Add more quicklist info to DEBUG OBJECT

Adds: ql_compressed (boolean, 1 if compression enabled for list, 0
Adds: ql_uncompressed_size (actual uncompressed size of all quicklistNodes)
Adds: ql_ziplist_max (quicklist max ziplist fill factor)

Compression ratio of the list is then ql_uncompressed_size / serializedlength

We report ql_uncompressed_size for all quicklists because serializedlength
is a _compressed_ representation anyway.

Sample output from a large list:> llen abc
(integer) 38370061> debug object abc
Value at:0x7ff97b51d140 refcount:1 encoding:quicklist serializedlength:19878335 lru:9718164 lru_seconds_idle:5 ql_nodes:21945 ql_avg_node:1748.46 ql_ziplist_max:-2 ql_compressed:0 ql_uncompressed_size:1643187761

The 1.36s result time is because rdbSavedObjectLen() is serializing the
object, not because of any new stats reporting.

If we run DEBUG OBJECT on a compressed list, DEBUG OBJECT takes almost *zero*
time because rdbSavedObjectLen() reuses already-compressed ziplists:> debug object abc
Value at:0x7fe5c5800040 refcount:1 encoding:quicklist serializedlength:19878335 lru:9718109 lru_seconds_idle:5 ql_nodes:21945 ql_avg_node:1748.46 ql_ziplist_max:-2 ql_compressed:1 ql_uncompressed_size:1643187761
This commit is contained in:
Matt Stancliff 2014-12-19 10:41:52 -05:00
parent 02bb515a09
commit 9e11d07909

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@ -306,11 +306,32 @@ void debugCommand(redisClient *c) {
char *nextra = extra; char *nextra = extra;
int remaining = sizeof(extra); int remaining = sizeof(extra);
quicklist *ql = val->ptr; quicklist *ql = val->ptr;
double avg = (double)ql->count/ql->len; /* Add number of quicklist nodes */
int used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_nodes:%u", ql->len); int used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_nodes:%u", ql->len);
nextra += used; nextra += used;
remaining -= used; remaining -= used;
snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_avg_node:%.2f", avg); /* Add average quicklist fill factor */
double avg = (double)ql->count/ql->len;
used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_avg_node:%.2f", avg);
nextra += used;
remaining -= used;
/* Add quicklist fill level / max ziplist size */
used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_ziplist_max:%d", ql->fill);
nextra += used;
remaining -= used;
/* Add isCompressed? */
int compressed = ql->compress != 0;
used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_compressed:%d", compressed);
nextra += used;
remaining -= used;
/* Add total uncompressed size */
unsigned long sz = 0;
for (quicklistNode *node = ql->head; node; node = node->next) {
sz += node->sz;
used = snprintf(nextra, remaining, " ql_uncompressed_size:%lu", sz);
nextra += used;
remaining -= used;
} }
addReplyStatusFormat(c, addReplyStatusFormat(c,