diff --git a/src/t_stream.c b/src/t_stream.c
index 3cb4c32c..a2f20399 100644
--- a/src/t_stream.c
+++ b/src/t_stream.c
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int streamCompareID(streamID *a, streamID *b) {
  * if the ID was generated by the function. However the function may return
  * C_ERR if an ID was given via 'use_id', but adding it failed since the
  * current top ID is greater or equal. */
-int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int numfields, streamID *added_id, streamID *use_id) {
+int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int64_t numfields, streamID *added_id, streamID *use_id) {
     /* If an ID was given, check that it's greater than the last entry ID
      * or return an error. */
     if (use_id && streamCompareID(use_id,&s->last_id) <= 0) return C_ERR;
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int numfields, streamID *added_id,
         lp = lpAppendInteger(lp,1); /* One item, the one we are adding. */
         lp = lpAppendInteger(lp,0); /* Zero deleted so far. */
         lp = lpAppendInteger(lp,numfields);
-        for (int i = 0; i < numfields; i++) {
+        for (int64_t i = 0; i < numfields; i++) {
             sds field = argv[i*2]->ptr;
             lp = lpAppend(lp,(unsigned char*)field,sdslen(field));
@@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int numfields, streamID *added_id,
         /* Check if the entry we are adding, have the same fields
          * as the master entry. */
-        int master_fields_count = lpGetInteger(lp_ele);
+        int64_t master_fields_count = lpGetInteger(lp_ele);
         lp_ele = lpNext(lp,lp_ele);
         if (numfields == master_fields_count) {
-            int i;
+            int64_t i;
             for (i = 0; i < master_fields_count; i++) {
                 sds field = argv[i*2]->ptr;
                 int64_t e_len;
@@ -332,14 +332,14 @@ int streamAppendItem(stream *s, robj **argv, int numfields, streamID *added_id,
     lp = lpAppendInteger(lp,id.seq - master_id.seq);
     if (!(flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS))
         lp = lpAppendInteger(lp,numfields);
-    for (int i = 0; i < numfields; i++) {
+    for (int64_t i = 0; i < numfields; i++) {
         sds field = argv[i*2]->ptr, value = argv[i*2+1]->ptr;
         if (!(flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS))
             lp = lpAppend(lp,(unsigned char*)field,sdslen(field));
         lp = lpAppend(lp,(unsigned char*)value,sdslen(value));
     /* Compute and store the lp-count field. */
-    int lp_count = numfields;
+    int64_t lp_count = numfields;
     lp_count += 3; /* Add the 3 fixed fields flags + ms-diff + seq-diff. */
     if (!(flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS)) {
         /* If the item is not compressed, it also has the fields other than
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ int streamIteratorGetID(streamIterator *si, streamID *id, int64_t *numfields) {
                 /* If we are going backward, read the number of elements this
                  * entry is composed of, and jump backward N times to seek
                  * its start. */
-                int lp_count = lpGetInteger(si->lp_ele);
+                int64_t lp_count = lpGetInteger(si->lp_ele);
                 if (lp_count == 0) { /* We reached the master entry. */
                     si->lp = NULL;
                     si->lp_ele = NULL;
@@ -642,14 +642,14 @@ int streamIteratorGetID(streamIterator *si, streamID *id, int64_t *numfields) {
              * forward, or seek the previous entry if we are going
              * backward. */
             if (!si->rev) {
-                int to_discard = (flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS) ?
-                                    *numfields : *numfields*2;
+                int64_t to_discard = (flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS) ?
+                                      *numfields : *numfields*2;
                 for (int64_t i = 0; i < to_discard; i++)
                     si->lp_ele = lpNext(si->lp,si->lp_ele);
             } else {
-                int prev_times = 4; /* flag + id ms + id seq + one more to
-                                       go back to the previous entry "count"
-                                       field. */
+                int64_t prev_times = 4; /* flag + id ms + id seq + one more to
+                                           go back to the previous entry "count"
+                                           field. */
                 /* If the entry was not flagged SAMEFIELD we also read the
                  * number of fields, so go back one more. */
                 if (!(flags & STREAM_ITEM_FLAG_SAMEFIELDS)) prev_times++;