Sentinel: debugging code removed from sentinelSendPing()

This commit is contained in:
antirez 2015-05-14 10:52:32 +02:00
parent 58d2bb951a
commit 05dbc82005

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@ -2453,15 +2453,6 @@ int sentinelForceHelloUpdateForMaster(sentinelRedisInstance *master) {
* On error zero is returned, and we can't consider the PING command
* queued in the connection. */
int sentinelSendPing(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
static unsigned long long counters[256];
static time_t last;
// printf("(%lld) PING %s\n", mstime(), sentinelGetInstanceTypeString(ri));
counters[ri->flags & (SRI_SLAVE|SRI_MASTER|SRI_SENTINEL)]++;
if (time(NULL)-last >= 5) {
printf("slave: %llu master: %llu sentinel: %llu\n",
counters[SRI_SLAVE], counters[SRI_MASTER], counters[SRI_SENTINEL]);
last = time(NULL);
int retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->link->cc,
sentinelPingReplyCallback, ri, "PING");
if (retval == REDIS_OK) {