Cluster Manager: check for unreachable nodes during cluster join.

This commit is contained in:
artix 2018-05-23 18:00:42 +02:00
parent 9b0b0b3942
commit 2f499304aa

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@ -1974,6 +1974,15 @@ typedef struct clusterManagerReshardTableItem {
int slot;
} clusterManagerReshardTableItem;
/* Info about a cluster internal link. */
typedef struct clusterManagerLink {
sds node_name;
sds node_addr;
int connected;
int handshaking;
} clusterManagerLink;
static dictType clusterManagerDictType = {
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
@ -2012,6 +2021,7 @@ static void clusterManagerWaitForClusterJoin(void);
static int clusterManagerCheckCluster(int quiet);
static void clusterManagerLog(int level, const char* fmt, ...);
static int clusterManagerIsConfigConsistent(void);
static dict *clusterManagerGetLinkStatus(void);
static void clusterManagerOnError(sds err);
static void clusterManagerNodeArrayInit(clusterManagerNodeArray *array,
int len);
@ -3381,10 +3391,43 @@ cleanup:
/* Wait until the cluster configuration is consistent. */
static void clusterManagerWaitForClusterJoin(void) {
printf("Waiting for the cluster to join\n");
int counter = 0, check_after = listLength(cluster_manager.nodes) * 2;
while(!clusterManagerIsConfigConsistent()) {
if (++counter > check_after) {
dict *status = clusterManagerGetLinkStatus();
if (status != NULL && dictSize(status) > 0) {
clusterManagerLogErr("Warning: %d nodes may "
"be unreachable\n", dictSize(status));
dictIterator *iter = dictGetIterator(status);
dictEntry *entry;
while ((entry = dictNext(iter)) != NULL) {
sds nodename = (sds) dictGetKey(entry);
list *from = (list *) dictGetVal(entry);
clusterManagerLogErr(" - Node %s may be unreachable "
"from:\n", nodename);
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
listRewind(from, &li);
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
sds from_addr = ln->value;
clusterManagerLogErr(" %s\n", from_addr);
clusterManagerLogErr("Cluster bus ports must be reachable "
"by every node.\nRemember that "
"cluster bus ports are different "
"from standard instance port.\n");
counter = 0;
@ -3788,6 +3831,91 @@ static int clusterManagerIsConfigConsistent(void) {
return consistent;
static list *clusterManagerGetDisconnectedLinks(clusterManagerNode *node) {
list *links = NULL;
if (!clusterManagerCheckRedisReply(node, reply, NULL)) goto cleanup;
links = listCreate();
char *lines = reply->str, *p, *line;
while ((p = strstr(lines, "\n")) != NULL) {
int i = 0;
*p = '\0';
line = lines;
lines = p + 1;
char *nodename = NULL, *addr = NULL, *flags = NULL, *link_status = NULL;
while ((p = strchr(line, ' ')) != NULL) {
*p = '\0';
char *token = line;
line = p + 1;
if (i == 0) nodename = token;
else if (i == 1) addr = token;
else if (i == 2) flags = token;
else if (i == 7) link_status = token;
else if (i == 8) break;
if (i == 7) link_status = line;
if (nodename == NULL || addr == NULL || flags == NULL ||
link_status == NULL)
if (strstr(flags, "myself") != NULL) continue;
int disconnected = ((strstr(flags, "disconnected") != NULL) ||
(strstr(link_status, "disconnected")));
if (disconnected) {
clusterManagerLink *link = malloc(sizeof(*link));
link->node_name = sdsnew(nodename);
link->node_addr = sdsnew(addr);
link->connected = 0;
link->handshaking = (strstr(flags, "handshaking") != NULL);
listAddNodeTail(links, link);
if (reply != NULL) freeReplyObject(reply);
return links;
/* Check for disconnected cluster links. It returns a dict whose keys
* are the unreachable node addresses and the values are lists of
* node addresses that cannot reach the unreachable node. */
static dict *clusterManagerGetLinkStatus(void) {
if (cluster_manager.nodes == NULL) return NULL;
dictType dtype = clusterManagerDictType;
dtype.valDestructor = dictListDestructor;
dict *status = dictCreate(&dtype, NULL);
listIter li;
listNode *ln;
listRewind(cluster_manager.nodes, &li);
while ((ln = listNext(&li)) != NULL) {
clusterManagerNode *node = ln->value;
list *links = clusterManagerGetDisconnectedLinks(node);
if (links) {
listIter lli;
listNode *lln;
listRewind(links, &lli);
while ((lln = listNext(&lli)) != NULL) {
clusterManagerLink *link = lln->value;
list *from = NULL;
dictEntry *entry = dictFind(status, link->node_addr);
if (entry) from = dictGetVal(entry);
else {
from = listCreate();
dictAdd(status, sdsdup(link->node_addr), from);
sds myaddr = sdsempty();
myaddr = sdscatfmt(myaddr, "%s:%u", node->ip, node->port);
listAddNodeTail(from, myaddr);
return status;
/* Add the error string to cluster_manager.errors and print it. */
static void clusterManagerOnError(sds err) {
if (cluster_manager.errors == NULL)