More Hash tests

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2010-03-17 01:40:05 +01:00
parent 164ee59564
commit b1d9c91ca8

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@ -1580,6 +1580,43 @@ proc main {server port} {
set _ $err
} {}
test {HSET return value. Update or insert?} {
set rv {}
set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
lappend rv [$r hset smallhash $k newval]
lappend rv [$r hset smallhash __foobar123__ newval]
set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
lappend rv [$r hset bighash $k newval]
lappend rv [$r hset bighash __foobar123__ newval]
lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash __foobar123__]
lappend rv [$r hdel bighash __foobar123__]
set _ $rv
} {0 1 0 1 1 1}
test {HGET against non existing key} {
set rv {}
lappend rv [$r hget smallhash __123123123__]
lappend rv [$r hget bighash __123123123__]
set _ $rv
} {{} {}}
test {HKEYS - small hash} {
lsort [$r hkeys smallhash]
} [lsort [array names smallhash *]]
test {HKEYS - big hash} {
lsort [$r hkeys bighash]
} [lsort [array names bighash *]]
# Propoted to hash table on big payload?
# HDEL return value
# Randomized test, small and big
# .rdb / AOF consistency test should include hashes
test {EXPIRE - don't set timeouts multiple times} {
$r set x foobar
set v1 [$r expire x 5]