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synced 2025-03-18 00:20:50 +00:00
SDIFF / SDIFFSTORE added to doc
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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
2009-05-20 Aman Gupta changes merged
2009-05-20 Merge git://github.com/tmm1/redis
2009-05-19 Allow timeout=0 config to disable client timeouts
2009-05-19 Partial qsort implemented in SORT command, only when both BY and LIMIT is used. minor fix for a warning compiling under Linux.
2009-05-19 psort.c/h added. This is a partial qsort implementation that Redis will use when SORT+LIMIT is requested
2009-05-17 Fix SINTER/UNIONSTORE to allow for &=/|= style operations (i.e. SINTERSTORE set1 set1 set2)
2009-05-17 Optimize SDIFF to return as soon as the result set is empty
2009-05-17 SDIFF/SDIFFSTORE implemnted unifying it with the implementation of SUNION/SUNIONSTORE
2009-05-11 timestamp in log lines
2009-05-11 Python client updated pushing from Ludo's repository
2009-05-11 disconnect when we cannot read from the socket
2009-05-11 benchmark utility now supports random keys
2009-05-10 minor doc changes
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<h2><a name="Commands operating on string values">Commands operating on string values</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SetCommand.html">SET</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string value</code></li><li> <a href="GetCommand.html">GET</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">return the string value of the key</code></li><li> <a href="GetsetCommand.html">GETSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string returning the old value of the key</code></li><li> <a href="MgetCommand.html">MGET</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">multi-get, return the strings values of the keys</code></li><li> <a href="SetnxCommand.html">SETNX</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">set a key to a string value if the key does not exist</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">INCR</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">increment the integer value of key</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">INCRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>integer</i><code name="code" class="python"> increment the integer value of key by integer</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">DECR</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">decrement the integer value of key</code></li><li> <a href="IncrCommand.html">DECRBY</a> <i>key</i> <i>integer</i> <code name="code" class="python">decrement the integer value of key by integer</code></li><li> <a href="ExistsCommand.html">EXISTS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">test if a key exists</code></li><li> <a href="DelCommand.html">DEL</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">delete a key</code></li><li> <a href="TypeCommand.html">TYPE</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">return the type of the value stored at key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on the key space">Commands operating on the key space</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="KeysCommand.html">KEYS</a> <i>pattern</i> <code name="code" class="python">return all the keys matching a given pattern</code></li><li> <a href="RandomkeyCommand.html">RANDOMKEY</a> <code name="code" class="python">return a random key from the key space</code></li><li> <a href="RenameCommand.html">RENAME</a> <i>oldname</i> <i>newname</i> <code name="code" class="python">rename the old key in the new one, destroing the newname key if it already exists</code></li><li> <a href="RenamenxCommand.html">RENAMENX</a> <i>oldname</i> <i>newname</i> <code name="code" class="python">rename the old key in the new one, if the newname key does not already exist</code></li><li> <a href="DbsizeCommand.html">DBSIZE</a> <code name="code" class="python">return the number of keys in the current db</code></li><li> <a href="ExpireCommand.html">EXPIRE</a> <code name="code" class="python">set a time to live in seconds on a key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on lists">Commands operating on lists</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="RpushCommand.html">RPUSH</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Append an element to the tail of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="RpushCommand.html">LPUSH</a> <i>key</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Append an element to the head of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="LlenCommand.html">LLEN</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the length of the List value at key</code></li><li> <a href="LrangeCommand.html">LRANGE</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return a range of elements from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LtrimCommand.html">LTRIM</a> <i>key</i> <i>start</i> <i>end</i> <code name="code" class="python">Trim the list at key to the specified range of elements</code></li><li> <a href="LindexCommand.html">LINDEX</a> <i>key</i> <i>index</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the element at index position from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LsetCommand.html">LSET</a> <i>key</i> <i>index</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Set a new value as the element at index position of the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LremCommand.html">LREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>count</i> <i>value</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the first-N, last-N, or all the elements matching value from the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LpopCommand.html">LPOP</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return and remove (atomically) the first element of the List at key</code></li><li> <a href="LpopCommand.html">RPOP</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return and remove (atomically) the last element of the List at key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on sets">Commands operating on sets</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SaddCommand.html">SADD</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Add the specified member to the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SremCommand.html">SREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified member from the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SmoveCommand.html">SMOVE</a> <i>srckey</i> <i>dstkey</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Move the specified member from one Set to another atomically</code></li><li> <a href="ScardCommand.html">SCARD</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the number of elements (the cardinality) of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SismemberCommand.html">SISMEMBER</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Test if the specified value is a member of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SinterCommand.html">SINTER</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SinterstoreCommand.html">SINTERSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SunionCommand.html">SUNION</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SunionstoreCommand.html">SUNIONSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SmembersCommand.html">SMEMBERS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the members of the Set value at key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Commands operating on sets">Commands operating on sets</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SaddCommand.html">SADD</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Add the specified member to the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SremCommand.html">SREM</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Remove the specified member from the Set value at key</code></li><li> <a href="SmoveCommand.html">SMOVE</a> <i>srckey</i> <i>dstkey</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Move the specified member from one Set to another atomically</code></li><li> <a href="ScardCommand.html">SCARD</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the number of elements (the cardinality) of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SismemberCommand.html">SISMEMBER</a> <i>key</i> <i>member</i> <code name="code" class="python">Test if the specified value is a member of the Set at key</code></li><li> <a href="SinterCommand.html">SINTER</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SinterstoreCommand.html">SINTERSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the intersection between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SunionCommand.html">SUNION</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SunionstoreCommand.html">SUNIONSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the union between the Sets stored at key1, key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SdiffCommand.html">SDIFF</a> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return the difference between the Set stored at key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN</code></li><li> <a href="SdiffstoreCommand.html">SDIFFSTORE</a> <i>dstkey</i> <i>key1</i> <i>key2</i> ... <i>keyN</i> <code name="code" class="python">Compute the difference between the Set key1 and all the Sets key2, ..., keyN, and store the resulting Set at dstkey</code></li><li> <a href="SmembersCommand.html">SMEMBERS</a> <i>key</i> <code name="code" class="python">Return all the members of the Set value at key</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Multiple databases handling commands">Multiple databases handling commands</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SelectCommand.html">SELECT</a> <i>index</i> <code name="code" class="python">Select the DB having the specified index</code></li><li> <a href="MoveCommand.html">MOVE</a> <i>key</i> <i>dbindex</i> <code name="code" class="python">Move the key from the currently selected DB to the DB having as index dbindex</code></li><li> <a href="FlushdbCommand.html">FLUSHDB</a> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the keys of the currently selected DB</code></li><li> <a href="FlushallCommand.html">FLUSHALL</a> <code name="code" class="python">Remove all the keys from all the databases</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Sorting">Sorting</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SortCommand.html">SORT</a> <i>key</i> BY <i>pattern</i> LIMIT <i>start</i> <i>end</i> GET <i>pattern</i> ASC|DESC ALPHA <code name="code" class="python">Sort a Set or a List accordingly to the specified parameters</code></li></ul>
<h2><a name="Persistence control commands">Persistence control commands</a></h2><ul><li> <a href="SaveCommand.html">SAVE</a> <code name="code" class="python">Synchronously save the DB on disk</code></li><li> <a href="BgsaveCommand.html">BGSAVE</a> <code name="code" class="python">Asynchronously save the DB on disk</code></li><li> <a href="LastsaveCommand.html">LASTSAVE</a> <code name="code" class="python">Return the UNIX time stamp of the last successfully saving of the dataset on disk</code></li><li> <a href="ShutdownCommand.html">SHUTDOWN</a> <code name="code" class="python">Synchronously save the DB on disk, then shutdown the server</code></li></ul>
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<h1><a name="Credits">Credits</a></h1><ul><li> The Redis server was designed and written by <a href="http://invece.org" target="_blank">Salvatore Sanfilippo (aka antirez)</a></li><li> <a href="http://brainspl.at/" target="_blank">Ezra Zygmuntowicz (aka ezmobius)</a> - Ruby client lib initial version and hacking</li><li> <a href="http://qix.it" target="_blank">Ludovico Magnocavallo (aka ludo)</a> - Python clinet lib</li><li> <a href="http://www.adroll.com/" target="_blank">Valentino Volonghi of Adroll</a> - Erlang client lib</li><li> <b>brettbender</b> - found and fixed a but in sds.c that caused the server to crash at least on 64 bit systems, and anyway to be buggy since we used the same vararg thing against vsprintf without to call va_start and va_end every time.</li><li> <a href="http://www.rot13.org/~dpavlin" target="_blank">Dobrica Pavlinusic</a> - Perl client lib</li><li> Brian Hammond - AUTH command implementation</li><li> <a href="http://www.clorophilla.net/" target="_blank">Daniele Alessandri</a> - Lua client lib</li><li> Corey Stup - C99 cleanups</li><li> Taylor Weibley - Ruby client hacking </li><li> Bob Potter - Rearrange redisObject struct to reduce memory usage in 64bit environments</li></ul>
<h1><a name="Credits">Credits</a></h1><ul><li> The Redis server was designed and written by <a href="http://invece.org" target="_blank">Salvatore Sanfilippo (aka antirez)</a></li><li> <a href="http://brainspl.at/" target="_blank">Ezra Zygmuntowicz (aka ezmobius)</a> - Ruby client lib initial version and hacking</li><li> <a href="http://qix.it" target="_blank">Ludovico Magnocavallo (aka ludo)</a> - Python clinet lib</li><li> <a href="http://www.adroll.com/" target="_blank">Valentino Volonghi of Adroll</a> - Erlang client lib</li><li> <b>brettbender</b> - found and fixed a bug in sds.c that caused the server to crash at least on 64 bit systems, and anyway to be buggy since we used the same vararg thing against vsprintf without to call va_start and va_end every time.</li><li> <a href="http://www.rot13.org/~dpavlin" target="_blank">Dobrica Pavlinusic</a> - Perl client lib</li><li> Brian Hammond - AUTH command implementation, C++ client lib</li><li> <a href="http://www.clorophilla.net/" target="_blank">Daniele Alessandri</a> - Lua client lib</li><li> Corey Stup - C99 cleanups</li><li> Taylor Weibley - Ruby client improvements</li><li> Bob Potter - Rearrange redisObject struct to reduce memory usage in 64bit environments</li><li> Luca Guidi and Brian McKinney - Ruby client improvements</li><li> Aman Gupta - SDIFF / SDIFFSTORE, other Set operations improvements, ability to disable clients timeout.</li></ul>
p.s. sorry to take this file in sync is hard in this early days. Please drop me an email if I forgot to add your name here!
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<!-- This is a (PRE) block. Make sure it's left aligned or your toc title will be off. -->
<b>SdiffCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_">SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_</a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a><br> <a href="#See also">See also</a>
<h1 class="wikiname">SdiffCommand</h1>
<div class="summary">
<div class="narrow">
<h1><a name="SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_">SDIFF _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_</a></h1>
<i>Time complexity O(N) with N being the total number of elements of all the sets</i><blockquote>Return the members of a set resulting from the difference between the firstset provided and all the successive sets. Example:</blockquote>
<pre class="codeblock python" name="code">
key1 = x,a,b,c
key2 = c
key3 = a,d
SDIFF key1,key2,key3 => x,b
</pre><blockquote>Non existing keys are considered like empty sets.</blockquote>
<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2><a href="ReplyTypes.html">Multi bulk reply</a>, specifically the list of common elements.<h2><a name="See also">See also</a></h2>
<ul><li> <a href="SdiffstoreCommand.html">SDIFFSTORE</a></li><li> <a href="SaddCommand.html">SADD</a></li><li> <a href="SremCommand.html">SREM</a></li><li> <a href="SismemberCommand.html">SISMEMBER</a></li><li> <a href="ScardCommand.html">SCARD</a></li><li> <a href="SmembersCommand.html">SMEMBERS</a></li><li> <a href="SinterstoreCommand.html">SINTERSTORE</a></li><li> <a href="SunionCommand.html">SUNION</a></li><li> <a href="SunionstoreCommand.html">SUNIONSTORE</a></li><li> <a href="SmoveCommand.html">SMOVE</a></li></ul>
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<!-- This is a (PRE) block. Make sure it's left aligned or your toc title will be off. -->
<b>SdiffstoreCommand: Contents</b><br> <a href="#SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_">SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_</a><br> <a href="#Return value">Return value</a><br> <a href="#See also">See also</a>
<h1 class="wikiname">SdiffstoreCommand</h1>
<div class="summary">
<div class="narrow">
<h1><a name="SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_">SDIFFSTORE _dstkey_ _key1_ _key2_ ... _keyN_</a></h1>
<i>Time complexity O(N) where N is the total number of elements in all the provided sets</i><blockquote>This commnad works exactly like SDIFF but instead of being returned the resulting set is sotred in <i>dstkey</i>.</blockquote>
<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2><a href="ReplyTypes.html">Status code reply</a><h2><a name="See also">See also</a></h2>
<ul><li> <a href="SdiffCommand.html">SDIFF</a></li><li> <a href="SremCommand.html">SREM</a></li><li> <a href="SismemberCommand.html">SISMEMBER</a></li><li> <a href="ScardCommand.html">SCARD</a></li><li> <a href="SmembersCommand.html">SMEMBERS</a></li><li> <a href="SinterCommand.html">SINTER</a></li><li> <a href="SinterstoreCommand.html">SINTERSTORE</a></li><li> <a href="SunionCommand.html">SUNION</a></li><li> <a href="SmoveCommand.html">SMOVE</a></li></ul>
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