2016-03-02 15:14:53 +01:00
# Compare Redis commands against Tcl implementations of the same commands.
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
proc count_bits s {
binary scan $s b* bits
string length [regsub -all {0} $bits {}]
proc simulate_bit_op {op args} {
set maxlen 0
set j 0
set count [llength $args]
foreach a $args {
binary scan $a b* bits
set b($j) $bits
if {[string length $bits] > $maxlen} {
set maxlen [string length $bits]
incr j
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
if {[string length $b($j)] < $maxlen} {
append b($j) [string repeat 0 [expr $maxlen-[string length $b($j)]]]
set out {}
for {set x 0} {$x < $maxlen} {incr x} {
set bit [string range $b(0) $x $x]
BITOP command 10x speed improvement.
This commit adds a fast-path to the BITOP that can be used for all the
bytes from 0 to the minimal length of the string, and if there are
at max 16 input keys.
Often the intersected bitmaps are roughly the same size, so this
optimization can provide a 10x speed boost to most real world usages
of the command.
Bytes are processed four full words at a time, in loops specialized
for the specific BITOP sub-command, without the need to check for
length issues with the inputs (since we run this algorithm only as far
as there is data from all the keys at the same time).
The remaining part of the string is intersected in the usual way using
the slow but generic algorith.
It is possible to do better than this with inputs that are not roughly
the same size, sorting the input keys by length, by initializing the
result string in a smarter way, and noticing that the final part of the
output string composed of only data from the longest string does not
need any proecessing since AND, OR and XOR against an empty string does
not alter the output (zero in the first case, and the original string in
the other two cases).
More implementations will be implemented later likely, but this should
be enough to release Redis 2.6-RC4 with bitops merged in.
Note: this commit also adds better testing for BITOP NOT command, that
is currently the faster and hard to optimize further since it just
flips the bits of a single input string.
2012-05-23 22:12:50 +02:00
if {$op eq {not}} {set bit [expr {!$bit}]}
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
for {set j 1} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
set bit2 [string range $b($j) $x $x]
switch $op {
and {set bit [expr {$bit & $bit2}]}
or {set bit [expr {$bit | $bit2}]}
xor {set bit [expr {$bit ^ $bit2}]}
append out $bit
binary format b* $out
start_server {tags {"bitops"}} {
test {BITCOUNT returns 0 against non existing key} {
r bitcount no-key
} 0
catch {unset num}
2012-05-22 17:40:20 +02:00
foreach vec [list "" "\xaa" "\x00\x00\xff" "foobar" "123"] {
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
incr num
test "BITCOUNT against test vector #$num" {
r set str $vec
assert {[r bitcount str] == [count_bits $vec]}
2014-02-27 10:00:17 +01:00
test {BITCOUNT fuzzing without start/end} {
2012-05-20 11:03:54 +02:00
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
set str [randstring 0 3000]
r set str $str
assert {[r bitcount str] == [count_bits $str]}
2014-02-27 10:00:17 +01:00
test {BITCOUNT fuzzing with start/end} {
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
set str [randstring 0 3000]
r set str $str
set l [string length $str]
set start [randomInt $l]
set end [randomInt $l]
if {$start > $end} {
lassign [list $end $start] start end
assert {[r bitcount str $start $end] == [count_bits [string range $str $start $end]]}
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
test {BITCOUNT with start, end} {
r set s "foobar"
assert_equal [r bitcount s 0 -1] [count_bits "foobar"]
assert_equal [r bitcount s 1 -2] [count_bits "ooba"]
assert_equal [r bitcount s -2 1] [count_bits ""]
assert_equal [r bitcount s 0 1000] [count_bits "foobar"]
test {BITCOUNT syntax error #1} {
catch {r bitcount s 0} e
set e
} {ERR*syntax*}
2012-07-15 18:38:30 +09:00
test {BITCOUNT regression test for github issue #582} {
r del str
r setbit foo 0 1
2012-09-05 17:46:06 +02:00
if {[catch {r bitcount foo 0 4294967296} e]} {
assert_match {*ERR*out of range*} $e
set _ 1
} else {
set e
2012-07-15 18:38:30 +09:00
} {1}
2014-02-27 10:07:29 +01:00
test {BITCOUNT misaligned prefix} {
r del str
r set str ab
r bitcount str 1 -1
} {3}
test {BITCOUNT misaligned prefix + full words + remainder} {
r del str
r set str __PPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRR__
r bitcount str 2 -3
} {74}
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
test {BITOP NOT (empty string)} {
r set s ""
r bitop not dest s
r get dest
} {}
test {BITOP NOT (known string)} {
r set s "\xaa\x00\xff\x55"
r bitop not dest s
r get dest
} "\x55\xff\x00\xaa"
test {BITOP where dest and target are the same key} {
r set s "\xaa\x00\xff\x55"
r bitop not s s
2014-07-31 14:39:49 -04:00
r get s
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
} "\x55\xff\x00\xaa"
test {BITOP AND|OR|XOR don't change the string with single input key} {
r set a "\x01\x02\xff"
r bitop and res1 a
r bitop or res2 a
r bitop xor res3 a
list [r get res1] [r get res2] [r get res3]
} [list "\x01\x02\xff" "\x01\x02\xff" "\x01\x02\xff"]
test {BITOP missing key is considered a stream of zero} {
r set a "\x01\x02\xff"
r bitop and res1 no-suck-key a
r bitop or res2 no-suck-key a no-such-key
r bitop xor res3 no-such-key a
list [r get res1] [r get res2] [r get res3]
} [list "\x00\x00\x00" "\x01\x02\xff" "\x01\x02\xff"]
test {BITOP shorter keys are zero-padded to the key with max length} {
r set a "\x01\x02\xff\xff"
r set b "\x01\x02\xff"
r bitop and res1 a b
r bitop or res2 a b
r bitop xor res3 a b
list [r get res1] [r get res2] [r get res3]
} [list "\x01\x02\xff\x00" "\x01\x02\xff\xff" "\x00\x00\x00\xff"]
foreach op {and or xor} {
test "BITOP $op fuzzing" {
2012-05-20 11:03:54 +02:00
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
2012-05-22 17:40:20 +02:00
r flushall
2012-05-20 11:03:54 +02:00
set vec {}
set veckeys {}
set numvec [expr {[randomInt 10]+1}]
for {set j 0} {$j < $numvec} {incr j} {
set str [randstring 0 1000]
lappend vec $str
lappend veckeys vector_$j
r set vector_$j $str
r bitop $op target {*}$veckeys
assert_equal [r get target] [simulate_bit_op $op {*}$vec]
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00
2012-05-22 17:40:20 +02:00
BITOP command 10x speed improvement.
This commit adds a fast-path to the BITOP that can be used for all the
bytes from 0 to the minimal length of the string, and if there are
at max 16 input keys.
Often the intersected bitmaps are roughly the same size, so this
optimization can provide a 10x speed boost to most real world usages
of the command.
Bytes are processed four full words at a time, in loops specialized
for the specific BITOP sub-command, without the need to check for
length issues with the inputs (since we run this algorithm only as far
as there is data from all the keys at the same time).
The remaining part of the string is intersected in the usual way using
the slow but generic algorith.
It is possible to do better than this with inputs that are not roughly
the same size, sorting the input keys by length, by initializing the
result string in a smarter way, and noticing that the final part of the
output string composed of only data from the longest string does not
need any proecessing since AND, OR and XOR against an empty string does
not alter the output (zero in the first case, and the original string in
the other two cases).
More implementations will be implemented later likely, but this should
be enough to release Redis 2.6-RC4 with bitops merged in.
Note: this commit also adds better testing for BITOP NOT command, that
is currently the faster and hard to optimize further since it just
flips the bits of a single input string.
2012-05-23 22:12:50 +02:00
test {BITOP NOT fuzzing} {
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
r flushall
set str [randstring 0 1000]
r set str $str
r bitop not target str
assert_equal [r get target] [simulate_bit_op not $str]
2012-05-22 17:40:20 +02:00
test {BITOP with integer encoded source objects} {
r set a 1
r set b 2
r bitop xor dest a b a
r get dest
} {2}
test {BITOP with non string source key} {
r del c
r set a 1
r set b 2
r lpush c foo
catch {r bitop xor dest a b c d} e
set e
2012-11-06 20:25:34 +01:00
2012-05-31 21:45:39 +02:00
test {BITOP with empty string after non empty string (issue #529)} {
r flushdb
r set a "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
r bitop or x a b
} {32}
2014-02-27 15:01:45 +01:00
test {BITPOS bit=0 with empty key returns 0} {
r del str
r bitpos str 0
} {0}
test {BITPOS bit=1 with empty key returns -1} {
r del str
r bitpos str 1
} {-1}
test {BITPOS bit=0 with string less than 1 word works} {
r set str "\xff\xf0\x00"
r bitpos str 0
} {12}
test {BITPOS bit=1 with string less than 1 word works} {
r set str "\x00\x0f\x00"
r bitpos str 1
} {12}
test {BITPOS bit=0 starting at unaligned address} {
r set str "\xff\xf0\x00"
r bitpos str 0 1
} {12}
test {BITPOS bit=1 starting at unaligned address} {
r set str "\x00\x0f\xff"
r bitpos str 1 1
} {12}
test {BITPOS bit=0 unaligned+full word+reminder} {
r del str
r set str "\xff\xff\xff" ; # Prefix
# Followed by two (or four in 32 bit systems) full words
r append str "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
r append str "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
r append str "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
# First zero bit.
r append str "\x0f"
assert {[r bitpos str 0] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 1] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 2] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 3] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 4] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 5] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 6] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 7] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 8] == 216}
test {BITPOS bit=1 unaligned+full word+reminder} {
r del str
r set str "\x00\x00\x00" ; # Prefix
# Followed by two (or four in 32 bit systems) full words
r append str "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
r append str "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
r append str "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
# First zero bit.
r append str "\xf0"
assert {[r bitpos str 1] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 1] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 2] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 3] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 4] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 5] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 6] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 7] == 216}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 8] == 216}
test {BITPOS bit=1 returns -1 if string is all 0 bits} {
r set str ""
for {set j 0} {$j < 20} {incr j} {
assert {[r bitpos str 1] == -1}
r append str "\x00"
test {BITPOS bit=0 works with intervals} {
r set str "\x00\xff\x00"
assert {[r bitpos str 0 0 -1] == 0}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 1 -1] == 16}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 2 -1] == 16}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 2 200] == 16}
assert {[r bitpos str 0 1 1] == -1}
test {BITPOS bit=1 works with intervals} {
r set str "\x00\xff\x00"
assert {[r bitpos str 1 0 -1] == 8}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 1 -1] == 8}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 2 -1] == -1}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 2 200] == -1}
assert {[r bitpos str 1 1 1] == 8}
test {BITPOS bit=0 changes behavior if end is given} {
r set str "\xff\xff\xff"
assert {[r bitpos str 0] == 24}
2014-02-27 15:27:05 +01:00
assert {[r bitpos str 0 0] == 24}
2014-02-27 15:01:45 +01:00
assert {[r bitpos str 0 0 -1] == -1}
2014-02-27 15:27:05 +01:00
test {BITPOS bit=1 fuzzy testing using SETBIT} {
r del str
set max 524288; # 64k
set first_one_pos -1
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
assert {[r bitpos str 1] == $first_one_pos}
set pos [randomInt $max]
r setbit str $pos 1
if {$first_one_pos == -1 || $first_one_pos > $pos} {
# Update the position of the first 1 bit in the array
# if the bit we set is on the left of the previous one.
set first_one_pos $pos
test {BITPOS bit=0 fuzzy testing using SETBIT} {
set max 524288; # 64k
set first_zero_pos $max
r set str [string repeat "\xff" [expr $max/8]]
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
assert {[r bitpos str 0] == $first_zero_pos}
set pos [randomInt $max]
r setbit str $pos 0
if {$first_zero_pos > $pos} {
# Update the position of the first 0 bit in the array
# if the bit we clear is on the left of the previous one.
set first_zero_pos $pos
2012-05-17 15:50:44 +02:00