* JSON command able to access data serialized in JSON format. For instance if I've a key foobar with a json object I can alter the "name" file using somthing like: "JSON SET foobar name Kevin". We should have GET and INCRBY as well.
* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
* Give errors when incrementing a key that does not look like an integer, when providing as a sorted set score something can't be parsed as a double, and so forth.
* FORK command (fork()s executing the commands received by the current
client in the new process). Hint: large SORTs can use more cores,
copy-on-write will avoid memory problems.
* DUP command? DUP srckey dstkey, creates an exact clone of srckey value in dstkey.
* SORT: Don't copy the list into a vector when BY argument is constant.
* Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB.
* LOCK / TRYLOCK / UNLOCK as described many times in the google group
* Replication automated tests
* Byte Array type (BA prefixed commands): BASETBIT BAGETBIT BASETU8 U16 U32 U64 S8 S16 S32 S64, ability to atomically INCRBY all the base types. BARANGE to get a range of bytes as a bulk value, BASETRANGE to set a range of bytes.
* zmalloc() should avoid to add a private header for archs where there is some other kind of libc-specific way to get the size of a malloced block. Already done for Mac OS X.
* Add an option to relax the delete-expiring-keys-on-write semantic *denying* replication and AOF when this is on? Can be handy sometimes, when using Redis for non persistent state.