mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 00:20:50 +00:00
generated tests for different encodings to avoid test code duplication
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,56 +64,58 @@ start_server {
assert_equal 0 [r llen mylist2]
proc populate_with_numbers {key num} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
r rpush $key $i
proc create_ziplist {key entries} {
r del $key
foreach entry $entries { r rpush $key $entry }
assert_encoding ziplist $key
proc create_list {key entries} {
r del $key
r rpush $key "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
foreach entry $entries { r rpush $key $entry }
assert_equal "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" [r lpop $key]
assert_encoding list $key
foreach {type num} {ziplist 250 list 500} {
proc check_numbered_list_consistency {key} {
set len [r llen $key]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
assert_equal $i [r lindex $key $i]
assert_equal [expr $len-1-$i] [r lindex $key [expr (-$i)-1]]
proc check_numbered_list_consistency {key} {
set len [r llen $key]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
assert_equal $i [r lindex $key $i]
assert_equal [expr $len-1-$i] [r lindex $key [expr (-$i)-1]]
proc check_random_access_consistency {key} {
set len [r llen $key]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set rint [expr int(rand()*$len)]
assert_equal $rint [r lindex $key $rint]
assert_equal [expr $len-1-$rint] [r lindex $key [expr (-$rint)-1]]
proc check_random_access_consistency {key} {
set len [r llen $key]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set rint [expr int(rand()*$len)]
assert_equal $rint [r lindex $key $rint]
assert_equal [expr $len-1-$rint] [r lindex $key [expr (-$rint)-1]]
test "LINDEX consistency test - $type" {
r del mylist
for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
r rpush mylist $i
assert_encoding $type mylist
check_numbered_list_consistency mylist
test {LINDEX consistency test - ziplist} {
populate_with_numbers myziplist 250
assert_encoding ziplist myziplist
test "LINDEX random access - $type" {
assert_encoding $type mylist
check_random_access_consistency mylist
test {LINDEX consistency test - regular list} {
populate_with_numbers mylist 500
assert_encoding list mylist
check_numbered_list_consistency mylist
test {LINDEX random access - ziplist} {
assert_encoding ziplist myziplist
check_random_access_consistency myziplist
test {LINDEX random access - regular list} {
assert_encoding list mylist
check_random_access_consistency mylist
test {Check if both list encodings are still ok after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
r debug reload
assert_encoding ziplist myziplist
check_numbered_list_consistency myziplist
assert_encoding list mylist
check_numbered_list_consistency mylist
test "Check if list is still ok after a DEBUG RELOAD - $type" {
r debug reload
assert_encoding $type mylist
check_numbered_list_consistency mylist
check_random_access_consistency mylist
test {LLEN against non-list value error} {
@ -142,70 +144,34 @@ start_server {
assert_error ERR* {r rpush mylist 0}
proc create_ziplist {key entries} {
r del $key
foreach entry $entries { r rpush $key $entry }
assert_match *encoding:ziplist* [r debug object $key]
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "RPOPLPUSH base case - $type" {
r del mylist1 mylist2
create_$type mylist1 {a b c d}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange mylist1 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d} [r lrange mylist2 0 -1]
assert_encoding ziplist mylist2
proc create_regular_list {key entries} {
r del $key
r rpush $key "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
foreach entry $entries { r rpush $key $entry }
assert_equal "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" [r lpop $key]
assert_match *encoding:list* [r debug object $key]
test "RPOPLPUSH with the same list as src and dst - $type" {
create_$type mylist {a b c}
assert_equal {a b c} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush mylist mylist]
assert_equal {c a b} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test {RPOPLPUSH base case - ziplist} {
r del mylist1 mylist2
create_ziplist mylist1 {a b c d}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange mylist1 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d} [r lrange mylist2 0 -1]
assert_encoding ziplist mylist2
test {RPOPLPUSH base case - regular list} {
r del mylist1 mylist2
create_regular_list mylist1 {a b c d}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush mylist1 mylist2]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange mylist1 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d} [r lrange mylist2 0 -1]
assert_encoding ziplist mylist2
test {RPOPLPUSH with the same list as src and dst - ziplist} {
create_ziplist myziplist {a b c}
assert_equal {a b c} [r lrange myziplist 0 -1]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush myziplist myziplist]
assert_equal {c a b} [r lrange myziplist 0 -1]
test {RPOPLPUSH with the same list as src and dst - regular list} {
create_regular_list mylist {a b c}
assert_equal {a b c} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush mylist mylist]
assert_equal {c a b} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test {RPOPLPUSH target list already exists, being a ziplist} {
create_regular_list srclist {a b c d}
create_ziplist dstlist {x}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange srclist 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d x} [r lrange dstlist 0 -1]
test {RPOPLPUSH target list already exists, being a regular list} {
create_regular_list srclist {a b c d}
create_regular_list dstlist {x}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange srclist 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d x} [r lrange dstlist 0 -1]
foreach othertype {ziplist list} {
test "RPOPLPUSH with $type source and existing target $othertype" {
create_$type srclist {a b c d}
create_$othertype dstlist {x}
assert_equal d [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal c [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
assert_equal {a b} [r lrange srclist 0 -1]
assert_equal {c d x} [r lrange dstlist 0 -1]
test {RPOPLPUSH against non existing key} {
@ -236,28 +202,18 @@ start_server {
assert_equal {} [r rpoplpush srclist dstlist]
} {}
test {Basic LPOP/RPOP - ziplist} {
create_ziplist myziplist {0 1 2}
assert_equal 0 [r lpop myziplist]
assert_equal 2 [r rpop myziplist]
assert_equal 1 [r lpop myziplist]
assert_equal 0 [r llen myziplist]
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "Basic LPOP/RPOP - $type" {
create_$type mylist {0 1 2}
assert_equal 0 [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal 2 [r rpop mylist]
assert_equal 1 [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal 0 [r llen mylist]
# pop on empty list
assert_equal {} [r lpop myziplist]
assert_equal {} [r rpop myziplist]
test {Basic LPOP/RPOP - regular list} {
create_regular_list mylist {0 1 2}
assert_equal 0 [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal 2 [r rpop mylist]
assert_equal 1 [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal 0 [r llen mylist]
# pop on empty list
assert_equal {} [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal {} [r rpop mylist]
# pop on empty list
assert_equal {} [r lpop mylist]
assert_equal {} [r rpop mylist]
test {LPOP/RPOP against non list value} {
@ -266,152 +222,89 @@ start_server {
assert_error ERR*kind* {r rpop notalist}
test {Mass RPOP/LPOP - ziplist} {
r del mylist
set sum1 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 250} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
incr sum1 $i
foreach {type num} {ziplist 250 list 500} {
test "Mass RPOP/LPOP - $type" {
r del mylist
set sum1 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $num} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
incr sum1 $i
assert_encoding $type mylist
set sum2 0
for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $num/2]} {incr i} {
incr sum2 [r lpop mylist]
incr sum2 [r rpop mylist]
assert_equal $sum1 $sum2
assert_encoding ziplist mylist
set sum2 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 125} {incr i} {
incr sum2 [r lpop mylist]
incr sum2 [r rpop mylist]
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "LRANGE basics - $type" {
create_$type mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} [r lrange mylist 1 -2]
assert_equal {7 8 9} [r lrange mylist -3 -1]
assert_equal {4} [r lrange mylist 4 4]
assert_equal $sum1 $sum2
test {Mass RPOP/LPOP - regular list} {
r del mylist
set sum1 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 500} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
incr sum1 $i
test "LRANGE inverted indexes - $type" {
create_$type mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {} [r lrange mylist 6 2]
assert_encoding list mylist
set sum2 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 250} {incr i} {
incr sum2 [r lpop mylist]
incr sum2 [r rpop mylist]
test "LRANGE out of range indexes including the full list - $type" {
create_$type mylist {1 2 3}
assert_equal {1 2 3} [r lrange mylist -1000 1000]
assert_equal $sum1 $sum2
test {LRANGE basics - ziplist} {
create_ziplist mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} [r lrange mylist 1 -2]
assert_equal {7 8 9} [r lrange mylist -3 -1]
assert_equal {4} [r lrange mylist 4 4]
test {LRANGE basics - ziplist} {
create_regular_list mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} [r lrange mylist 1 -2]
assert_equal {7 8 9} [r lrange mylist -3 -1]
assert_equal {4} [r lrange mylist 4 4]
test {LRANGE inverted indexes - ziplist} {
create_ziplist mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {} [r lrange mylist 6 2]
test {LRANGE inverted indexes - regular list} {
create_regular_list mylist {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
assert_equal {} [r lrange mylist 6 2]
test {LRANGE out of range indexes including the full list - ziplist} {
create_ziplist mylist {1 2 3}
assert_equal {1 2 3} [r lrange mylist -1000 1000]
test {LRANGE out of range indexes including the full list - regular list} {
create_regular_list mylist {1 2 3}
assert_equal {1 2 3} [r lrange mylist -1000 1000]
test {LRANGE against non existing key} {
assert_equal {} [r lrange nosuchkey 0 1]
test {LTRIM basics - ziplist} {
r del mylist
r lpush mylist "aaa"
assert_encoding ziplist mylist
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
r ltrim mylist 0 4
r lrange mylist 0 -1
} {99 98 97 96 95}
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "LTRIM basics - $type" {
create_$type mylist "foo"
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
r ltrim mylist 0 4
r lrange mylist 0 -1
} {99 98 97 96 95}
test {LTRIM basics - regular list} {
r del mylist
r lpush mylist "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
assert_encoding list mylist
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
r lpush mylist $i
r ltrim mylist 0 4
r lrange mylist 0 -1
} {99 98 97 96 95}
test "LTRIM stress testing - $type" {
set mylist {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
lappend mylist $i
test {LTRIM stress testing - ziplist} {
set mylist {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
lappend mylist $i
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
create_$type mylist $mylist
# Trim at random
set a [randomInt 20]
set b [randomInt 20]
r ltrim mylist $a $b
assert_equal [lrange $mylist $a $b] [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
create_ziplist mylist $mylist
# Trim at random
set a [randomInt 20]
set b [randomInt 20]
r ltrim mylist $a $b
assert_equal [lrange $mylist $a $b] [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test {LTRIM stress testing - regular list} {
set mylist {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
lappend mylist $i
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "LSET - $type" {
create_$type mylist {99 98 97 96 95}
r lset mylist 1 foo
r lset mylist -1 bar
assert_equal {99 foo 97 96 bar} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
create_regular_list mylist $mylist
# Trim at random
set a [randomInt 20]
set b [randomInt 20]
r ltrim mylist $a $b
assert_equal [lrange $mylist $a $b] [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LSET out of range index - $type" {
assert_error ERR*range* {r lset mylist 10 foo}
test {LSET - ziplist} {
create_ziplist mylist {99 98 97 96 95}
r lset mylist 1 foo
r lset mylist -1 bar
assert_equal {99 foo 97 96 bar} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test {LSET out of range index - ziplist} {
assert_error ERR*range* {r lset mylist 10 foo}
test {LSET - regular list} {
create_regular_list mylist {99 98 97 96 95}
r lset mylist 1 foo
r lset mylist -1 bar
assert_equal {99 foo 97 96 bar} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test {LSET out of range index - regular list} {
assert_error ERR*range* {r lset mylist 10 foo}
test {LSET against non existing key} {
assert_error ERR*key* {r lset nosuchkey 10 foo}
@ -421,37 +314,35 @@ start_server {
assert_error ERR*value* {r lset nolist 0 foo}
foreach type {ziplist regular_list} {
set formatted_type [string map {"_" " "} $type]
test "LREM remove all the occurrences - $formatted_type" {
foreach type {ziplist list} {
test "LREM remove all the occurrences - $type" {
create_$type mylist {foo bar foobar foobared zap bar test foo}
assert_equal 2 [r lrem mylist 0 bar]
assert_equal {foo foobar foobared zap test foo} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LREM remove the first occurrence - $formatted_type" {
test "LREM remove the first occurrence - $type" {
assert_equal 1 [r lrem mylist 1 foo]
assert_equal {foobar foobared zap test foo} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LREM remove non existing element - $formatted_type" {
test "LREM remove non existing element - $type" {
assert_equal 0 [r lrem mylist 1 nosuchelement]
assert_equal {foobar foobared zap test foo} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LREM starting from tail with negative count - $formatted_type" {
test "LREM starting from tail with negative count - $type" {
create_$type mylist {foo bar foobar foobared zap bar test foo foo}
assert_equal 1 [r lrem mylist -1 bar]
assert_equal {foo bar foobar foobared zap test foo foo} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LREM starting from tail with negative count (2) - $formatted_type" {
test "LREM starting from tail with negative count (2) - $type" {
assert_equal 2 [r lrem mylist -2 foo]
assert_equal {foo bar foobar foobared zap test} [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
test "LREM deleting objects that may be int encoded - $formatted_type" {
test "LREM deleting objects that may be int encoded - $type" {
create_$type myotherlist {1 2 3}
assert_equal 1 [r lrem myotherlist 1 2]
assert_equal 2 [r llen myotherlist]
Reference in New Issue
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