Added a new test able to stress a lot the snapshotting engine

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2009-12-15 10:55:13 -05:00
parent ed10f40b15
commit e054afda90
2 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2034,6 +2034,7 @@ static void addReplyBulkLen(redisClient *c, robj *obj) {
} else {
long n = (long)obj->ptr;
/* Compute how many bytes will take this integer as a radix 10 string */
len = 1;
if (n < 0) {

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@ -65,6 +65,110 @@ proc waitForBgsave r {
proc randomInt {max} {
expr {int(rand()*$max)}
proc randpath args {
set path [expr {int(rand()*[llength $args])}]
uplevel 1 [lindex $args $path]
proc randomValue {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 0 256 alpha} \
{randstring 0 256 compr} \
{randstring 0 256 binary}
proc randomKey {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 1 256 alpha} \
{randstring 1 256 compr}
proc createComplexDataset {r ops} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {
set k [randomKey]
set v [randomValue]
set d [expr {rand()}]
set t [$r type $k]
if {$t eq {none}} {
randpath {
$r set $k $v
} {
$r lpush $k $v
} {
$r sadd $k $v
} {
$r zadd $k $d $v
set t [$r type $k]
switch $t {
{string} {
# Nothing to do
{list} {
randpath {$r lpush $k $v} \
{$r rpush $k $v} \
{$r lrem $k 0 $v} \
{$r rpop $k} \
{$r lpop $k}
{set} {
randpath {$r sadd $k $v} \
{$r srem $k $v}
{zset} {
randpath {$r zadd $k $d $v} \
{$r zrem $k $v}
proc datasetDigest r {
set keys [lsort [split [$r keys *] " "]]
set digest [::sha1::sha1 -hex $keys]
foreach k $keys {
set t [$r type $k]
switch t {
{string} {set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r get $k]]} \
{list} {set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r lrange $k 0 -1]]} \
{set} {set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r smembers $k]]} \
{zset} {set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r zrange $k 0 -1]]}
append aux $digest
set digest [::sha1::sha1 -hex $aux]
return $digest
proc main {server port} {
set r [redis $server $port]
$r select 9
@ -1279,6 +1383,17 @@ proc main {server port} {
set _ $err
} {*invalid*}
if {![catch {package require sha1}]} {
test {Check consistency of different data types after a reload} {
$r flushdb
createComplexDataset $r 10000
set sha1 [datasetDigest $r]
$r debug reload
set sha1_after [datasetDigest $r]
expr {$sha1 eq $sha1_after}
} {1}
# Leave the user with a clean DB before to exit
test {FLUSHDB} {
set aux {}