Localtime: compute year, month and day of the month.

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2018-07-04 13:25:55 +02:00
parent 06ca400f95
commit 0c12cbedbb

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@ -69,4 +69,30 @@ void nolocks_localtime(struct tm *tmp, time_t t, time_t tz, int dst) {
* where sunday = 0, so to calculate the day of the week we have to add 4
* and take the modulo by 7. */
tmp->tm_wday = (days+4)%7;
/* Calculate the current year. */
tmp->tm_year = 1970;
while(1) {
/* Leap years have one year more. */
time_t days_this_year = 365 + is_leap_year(tmp->tm_year);
if (days_this_year > days) break;
days -= days_this_year;
tmp->tm_yday = days; /* Number of day of the current year. */
/* We need to calculate in which month and day of the month we are. To do
* so we need to skip days according to how many days there are in each
* month, and adjust for the leap year that has one more day in February. */
int mdays[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
mdays[1] += is_leap_year(tmp->tm_year);
tmp->tm_mon = 0;
while(days >= mdays[tmp->tm_mon]) {
days -= mdays[tmp->tm_mon];
tmp->tm_mday = days;
tmp->tm_year -= 1900; /* Surprisingly tm_year is year-1900. */