Cluster Manager: check/fix commands now handle multiple owners even if

all slots are covered and not open.
This commit is contained in:
artix 2018-11-22 11:47:59 +01:00
parent 5bfd8ae253
commit 5bf13eaaf8

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@ -2746,6 +2746,41 @@ cleanup:
return success;
static int clusterManagerDelSlot(clusterManagerNode *node, int slot) {
redisReply *reply = CLUSTER_MANAGER_COMMAND(node,
int success = clusterManagerCheckRedisReply(node, reply, NULL);
if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply);
return success;
static int clusterManagerAddSlot(clusterManagerNode *node, int slot) {
redisReply *reply = CLUSTER_MANAGER_COMMAND(node,
int success = clusterManagerCheckRedisReply(node, reply, NULL);
if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply);
return success;
static signed int clusterManagerCountKeysInSlot(clusterManagerNode *node,
int slot)
redisReply *reply = CLUSTER_MANAGER_COMMAND(node,
int count = -1;
int success = clusterManagerCheckRedisReply(node, reply, NULL);
if (success && reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER) count = reply->integer;
if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply);
return count;
static int clusterManagerBumpEpoch(clusterManagerNode *node) {
int success = clusterManagerCheckRedisReply(node, reply, NULL);
if (reply) freeReplyObject(reply);
return success;
/* Migrate keys taken from reply->elements. It returns the reply from the
* MIGRATE command, or NULL if something goes wrong. If the argument 'dots'
* is not NULL, a dot will be printed for every migrated key. */
@ -4053,17 +4088,62 @@ cleanup:
return success;
static int clusterManagerFixMultipleSlotOwners(int slot, list *owners) {
clusterManagerLogInfo(">>> Fixing multiple owners for slot %d...\n", slot);
int success = 0;
assert(listLength(owners) > 1);
clusterManagerNode *owner = clusterManagerGetNodeWithMostKeysInSlot(owners,
if (!owner) owner = listFirst(owners)->value;
clusterManagerLogInfo(">>> Setting slot %d owner: %s:%d",
slot, owner->ip, owner->port);
/* Set the owner node by calling DELSLOTS in order to unassign the slot
* in case it's already assigned to another node and by finally calling
* ADDSLOTS and BUMPEPOCH. The call to DELSLOTS is not checked since it
* could reply with an "already unassigned" error and if it should fail
* for other reasons, it would lead to a failure in the follwing ADDSLOTS
* command. */
clusterManagerDelSlot(owner, slot);
if (!clusterManagerAddSlot(owner, slot)) return 0;
if (!clusterManagerBumpEpoch(owner)) return 0;
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
listRewind(cluster_manager.nodes, &li);
/* Update configuration in all the other master nodes by assigning the slot
* itself to the new owner, and by eventually migrating keys if the node
* has keys for the slot. */
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
clusterManagerNode *n = ln->value;
if (n == owner) continue;
if (n->flags & CLUSTER_MANAGER_FLAG_SLAVE) continue;
int count = clusterManagerCountKeysInSlot(n, slot);
success = (count >= 0);
if (!success) break;
clusterManagerDelSlot(n, slot);
if (!clusterManagerSetSlot(n, owner, slot, "node", NULL)) return 0;
if (count > 0) {
success = clusterManagerMoveSlot(n, owner, slot, opts, NULL);
if (!success) break;
return success;
static int clusterManagerCheckCluster(int quiet) {
listNode *ln = listFirst(cluster_manager.nodes);
if (!ln) return 0;
int result = 1;
int do_fix = config.cluster_manager_command.flags &
clusterManagerNode *node = ln->value;
clusterManagerLogInfo(">>> Performing Cluster Check (using node %s:%d)\n",
node->ip, node->port);
int result = 1, consistent = 0;
int do_fix = config.cluster_manager_command.flags &
if (!quiet) clusterManagerShowNodes();
if (!clusterManagerIsConfigConsistent()) {
consistent = clusterManagerIsConfigConsistent();
if (!consistent) {
sds err = sdsnew("[ERR] Nodes don't agree about configuration!");
result = 0;
@ -4071,7 +4151,7 @@ static int clusterManagerCheckCluster(int quiet) {
clusterManagerLogOk("[OK] All nodes agree about slots "
// Check open slots
/* Check open slots */
clusterManagerLogInfo(">>> Check for open slots...\n");
listIter li;
listRewind(cluster_manager.nodes, &li);
@ -4130,7 +4210,7 @@ static int clusterManagerCheckCluster(int quiet) {
clusterManagerLogErr("%s.\n", (char *) errstr);
if (do_fix) {
// Fix open slots.
/* Fix open slots. */
iter = dictGetIterator(open_slots);
while ((entry = dictNext(iter)) != NULL) {
@ -4165,6 +4245,49 @@ static int clusterManagerCheckCluster(int quiet) {
if (fixed > 0) result = 1;
if (!consistent) {
/* Check whether there are multiple owners, even when slots are
* fully covered and there are no open slots. */
clusterManagerLogInfo(">>> Check for multiple slot owners...\n");
int slot = 0;
for (; slot < CLUSTER_MANAGER_SLOTS; slot++) {
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
listRewind(cluster_manager.nodes, &li);
list *owners = listCreate();
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
clusterManagerNode *n = ln->value;
if (n->flags & CLUSTER_MANAGER_FLAG_SLAVE) continue;
if (n->slots[slot]) listAddNodeTail(owners, n);
else {
/* Nodes having keys for the slot will be considered
* owners too. */
int count = clusterManagerCountKeysInSlot(n, slot);
if (count > 0) listAddNodeTail(owners, n);
if (listLength(owners) > 1) {
result = 0;
clusterManagerLogErr("[WARNING] Slot %d has %d owners:\n",
slot, listLength(owners));
listRewind(owners, &li);
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
clusterManagerNode *n = ln->value;
clusterManagerLogErr(" %s:%d\n", n->ip, n->port);
if (do_fix) {
result = clusterManagerFixMultipleSlotOwners(slot, owners);
if (!result) {
clusterManagerLogErr("Failed to fix multiple owners "
"for slot %d\n", slot);
return result;