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<h2><a name="Commands operating on string values">Commands operating on string values</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SetCommand.html">SET</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string value</code></li><li> <a href="GetCommand.html">GET</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">return the string value of the key</code></li><li> <a href="GetsetCommand.html">GETSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string returning the old value of the key</code></li><li> <a href="MgetCommand.html">MGET</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">multi-get, return the strings values of the keys</code></li><li> <a href="SetnxCommand.html">SETNX</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string value if the key does not exist</code></li><li> <a href="SetexCommand.html">SETEX</a> <i>key</i> <i>time</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Set+Expire combo command</code></li><li> <a href="MsetCommand.html">MSET</a> <i>key1</i> <i>value1</i> <i>key2</i> <i>value2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <i>valueN</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a multiple keys to multiple values in a single atomic operation</code></li><li> <a href="MsetCommand.html">MSETNX</a> <i>key1</i> <i>value1</i> <i>key2</i> <i>value2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <i>valueN</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a multiple keys to multiple values in a single atomic operation if none of the keys already exist</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">INCR</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">increment the integer value of key</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">INCRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>integer</i><code name="code" class="python"> increment the integer value of key by integer</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">DECR</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">decrement the integer value of key</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">DECRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>integer</i> <code name="code" class="python">decrement the integer value of key by integer</code></li><li> <a href="AppendCommand.html">APPEND</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">append the specified string to the string stored at key</code></li><li> <a href="SubstrCommand.html">SUBSTR</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">return a substring out of a larger string</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on lists">Commands operating on lists</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="RpushCommand.html">RPUSH</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Append an element to the tail of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="RpushCommand.html">LPUSH</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Append an element to the head of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="LlenCommand.html">LLEN</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the length of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="LrangeCommand.html">LRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LtrimCommand.html">LTRIM</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Trim the list at key to the specified range of elements</code></li><li> <a href="LindexCommand.html">LINDEX</a> <i>key</i> <i>index</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the element at index position from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LsetCommand.html">LSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>index</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LremCommand.html">LREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>count</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the first-N, last-N, or all the elements matching value from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LpopCommand.html">LPOP</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return and remove (atomically) the first element of the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LpopCommand.html">RPOP</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="BlpopCommand.html">BLPOP</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <i>timeout</i> <code name="code" class="python">Blocking LPOP</code></li><li> <a href="BlpopCommand.html">BRPOP</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <i>timeout</i> <code name="code" class="python">Blocking RPOP</code></li><li> <a href="RpoplpushCommand.html">RPOPLPUSH</a> <i>srckey</i> <i>dstkey</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the source List stored at _srckey_ and push the same element to the destination List stored at _dstkey_</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on sets">Commands operating on sets</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SaddCommand.html">SADD</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Add the specified member to the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SremCommand.html">SREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified member from the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SpopCommand.html">SPOP</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove and return (pop) a random element from the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SmoveCommand.html">SMOVE</a> <i>srckey</i> <i>dstkey</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Move the specified member from one Set to another atomically</code></li><li> <a href="ScardCommand.html">SCARD</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the number of elements (the cardinality) of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SismemberCommand.html">SISMEMBER</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Test if the specified value is a member of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SinterCommand.html">SINTER</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SinterstoreCommand.html">SINTERSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SunionCommand.html">SUNION</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SunionstoreCommand.html">SUNIONSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SdiffCommand.html">SDIFF</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SdiffstoreCommand.html">SDIFFSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the difference between the Set key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SmembersCommand.html">SMEMBERS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the members of the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SrandmemberCommand.html">SRANDMEMBER</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a random member of the Set value at key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on sorted sets (zsets, Redis version >">Commands operating on sorted sets (zsets, Redis version ></a></h2> 1.1) ==<br/><br/><ul><li> <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a> <i>key</i> <i>score</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Add the specified member to the Sorted Set value at key or update the score if it already exist</code></li><li> <a href="ZremCommand.html">ZREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified member from the Sorted Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZincrbyCommand.html">ZINCRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>increment</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">If the member already exists increment its score by _increment_, otherwise add the member setting _increment_ as score</code></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the rank (or index) or _member_ in the sorted set at _key_, with scores being ordered from low to high</code></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZREVRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the rank (or index) or _member_ in the sorted set at _key_, with scores being ordered from high to low</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key, exactly like ZRANGE, but the sorted set is ordered in traversed in reverse order, from the greatest to the smallest score</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the elements with score >= min and score <= max (a range query) from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZcardCommand.html">ZCARD</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZscoreCommand.html">ZSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>element</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the score associated with the specified element of the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyrankCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the elements with rank >= min and rank <= max from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the elements with score >= min and score <= max from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZunionCommand.html">ZUNION / ZINTER</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>N</i> <i>key1</i> ... <i>keyN</i> WEIGHTS <i>w1</i> ... <i>wN</i> AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX <code name="code" class="python">Perform a union or intersection over a number of sorted sets with optional weight and aggregate</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on sorted sets (zsets, Redis version >">Commands operating on sorted sets (zsets, Redis version ></a></h2> 1.1) ==<br/><br/><ul><li> <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a> <i>key</i> <i>score</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Add the specified member to the Sorted Set value at key or update the score if it already exist</code></li><li> <a href="ZremCommand.html">ZREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified member from the Sorted Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZincrbyCommand.html">ZINCRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>increment</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">If the member already exists increment its score by _increment_, otherwise add the member setting _increment_ as score</code></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the rank (or index) or _member_ in the sorted set at _key_, with scores being ordered from low to high</code></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZREVRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the rank (or index) or _member_ in the sorted set at _key_, with scores being ordered from high to low</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the sorted set at key, exactly like ZRANGE, but the sorted set is ordered in traversed in reverse order, from the greatest to the smallest score</code></li><li> <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the elements with score >= min and score <= max (a range query) from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZcardCommand.html">ZCARD</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZscoreCommand.html">ZSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>element</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the score associated with the specified element of the sorted set at key</code></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyrankCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYRANK</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the elements with rank >= min and rank <= max from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> <i>key</i> <i>min</i> <i>max</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the elements with score >= min and score <= max from the sorted set</code></li><li> <a href="ZunionstoreCommand.html">ZUNIONSTORE / ZINTERSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>N</i> <i>key1</i> ... <i>keyN</i> WEIGHTS <i>w1</i> ... <i>wN</i> AGGREGATE SUM|MIN|MAX <code name="code" class="python">Perform a union or intersection over a number of sorted sets with optional weight and aggregate</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on hashes">Commands operating on hashes</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="HsetCommand.html">HSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>field</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Set the hash field to the specified value. Creates the hash if needed.</code></li><li> <a href="HgetCommand.html">HGET</a> <i>key</i> <i>field</i> <code name="code" class="python">Retrieve the value of the specified hash field.</code></li><li> <a href="HmsetCommand.html">HMSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>field1</i> <i>value1</i> ... <i>fieldN</i> <i>valueN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Set the hash fields to their respective values.</code></li><li> <a href="HincrbyCommand.html">HINCRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>field</i> <i>integer</i> <code name="code" class="python">Increment the integer value of the hash at _key_ on _field_ with _integer_.</code></li><li> <a href="HexistsCommand.html">HEXISTS</a> <i>key</i> <i>field</i> <code name="code" class="python">Test for existence of a specified field in a hash</code></li><li> <a href="HdelCommand.html">HDEL</a> <i>key</i> <i>field</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified field from a hash</code></li><li> <a href="HlenCommand.html">HLEN</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the number of items in a hash.</code></li><li> <a href="HgetallCommand.html">HKEYS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the fields in a hash.</code></li><li> <a href="HgetallCommand.html">HVALS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the values in a hash.</code></li><li> <a href="HgetallCommand.html">HGETALL</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the fields and associated values in a hash.</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Sorting">Sorting</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a> <i>key</i> BY <i>pattern</i> LIMIT <i>start</i> <i>end</i> GET <i>pattern</i> ASC|DESC ALPHA <code name="code" class="python">Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Transactions">Transactions</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="MultiExecCommand.html">MULTI/EXEC/DISCARD</a> <code name="code" class="python">Redis atomic transactions</code></li></ul>
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<div id="pagecontent">
<div class="index">
<!-- This is a (PRE) block. Make sure it's left aligned or your toc title will be off. -->
<b>SortCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#Sorting by external keys">Sorting by external keys</a><br> <a href="#Retrieving external keys">Retrieving external keys</a><br> <a href="#Storing the result of a SORT operation">Storing the result of a SORT operation</a><br> <a href="#SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field">SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field</a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a>
<b>SortCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#Sorting by external keys">Sorting by external keys</a><br> <a href="#Not Sorting at all">Not Sorting at all</a><br> <a href="#Retrieving external keys">Retrieving external keys</a><br> <a href="#Storing the result of a SORT operation">Storing the result of a SORT operation</a><br> <a href="#SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field">SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field</a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a>
<h1 class="wikiname">SortCommand</h1>
@ -46,19 +46,22 @@ SORT mylist LIMIT 0 10 ALPHA DESC
SORT mylist BY weight_*
</pre><blockquote>the <b>BY</b> option takes a pattern (<code name="code" class="python">weight_*</code> in our example) that is usedin order to generate the key names of the weights used for sorting.Weight key names are obtained substituting the first occurrence of <code name="code" class="python">*</code>with the actual value of the elements on the list (1,2,3,4 in our example).</blockquote>
<blockquote>Our previous example will return just the sorted IDs. Often it isneeded to get the actual objects sorted (object_1, ..., object_4 in theexample). We can do it with the following command:</blockquote>
<h2><a name="Retrieving external keys">Retrieving external keys</a></h2><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python" name="code">
<h2><a name="Not Sorting at all">Not Sorting at all</a></h2><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python" name="code">
SORT mylist BY nosort
</pre><blockquote>also the <b>BY</b> option can take a "nosort" specifier. This is useful if you want to retrieve a external key (using GET, read below) but you don't want the sorting overhead.</blockquote>
<h2><a name="Retrieving external keys">Retrieving external keys</a></h2><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python" name="code">
SORT mylist BY weight_* GET object_*
</pre><blockquote>Note that <b>GET</b> can be used multiple times in order to get more keys forevery element of the original List, Set or Sorted Set sorted.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Since Redis >= 1.1 it's possible to also GET the list elements itselfusing the special # pattern:</blockquote>
<pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python" name="code">
<pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python" name="code">
SORT mylist BY weight_* GET object_* GET #
</pre><h2><a name="Storing the result of a SORT operation">Storing the result of a SORT operation</a></h2><blockquote>By default SORT returns the sorted elements as its return value.Using the <b>STORE</b> option instead to return the elements SORT willstore this elements as a <a href="Lists.html">Redis List</a> in the specified key.An example:</blockquote>
<pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python" name="code">
<pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python python" name="code">
SORT mylist BY weight_* STORE resultkey
</pre><blockquote>An interesting pattern using SORT ... STORE consists in associatingan <a href="ExpireCommand.html">EXPIRE</a> timeout to the resulting key so that inapplications where the result of a sort operation can be cached forsome time other clients will use the cached list instead to call SORTfor every request. When the key will timeout an updated version ofthe cache can be created using SORT ... STORE again.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Note that implementing this pattern it is important to avoid that multipleclients will try to rebuild the cached version of the cacheat the same time, so some form of locking should be implemented(for instance using <a href="SetnxCommand.html">SETNX</a>).</blockquote>
<h2><a name="SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field">SORT and Hashes: BY and GET by hash field</a></h2>
<blockquote>It's possible to use BY and GET options against Hash fields using the following syntax:</blockquote><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python python" name="code">
<blockquote>It's possible to use BY and GET options against Hash fields using the following syntax:</blockquote><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python python python" name="code">
SORT mylist BY weight_*->fieldname
SORT mylist GET object_*->fieldname
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="narrow">
== Sorted Set Commands ==<br/><br/><ul><li> <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a></li><li> <a href="ZremCommand.html">ZREM</a></li><li> <a href="ZincrbyCommand.html">ZINCRBY</a></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZREVRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyrankCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> </li><li> <a href="ZcardCommand.html">ZCARD</a></li><li> <a href="ZscoreCommand.html">ZSCORE</a></li><li> <a href="ZunionCommand.html">ZUNION / ZINTER</a></li><li> <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a></li></ul>
== Sorted Set Commands ==<br/><br/><ul><li> <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a></li><li> <a href="ZremCommand.html">ZREM</a></li><li> <a href="ZincrbyCommand.html">ZINCRBY</a></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZrankCommand.html">ZREVRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a></li><li> <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyrankCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYRANK</a></li><li> <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> </li><li> <a href="ZcardCommand.html">ZCARD</a></li><li> <a href="ZscoreCommand.html">ZSCORE</a></li><li> <a href="ZunionstoreCommand.html">ZUNION / ZINTER</a></li><li> <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a></li></ul>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<div class="narrow">
#sidebar <a href="SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html">SortedSetCommandsSidebar</a><h1><a name="Redis Sorted Set Type">Redis Sorted Set Type</a></h1>Redis Sorted Sets are, similarly to <a href="Sets.html">Sets</a>, collections of <a href="Strings.html">Redis Strings</a>. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set hash an <b>associated score</b> that is used in order to take this member in order.<br/><br/>The <a href="ZADD.html">ZaddCommand</a> command is used to add a new member to a Sorted Set, specifying the score of the element. Calling ZADD against a member already present in the sorted set but using a different score will update the score for the element, moving it to the right position in order to preserve ordering.<br/><br/>It's possible to get ranges of elements from Sorted Sets in a very similar way to what happens with <a href="Lists.html">Lists</a> and the <a href="LrangeCommnad.html">LRANGE</a> command using the Sorted Sets <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a> command.<br/><br/>It's also possible to get or remove ranges of elements by score using the <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a> and <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> commands.<br/><br/>The max number of members in a sorted set is 232-1 (4294967295, more than 4 billion of members per set).<br/><br/>Note that while Sorted Sets are already ordered, it is still possible to use the <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a> command against sorted sets to get the elements in a different order.<h1><a name="Implementation details">Implementation details</a></h1>Redis Sets are implemented using a dual-ported data structure containing a skip list and an hash table. When an element is added a map between the element and the score is added to the hash table (so that given the element we get the score in O(1)), and a map between the score and the element is added in the skip list so that elements are taken in order.<br/><br/>Redis uses a special skip list implementation that is doubly linked so that it's possible to traverse the sorted set from tail to head if needed (Check the <a href="ZRevrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a> command).<br/><br/>When <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a> is used in order to update the score of an element, Redis retrieve the score of the element using the hash table, so that it's fast to access the element inside the skip list (that's indexed by score) in order to update the position.<br/><br/>Like it happens for Sets the hash table resizing is a blocking operation performed synchronously so working with huge sorted sets (consisting of many millions of elements) care should be taken when mass-inserting a very big amount of elements in a Set while other clients are querying Redis at high speed.<br/><br/>It is possible that in the near future Redis will switch to skip lists even for the element => score map, so every Sorted Set will have two skip lists, one indexed by element and one indexed by score.
#sidebar <a href="SortedSetCommandsSidebar.html">SortedSetCommandsSidebar</a><h1><a name="Redis Sorted Set Type">Redis Sorted Set Type</a></h1>Redis Sorted Sets are, similarly to <a href="Sets.html">Sets</a>, collections of <a href="Strings.html">Redis Strings</a>. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set hash an <b>associated score</b> that is used in order to take this member in order.<br/><br/>The <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a> command is used to add a new member to a Sorted Set, specifying the score of the element. Calling ZADD against a member already present in the sorted set but using a different score will update the score for the element, moving it to the right position in order to preserve ordering.<br/><br/>It's possible to get ranges of elements from Sorted Sets in a very similar way to what happens with <a href="Lists.html">Lists</a> and the <a href="LrangeCommnad.html">LRANGE</a> command using the Sorted Sets <a href="ZrangeCommand.html">ZRANGE</a> command.<br/><br/>It's also possible to get or remove ranges of elements by score using the <a href="ZrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZRANGEBYSCORE</a> and <a href="ZremrangebyscoreCommand.html">ZREMRANGEBYSCORE</a> commands.<br/><br/>The max number of members in a sorted set is 232-1 (4294967295, more than 4 billion of members per set).<br/><br/>Note that while Sorted Sets are already ordered, it is still possible to use the <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a> command against sorted sets to get the elements in a different order.<h1><a name="Implementation details">Implementation details</a></h1>Redis Sets are implemented using a dual-ported data structure containing a skip list and an hash table. When an element is added a map between the element and the score is added to the hash table (so that given the element we get the score in O(1)), and a map between the score and the element is added in the skip list so that elements are taken in order.<br/><br/>Redis uses a special skip list implementation that is doubly linked so that it's possible to traverse the sorted set from tail to head if needed (Check the <a href="ZRevrangeCommand.html">ZREVRANGE</a> command).<br/><br/>When <a href="ZaddCommand.html">ZADD</a> is used in order to update the score of an element, Redis retrieve the score of the element using the hash table, so that it's fast to access the element inside the skip list (that's indexed by score) in order to update the position.<br/><br/>Like it happens for Sets the hash table resizing is a blocking operation performed synchronously so working with huge sorted sets (consisting of many millions of elements) care should be taken when mass-inserting a very big amount of elements in a Set while other clients are querying Redis at high speed.<br/><br/>It is possible that in the near future Redis will switch to skip lists even for the element => score map, so every Sorted Set will have two skip lists, one indexed by element and one indexed by score.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<div id="pagecontent">
<div class="index">
<!-- This is a (PRE) block. Make sure it's left aligned or your toc title will be off. -->
<b>ZrangebyscoreCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` (Redis >">ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` (Redis ></a><br> <a href="#ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis >">ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis ></a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a>
<b>ZrangebyscoreCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` (Redis >">ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` (Redis ></a><br> <a href="#ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis >">ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis ></a><br> <a href="#Exclusive intervals and infinity">Exclusive intervals and infinity</a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a><br> <a href="#Examples">Examples</a>
<h1 class="wikiname">ZrangebyscoreCommand</h1>
@ -30,8 +30,40 @@
<h1><a name="ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis >">ZRANGEBYSCORE _key_ _min_ _max_ `[`LIMIT _offset_ _count_`]` `[`WITHSCORES`]` (Redis ></a></h1> 1.3.4) =
<i>Time complexity: O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned by the command, so if M is constant (for instance you always ask for the first ten elements with LIMIT) you can consider it O(log(N))</i><blockquote>Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between_min_ and <i>max</i> (including elements with score equal to min or max).</blockquote>
<blockquote>The elements having the same score are returned sorted lexicographically asASCII strings (this follows from a property of Redis sorted sets and does notinvolve further computation).</blockquote>
<blockquote>Using the optional LIMIT it's possible to get only a range of the matchingelements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if <i>offset</i> is large the commandsneeds to traverse the list for <i>offset</i> elements and this adds up to theO(M) figure.</blockquote>
<blockquote>Using the optional LIMIT it's possible to get only a range of the matchingelements in an SQL-alike way. Note that if <i>offset</i> is large the commandsneeds to traverse the list for <i>offset</i> elements and this adds up to theO(M) figure.</blockquote><h2><a name="Exclusive intervals and infinity">Exclusive intervals and infinity</a></h2>
<i>min</i> and <i>max</i> can be -inf and +inf, so that you are not required to know what's the greatest or smallest element in order to take, for instance, elements "up to a given value".<br/><br/>Also while the interval is for default closed (inclusive) it's possible to specify open intervals prefixing the score with a "(" character, so for instance:
<pre class="codeblock python" name="code">
Will return all the values with score <b>> 1.3 and <= 5</b>, while for instance:
<pre class="codeblock python python" name="code">
Will return all the values with score <b>> 5 and < 10</b> (5 and 10 excluded).
<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2><a href="ReplyTypes.html">Multi bulk reply</a>, specifically a list of elements in the specified score range.
<h2><a name="Examples">Examples</a></h2>
<pre class="codeblock python python python" name="code">
redis> zadd zset 1 foo
(integer) 1
redis> zadd zset 2 bar
(integer) 1
redis> zadd zset 3 biz
(integer) 1
redis> zadd zset 4 foz
(integer) 1
redis> zrangebyscore zset -inf +inf
1. "foo"
2. "bar"
3. "biz"
4. "foz"
redis> zrangebyscore zset 1 2
1. "foo"
2. "bar"
redis> zrangebyscore zset (1 2
1. "bar"
redis> zrangebyscore zset (1 (2
(empty list or set)
@ -723,8 +723,8 @@ static void hmgetCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hdelCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hlenCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zremrangebyrankCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zunionCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zinterCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
static void zinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hkeysCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hvalsCommand(redisClient *c);
static void hgetallCommand(redisClient *c);
@ -785,8 +785,8 @@ static struct redisCommand cmdTable[] = {
@ -5917,7 +5917,7 @@ static void zunionInterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj *dstkey, int op) {
/* expect zsetnum input keys to be given */
zsetnum = atoi(c->argv[2]->ptr);
if (zsetnum < 1) {
addReplySds(c,sdsnew("-ERR at least 1 input key is needed for ZUNION/ZINTER\r\n"));
addReplySds(c,sdsnew("-ERR at least 1 input key is needed for ZUNIONSTORE/ZINTERSTORE\r\n"));
@ -6067,11 +6067,11 @@ static void zunionInterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj *dstkey, int op) {
static void zunionCommand(redisClient *c) {
static void zunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
zunionInterGenericCommand(c,c->argv[1], REDIS_OP_UNION);
static void zinterCommand(redisClient *c) {
static void zinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
zunionInterGenericCommand(c,c->argv[1], REDIS_OP_INTER);
@ -9699,7 +9699,7 @@ static void waitForMultipleSwappedKeys(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd,
/* Preload keys needed for the ZUNION and ZINTER commands.
/* Preload keys needed for the ZUNIONSTORE and ZINTERSTORE commands.
* Note that the number of keys to preload is user-defined, so we need to
* apply a sanity check against argc. */
static void zunionInterBlockClientOnSwappedKeys(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd, int argc, robj **argv) {
@ -26,9 +26,12 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"brpopCommand",(unsigned long)brpopCommand},
{"bytesToHuman",(unsigned long)bytesToHuman},
{"call",(unsigned long)call},
{"catAppendOnlyExpireAtCommand",(unsigned long)catAppendOnlyExpireAtCommand},
{"catAppendOnlyGenericCommand",(unsigned long)catAppendOnlyGenericCommand},
{"checkType",(unsigned long)checkType},
{"closeTimedoutClients",(unsigned long)closeTimedoutClients},
{"compareStringObjects",(unsigned long)compareStringObjects},
{"computeDatasetDigest",(unsigned long)computeDatasetDigest},
{"computeObjectSwappability",(unsigned long)computeObjectSwappability},
{"configCommand",(unsigned long)configCommand},
{"configGetCommand",(unsigned long)configGetCommand},
@ -64,6 +67,8 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"dupClientReplyValue",(unsigned long)dupClientReplyValue},
{"dupStringObject",(unsigned long)dupStringObject},
{"echoCommand",(unsigned long)echoCommand},
{"equalStringObjects",(unsigned long)equalStringObjects},
{"execBlockClientOnSwappedKeys",(unsigned long)execBlockClientOnSwappedKeys},
{"execCommand",(unsigned long)execCommand},
{"execCommandReplicateMulti",(unsigned long)execCommandReplicateMulti},
{"existsCommand",(unsigned long)existsCommand},
@ -148,6 +153,7 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"lindexCommand",(unsigned long)lindexCommand},
{"listMatchObjects",(unsigned long)listMatchObjects},
{"listMatchPubsubPattern",(unsigned long)listMatchPubsubPattern},
{"ll2string",(unsigned long)ll2string},
{"llenCommand",(unsigned long)llenCommand},
{"loadServerConfig",(unsigned long)loadServerConfig},
{"lockThreadedIO",(unsigned long)lockThreadedIO},
@ -164,6 +170,8 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"lsetCommand",(unsigned long)lsetCommand},
{"ltrimCommand",(unsigned long)ltrimCommand},
{"mgetCommand",(unsigned long)mgetCommand},
{"mixDigest",(unsigned long)mixDigest},
{"mixObjectDigest",(unsigned long)mixObjectDigest},
{"monitorCommand",(unsigned long)monitorCommand},
{"moveCommand",(unsigned long)moveCommand},
{"msetCommand",(unsigned long)msetCommand},
@ -191,8 +199,11 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"queueIOJob",(unsigned long)queueIOJob},
{"queueMultiCommand",(unsigned long)queueMultiCommand},
{"randomkeyCommand",(unsigned long)randomkeyCommand},
{"rdbEncodeInteger",(unsigned long)rdbEncodeInteger},
{"rdbGenericLoadStringObject",(unsigned long)rdbGenericLoadStringObject},
{"rdbLoad",(unsigned long)rdbLoad},
{"rdbLoadDoubleValue",(unsigned long)rdbLoadDoubleValue},
{"rdbLoadEncodedStringObject",(unsigned long)rdbLoadEncodedStringObject},
{"rdbLoadIntegerObject",(unsigned long)rdbLoadIntegerObject},
{"rdbLoadLen",(unsigned long)rdbLoadLen},
{"rdbLoadLzfStringObject",(unsigned long)rdbLoadLzfStringObject},
@ -309,14 +320,17 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"vmThreadedIOCompletedJob",(unsigned long)vmThreadedIOCompletedJob},
{"vmWriteObjectOnSwap",(unsigned long)vmWriteObjectOnSwap},
{"waitEmptyIOJobsQueue",(unsigned long)waitEmptyIOJobsQueue},
{"waitForMultipleSwappedKeys",(unsigned long)waitForMultipleSwappedKeys},
{"waitForSwappedKey",(unsigned long)waitForSwappedKey},
{"xorDigest",(unsigned long)xorDigest},
{"xorObjectDigest",(unsigned long)xorObjectDigest},
{"yesnotoi",(unsigned long)yesnotoi},
{"zaddCommand",(unsigned long)zaddCommand},
{"zaddGenericCommand",(unsigned long)zaddGenericCommand},
{"zcardCommand",(unsigned long)zcardCommand},
{"zcountCommand",(unsigned long)zcountCommand},
{"zincrbyCommand",(unsigned long)zincrbyCommand},
{"zinterCommand",(unsigned long)zinterCommand},
{"zinterstoreCommand",(unsigned long)zinterstoreCommand},
{"zrangeCommand",(unsigned long)zrangeCommand},
{"zrangeGenericCommand",(unsigned long)zrangeGenericCommand},
{"zrangebyscoreCommand",(unsigned long)zrangebyscoreCommand},
@ -336,8 +350,8 @@ static struct redisFunctionSym symsTable[] = {
{"zslFreeNode",(unsigned long)zslFreeNode},
{"zslInsert",(unsigned long)zslInsert},
{"zslRandomLevel",(unsigned long)zslRandomLevel},
{"zunionCommand",(unsigned long)zunionCommand},
{"zunionInterBlockClientOnSwappedKeys",(unsigned long)zunionInterBlockClientOnSwappedKeys},
{"zunionInterGenericCommand",(unsigned long)zunionInterGenericCommand},
{"zunionstoreCommand",(unsigned long)zunionstoreCommand},
@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ start_server default.conf {} {
list [r zremrangebyrank zset 1 3] [r zrange zset 0 -1]
} {3 {a e}}
test {ZUNION against non-existing key doesn't set destination} {
test {ZUNIONSTORE against non-existing key doesn't set destination} {
r del zseta
list [r zunion dst_key 1 zseta] [r exists dst_key]
list [r zunionstore dst_key 1 zseta] [r exists dst_key]
} {0 0}
test {ZUNION basics} {
test {ZUNIONSTORE basics} {
r del zseta zsetb zsetc
r zadd zseta 1 a
r zadd zseta 2 b
@ -309,35 +309,35 @@ start_server default.conf {} {
r zadd zsetb 1 b
r zadd zsetb 2 c
r zadd zsetb 3 d
list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
list [r zunionstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {4 {a 1 b 3 d 3 c 5}}
test {ZUNION with weights} {
list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
test {ZUNIONSTORE with weights} {
list [r zunionstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {4 {a 2 b 7 d 9 c 12}}
list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
list [r zunionstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {4 {a 1 b 1 c 2 d 3}}
list [r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
list [r zunionstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {4 {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 3}}
test {ZINTER basics} {
list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
test {ZINTERSTORE basics} {
list [r zinterstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {2 {b 3 c 5}}
test {ZINTER with weights} {
list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
test {ZINTERSTORE with weights} {
list [r zinterstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {2 {b 7 c 12}}
list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
list [r zinterstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {2 {b 1 c 2}}
list [r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
list [r zinterstore zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
} {2 {b 2 c 3}}
test {ZSETs skiplist implementation backlink consistency test} {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user