Lazyfree: Hash converted to use plain SDS WIP 1.

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2015-09-10 17:26:48 +02:00
parent afc4b9241c
commit 1c247556c6
5 changed files with 188 additions and 163 deletions

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@ -635,20 +635,29 @@ int getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(client *c, robj *o, long double *target, cons
return C_OK;
/* Helper function for getLongLongFromObject(). The function parses the string
* as a long long value in a strict way (no spaces before/after). On success
* C_OK is returned, otherwise C_ERR is returned. */
int strict_strtoll(char *str, long long *vp) {
char *eptr;
long long value;
errno = 0;
value = strtoll(o->ptr, &eptr, 10);
if (isspace(str[0]) || eptr[0] != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) return C_ERR;
if (vp) *vp = value;
return C_OK;
int getLongLongFromObject(robj *o, long long *target) {
long long value;
char *eptr;
if (o == NULL) {
value = 0;
} else {
serverAssertWithInfo(NULL,o,o->type == OBJ_STRING);
if (sdsEncodedObject(o)) {
errno = 0;
value = strtoll(o->ptr, &eptr, 10);
if (isspace(((char*)o->ptr)[0]) || eptr[0] != '\0' ||
errno == ERANGE)
return C_ERR;
if (strict_strtoll(o->ptr,&value) == C_ERR) return C_ERR;
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_INT) {
value = (long)o->ptr;
} else {

View File

@ -579,37 +579,37 @@ dictType shaScriptObjectDictType = {
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictObjectDestructor /* val destructor */
dictObjectDestructor /* val destructor */
/* Db->expires */
dictType keyptrDictType = {
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCompare, /* key compare */
NULL, /* key destructor */
NULL /* val destructor */
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCompare, /* key compare */
NULL, /* key destructor */
NULL /* val destructor */
/* Command table. sds string -> command struct pointer. */
dictType commandTableDictType = {
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
NULL /* val destructor */
dictSdsCaseHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictSdsKeyCaseCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
NULL /* val destructor */
/* Hash type hash table (note that small hashes are represented with ziplists) */
dictType hashDictType = {
dictEncObjHash, /* hash function */
dictSdsHash, /* hash function */
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictEncObjKeyCompare, /* key compare */
dictObjectDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictObjectDestructor /* val destructor */
dictsdsKeyCompare, /* key compare */
dictSdsDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictSdsDestructor /* val destructor */
/* Keylist hash table type has unencoded redis objects as keys and
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ dictType keylistDictType = {
NULL, /* key dup */
NULL, /* val dup */
dictObjKeyCompare, /* key compare */
dictObjectDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictObjectDestructor, /* key destructor */
dictListDestructor /* val destructor */

View File

@ -52,17 +52,9 @@ void hashTypeTryConversion(robj *o, robj **argv, int start, int end) {
/* Encode given objects in-place when the hash uses a dict. */
void hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(robj *subject, robj **o1, robj **o2) {
if (subject->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
if (o1) *o1 = tryObjectEncoding(*o1);
if (o2) *o2 = tryObjectEncoding(*o2);
/* Get the value from a ziplist encoded hash, identified by field.
* Returns -1 when the field cannot be found. */
int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, sds field,
unsigned char **vstr,
unsigned int *vlen,
long long *vll)
@ -72,12 +64,10 @@ int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
serverAssert(o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST);
field = getDecodedObject(field);
zl = o->ptr;
fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
if (fptr != NULL) {
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field, sdslen(field), 1);
if (fptr != NULL) {
/* Grab pointer to the value (fptr points to the field) */
vptr = ziplistNext(zl, fptr);
@ -85,8 +75,6 @@ int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
if (vptr != NULL) {
ret = ziplistGet(vptr, vstr, vlen, vll);
@ -97,56 +85,49 @@ int hashTypeGetFromZiplist(robj *o, robj *field,
/* Get the value from a hash table encoded hash, identified by field.
* Returns -1 when the field cannot be found. */
int hashTypeGetFromHashTable(robj *o, robj *field, robj **value) {
* Returns NULL when the field cannot be found, otherwise the SDS value
* is returned. */
sds hashTypeGetFromHashTable(robj *o, sds field) {
dictEntry *de;
serverAssert(o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
de = dictFind(o->ptr, field);
if (de == NULL) return -1;
*value = dictGetVal(de);
return 0;
if (de == NULL) return NULL;
return dictGetVal(de);
/* Higher level function of hashTypeGet*() that always returns a Redis
* object (either new or with refcount incremented), so that the caller
* can retain a reference or call decrRefCount after the usage.
/* Higher level function of hashTypeGet*() that returns the hash value
* associated with the specified field. If the field is found C_OK
* is returned, otherwise C_ERR. The returned object is returned by
* reference in either *vstr and *vlen if it's returned in string form,
* or stored in *vll if it's returned as a number.
* The lower level function can prevent copy on write so it is
* the preferred way of doing read operations. */
robj *hashTypeGetObject(robj *o, robj *field) {
robj *value = NULL;
* If *vll is populated *vstr is set to NULL, so the caller
* can always check the function return by checking the return value
* for C_OK and checking if vll (or vstr) is NULL. */
int hashTypeGetObject(robj *o, sds field, unsigned char **vstr, unsigned int *vlen, long long *vll) {
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *vstr = NULL;
unsigned int vlen = UINT_MAX;
long long vll = LLONG_MAX;
if (hashTypeGetFromZiplist(o, field, &vstr, &vlen, &vll) == 0) {
if (vstr) {
value = createStringObject((char*)vstr, vlen);
} else {
value = createStringObjectFromLongLong(vll);
*vstr = NULL;
if (hashTypeGetFromZiplist(o, field, vstr, vlen, vll) == 0)
return C_OK;
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
robj *aux;
if (hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field, &aux) == 0) {
value = aux;
sds value;
if (value = hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field) != NULL) {
*vstr = value;
*vlen = sdslen(value);
return C_OK;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return value;
return C_ERR;
/* Higher level function using hashTypeGet*() to return the length of the
* object associated with the requested field, or 0 if the field does not
* exist. */
size_t hashTypeGetValueLength(robj *o, robj *field) {
size_t hashTypeGetValueLength(robj *o, sds field) {
size_t len = 0;
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *vstr = NULL;
@ -156,10 +137,10 @@ size_t hashTypeGetValueLength(robj *o, robj *field) {
if (hashTypeGetFromZiplist(o, field, &vstr, &vlen, &vll) == 0)
len = vstr ? vlen : sdigits10(vll);
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
robj *aux;
sds aux;
if (hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field, &aux) == 0)
len = stringObjectLen(aux);
if ((aux = hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field)) != NULL)
len = sdslen(aux);
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
@ -168,7 +149,7 @@ size_t hashTypeGetValueLength(robj *o, robj *field) {
/* Test if the specified field exists in the given hash. Returns 1 if the field
* exists, and 0 when it doesn't. */
int hashTypeExists(robj *o, robj *field) {
int hashTypeExists(robj *o, sds field) {
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *vstr = NULL;
unsigned int vlen = UINT_MAX;
@ -178,30 +159,26 @@ int hashTypeExists(robj *o, robj *field) {
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
robj *aux;
if (hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field, &aux) == 0) return 1;
if (hashTypeGetFromHashTable(o, field) != NULL) return 1;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return 0;
/* Add an element, discard the old if the key already exists.
* Return 0 on insert and 1 on update.
* This function will take care of incrementing the reference count of the
* retained fields and value objects. */
int hashTypeSet(robj *o, robj *field, robj *value) {
/* Add a new field, overwrite the old with the new value if it already exists.
* Return 0 on insert and 1 on update. The key and value SDS strings are copied
* if needed, so the caller retains ownership of the strings passed. */
int hashTypeSet(robj *o, sds field, sds value) {
int update = 0;
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *zl, *fptr, *vptr;
field = getDecodedObject(field);
value = getDecodedObject(value);
zl = o->ptr;
fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
if (fptr != NULL) {
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field, sdslen(field), 1);
if (fptr != NULL) {
/* Grab pointer to the value (fptr points to the field) */
vptr = ziplistNext(zl, fptr);
@ -218,23 +195,23 @@ int hashTypeSet(robj *o, robj *field, robj *value) {
if (!update) {
/* Push new field/value pair onto the tail of the ziplist */
zl = ziplistPush(zl, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), ZIPLIST_TAIL);
zl = ziplistPush(zl, value->ptr, sdslen(value->ptr), ZIPLIST_TAIL);
zl = ziplistPush(zl, field, sdslen(field), ZIPLIST_TAIL);
zl = ziplistPush(zl, value, sdslen(value), ZIPLIST_TAIL);
o->ptr = zl;
/* Check if the ziplist needs to be converted to a hash table */
if (hashTypeLength(o) > server.hash_max_ziplist_entries)
hashTypeConvert(o, OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
} else if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
if (dictReplace(o->ptr, field, value)) { /* Insert */
} else { /* Update */
dictEntry *de = dictFind(o->ptr,field);
if (de) {
dictGetVal(de) = sdsdup(value);
update = 1;
} else {
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
@ -243,18 +220,16 @@ int hashTypeSet(robj *o, robj *field, robj *value) {
/* Delete an element from a hash.
* Return 1 on deleted and 0 on not found. */
int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, robj *field) {
int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, sds field) {
int deleted = 0;
if (o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *zl, *fptr;
field = getDecodedObject(field);
zl = o->ptr;
fptr = ziplistIndex(zl, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
if (fptr != NULL) {
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field->ptr, sdslen(field->ptr), 1);
fptr = ziplistFind(fptr, field, sdslen(field), 1);
if (fptr != NULL) {
zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&fptr);
zl = ziplistDelete(zl,&fptr);
@ -276,7 +251,6 @@ int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, robj *field) {
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return deleted;
@ -291,7 +265,6 @@ unsigned long hashTypeLength(robj *o) {
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return length;
@ -308,15 +281,12 @@ hashTypeIterator *hashTypeInitIterator(robj *subject) {
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return hi;
void hashTypeReleaseIterator(hashTypeIterator *hi) {
if (hi->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
if (hi->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT)
@ -378,41 +348,51 @@ void hashTypeCurrentFromZiplist(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what,
/* Get the field or value at iterator cursor, for an iterator on a hash value
* encoded as a ziplist. Prototype is similar to `hashTypeGetFromHashTable`. */
void hashTypeCurrentFromHashTable(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what, robj **dst) {
* encoded as a hash table. Prototype is similar to
* `hashTypeGetFromHashTable`. */
sds hashTypeCurrentFromHashTable(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what) {
serverAssert(hi->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT);
if (what & OBJ_HASH_KEY) {
*dst = dictGetKey(hi->de);
return dictGetKey(hi->de);
} else {
*dst = dictGetVal(hi->de);
return dictGetVal(hi->de);
/* A non copy-on-write friendly but higher level version of hashTypeCurrent*()
* that returns an object with incremented refcount (or a new object). It is up
* to the caller to decrRefCount() the object if no reference is retained. */
robj *hashTypeCurrentObject(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what) {
robj *dst;
/* Higher level function of hashTypeCurrent*() that returns the hash value
* at current iterator position.
* The returned element is returned by reference in either *vstr and *vlen if
* it's returned in string form, or stored in *vll if it's returned as
* a number.
* If *vll is populated *vstr is set to NULL, so the caller
* can always check the function return by checking the return value
* type checking if vstr == NULL. */
void hashTypeCurrentObject(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what, unsigned char **vstr, unsigned int *vlen, long long *vll) {
if (hi->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
unsigned char *vstr = NULL;
unsigned int vlen = UINT_MAX;
long long vll = LLONG_MAX;
hashTypeCurrentFromZiplist(hi, what, &vstr, &vlen, &vll);
if (vstr) {
dst = createStringObject((char*)vstr, vlen);
} else {
dst = createStringObjectFromLongLong(vll);
*vstr = NULL;
hashTypeCurrentFromZiplist(hi, what, vstr, vlen, vll);
} else if (hi->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
hashTypeCurrentFromHashTable(hi, what, &dst);
sds ele = hashTypeCurrentFromHashTable(hi, what);
*vstr = ele;
*vlen = sdslen(ele);
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
return dst;
/* Return the key or value at the current iterator position as a new
* SDS string. */
sds hashTypeCurrentObjectNewSds(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what) {
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vll;
if (vstr) return sdsnewlen(vstr,vlen);
return sdsfromlonglong(vll);
robj *hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(client *c, robj *key) {
@ -444,26 +424,24 @@ void hashTypeConvertZiplist(robj *o, int enc) {
dict = dictCreate(&hashDictType, NULL);
while (hashTypeNext(hi) != C_ERR) {
robj *field, *value;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vll;
sds key, value;
field = hashTypeCurrentObject(hi, OBJ_HASH_KEY);
field = tryObjectEncoding(field);
value = hashTypeCurrentObject(hi, OBJ_HASH_VALUE);
value = tryObjectEncoding(value);
key = hashTypeCurrentObjectNewSds(hi,OBJ_HASH_KEY);
value = hashTypeCurrentObjectNewSds(hi,OBJ_HASH_VALUE);
ret = dictAdd(dict, field, value);
if (ret != DICT_OK) {
serverLogHexDump(LL_WARNING,"ziplist with dup elements dump",
serverAssert(ret == DICT_OK);
serverPanic("Ziplist corruption detected");
o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_HT;
o->ptr = dict;
} else {
serverPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
@ -489,8 +467,7 @@ void hsetCommand(client *c) {
if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;
hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2], &c->argv[3]);
update = hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2],c->argv[3]);
update = hashTypeSet(o,c->argv[2]->ptr,c->argv[3]->ptr);
addReply(c, update ? shared.czero : shared.cone);
@ -502,11 +479,10 @@ void hsetnxCommand(client *c) {
if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;
if (hashTypeExists(o, c->argv[2])) {
if (hashTypeExists(o, c->argv[2]->ptr)) {
addReply(c, shared.czero);
} else {
hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[2], &c->argv[3]);
addReply(c, shared.cone);
@ -526,8 +502,7 @@ void hmsetCommand(client *c) {
if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;
for (i = 2; i < c->argc; i += 2) {
hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(o,&c->argv[i], &c->argv[i+1]);
addReply(c, shared.ok);
@ -537,17 +512,20 @@ void hmsetCommand(client *c) {
void hincrbyCommand(client *c) {
long long value, incr, oldvalue;
robj *o, *current, *new;
robj *o;
sds new;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int *lven;
if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&incr,NULL) != C_OK) return;
if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;
if ((current = hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2])) != NULL) {
if (getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(c,current,&value,
"hash value is not an integer") != C_OK) {
if (hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2],&vstr,&vlen,&value) == C_OK) {
if (vstr) {
if (string2ll(vstr,vlen,&value) == 0) {
addReplyError(c,"hash value is not an integer");
} /* Else hashTypeGetObject() already stored it into &value */
} else {
value = 0;
@ -559,10 +537,8 @@ void hincrbyCommand(client *c) {
value += incr;
new = createStringObjectFromLongLong(value);
new = sdsfromlonglong(value);
@ -570,25 +546,31 @@ void hincrbyCommand(client *c) {
void hincrbyfloatCommand(client *c) {
double long value, incr;
robj *o, *current, *new, *aux;
double value, incr;
long long ll;
robj *o, *doubleobj;
sds new;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int *lven;
if (getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,c->argv[3],&incr,NULL) != C_OK) return;
if ((o = hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(c,c->argv[1])) == NULL) return;
if ((current = hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2])) != NULL) {
if (getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(c,current,&value,
"hash value is not a valid float") != C_OK) {
if (hashTypeGetObject(o,c->argv[2],vstr,vlen,&ll) == C_OK) {
if (vstr) {
if (string2d(vstr,vlen,&value) == 0) {
addReplyError(c,"hash value is not an integer");
} else {
value = (double)ll;
} else {
value = 0;
value += incr;
new = createStringObjectFromLongDouble(value,1);
doubleobj = createStringObjectFromLongDouble(value,1);

View File

@ -330,7 +330,16 @@ int ll2string(char* dst, size_t dstlen, long long svalue) {
/* Convert a string into a long long. Returns 1 if the string could be parsed
* into a (non-overflowing) long long, 0 otherwise. The value will be set to
* the parsed value when appropriate. */
* the parsed value when appropriate.
* Note that this function demands that the string strictly represents
* a long long: no spaces or other characters before or after the string
* representing the number are accepted, nor zeroes at the start if not
* for the string "0" representing the zero number.
* Because of its strictness, it is safe to use this function to check if
* you can convert a string into a long long, and obtain back the string
* from the number without any loss in the string representation. */
int string2ll(const char *s, size_t slen, long long *value) {
const char *p = s;
size_t plen = 0;
@ -410,6 +419,30 @@ int string2l(const char *s, size_t slen, long *lval) {
return 1;
/* Convert a string into a double. Returns 1 if the string could be parsed
* into a (non-overflowing) double, 0 otherwise. The value will be set to
* the parsed value when appropriate.
* Note that this function demands that the string strictly represents
* a double: no spaces or other characters before or after the string
* representing the number are accepted. */
int string2d(const char *s, size_t slen, double *dp) {
double value;
errno = 0;
value = strtod(o->ptr, &eptr);
if (isspace(((char*)o->ptr)[0]) ||
eptr[0] != '\0' ||
(errno == ERANGE &&
(value == HUGE_VAL || value == -HUGE_VAL || value == 0)) ||
errno == EINVAL ||
return 0;
if (dp) *dp = value;
return 1;
/* Convert a double to a string representation. Returns the number of bytes
* required. The representation should always be parsable by strtod(3). */
int d2string(char *buf, size_t len, double value) {

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ uint32_t sdigits10(int64_t v);
int ll2string(char *s, size_t len, long long value);
int string2ll(const char *s, size_t slen, long long *value);
int string2l(const char *s, size_t slen, long *value);
int string2d(const char *s, size_t slen, double *dp);
int d2string(char *buf, size_t len, double value);
sds getAbsolutePath(char *filename);
int pathIsBaseName(char *path);