swap. The result of this operation will populate the pages field.
  • REDIS_IOJOB_DO_SWAP: Transfer the object pointed by val to the swap file, at page offset page.
The main thread delegates just the above three tasks. All the rest is handled by the main thread itself, for instance finding a suitable range of free pages in the swap file page table (that is a fast operation), deciding what object to swap, altering the storage field of a Redis object to reflect the current state of a value. -

Non blocking VM as probabilistic enhancement of blocking VM

-So now we have a way to request background jobs dealing with slow VM operations. How to add this to the mix of the rest of the work done by the main thread? While blocking VM was aware that an object was swapped out just when the object was looked up, this is too late for us: in C it is not trivial to start a background job in the middle of the command, leave the function, and re-enter in the same point the computation when the I/O thread finished what we requested (that is, no co-routines or continuations or alike).

Fortunately there was a much, much simpler way to do this. And we love simple things: basically consider the VM implementation a blocking one, but add an optimization (using non the no blocking VM operations we are able to perform) to make the blocking very unlikely.

This is what we do: -
  • Every time a client sends us a command, before the command is executed, we examine the argument vector of the command in search for swapped keys. After all we know for every command what arguments are keys, as the Redis command format is pretty simple.
  • If we detect that at least a key in the requested command is swapped on disk, we block the client instead of really issuing the command. For every swapped value associated to a requested key, an I/O job is created, in order to bring the values back in memory. The main thread continues the execution of the event loop, without caring about the blocked client.
  • In the meanwhile, I/O threads are loading values in memory. Every time an I/O thread finished loading a value, it sends a byte to the main thread using an UNIX pipe. The pipe file descriptor has a readable event associated in the main thread event loop, that is the function vmThreadedIOCompletedJob. If this function detects that all the values needed for a blocked client were loaded, the client is restarted and the original command called.
-So you can think at this as a blocked VM that almost always happen to have the right keys in memory, since we pause clients that are going to issue commands about swapped out values until this values are loaded.

If the function checking what argument is a key fails in some way, there is no problem: the lookup function will see that a given key is associated to a swapped out value and will block loading it. So our non blocking VM reverts to a blocking one when it is not possible to anticipate what keys are touched.

For instance in the case of the SORT command used together with the GET or BY options, it is not trivial to know beforehand what keys will be requested, so at least in the first implementation, SORT BY/GET resorts to the blocking VM implementation. -

Blocking clients on swapped keys

-How to block clients? To suspend a client in an event-loop based server is pretty trivial. All we do is cancelling its read handler. Sometimes we do something different (for instance for BLPOP) that is just marking the client as blocked, but not processing new data (just accumulating the new data into input buffers). -

Aborting I/O jobs

-There is something hard to solve about the interactions between our blocking and non blocking VM, that is, what happens if a blocking operation starts about a key that is also "interested" by a non blocking operation at the same time?

For instance while SORT BY is executed, a few keys are being loaded in a blocking manner by the sort command. At the same time, another client may request the same keys with a simple GET key command, that will trigger the creation of an I/O job to load the key in background.

The only simple way to deal with this problem is to be able to kill I/O jobs in the main thread, so that if a key that we want to load or swap in a blocking way is in the REDIS_VM_LOADING or REDIS_VM_SWAPPING state (that is, there is an I/O job about this key), we can just kill the I/O job about this key, and go ahead with the blocking operation we want to perform.

This is not as trivial as it is. In a given moment an I/O job can be in one of the following three queues: -
  • server.io_newjobs: the job was already queued but no thread is handling it.
  • server.io_processing: the job is being processed by an I/O thread.
  • server.io_processed: the job was already processed.
The function able to kill an I/O job is vmCancelThreadedIOJob, and this is what it does: -
  • If the job is in the newjobs queue, that's simple, removing the iojob structure from the queue is enough as no thread is still executing any operation.
  • If the job is in the processing queue, a thread is messing with our job (and possibly with the associated object!). The only thing we can do is waiting for the item to move to the next queue in a blocking way. Fortunately this condition happens very rarely so it's not a performance problem.
  • If the job is in the processed queue, we just mark it as canceled marking setting the canceled field to 1 in the iojob structure. The function processing completed jobs will just ignored and free the job instead of really processing it.


-This document is in no way complete, the only way to get the whole picture is reading the source code, but it should be a good introduction in order to make the code review / understanding a lot simpler.

Something is not clear about this page? Please leave a comment and I'll try to address the issue possibly integrating the answer in this document. - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html b/doc/VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html deleted file mode 100644 index d4d6f759..00000000 --- a/doc/VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- #sidebar RedisGuides

Virtual Memory User Guide

Redis Virtual Memory is a feature that will appear for the first time in a stable Redis distribution in Redis 2.0. However Virtual Memory (called VM starting from now) is already available and stable enough to be tests in the unstable branch of Redis available on Git.

Virtual Memory explained in simple words

Redis follows a Key-Value model. You have keys associated with some values. -Usually Redis takes both Keys and associated Values in memory. Sometimes this is not the best option, and while Keys must be taken in memory for the way Redis is designed (and in order to ensure fast lookups), Values can be swapped out to disk when they are rarely used.

In practical terms this means that if you have a dataset of 100,000 keys in memory, but only 10% of this keys are often used, Redis with Virtual Memory enabled will try to transfer the values associated to the rarely used keys on disk.

When this values are requested, as a result of a command issued by a client, the values are loaded back from the swap file to the main memory.

When using Virtual Memory is a good idea

Before using VM you should ask yourself if you really need it. Redis is a disk backed, in memory database. The right way to use Redis is almost always to have enough RAM to fit all the data in memory. Still there are a scenarios where to hold all the data in memory is not possible: -
  • Data access is very biased. Only a small percentage of keys (for instance related to active users in your web site) gets the vast majority of accesses. At the same time there is too much data per key to take everything in memory.
  • There is simply not enough memory available to hold all the data in memory, regardless of the data access pattern, and values are large. In this configuration Redis can be used as an on-disk DB where keys are in memory, so the key lookup is fast, but the access to the actual values require accessing the (slower) disk.
-An important concept to take in mind is that Redis is not able to swap the keys, so if your memory problems are related to the fact you have too much keys with very small values, VM is not the solution.

Instead if a good amount of memory is used because values are pretty large (for example large strings, lists, sets or hashes with many elements), then VM can be a good idea.

Sometimes you can turn your "many keys with small values" problem into a "less keys but with very large values" one just using Hashes in order to group related data into fields of a single key. For instance instead of having a key for every attribute of your object you have a single key per object where Hash fields represent the different attributes.

VM Configuration

Configuring the VM is not hard but requires some care to set the best parameters accordingly to the requirements.

The VM is enabled and configured editing redis.conf, the first step is switching it on with:

-vm-enabled yes
Many other configuration options are able to change the behavior of VM. The rule is that you don't want to run with the default configuration, as every problem and dataset requires some tuning in order to get the maximum advantages.

The vm-max-memory setting

The vm-max-memory setting specifies how much memory Redis is free to use before starting swapping values on disk.

Basically if this memory limit is still not reached, no object will be swapped, Redis will work all in memory as usually. Once this limit is hit, enough objects are swapped out in order to return just under the limit.

The swapped objects are the one with the highest "age" (that is, the number of seconds since they are not used in any way) mainly, but the "swappability" of an object is also proportional to the logarithm of it's size in memory. So basically older objects are preferred, but when they are about the same size, bigger objects are preferred.

WARNING: Because keys can't be swapped out, Redis will not be able to honour the vm-max-memory setting if the keys alone are using more space than the limit.

The best value for this setting is enough RAM in order to hold the "working set" of data. In practical terms, just give Redis as much memory as you can, and swapping will work better.

Configuring the swap file

In order to transfer data from memory to disk, Redis uses a swap file. The swap file has nothing to do with durability of data, and can be removed when a Redis instance is terminated. Still the swap file should not be moved, deleted, or altered in any other way while Redis is running.

Because the Redis swap file is used mostly in a random access fashion, to put the swap file into a Solid State Disk will lead to better performances.

The swap file is divided into "pages". A value can be swapped into one or multiple pages, but a single page can't hold more than a value.

There is no direct way to tell Redis how much bytes of swap file it should be using. Instead two different values are configured, that multiplied together will produce the total number of bytes used. This two values are the number of pages inside the swap file, and the page size. It is possible to configure this two parameters in redis.conf.

  • The vm-pages configuration directive is used to set the total number of pages in the swap file.
  • the vm-page-size configuration directive is used in order to set the page size in bytes.
-So for instance if the page size is set to the value of 32 bytes, and the total number of pages is set to 10000000 (10 millions), the swap file can hold a total of 320 MB of data.

Because a single page can't be used to hold more than a value (but a value can be stored into multiple pages), care must be taken in setting this parameters. -Usually the best idea is setting the page size so that the majority of the values can be swapped using a few pages.

Threaded VM vs Blocking VM

Another very important configuration parameter is vm-max-threads:

-# The default vm-max-threads configuration
-vm-max-threads 4
This is the maximum number of threads used in order to perform I/O from/to the swap file. A good value is just to match the number of cores in your system.

However the special value of "0" will enable blocking VM. When VM is configured to be blocking it performs the I/O in a synchronous blocking way. This is what you can expect from blocking VM: -
  • Clients accessing swapped out keys will block other clients while reading from disk, so the latency experimented by clients can be larger, especially if the disk is slow or busy and/or if there are big values swapped on disk.
  • The blocking VM performances are overall better, as there is no time lost in synchronization, spawning of threads, resuming blocked clients waiting for values.
So if you are willing to accept an higher latency from time to time, blocking VM can be a good pick, especially if swapping happens rarely as most of your often accessed data happens to fit in your memory.

If instead you have a lot of swap in and swap out operations and you have many cores that you want to exploit, and in general when you don't want that clients dealing with swapped values will block other clients for a few milliseconds (or more if the swapped value is very big), then it's better to use threaded VM.

To experiment with your dataset and different configurations is warmly encouraged...

Random things to know


A good place for the swap file

In many configurations the swap file can be fairly large, even 40GB or more. -Not all the kind of file systems are able to deal with large files in a good way, especially Mac OS X file system tends to be really lame about it.

The suggestion is to use Linux ext3 file system, or any other file system with good support for sparse files. What are sparse files?

Sparse files are files where a lot of the content happen to be empty. Advanced file systems like ext2, ext3, ext4, RaiserFS, Raiser4, and many others, are able to encode this files in a more efficient way and will allocate more space for the file when needed, that is, when more actual blocks of the file will be used.

The swap file is obviously pretty sparse, especially if the server is running since little time or it is much bigger compared to the amount of data swapped out. A file system not supporting sparse files can at some point block the Redis process while creating a very big file at once.

For a list of file systems supporting spare files check this Wikipedia page comparing different files systems.

Monitoring the VM

Once you have a Redis system with VM enabled up and running, you may be very interested in knowing how it's working: how many objects are swapped in total, the number of objects swapped and loaded every second, and so forth.

There is an utility that is very handy in checking how the VM is working, that is part of Redis Tools. This tool is called redis-stat, and using it is pretty straightforward:

-$ ./redis-stat vmstat
- --------------- objects --------------- ------ pages ------ ----- memory -----
- load-in  swap-out  swapped   delta      used     delta      used     delta    
- 138837   1078936   800402    +800402    807620   +807620    209.50M  +209.50M  
- 4277     38011     829802    +29400     837441   +29821     206.47M  -3.03M   
- 3347     39508     862619    +32817     870340   +32899     202.96M  -3.51M   
- 4445     36943     890646    +28027     897925   +27585     199.92M  -3.04M   
- 10391    16902     886783    -3863     894104   -3821     200.22M  +309.56K  
- 8888     19507     888371    +1588      895678   +1574      200.05M  -171.81K 
- 8377     20082     891664    +3293      899850   +4172      200.10M  +53.55K   
- 9671     20210     892586    +922       899917   +67        199.82M  -285.30K 
- 10861    16723     887638    -4948     895003   -4914     200.13M  +312.35K  
- 9541     21945     890618    +2980      898004   +3001      199.94M  -197.11K 
- 9689     17257     888345    -2273     896405   -1599     200.27M  +337.77K  
- 10087    18784     886771    -1574     894577   -1828     200.36M  +91.60K   
- 9330     19350     887411    +640       894817   +240       200.17M  -189.72K 
The above output is about a redis-server with VM enable, around 1 million of keys inside, and a lot of simulated load using the redis-load utility.

As you can see from the output a number of load-in and swap-out operations are happening every second. Note that the first line reports the actual values since the server was started, while the next lines are differences compared to the previous reading.

If you assigned enough memory to hold your working set of data, probably you should see a lot less dramatic swapping happening, so redis-stat can be a really valuable tool in order to understand if you need to shop for RAM ;)

Redis with VM enabled: better .rdb files or Append Only File?

When VM is enabled, saving and loading the database are much slower operations. A DB that usually loads in 2 seconds takes 13 seconds with VM enabled if the server is configured to use the smallest memory possible (that is, vm-max-memory set to 0).

So you probably want to switch to a configuration using the Append Only File for persistence, so that you can perform the BGREWRITEAOF from time to time.

It is important to note that while a BGSAVE or BGREWRITEAOF is in progress Redis does not swap new values on disk. The VM will be read-only while there is another child accessing it. So if you have a lot of writes while there is a child working, the memory usage may grow.

Using as little memory as possible

An interesting setup to turn Redis into an on-disk DB with just keys in memory is setting vm-max-memory to 0. If you don't mind some latency more and poorer performances but want to use very little memory for very big values, this is a good setup.

In this setup you should first try setting the VM as blocking (vm-max-threads 0) as with this configuration and high traffic the number of swap in and swap out operations will be huge, and threading will consume a lot of resources compared to a simple blocking implementation.

VM Stability

VM is still experimental code, but in the latest weeks it was tested in many ways in development environments, and even in some production environment. No bugs were noticed during this testing period. Still the more obscure bugs may happen in non controlled environments where there are setups that we are not able to reproduce for some reason.

In this stage you are encouraged to try VM in your development environment, and even in production if your DB is not mission critical, but for instance just a big persistent cache of data that may go away without too much problems.

Please report any problem you will notice to the Redis Google Group or by IRC joining the #redis IRC channel on freenode. -
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- -ZaddCommand: Contents
  ZADD _key_ _score_ _member_ (Redis >
    Return value -
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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZADD _key_ _score_ _member_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set
Add the specified member having the specifeid score to the sortedset stored at key. If member is already a member of the sorted setthe score is updated, and the element reinserted in the right position toensure sorting. If key does not exist a new sorted set with the specified_member_ as sole member is crated. If the key exists but does not hold asorted set value an error is returned.
The score value can be the string representation of a double precision floatingpoint number.
For an introduction to sorted sets check the Introduction to Redis data types page.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the new element was added
-0 if the element was already a member of the sorted set and the score was updated
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- -ZcardCommand: Contents
  ZCARD _key_ (Redis >
    Return value -
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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZCARD _key_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity O(1)
Return the sorted set cardinality (number of elements). If the key does notexist 0 is returned, like for empty sorted sets.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-the cardinality (number of elements) of the set as an integer.
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZincrbyCommand.html b/doc/ZincrbyCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 1f8fe294..00000000 --- a/doc/ZincrbyCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- -ZincrbyCommand: Contents
  ZINCRBY _key_ _increment_ _member_ (Redis >
    Return value -
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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZINCRBY _key_ _increment_ _member_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set
If member already exists in the sorted set adds the increment to its scoreand updates the position of the element in the sorted set accordingly.If member does not already exist in the sorted set it is added with_increment_ as score (that is, like if the previous score was virtually zero).If key does not exist a new sorted set with the specified_member_ as sole member is crated. If the key exists but does not hold asorted set value an error is returned.
The score value can be the string representation of a double precision floatingpoint number. It's possible to provide a negative value to perform a decrement.
For an introduction to sorted sets check the Introduction to Redis data types page.

Return value

Bulk reply
-The new score (a double precision floating point number) represented as string.
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZrangeCommand.html b/doc/ZrangeCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index e453d36c..00000000 --- a/doc/ZrangeCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZRANGE _key_ _start_ _end_ `[`WITHSCORES`]`(Redis >

1.1) = -

ZREVRANGE _key_ _start_ _end_ `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) (with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements requested)
Return the specified elements of the sorted set at the specifiedkey. The elements are considered sorted from the lowerest to the highestscore when using ZRANGE, and in the reverse order when using ZREVRANGE.Start and end are zero-based indexes. 0 is the first elementof the sorted set (the one with the lowerest score when using ZRANGE), 1the next element by score and so on.
_start_ and end can also be negative numbers indicating offsetsfrom the end of the sorted set. For example -1 is the last element ofthe sorted set, -2 the penultimate element and so on.
Indexes out of range will not produce an error: if start is overthe end of the sorted set, or start > end, an empty list is returned.If end is over the end of the sorted set Redis will threat it just likethe last element of the sorted set.
It's possible to pass the WITHSCORES option to the command in order to return notonly the values but also the scores of the elements. Redis will return the dataas a single list composed of value1,score1,value2,score2,...,valueN,scoreN but clientlibraries are free to return a more appropriate data type (what we think is thatthe best return type for this command is a Array of two-elements Array / Tuple inorder to preserve sorting).

Return value

Multi bulk reply, specifically a list of elements in the specified range. -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZrangebyscoreCommand.html b/doc/ZrangebyscoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index d9b310d4..00000000 --- a/doc/ZrangebyscoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` (Redis >

1.1) = -

ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis >

1.3.4) = -

ZCOUNT _key_ _min_ _max_

-Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N))
Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between_min_ and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).
The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically asASCII strings (this follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does notinvolve further computation).
Using the optional LIMIT it's possible to get only a range of the matchingelements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if offset is large the commandsneeds to traverse the list for offset elements and this adds up to theO(M) figure.
The ZCOUNT command is similar to ZRANGEBYSCORE but instead of returningthe actual elements in the specified interval, it just returns the numberof matching elements.

Exclusive intervals and infinity

-min and max can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value".

Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance: -
-ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.3 5
-Will return all the values with score > 1.3 and <= 5, while for instance: -
-ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (5 (10
-Will return all the values with score > 5 and < 10 (5 and 10 excluded). -

Return value

ZRANGEBYSCORE returns a Multi bulk reply specifically a list of elements in the specified score range.

ZCOUNT returns a Integer reply specifically the number of elements matching the specified score range. -


-redis> zadd zset 1 foo
-(integer) 1
-redis> zadd zset 2 bar
-(integer) 1
-redis> zadd zset 3 biz
-(integer) 1
-redis> zadd zset 4 foz
-(integer) 1
-redis> zrangebyscore zset -inf +inf
-1. "foo"
-2. "bar"
-3. "biz"
-4. "foz"
-redis> zcount zset 1 2
-(integer) 2
-redis> zrangebyscore zset 1 2
-1. "foo"
-2. "bar"
-redis> zrangebyscore zset (1 2
-1. "bar"
-redis> zrangebyscore zset (1 (2
-(empty list or set)
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZrankCommand.html b/doc/ZrankCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index ccf8c23a..00000000 --- a/doc/ZrankCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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ZRANK _key_ _member_ (Redis >

1.3.4) = -

ZREVRANK _key_ _member_ (Redis >

1.3.4) = -Time complexity: O(log(N))
ZRANK returns the rank of the member in the sorted set, with scores ordered from low to high. ZREVRANK returns the rank with scores ordered from high to low. When the given member does not exist in the sorted set, the special value 'nil' is returned. The returned rank (or index) of the member is 0-based for both commands.

Return value

Integer reply or a nil bulk reply, specifically:

-the rank of the element as an integer reply if the element exists.
-A nil bulk reply if there is no such element.
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZremCommand.html b/doc/ZremCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index ecc4b982..00000000 --- a/doc/ZremCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -ZremCommand: Contents
  ZREM _key_ _member_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZREM _key_ _member_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity O(log(N)) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set
Remove the specified member from the sorted set value stored at key. If_member_ was not a member of the set no operation is performed. If keydoes not not hold a set value an error is returned.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically:

-1 if the new element was removed
-0 if the new element was not a member of the set
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZremrangebyrankCommand.html b/doc/ZremrangebyrankCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index b2562295..00000000 --- a/doc/ZremrangebyrankCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -ZremrangebyrankCommand: Contents
  ZREMRANGEBYRANK _key_ _start_ _end_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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ZREMRANGEBYRANK _key_ _start_ _end_ (Redis >

1.3.4) = -Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the operation
Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and end. Start and end are 0-based with rank 0 being the element with the lowest score. Both start and end can be negative numbers, where they indicate offsets starting at the element with the highest rank. For example: -1 is the element with the highest score, -2 the element with the second highest score and so forth.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically the number of elements removed. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html b/doc/ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 304650d1..00000000 --- a/doc/ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -ZremrangebyscoreCommand: Contents
  ZREMRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZREMRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the operation
Remove all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between_min_ and max (including elements with score equal to min or max).

Return value

Integer reply, specifically the number of elements removed. - -
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZscoreCommand.html b/doc/ZscoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 9815f026..00000000 --- a/doc/ZscoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- -ZscoreCommand: Contents
  ZSCORE _key_ _element_ (Redis >
    Return value -
- -


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- #sidebar SortedSetCommandsSidebar

ZSCORE _key_ _element_ (Redis >

1.1) = -Time complexity O(1)
Return the score of the specified element of the sorted set at key.If the specified element does not exist in the sorted set, or the keydoes not exist at all, a special 'nil' value is returned.

Return value

Bulk reply
-the score (a double precision floating point number) represented as string.
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- - - diff --git a/doc/ZunionCommand.html b/doc/ZunionCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index cb5b844d..00000000 --- a/doc/ZunionCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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ZUNIONSTORE _dstkey_ _N_ _k1_ ... _kN_ `[`WEIGHTS _w1_ ... _wN_`]` `[`AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX`]` (Redis >

1.3.12) = -

ZINTERSTORE _dstkey_ _N_ _k1_ ... _kN_ `[`WEIGHTS _w1_ ... _wN_`]` `[`AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX`]` (Redis >

1.3.12) =

Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys and the other (optional) arguments.
As the terms imply, the ZINTERSTORE command requires an element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The ZUNIONSTORE command inserts all elements across all inputs.
Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1.
With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey. -
- -
- - - diff --git a/doc/ZunionstoreCommand.html b/doc/ZunionstoreCommand.html deleted file mode 100644 index 862c38bb..00000000 --- a/doc/ZunionstoreCommand.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - -
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ZUNIONSTORE _dstkey_ _N_ _k1_ ... _kN_ `[`WEIGHTS _w1_ ... _wN_`]` `[`AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX`]` (Redis >

1.3.12) = -

ZINTERSTORE _dstkey_ _N_ _k1_ ... _kN_ `[`WEIGHTS _w1_ ... _wN_`]` `[`AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX`]` (Redis >

1.3.12) = -Time complexity: O(N) + O(M log(M)) with N being the sum of the sizes of the input sorted sets, and M being the number of elements in the resulting sorted set
Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey. It is mandatory to provide the number of input keys N, before passing the input keys and the other (optional) arguments.
As the terms imply, the ZINTERSTORE command requires an element to be present in each of the given inputs to be inserted in the result. The ZUNIONSTORE command inserts all elements across all inputs.
Using the WEIGHTS option, it is possible to add weight to each input sorted set. This means that the score of each element in the sorted set is first multiplied by this weight before being passed to the aggregation. When this option is not given, all weights default to 1.
With the AGGREGATE option, it's possible to specify how the results of the union or intersection are aggregated. This option defaults to SUM, where the score of an element is summed across the inputs where it exists. When this option is set to be either MIN or MAX, the resulting set will contain the minimum or maximum score of an element across the inputs where it exists.

Return value

Integer reply, specifically the number of elements in the sorted set at dstkey. -
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- = Redis Documentation =

Russian TranslationHello! The followings are pointers to different parts of the Redis Documentation.

Getting started


Full programming examples


FAQs and benchmarks

  • The benchmark page is about the speed performances of Redis.
  • Our FAQ contains of course some answers to common questions about Redis. Not very up-to-date.

HOWTOs about selected features



  • The Protocol Specification is all you need in order to implement a Redis client library for a missing language. PHP, Python, Ruby and Erlang are already supported.
  • Look at Redis Internals if you are interested in the implementation details of the Redis server.



Recipes and books

  • The Redis Cookbook is a collaborative effort to provide some good recipe.
  • There is an ongoing effort to write a Redis book for O'Reilly
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- - - diff --git a/doc/redis.png b/doc/redis.png deleted file mode 100644 index abb69c09ec51ecb35554e12bb39abe9d56696bf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 2801 zcmaJ@c{o&k8=i(jA`!|ujjhBi#xf>LF_wvuJ=teDn3%=P$;?Pavh~W62(MDF7NKmR zd{n&2t}Mw~LJP{iw5Yz(TYcXjU*EZ|bAHeByYBmb);~^yql1maMum+K2t7tEr7(E;c1^e;91<}~l0Gu=4 z`bR8*X9^DjK^6{)Q(JdV0D7gf55A07*Pu21o6u0v_N{*fbVM zV=`cCiX<}g2xtlyWcp7Dbk;9f2Iohc1Pw#-NGv28fm$o+Cy+?||4=&p7n%b)1OLhQ ze+qM4`78kG3~-o7*c8Fw0@T(*v2d1bfCMtxu1sdg&n`L!F+nCLh{=Lkx){KSBnpkO z=6}Z%i8um-1CkgNfPgoJ3ltDE8Wm@0jj=G=hqtyeMp>cJcx$Y+o{<#>i#Ebq3oJ{_ zPcEKGIYI{*;7=~~7uO2)TkhH_&{=}Wcz{g{1E|()CLQ*@WE}1Hx!`}R_k&CQZ7z7L z-*SRm7CxwOi&soG06&>YLCygWEUX|g~m3Rla@n~0K$>#?x4Rq|9FQ8+jnTTm^6 z(A9Vy`*4R`T!E{F&!t_r_xI4#u9Xh=)G${cC2EyVRk)~I%wL(9PT~e|@2}L()Mnkb z0cl2(TFN+TzH;7c7B_1kCi>ZMSs&VOY62Rv9yA;=6f>)U8b26}x-0%f?5(=81ExH! z;9JAvdnt|SGsUOB&ef7~-c_J24 z@=?9w_D8R87i-BYpIv$!3_iQx^4W6Y_RcJ4VVr6vrIREG6Ot{WMshc-9M&dH;zKf24`mn}5^vUB>_S6X?o zd+{Gv54-UWT#WZSm=V+c0=c|dB0-)US|{25gkzeKyXsChf1@+V$MP?4Hn(Y{x!@q` zkt>*>Dl#Thl5j(JC@ zv(+^M4KBo8{e)T-d}PdJ&m{d*0}L)NdKhQ<@AKgH-FaVEzR-lWA96v_1)XOz;N*dBM;v4 zNoSL-MYJ;wJ}DRZ9sT60vt?}E+vvkqiH&2553KP+H(g(uQqyLJ@A_^0ASIjnp>NFd zxl>qq zW+a%bqoC1#=5!FV_}u9Rq>(0IOUN1Mo9c##jikIKs#D47I0wp*%uLe)w!KtKE^l3r zZEN}tX*t5w%$7c0m`FyK^s}7z+^twWHVGj)^ObY*!f*Ho@epzOmX6(GjSE z#n`RbidccDX?N|iGbx)Atv)yGG_JdC){a&nN+$aCu7x9Apw!;Sq4~J#M`a!RM_xioR5u)Q zN^jw)=13<{&UA%N6h^oV3aL}0cT`*FeYvY<#N=kDK-$j94OA_%u6^D0{!^mnfs-2k zCzF#5{T!YSwGH({DhJ_&Lzrxj>2s9Ug77S@*H;H(O!QT|qIZ@&eP8{kDotu!(x;_Q zGur*;;ymY3+=OR#ueylN@&3RhJ5QBNed^)A;c;ptUru7zqJ*r(QhTtZv(vH=J0UAY zt#E4UM%_I#C`?mvn^?ff%bJu&vkk?7=E^IVSBQPY*%9W0?Ni$WA6D>>+bri`0AD;2AMS{ zf*fnIx24M3yi?UQERcsTCpQL^-adENs}V&&SY8!=H|zuu{cP)ct`C|rY< z?ibyZ6rEUfc( zAYMmy8t5;Z^tGlpZ4wfVv!6Z2*WD3tx8reewt075Z*kW`H+bP$iyP^rG@ z&x^t^@0NsdE$>94Wk1t<9W3lcQZ2g{SI0H`k3aIrX;LOaVL_zmalZXj>nR{Cvc`C_ z-)w#4;2&2+{ghSUi?q!!*{a$ujvmlP#u?P^kzhLTRL qieCyIx$Y4LQ)^Hb6AL^cj)EMBx4Air+<0~ECzN32fWKwofAZhJ&9Ei_ diff --git a/doc/style.css b/doc/style.css deleted file mode 100644 index bf0f078e..00000000 --- a/doc/style.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -body { - font-family: 'Verdana'; - width:800px; -} - -a { - text-decoration: none; -} - -h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { - color: #333; -} - -h1 { - font-size: 20px; -} - -.codeblock { - color: darkgreen; - padding:5px; -} - -h1.wikiname { - color: #f55000; -} From 5daa1f060a048a9f57e8e5441438d3ba03510bdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: antirez Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2011 20:51:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] no more client-libraries directory --- client-libraries/README | 11 ----------- 1 file changed, 11 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 client-libraries/README diff --git a/client-libraries/README b/client-libraries/README deleted file mode 100644 index 55fe9c87..00000000 --- a/client-libraries/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -An updated list of client libraries for Redis can be found here: - - - -All the links are in the front page. - -Most mainstream (and less mainstream) languages are supported. - -If you plan to write a new client library for a missing language, please -get in touch with the other developers writing a message to the Redis google -group that is located here: From 73e718675b68f141054adf18eb3a70619d67406b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: antirez Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 17:09:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Better colorized Makefile implementation, inspired by git makefile --- src/Makefile | 30 +++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile index e08c6987..77127874 100644 --- a/src/Makefile +++ b/src/Makefile @@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ PREFIX= /usr/local INSTALL_BIN= $(PREFIX)/bin INSTALL= cp -p - CCCOLOR="\033[34m" LINKCOLOR="\033[34;1m" SRCCOLOR="\033[33m" @@ -47,6 +46,11 @@ BINCOLOR="\033[37;1m" MAKECOLOR="\033[32;1m" ENDCOLOR="\033[0m" +ifndef V +QUIET_CC = @echo ' ' $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); +QUIET_LINK = @echo ' ' $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); +endif + OBJ = adlist.o ae.o anet.o dict.o redis.o sds.o zmalloc.o lzf_c.o lzf_d.o pqsort.o zipmap.o sha1.o ziplist.o release.o networking.o util.o object.o db.o replication.o rdb.o t_string.o t_list.o t_set.o t_zset.o t_hash.o config.o aof.o dscache.o pubsub.o multi.o debug.o sort.o intset.o syncio.o diskstore.o cluster.o crc16.o endian.o BENCHOBJ = ae.o anet.o redis-benchmark.o sds.o adlist.o zmalloc.o CLIOBJ = anet.o sds.o adlist.o redis-cli.o zmalloc.o release.o @@ -139,37 +143,29 @@ dependencies: @cd ../deps/linenoise && $(MAKE) ARCH="$(ARCH)" redis-server: $(OBJ) - @$(CC) -o $(PRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(OBJ) - @echo $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$(@)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -o $(PRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(OBJ) redis-benchmark: dependencies $(BENCHOBJ) @cd ../deps/hiredis && $(MAKE) static - @$(CC) -o $(BENCHPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(BENCHOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a - @echo $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$(@)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(BENCHPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(BENCHOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a redis-benchmark.o: - @$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< - @echo $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$(<)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< redis-cli: dependencies $(CLIOBJ) - @$(CC) -o $(CLIPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CLIOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a ../deps/linenoise/linenoise.o - @echo $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$(@)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(CLIPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CLIOBJ) ../deps/hiredis/libhiredis.a ../deps/linenoise/linenoise.o redis-cli.o: - @$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis -I../deps/linenoise $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< - @echo $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$(<)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I../deps/hiredis -I../deps/linenoise $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< redis-check-dump: $(CHECKDUMPOBJ) - @$(CC) -o $(CHECKDUMPPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CHECKDUMPOBJ) - @echo $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$(@)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(CHECKDUMPPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CHECKDUMPOBJ) redis-check-aof: $(CHECKAOFOBJ) - @$(CC) -o $(CHECKAOFPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CHECKAOFOBJ) - @echo $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$(@)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_LINK)$(CC) -o $(CHECKAOFPRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(CHECKAOFOBJ) .c.o: - @$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< - @echo $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$(<)$(ENDCOLOR) + $(QUIET_CC)$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $< clean: rm -rf $(PRGNAME) $(BENCHPRGNAME) $(CLIPRGNAME) $(CHECKDUMPPRGNAME) $(CHECKAOFPRGNAME) *.o *.gcda *.gcno *.gcov From 45029d37cb7fe589bdfd9a08dd5a3afd611ad57e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: antirez Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 15:35:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] Two fixes for replication: Slave performs the AOF rewrite at the right point. Non blocking connect also uses readable handler as with old Linux kernels like 2.6.18 on connection refused the writable even is not fired (kernel bug). --- src/replication.c | 8 +++++--- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/replication.c b/src/replication.c index c8ebb6e7..8090a27a 100644 --- a/src/replication.c +++ b/src/replication.c @@ -358,6 +358,8 @@ void readSyncBulkPayload(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) { server.master->authenticated = 1; server.replstate = REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED; redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE, "MASTER <-> SLAVE sync: Finished with success"); + /* Rewrite the AOF file now that the dataset changed. */ + if (server.appendonly) rewriteAppendOnlyFileBackground(); } return; @@ -374,10 +376,11 @@ void syncWithMaster(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) { REDIS_NOTUSED(privdata); REDIS_NOTUSED(mask); + redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event."); /* This event should only be triggered once since it is used to have a * non-blocking connect(2) to the master. It has been triggered when this * function is called, so we can delete it. */ - aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_WRITABLE); + aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_READABLE|AE_WRITABLE); /* AUTH with the master if required. */ if(server.masterauth) { @@ -453,7 +456,7 @@ int connectWithMaster(void) { return REDIS_ERR; } - if (aeCreateFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_WRITABLE,syncWithMaster,NULL) == + if (aeCreateFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_READABLE|AE_WRITABLE,syncWithMaster,NULL) == AE_ERR) { close(fd); @@ -519,7 +522,6 @@ void replicationCron(void) { redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Connecting to MASTER..."); if (connectWithMaster() == REDIS_OK) { redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"MASTER <-> SLAVE sync started"); - if (server.appendonly) rewriteAppendOnlyFileBackground(); } } From db6cea11c4164423c318ec2a4ad1c42a273feaaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hampus Wessman Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 11:17:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] Fix Makefile colors. echo with escape sequences isn't portable. Use printf instead. --- src/Makefile | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile index 77127874..8d903c90 100644 --- a/src/Makefile +++ b/src/Makefile @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ MAKECOLOR="\033[32;1m" ENDCOLOR="\033[0m" ifndef V -QUIET_CC = @echo ' ' $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); -QUIET_LINK = @echo ' ' $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); +QUIET_CC = @printf ' %b %b\n' $(CCCOLOR)CC$(ENDCOLOR) $(SRCCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); +QUIET_LINK = @printf ' %b %b\n' $(LINKCOLOR)LINK$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)$@$(ENDCOLOR); endif OBJ = adlist.o ae.o anet.o dict.o redis.o sds.o zmalloc.o lzf_c.o lzf_d.o pqsort.o zipmap.o sha1.o ziplist.o release.o networking.o util.o object.o db.o replication.o rdb.o t_string.o t_list.o t_set.o t_zset.o t_hash.o config.o aof.o dscache.o pubsub.o multi.o debug.o sort.o intset.o syncio.o diskstore.o cluster.o crc16.o endian.o @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ zipmap.o: zipmap.c zmalloc.h zmalloc.o: zmalloc.c config.h dependencies: - @echo $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)hiredis$(ENDCOLOR) + @printf '%b %b\n' $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)hiredis$(ENDCOLOR) @cd ../deps/hiredis && $(MAKE) static ARCH="$(ARCH)" - @echo $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)linenoise$(ENDCOLOR) + @printf '%b %b\n' $(MAKECOLOR)MAKE$(ENDCOLOR) $(BINCOLOR)linenoise$(ENDCOLOR) @cd ../deps/linenoise && $(MAKE) ARCH="$(ARCH)" redis-server: $(OBJ) From b6c46d17a7cc5a59ae6f36fa3316fb495dae71b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Pedro Melo Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2011 09:14:18 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Small fix in the installation instructions --- INSTALL | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL index 9bce0b2e..2b9fc4a8 100644 --- a/INSTALL +++ b/INSTALL @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ and all the binaries will be installed on /usr/local/bin. Alternatively: - make PREFIX=/some/other/directory + make PREFIX=/some/other/directory install to have the binaries in /some/other/directory/bin.