From 25bb8a4452d9c74ee522c89f682115ab45fe51a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pieter Noordhuis <>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:35:25 +0200

 src/redis.c              |   1 +
 src/redis.h              |   1 +
 src/t_zset.c             | 264 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 tests/unit/type/zset.tcl |  95 +++++++-------
 4 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/redis.c b/src/redis.c
index 7b1b3f4f..fca5f1b3 100644
--- a/src/redis.c
+++ b/src/redis.c
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ struct redisCommand readonlyCommandTable[] = {
+    {"zrevrangebyscore",zrevrangebyscoreCommand,-4,REDIS_CMD_INLINE,NULL,1,1,1},
diff --git a/src/redis.h b/src/redis.h
index 3de054f2..d53ccf5b 100644
--- a/src/redis.h
+++ b/src/redis.h
@@ -895,6 +895,7 @@ void zaddCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zincrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
+void zrevrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zcountCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zrevrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
 void zcardCommand(redisClient *c);
diff --git a/src/t_zset.c b/src/t_zset.c
index 93ade5aa..e528205a 100644
--- a/src/t_zset.c
+++ b/src/t_zset.c
@@ -296,6 +296,44 @@ zskiplistNode* zslistTypeGetElementByRank(zskiplist *zsl, unsigned long rank) {
     return NULL;
+typedef struct {
+    double min, max;
+    int minex, maxex; /* are min or max exclusive? */
+} zrangespec;
+/* Populate the rangespec according to the objects min and max. */
+int zslParseRange(robj *min, robj *max, zrangespec *spec) {
+    spec->minex = spec->maxex = 0;
+    /* Parse the min-max interval. If one of the values is prefixed
+     * by the "(" character, it's considered "open". For instance
+     * ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.5 (2.5 will match min < x < max
+     * ZRANGEBYSCORE zset 1.5 2.5 will instead match min <= x <= max */
+    if (min->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INT) {
+        spec->min = (long)min->ptr;
+    } else {
+        if (((char*)min->ptr)[0] == '(') {
+            spec->min = strtod((char*)min->ptr+1,NULL);
+            spec->minex = 1;
+        } else {
+            spec->min = strtod((char*)min->ptr,NULL);
+        }
+    }
+    if (max->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_INT) {
+        spec->max = (long)max->ptr;
+    } else {
+        if (((char*)max->ptr)[0] == '(') {
+            spec->max = strtod((char*)max->ptr+1,NULL);
+            spec->maxex = 1;
+        } else {
+            spec->max = strtod((char*)max->ptr,NULL);
+        }
+    }
+    return REDIS_OK;
  * Sorted set commands 
@@ -781,125 +819,153 @@ void zrevrangeCommand(redisClient *c) {
-/* This command implements both ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZCOUNT.
- * If justcount is non-zero, just the count is returned. */
-void genericZrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c, int justcount) {
-    robj *o;
-    double min, max;
-    int minex = 0, maxex = 0; /* are min or max exclusive? */
+ * If "justcount", only the number of elements in the range is returned. */
+void genericZrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c, int reverse, int justcount) {
+    zrangespec range;
+    robj *o, *emptyreply;
+    zset *zsetobj;
+    zskiplist *zsl;
+    zskiplistNode *ln;
     int offset = 0, limit = -1;
     int withscores = 0;
-    int badsyntax = 0;
+    unsigned long rangelen = 0;
+    void *replylen = NULL;
-    /* Parse the min-max interval. If one of the values is prefixed
-     * by the "(" character, it's considered "open". For instance
-     * ZRANGEBYSCORE zset (1.5 (2.5 will match min < x < max
-     * ZRANGEBYSCORE zset 1.5 2.5 will instead match min <= x <= max */
-    if (((char*)c->argv[2]->ptr)[0] == '(') {
-        min = strtod((char*)c->argv[2]->ptr+1,NULL);
-        minex = 1;
-    } else {
-        min = strtod(c->argv[2]->ptr,NULL);
-    }
-    if (((char*)c->argv[3]->ptr)[0] == '(') {
-        max = strtod((char*)c->argv[3]->ptr+1,NULL);
-        maxex = 1;
-    } else {
-        max = strtod(c->argv[3]->ptr,NULL);
-    }
+    /* Parse the range arguments. */
+    zslParseRange(c->argv[2],c->argv[3],&range);
-    /* Parse "WITHSCORES": note that if the command was called with
-     * the name ZCOUNT then we are sure that c->argc == 4, so we'll never
-     * enter the following paths to parse WITHSCORES and LIMIT. */
-    if (c->argc == 5 || c->argc == 8) {
-        if (strcasecmp(c->argv[c->argc-1]->ptr,"withscores") == 0)
-            withscores = 1;
-        else
-            badsyntax = 1;
-    }
-    if (c->argc != (4 + withscores) && c->argc != (7 + withscores))
-        badsyntax = 1;
-    if (badsyntax) {
-        addReplyError(c,"wrong number of arguments for ZRANGEBYSCORE");
-        return;
-    }
+    /* Parse optional extra arguments. Note that ZCOUNT will exactly have
+     * 4 arguments, so we'll never enter the following code path. */
+    if (c->argc > 4) {
+        int remaining = c->argc - 4;
+        int pos = 4;
-    /* Parse "LIMIT" */
-    if (c->argc == (7 + withscores) && strcasecmp(c->argv[4]->ptr,"limit")) {
-        addReply(c,shared.syntaxerr);
-        return;
-    } else if (c->argc == (7 + withscores)) {
-        offset = atoi(c->argv[5]->ptr);
-        limit = atoi(c->argv[6]->ptr);
-        if (offset < 0) offset = 0;
+        while (remaining) {
+            if (remaining >= 1 && !strcasecmp(c->argv[pos]->ptr,"withscores")) {
+                pos++; remaining--;
+                withscores = 1;
+            } else if (remaining >= 3 && !strcasecmp(c->argv[pos]->ptr,"limit")) {
+                offset = atoi(c->argv[pos+1]->ptr);
+                limit = atoi(c->argv[pos+2]->ptr);
+                pos += 3; remaining -= 3;
+            } else {
+                addReply(c,shared.syntaxerr);
+                return;
+            }
+        }
     /* Ok, lookup the key and get the range */
-    o = lookupKeyRead(c->db,c->argv[1]);
-    if (o == NULL) {
-        addReply(c,justcount ? shared.czero : shared.emptymultibulk);
-    } else {
-        if (o->type != REDIS_ZSET) {
-            addReply(c,shared.wrongtypeerr);
+    emptyreply = justcount ? shared.czero : shared.emptymultibulk;
+    if ((o = lookupKeyReadOrReply(c,c->argv[1],emptyreply)) == NULL ||
+        checkType(c,o,REDIS_ZSET)) return;
+    zsetobj = o->ptr;
+    zsl = zsetobj->zsl;
+    /* If reversed, assume the elements are sorted from high to low score. */
+    ln = zslFirstWithScore(zsl,range.min);
+    if (reverse) {
+        /* If range.min is out of range, ln will be NULL and we need to use
+         * the tail of the skiplist as first node of the range. */
+        if (ln == NULL) ln = zsl->tail;
+        /* zslFirstWithScore returns the first element with where with
+         * score >= range.min, so backtrack to make sure the element we use
+         * here has score <= range.min. */
+        while (ln && ln->score > range.min) ln = ln->backward;
+        /* Move to the right element according to the range spec. */
+        if (range.minex) {
+            /* Find last element with score < range.min */
+            while (ln && ln->score == range.min) ln = ln->backward;
         } else {
-            zset *zsetobj = o->ptr;
-            zskiplist *zsl = zsetobj->zsl;
-            zskiplistNode *ln;
-            robj *ele;
-            void *replylen = NULL;
-            unsigned long rangelen = 0;
-            /* Get the first node with the score >= min, or with
-             * score > min if 'minex' is true. */
-            ln = zslFirstWithScore(zsl,min);
-            while (minex && ln && ln->score == min) ln = ln->level[0].forward;
-            if (ln == NULL) {
-                /* No element matching the speciifed interval */
-                addReply(c,justcount ? shared.czero : shared.emptymultibulk);
-                return;
-            }
-            /* We don't know in advance how many matching elements there
-             * are in the list, so we push this object that will represent
-             * the multi-bulk length in the output buffer, and will "fix"
-             * it later */
-            if (!justcount)
-                replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c);
-            while(ln && (maxex ? (ln->score < max) : (ln->score <= max))) {
-                if (offset) {
-                    offset--;
-                    ln = ln->level[0].forward;
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (limit == 0) break;
-                if (!justcount) {
-                    ele = ln->obj;
-                    addReplyBulk(c,ele);
-                    if (withscores)
-                        addReplyDouble(c,ln->score);
-                }
+            /* Find last element with score <= range.min */
+            while (ln && ln->level[0].forward &&
+                         ln->level[0].forward->score == range.min)
                 ln = ln->level[0].forward;
-                rangelen++;
-                if (limit > 0) limit--;
-            }
-            if (justcount) {
-                addReplyLongLong(c,(long)rangelen);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (range.minex) {
+            /* Find first element with score > range.min */
+            while (ln && ln->score == range.min) ln = ln->level[0].forward;
+        }
+    }
+    /* No "first" element in the specified interval. */
+    if (ln == NULL) {
+        addReply(c,emptyreply);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* We don't know in advance how many matching elements there
+     * are in the list, so we push this object that will represent
+     * the multi-bulk length in the output buffer, and will "fix"
+     * it later */
+    if (!justcount)
+        replylen = addDeferredMultiBulkLength(c);
+    /* If there is an offset, just traverse the number of elements without
+     * checking the score because that is done in the next loop. */
+    while(ln && offset--) {
+        if (reverse)
+            ln = ln->backward;
+        else
+            ln = ln->level[0].forward;
+    }
+    while (ln && limit--) {
+        /* Check if this this element is in range. */
+        if (reverse) {
+            if (range.maxex) {
+                /* Element should have score > range.max */
+                if (ln->score <= range.max) break;
             } else {
-                setDeferredMultiBulkLength(c,replylen,
-                     withscores ? (rangelen*2) : rangelen);
+                /* Element should have score >= range.max */
+                if (ln->score < range.max) break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (range.maxex) {
+                /* Element should have score < range.max */
+                if (ln->score >= range.max) break;
+            } else {
+                /* Element should have score <= range.max */
+                if (ln->score > range.max) break;
+        /* Do our magic */
+        rangelen++;
+        if (!justcount) {
+            addReplyBulk(c,ln->obj);
+            if (withscores)
+                addReplyDouble(c,ln->score);
+        }
+        if (reverse)
+            ln = ln->backward;
+        else
+            ln = ln->level[0].forward;
+    }
+    if (justcount) {
+        addReplyLongLong(c,(long)rangelen);
+    } else {
+        setDeferredMultiBulkLength(c,replylen,
+             withscores ? (rangelen*2) : rangelen);
 void zrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
-    genericZrangebyscoreCommand(c,0);
+    genericZrangebyscoreCommand(c,0,0);
+void zrevrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c) {
+    genericZrangebyscoreCommand(c,1,0);
 void zcountCommand(redisClient *c) {
-    genericZrangebyscoreCommand(c,1);
+    genericZrangebyscoreCommand(c,0,1);
 void zcardCommand(redisClient *c) {
diff --git a/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl b/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
index 642922e9..949681eb 100644
--- a/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
+++ b/tests/unit/type/zset.tcl
@@ -199,26 +199,59 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
         list $v1 $v2 [r zscore zset foo] [r zscore zset bar]
     } {{bar foo} {foo bar} -2 6}
-    test {ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZCOUNT basics} {
-        r del zset
-        r zadd zset 1 a
-        r zadd zset 2 b
-        r zadd zset 3 c
-        r zadd zset 4 d
-        r zadd zset 5 e
-        list [r zrangebyscore zset 2 4] [r zrangebyscore zset (2 (4] \
-             [r zcount zset 2 4] [r zcount zset (2 (4]
-    } {{b c d} c 3 1}
+    proc create_default_zset {} {
+        create_zset zset {-inf a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 f +inf g}
+    }
-    test {ZRANGEBYSCORE withscores} {
-        r del zset
-        r zadd zset 1 a
-        r zadd zset 2 b
-        r zadd zset 3 c
-        r zadd zset 4 d
-        r zadd zset 5 e
-        r zrangebyscore zset 2 4 withscores
-    } {b 2 c 3 d 4}
+        create_default_zset
+        # inclusive range
+        assert_equal {a b c} [r zrangebyscore zset -inf 2]
+        assert_equal {b c d} [r zrangebyscore zset 0 3]
+        assert_equal {d e f} [r zrangebyscore zset 3 6]
+        assert_equal {e f g} [r zrangebyscore zset 4 +inf]
+        assert_equal {c b a} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 2 -inf]
+        assert_equal {d c b} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 3 0]
+        assert_equal {f e d} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 6 3]
+        assert_equal {g f e} [r zrevrangebyscore zset +inf 4]
+        assert_equal 3 [r zcount zset 0 3]
+        # exclusive range
+        assert_equal {b}   [r zrangebyscore zset (-inf (2]
+        assert_equal {b c} [r zrangebyscore zset (0 (3]
+        assert_equal {e f} [r zrangebyscore zset (3 (6]
+        assert_equal {f}   [r zrangebyscore zset (4 (+inf]
+        assert_equal {b}   [r zrevrangebyscore zset (2 (-inf]
+        assert_equal {c b} [r zrevrangebyscore zset (3 (0]
+        assert_equal {f e} [r zrevrangebyscore zset (6 (3]
+        assert_equal {f}   [r zrevrangebyscore zset (+inf (4]
+        assert_equal 2 [r zcount zset (0 (3]
+    }
+        create_default_zset
+        assert_equal {b 1 c 2 d 3} [r zrangebyscore zset 0 3 withscores]
+        assert_equal {d 3 c 2 b 1} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 3 0 withscores]
+    }
+    test "ZRANGEBYSCORE with LIMIT" {
+        create_default_zset
+        assert_equal {b c}   [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 0 2]
+        assert_equal {d e f} [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 3]
+        assert_equal {d e f} [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 10]
+        assert_equal {}      [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 20 10]
+        assert_equal {f e}   [r zrevrangebyscore zset 10 0 LIMIT 0 2]
+        assert_equal {d c b} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 10 0 LIMIT 2 3]
+        assert_equal {d c b} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 10 0 LIMIT 2 10]
+        assert_equal {}      [r zrevrangebyscore zset 10 0 LIMIT 20 10]
+    }
+        create_default_zset
+        assert_equal {e 4 f 5} [r zrangebyscore zset 2 5 LIMIT 2 3 WITHSCORES]
+        assert_equal {d 3 c 2} [r zrevrangebyscore zset 5 2 LIMIT 2 3 WITHSCORES]
+    }
     tags {"slow"} {
         test {ZRANGEBYSCORE fuzzy test, 100 ranges in 1000 elements sorted set} {
@@ -302,30 +335,6 @@ start_server {tags {"zset"}} {
         } {}
-    test {ZRANGEBYSCORE with LIMIT} {
-        r del zset
-        r zadd zset 1 a
-        r zadd zset 2 b
-        r zadd zset 3 c
-        r zadd zset 4 d
-        r zadd zset 5 e
-        list \
-            [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 0 2] \
-            [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 3] \
-            [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 10] \
-            [r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 20 10]
-    } {{a b} {c d e} {c d e} {}}
-    test {ZRANGEBYSCORE with LIMIT and withscores} {
-        r del zset
-        r zadd zset 10 a
-        r zadd zset 20 b
-        r zadd zset 30 c
-        r zadd zset 40 d
-        r zadd zset 50 e
-        r zrangebyscore zset 20 50 LIMIT 2 3 withscores
-    } {d 40 e 50}
     test {ZREMRANGEBYSCORE basics} {
         r del zset
         r zadd zset 1 a