2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* quicklist.c - A doubly linked list of ziplists
* Copyright (c) 2014, Matt Stancliff <matt@genges.com>
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must start the above copyright notice,
* this quicklist of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this quicklist of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Redis nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#include <string.h> /* for memcpy */
#include "quicklist.h"
#include "zmalloc.h"
#include "ziplist.h"
#include "util.h" /* for ll2string */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
#include "lzf.h"
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
#if defined(REDIS_TEST) || defined(REDIS_TEST_VERBOSE)
#include <stdio.h> /* for printf (debug printing), snprintf (genstr) */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
#define REDIS_STATIC static
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
/* Optimization levels for size-based filling */
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
static const size_t optimization_level[] = {4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536};
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Maximum size in bytes of any multi-element ziplist.
* Larger values will live in their own isolated ziplists. */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
#define SIZE_SAFETY_LIMIT 8192
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Minimum ziplist size in bytes for attempting compression. */
/* Minimum size reduction in bytes to store compressed quicklistNode data.
* This also prevents us from storing compression if the compression
* resulted in a larger size than the original data. */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* If not verbose testing, remove all debug printing. */
#define D(...)
#define D(...) \
do { \
printf("%s:%s:%d:\t", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
printf("\n"); \
} while (0);
/* Simple way to give quicklistEntry structs default values with one call. */
#define initEntry(e) \
do { \
(e)->zi = (e)->value = NULL; \
(e)->longval = -123456789; \
(e)->quicklist = NULL; \
(e)->node = NULL; \
(e)->offset = 123456789; \
(e)->sz = 0; \
} while (0)
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
#if __GNUC__ >= 3
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
#define likely(x) (x)
#define unlikely(x) (x)
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Create a new quicklist.
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
* Free with quicklistRelease(). */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist *quicklistCreate(void) {
struct quicklist *quicklist;
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
quicklist = zmalloc(sizeof(*quicklist));
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->head = quicklist->tail = NULL;
quicklist->len = 0;
quicklist->count = 0;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklist->compress = 0;
quicklist->fill = -2;
return quicklist;
#define COMPRESS_MAX (1 << 16)
void quicklistSetCompressDepth(quicklist *quicklist, int compress) {
if (compress > COMPRESS_MAX) {
compress = COMPRESS_MAX;
} else if (compress < 0) {
compress = 0;
quicklist->compress = compress;
#define FILL_MAX (1 << 15)
void quicklistSetFill(quicklist *quicklist, int fill) {
if (fill > FILL_MAX) {
fill = FILL_MAX;
} else if (fill < -5) {
fill = -5;
quicklist->fill = fill;
void quicklistSetOptions(quicklist *quicklist, int fill, int depth) {
quicklistSetFill(quicklist, fill);
quicklistSetCompressDepth(quicklist, depth);
/* Create a new quicklist with some default parameters. */
quicklist *quicklistNew(int fill, int compress) {
quicklist *quicklist = quicklistCreate();
quicklistSetOptions(quicklist, fill, compress);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return quicklist;
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC quicklistNode *quicklistCreateNode(void) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistNode *node;
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
node = zmalloc(sizeof(*node));
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->zl = NULL;
node->count = 0;
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
node->sz = 0;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->next = node->prev = NULL;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->recompress = 0;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return node;
/* Return cached quicklist count */
2017-11-30 13:38:54 +08:00
unsigned long quicklistCount(const quicklist *ql) { return ql->count; }
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Free entire quicklist. */
void quicklistRelease(quicklist *quicklist) {
unsigned long len;
quicklistNode *current, *next;
current = quicklist->head;
len = quicklist->len;
while (len--) {
next = current->next;
quicklist->count -= current->count;
current = next;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Compress the ziplist in 'node' and update encoding details.
* Returns 1 if ziplist compressed successfully.
* Returns 0 if compression failed or if ziplist too small to compress. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC int __quicklistCompressNode(quicklistNode *node) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->attempted_compress = 1;
/* Don't bother compressing small values */
if (node->sz < MIN_COMPRESS_BYTES)
return 0;
quicklistLZF *lzf = zmalloc(sizeof(*lzf) + node->sz);
/* Cancel if compression fails or doesn't compress small enough */
if (((lzf->sz = lzf_compress(node->zl, node->sz, lzf->compressed,
node->sz)) == 0) ||
lzf->sz + MIN_COMPRESS_IMPROVE >= node->sz) {
/* lzf_compress aborts/rejects compression if value not compressable. */
return 0;
lzf = zrealloc(lzf, sizeof(*lzf) + lzf->sz);
node->zl = (unsigned char *)lzf;
node->recompress = 0;
return 1;
/* Compress only uncompressed nodes. */
#define quicklistCompressNode(_node) \
do { \
if ((_node) && (_node)->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_RAW) { \
__quicklistCompressNode((_node)); \
} \
} while (0)
/* Uncompress the ziplist in 'node' and update encoding details.
* Returns 1 on successful decode, 0 on failure to decode. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC int __quicklistDecompressNode(quicklistNode *node) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->attempted_compress = 0;
void *decompressed = zmalloc(node->sz);
quicklistLZF *lzf = (quicklistLZF *)node->zl;
if (lzf_decompress(lzf->compressed, lzf->sz, decompressed, node->sz) == 0) {
/* Someone requested decompress, but we can't decompress. Not good. */
return 0;
node->zl = decompressed;
return 1;
/* Decompress only compressed nodes. */
#define quicklistDecompressNode(_node) \
do { \
if ((_node) && (_node)->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF) { \
__quicklistDecompressNode((_node)); \
} \
} while (0)
/* Force node to not be immediately re-compresable */
#define quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(_node) \
do { \
if ((_node) && (_node)->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF) { \
__quicklistDecompressNode((_node)); \
(_node)->recompress = 1; \
} \
} while (0)
/* Extract the raw LZF data from this quicklistNode.
* Pointer to LZF data is assigned to '*data'.
* Return value is the length of compressed LZF data. */
size_t quicklistGetLzf(const quicklistNode *node, void **data) {
quicklistLZF *lzf = (quicklistLZF *)node->zl;
*data = lzf->compressed;
return lzf->sz;
#define quicklistAllowsCompression(_ql) ((_ql)->compress != 0)
/* Force 'quicklist' to meet compression guidelines set by compress depth.
* The only way to guarantee interior nodes get compressed is to iterate
* to our "interior" compress depth then compress the next node we find.
* If compress depth is larger than the entire list, we return immediately. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void __quicklistCompress(const quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *node) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* If length is less than our compress depth (from both sides),
* we can't compress anything. */
if (!quicklistAllowsCompression(quicklist) ||
quicklist->len < (unsigned int)(quicklist->compress * 2))
#if 0
/* Optimized cases for small depth counts */
if (quicklist->compress == 1) {
quicklistNode *h = quicklist->head, *t = quicklist->tail;
if (h != node && t != node)
} else if (quicklist->compress == 2) {
quicklistNode *h = quicklist->head, *hn = h->next, *hnn = hn->next;
quicklistNode *t = quicklist->tail, *tp = t->prev, *tpp = tp->prev;
if (h != node && hn != node && t != node && tp != node) {
if (hnn != t) {
if (tpp != h) {
/* Iterate until we reach compress depth for both sides of the list.a
* Note: because we do length checks at the *top* of this function,
* we can skip explicit null checks below. Everything exists. */
quicklistNode *forward = quicklist->head;
quicklistNode *reverse = quicklist->tail;
int depth = 0;
int in_depth = 0;
while (depth++ < quicklist->compress) {
if (forward == node || reverse == node)
in_depth = 1;
if (forward == reverse)
forward = forward->next;
reverse = reverse->prev;
if (!in_depth)
if (depth > 2) {
/* At this point, forward and reverse are one node beyond depth */
#define quicklistCompress(_ql, _node) \
do { \
if ((_node)->recompress) \
quicklistCompressNode((_node)); \
else \
__quicklistCompress((_ql), (_node)); \
} while (0)
/* If we previously used quicklistDecompressNodeForUse(), just recompress. */
#define quicklistRecompressOnly(_ql, _node) \
do { \
if ((_node)->recompress) \
quicklistCompressNode((_node)); \
} while (0)
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Insert 'new_node' after 'old_node' if 'after' is 1.
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
* Insert 'new_node' before 'old_node' if 'after' is 0.
* Note: 'new_node' is *always* uncompressed, so if we assign it to
* head or tail, we do not need to uncompress it. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void __quicklistInsertNode(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *old_node,
quicklistNode *new_node, int after) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (after) {
new_node->prev = old_node;
if (old_node) {
new_node->next = old_node->next;
if (old_node->next)
old_node->next->prev = new_node;
old_node->next = new_node;
if (quicklist->tail == old_node)
quicklist->tail = new_node;
} else {
new_node->next = old_node;
if (old_node) {
new_node->prev = old_node->prev;
if (old_node->prev)
old_node->prev->next = new_node;
old_node->prev = new_node;
if (quicklist->head == old_node)
quicklist->head = new_node;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* If this insert creates the only element so far, initialize head/tail. */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (quicklist->len == 0) {
quicklist->head = quicklist->tail = new_node;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (old_node)
quicklistCompress(quicklist, old_node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Wrappers for node inserting around existing node. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *old_node,
quicklistNode *new_node) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
__quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, old_node, new_node, 0);
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *old_node,
quicklistNode *new_node) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
__quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, old_node, new_node, 1);
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
_quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(const size_t sz,
const int fill) {
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (fill >= 0)
return 0;
size_t offset = (-fill) - 1;
if (offset < (sizeof(optimization_level) / sizeof(*optimization_level))) {
if (sz <= optimization_level[offset]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
#define sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(sz) ((sz) <= SIZE_SAFETY_LIMIT)
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC int _quicklistNodeAllowInsert(const quicklistNode *node,
const int fill, const size_t sz) {
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (unlikely(!node))
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
return 0;
int ziplist_overhead;
/* size of previous offset */
if (sz < 254)
ziplist_overhead = 1;
ziplist_overhead = 5;
/* size of forward offset */
if (sz < 64)
ziplist_overhead += 1;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
else if (likely(sz < 16384))
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
ziplist_overhead += 2;
ziplist_overhead += 5;
/* new_sz overestimates if 'sz' encodes to an integer type */
unsigned int new_sz = node->sz + sz + ziplist_overhead;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (likely(_quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(new_sz, fill)))
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
return 1;
else if (!sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(new_sz))
return 0;
else if ((int)node->count < fill)
return 1;
return 0;
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC int _quicklistNodeAllowMerge(const quicklistNode *a,
const quicklistNode *b,
const int fill) {
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (!a || !b)
return 0;
/* approximate merged ziplist size (- 11 to remove one ziplist
* header/trailer) */
unsigned int merge_sz = a->sz + b->sz - 11;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (likely(_quicklistNodeSizeMeetsOptimizationRequirement(merge_sz, fill)))
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
return 1;
else if (!sizeMeetsSafetyLimit(merge_sz))
return 0;
else if ((int)(a->count + b->count) <= fill)
return 1;
return 0;
#define quicklistNodeUpdateSz(node) \
do { \
(node)->sz = ziplistBlobLen((node)->zl); \
} while (0)
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Add new entry to head node of quicklist.
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
* Returns 0 if used existing head.
* Returns 1 if new head created. */
int quicklistPushHead(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
quicklistNode *orig_head = quicklist->head;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (likely(
_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->head, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->head->zl =
ziplistPush(quicklist->head->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else {
quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistInsertNodeBefore(quicklist, quicklist->head, node);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
return (orig_head != quicklist->head);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Add new entry to tail node of quicklist.
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
* Returns 0 if used existing tail.
* Returns 1 if new tail created. */
int quicklistPushTail(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, size_t sz) {
quicklistNode *orig_tail = quicklist->tail;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (likely(
_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(quicklist->tail, quicklist->fill, sz))) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->tail->zl =
ziplistPush(quicklist->tail->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else {
quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
return (orig_tail != quicklist->tail);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Create new node consisting of a pre-formed ziplist.
* Used for loading RDBs where entire ziplists have been stored
* to be retrieved later. */
void quicklistAppendZiplist(quicklist *quicklist, unsigned char *zl) {
quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
node->zl = zl;
node->count = ziplistLen(node->zl);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
node->sz = ziplistBlobLen(zl);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistInsertNodeAfter(quicklist, quicklist->tail, node);
quicklist->count += node->count;
/* Append all values of ziplist 'zl' individually into 'quicklist'.
* This allows us to restore old RDB ziplists into new quicklists
* with smaller ziplist sizes than the saved RDB ziplist.
* Returns 'quicklist' argument. Frees passed-in ziplist 'zl' */
quicklist *quicklistAppendValuesFromZiplist(quicklist *quicklist,
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
unsigned char *zl) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *value;
unsigned int sz;
long long longval;
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
char longstr[32] = {0};
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(zl, 0);
while (ziplistGet(p, &value, &sz, &longval)) {
if (!value) {
/* Write the longval as a string so we can re-add it */
sz = ll2string(longstr, sizeof(longstr), longval);
value = (unsigned char *)longstr;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushTail(quicklist, value, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
p = ziplistNext(zl, p);
return quicklist;
/* Create new (potentially multi-node) quicklist from a single existing ziplist.
* Returns new quicklist. Frees passed-in ziplist 'zl'. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklist *quicklistCreateFromZiplist(int fill, int compress,
unsigned char *zl) {
return quicklistAppendValuesFromZiplist(quicklistNew(fill, compress), zl);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
#define quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(ql, n) \
do { \
if ((n)->count == 0) { \
__quicklistDelNode((ql), (n)); \
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
(n) = NULL; \
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} \
} while (0)
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void __quicklistDelNode(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *node) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (node->next)
node->next->prev = node->prev;
if (node->prev)
node->prev->next = node->next;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (node == quicklist->tail) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->tail = node->prev;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (node == quicklist->head) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->head = node->next;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* If we deleted a node within our compress depth, we
* now have compressed nodes needing to be decompressed. */
__quicklistCompress(quicklist, NULL);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->count -= node->count;
/* Delete one entry from list given the node for the entry and a pointer
* to the entry in the node.
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
* Note: quicklistDelIndex() *requires* uncompressed nodes because you
* already had to get *p from an uncompressed node somewhere.
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
* Returns 1 if the entire node was deleted, 0 if node still exists.
* Also updates in/out param 'p' with the next offset in the ziplist. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC int quicklistDelIndex(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistNode *node,
unsigned char **p) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
int gone = 0;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->zl = ziplistDelete(node->zl, p);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (node->count == 0) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
gone = 1;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
__quicklistDelNode(quicklist, node);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
} else {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* If we deleted the node, the original node is no longer valid */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return gone ? 1 : 0;
/* Delete one element represented by 'entry'
* 'entry' stores enough metadata to delete the proper position in
* the correct ziplist in the correct quicklist node. */
void quicklistDelEntry(quicklistIter *iter, quicklistEntry *entry) {
quicklistNode *prev = entry->node->prev;
quicklistNode *next = entry->node->next;
int deleted_node = quicklistDelIndex((quicklist *)entry->quicklist,
entry->node, &entry->zi);
/* after delete, the zi is now invalid for any future usage. */
iter->zi = NULL;
/* If current node is deleted, we must update iterator node and offset. */
if (deleted_node) {
if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) {
iter->current = next;
iter->offset = 0;
} else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) {
iter->current = prev;
iter->offset = -1;
/* else if (!deleted_node), no changes needed.
* we already reset iter->zi above, and the existing iter->offset
* doesn't move again because:
* - [1, 2, 3] => delete offset 1 => [1, 3]: next element still offset 1
* - [1, 2, 3] => delete offset 0 => [2, 3]: next element still offset 0
* if we deleted the last element at offet N and now
* length of this ziplist is N-1, the next call into
* quicklistNext() will jump to the next node. */
/* Replace quicklist entry at offset 'index' by 'data' with length 'sz'.
* Returns 1 if replace happened.
* Returns 0 if replace failed and no changes happened. */
int quicklistReplaceAtIndex(quicklist *quicklist, long index, void *data,
int sz) {
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
if (likely(quicklistIndex(quicklist, index, &entry))) {
/* quicklistIndex provides an uncompressed node */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
entry.node->zl = ziplistDelete(entry.node->zl, &entry.zi);
entry.node->zl = ziplistInsert(entry.node->zl, entry.zi, data, sz);
Fix quicklistReplaceAtIndex() by updating the quicklist ziplist size.
The quicklist takes a cached version of the ziplist representation size
in bytes. The implementation must update this length every time the
underlying ziplist changes. However quicklistReplaceAtIndex() failed to
fix the length.
During LSET calls, the size of the ziplist blob and the cached size
inside the quicklist diverged. Later, when this size is used in an
authoritative way, for example during nodes splitting in order to copy
the nodes, we end with a duplicated node that may contain random
This commit should fix issue #3343, however several problems were found
reviewing the quicklist.c code in search of this bug that should be
addressed soon or later.
For example:
1. To take a cached ziplist length is fragile since failing to update it
leads to this kind of issues.
2. The node splitting code needs auditing. For example it works just for
a side effect of ziplistDeleteRange() to be able to cope with a wrong
count of elements to remove. The code inside quicklist.c assumes that
-1 means "delete till the end" while actually it's just a count of how
many elements to delete, and is an unsigned count. So -1 gets converted
into the maximum integer, and just by chance the ziplist code stops
deleting elements after there are no more to delete.
3. Node splitting is extremely inefficient, it copies the node and
removes elements from both nodes even when actually there is to move a
single entry from one node to the other, or when the new resulting node
is empty at all so there is nothing to copy but just to create a new
However at least for Redis 3.2 to introduce fresh code inside
quicklist.c may be even more risky, so instead I'm writing a better
fuzzy tester to stress the internals a bit more in order to anticipate
other possible bugs.
This bug was found using a fuzzy tester written after having some clue
about where the bug could be. The tester eventually created a ~2000
commands sequence able to always crash Redis. I wrote a better version
of the tester that searched for the smallest sequence that could crash
Redis automatically. Later this smaller sequence was minimized by
removing random commands till it still crashed the server. This resulted
into a sequence of 7 commands. With this small sequence it was just a
matter of filling the code with enough printf() to understand enough
state to fix the bug.
2016-06-27 18:02:33 +02:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistCompress(quicklist, entry.node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
/* Given two nodes, try to merge their ziplists.
* This helps us not have a quicklist with 3 element ziplists if
* our fill factor can handle much higher levels.
* Note: 'a' must be to the LEFT of 'b'.
* After calling this function, both 'a' and 'b' should be considered
* unusable. The return value from this function must be used
* instead of re-using any of the quicklistNode input arguments.
* Returns the input node picked to merge against or NULL if
* merging was not possible. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC quicklistNode *_quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *a,
quicklistNode *b) {
2014-11-21 14:52:10 -05:00
D("Requested merge (a,b) (%u, %u)", a->count, b->count);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-21 14:52:10 -05:00
if ((ziplistMerge(&a->zl, &b->zl))) {
/* We merged ziplists! Now remove the unused quicklistNode. */
quicklistNode *keep = NULL, *nokeep = NULL;
if (!a->zl) {
nokeep = a;
keep = b;
} else if (!b->zl) {
nokeep = b;
keep = a;
keep->count = ziplistLen(keep->zl);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-11-21 14:52:10 -05:00
nokeep->count = 0;
__quicklistDelNode(quicklist, nokeep);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistCompress(quicklist, keep);
2014-11-21 14:52:10 -05:00
return keep;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else {
2014-11-21 14:52:10 -05:00
/* else, the merge returned NULL and nothing changed. */
return NULL;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Attempt to merge ziplists within two nodes on either side of 'center'.
* We attempt to merge:
* - (center->prev->prev, center->prev)
* - (center->next, center->next->next)
* - (center->prev, center)
* - (center, center->next)
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistMergeNodes(quicklist *quicklist,
quicklistNode *center) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
int fill = quicklist->fill;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistNode *prev, *prev_prev, *next, *next_next, *target;
prev = prev_prev = next = next_next = target = NULL;
if (center->prev) {
prev = center->prev;
if (center->prev->prev)
prev_prev = center->prev->prev;
if (center->next) {
next = center->next;
if (center->next->next)
next_next = center->next->next;
/* Try to merge prev_prev and prev */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(prev, prev_prev, fill)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, prev_prev, prev);
prev_prev = prev = NULL; /* they could have moved, invalidate them. */
/* Try to merge next and next_next */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(next, next_next, fill)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, next, next_next);
next = next_next = NULL; /* they could have moved, invalidate them. */
/* Try to merge center node and previous node */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(center, center->prev, fill)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
target = _quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, center->prev, center);
center = NULL; /* center could have been deleted, invalidate it. */
} else {
/* else, we didn't merge here, but target needs to be valid below. */
target = center;
/* Use result of center merge (or original) to merge with next node. */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (_quicklistNodeAllowMerge(target, target->next, fill)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistZiplistMerge(quicklist, target, target->next);
/* Split 'node' into two parts, parameterized by 'offset' and 'after'.
* The 'after' argument controls which quicklistNode gets returned.
* If 'after'==1, returned node has elements after 'offset'.
* input node keeps elements up to 'offset', including 'offset'.
* If 'after'==0, returned node has elements up to 'offset', including 'offset'.
* input node keeps elements after 'offset'.
* If 'after'==1, returned node will have elements _after_ 'offset'.
* The returned node will have elements [OFFSET+1, END].
* The input node keeps elements [0, OFFSET].
* If 'after'==0, returned node will keep elements up to and including 'offset'.
* The returned node will have elements [0, OFFSET].
* The input node keeps elements [OFFSET+1, END].
* The input node keeps all elements not taken by the returned node.
* Returns newly created node or NULL if split not possible. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC quicklistNode *_quicklistSplitNode(quicklistNode *node, int offset,
int after) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
size_t zl_sz = node->sz;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistNode *new_node = quicklistCreateNode();
new_node->zl = zmalloc(zl_sz);
/* Copy original ziplist so we can split it */
memcpy(new_node->zl, node->zl, zl_sz);
/* -1 here means "continue deleting until the list ends" */
int orig_start = after ? offset + 1 : 0;
int orig_extent = after ? -1 : offset;
int new_start = after ? 0 : offset;
int new_extent = after ? offset + 1 : -1;
D("After %d (%d); ranges: [%d, %d], [%d, %d]", after, offset, orig_start,
orig_extent, new_start, new_extent);
node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(node->zl, orig_start, orig_extent);
node->count = ziplistLen(node->zl);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
new_node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(new_node->zl, new_start, new_extent);
new_node->count = ziplistLen(new_node->zl);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("After split lengths: orig (%d), new (%d)", node->count, new_node->count);
return new_node;
/* Insert a new entry before or after existing entry 'entry'.
* If after==1, the new value is inserted after 'entry', otherwise
* the new value is inserted before 'entry'. */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void _quicklistInsert(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
void *value, const size_t sz, int after) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
int full = 0, at_tail = 0, at_head = 0, full_next = 0, full_prev = 0;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
int fill = quicklist->fill;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistNode *node = entry->node;
quicklistNode *new_node = NULL;
if (!node) {
/* we have no reference node, so let's create only node in the list */
D("No node given!");
new_node = quicklistCreateNode();
new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
__quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, NULL, new_node, after);
/* Populate accounting flags for easier boolean checks later */
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node, fill, sz)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("Current node is full with count %d with requested fill %lu",
node->count, fill);
full = 1;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (after && (entry->offset == node->count)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("At Tail of current ziplist");
at_tail = 1;
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->next, fill, sz)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("Next node is full too.");
full_next = 1;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (!after && (entry->offset == 0)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("At Head");
at_head = 1;
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
if (!_quicklistNodeAllowInsert(node->prev, fill, sz)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
D("Prev node is full too.");
full_prev = 1;
/* Now determine where and how to insert the new element */
if (!full && after) {
D("Not full, inserting after current position.");
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *next = ziplistNext(node->zl, entry->zi);
if (next == NULL) {
node->zl = ziplistPush(node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
} else {
node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, next, value, sz);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else if (!full && !after) {
D("Not full, inserting before current position.");
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->zl = ziplistInsert(node->zl, entry->zi, value, sz);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else if (full && at_tail && node->next && !full_next && after) {
/* If we are: at tail, next has free space, and inserting after:
* - insert entry at head of next node. */
D("Full and tail, but next isn't full; inserting next node head");
new_node = node->next;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, new_node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else if (full && at_head && node->prev && !full_prev && !after) {
/* If we are: at head, previous has free space, and inserting before:
* - insert entry at tail of previous node. */
D("Full and head, but prev isn't full, inserting prev node tail");
new_node = node->prev;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, new_node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else if (full && ((at_tail && node->next && full_next && after) ||
(at_head && node->prev && full_prev && !after))) {
/* If we are: full, and our prev/next is full, then:
* - create new node and attach to quicklist */
D("\tprovisioning new node...");
new_node = quicklistCreateNode();
new_node->zl = ziplistPush(ziplistNew(), value, sz, ZIPLIST_HEAD);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
__quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after);
} else if (full) {
/* else, node is full we need to split it. */
/* covers both after and !after cases */
D("\tsplitting node...");
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
new_node = _quicklistSplitNode(node, entry->offset, after);
new_node->zl = ziplistPush(new_node->zl, value, sz,
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
__quicklistInsertNode(quicklist, node, new_node, after);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
_quicklistMergeNodes(quicklist, node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
void quicklistInsertBefore(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
void *value, const size_t sz) {
_quicklistInsert(quicklist, entry, value, sz, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
void quicklistInsertAfter(quicklist *quicklist, quicklistEntry *entry,
void *value, const size_t sz) {
_quicklistInsert(quicklist, entry, value, sz, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Delete a range of elements from the quicklist.
* elements may span across multiple quicklistNodes, so we
* have to be careful about tracking where we start and end.
* Returns 1 if entries were deleted, 0 if nothing was deleted. */
int quicklistDelRange(quicklist *quicklist, const long start,
const long count) {
if (count <= 0)
return 0;
unsigned long extent = count; /* range is inclusive of start position */
if (start >= 0 && extent > (quicklist->count - start)) {
/* if requesting delete more elements than exist, limit to list size. */
extent = quicklist->count - start;
} else if (start < 0 && extent > (unsigned long)(-start)) {
/* else, if at negative offset, limit max size to rest of list. */
extent = -start; /* c.f. LREM -29 29; just delete until end. */
quicklistEntry entry;
if (!quicklistIndex(quicklist, start, &entry))
return 0;
D("Quicklist delete request for start %ld, count %ld, extent: %ld", start,
count, extent);
quicklistNode *node = entry.node;
/* iterate over next nodes until everything is deleted. */
while (extent) {
quicklistNode *next = node->next;
unsigned long del;
int delete_entire_node = 0;
if (entry.offset == 0 && extent >= node->count) {
/* If we are deleting more than the count of this node, we
* can just delete the entire node without ziplist math. */
delete_entire_node = 1;
del = node->count;
} else if (entry.offset >= 0 && extent >= node->count) {
/* If deleting more nodes after this one, calculate delete based
* on size of current node. */
del = node->count - entry.offset;
} else if (entry.offset < 0) {
/* If offset is negative, we are in the first run of this loop
* and we are deleting the entire range
* from this start offset to end of list. Since the Negative
* offset is the number of elements until the tail of the list,
* just use it directly as the deletion count. */
del = -entry.offset;
/* If the positive offset is greater than the remaining extent,
* we only delete the remaining extent, not the entire offset.
if (del > extent)
del = extent;
} else {
/* else, we are deleting less than the extent of this node, so
* use extent directly. */
del = extent;
D("[%ld]: asking to del: %ld because offset: %d; (ENTIRE NODE: %d), "
"node count: %u",
extent, del, entry.offset, delete_entire_node, node->count);
if (delete_entire_node) {
__quicklistDelNode(quicklist, node);
} else {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->zl = ziplistDeleteRange(node->zl, entry.offset, del);
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->count -= del;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklist->count -= del;
quicklistDeleteIfEmpty(quicklist, node);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (node)
quicklistRecompressOnly(quicklist, node);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
extent -= del;
node = next;
entry.offset = 0;
return 1;
/* Passthrough to ziplistCompare() */
int quicklistCompare(unsigned char *p1, unsigned char *p2, int p2_len) {
return ziplistCompare(p1, p2, p2_len);
/* Returns a quicklist iterator 'iter'. After the initialization every
* call to quicklistNext() will return the next element of the quicklist. */
quicklistIter *quicklistGetIterator(const quicklist *quicklist, int direction) {
quicklistIter *iter;
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
iter = zmalloc(sizeof(*iter));
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (direction == AL_START_HEAD) {
iter->current = quicklist->head;
iter->offset = 0;
} else if (direction == AL_START_TAIL) {
iter->current = quicklist->tail;
iter->offset = -1;
iter->direction = direction;
iter->quicklist = quicklist;
iter->zi = NULL;
return iter;
/* Initialize an iterator at a specific offset 'idx' and make the iterator
* return nodes in 'direction' direction. */
quicklistIter *quicklistGetIteratorAtIdx(const quicklist *quicklist,
const int direction,
const long long idx) {
quicklistEntry entry;
if (quicklistIndex(quicklist, idx, &entry)) {
quicklistIter *base = quicklistGetIterator(quicklist, direction);
base->zi = NULL;
base->current = entry.node;
base->offset = entry.offset;
return base;
} else {
return NULL;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Release iterator.
* If we still have a valid current node, then re-encode current node. */
void quicklistReleaseIterator(quicklistIter *iter) {
if (iter->current)
quicklistCompress(iter->quicklist, iter->current);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Get next element in iterator.
* Note: You must NOT insert into the list while iterating over it.
* You *may* delete from the list while iterating using the
* quicklistDelEntry() function.
* If you insert into the quicklist while iterating, you should
* re-create the iterator after your addition.
* iter = quicklistGetIterator(quicklist,<direction>);
* quicklistEntry entry;
* while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
* if (entry.value)
* [[ use entry.value with entry.sz ]]
* else
* [[ use entry.longval ]]
* }
* Populates 'entry' with values for this iteration.
* Returns 0 when iteration is complete or if iteration not possible.
* If return value is 0, the contents of 'entry' are not valid.
int quicklistNext(quicklistIter *iter, quicklistEntry *entry) {
if (!iter) {
D("Returning because no iter!");
return 0;
entry->quicklist = iter->quicklist;
entry->node = iter->current;
if (!iter->current) {
D("Returning because current node is NULL")
return 0;
unsigned char *(*nextFn)(unsigned char *, unsigned char *) = NULL;
int offset_update = 0;
if (!iter->zi) {
/* If !zi, use current index. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
iter->zi = ziplistIndex(iter->current->zl, iter->offset);
} else {
/* else, use existing iterator offset and get prev/next as necessary. */
if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) {
nextFn = ziplistNext;
offset_update = 1;
} else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) {
nextFn = ziplistPrev;
offset_update = -1;
iter->zi = nextFn(iter->current->zl, iter->zi);
iter->offset += offset_update;
entry->zi = iter->zi;
entry->offset = iter->offset;
if (iter->zi) {
/* Populate value from existing ziplist position */
ziplistGet(entry->zi, &entry->value, &entry->sz, &entry->longval);
return 1;
} else {
/* We ran out of ziplist entries.
* Pick next node, update offset, then re-run retrieval. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistCompress(iter->quicklist, iter->current);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (iter->direction == AL_START_HEAD) {
/* Forward traversal */
D("Jumping to start of next node");
iter->current = iter->current->next;
iter->offset = 0;
} else if (iter->direction == AL_START_TAIL) {
/* Reverse traversal */
D("Jumping to end of previous node");
iter->current = iter->current->prev;
iter->offset = -1;
iter->zi = NULL;
return quicklistNext(iter, entry);
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
/* Duplicate the quicklist.
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
* On success a copy of the original quicklist is returned.
* The original quicklist both on success or error is never modified.
* Returns newly allocated quicklist. */
quicklist *quicklistDup(quicklist *orig) {
quicklist *copy;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
copy = quicklistNew(orig->fill, orig->compress);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
for (quicklistNode *current = orig->head; current;
current = current->next) {
quicklistNode *node = quicklistCreateNode();
2016-10-28 19:47:29 +08:00
if (current->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF) {
quicklistLZF *lzf = (quicklistLZF *)current->zl;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
size_t lzf_sz = sizeof(*lzf) + lzf->sz;
node->zl = zmalloc(lzf_sz);
memcpy(node->zl, current->zl, lzf_sz);
2016-10-28 19:47:29 +08:00
} else if (current->encoding == QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_RAW) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->zl = zmalloc(current->sz);
memcpy(node->zl, current->zl, current->sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
node->count = current->count;
copy->count += node->count;
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
node->sz = current->sz;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
node->encoding = current->encoding;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
_quicklistInsertNodeAfter(copy, copy->tail, node);
/* copy->count must equal orig->count here */
return copy;
/* Populate 'entry' with the element at the specified zero-based index
* where 0 is the head, 1 is the element next to head
* and so on. Negative integers are used in order to count
* from the tail, -1 is the last element, -2 the penultimate
* and so on. If the index is out of range 0 is returned.
* Returns 1 if element found
* Returns 0 if element not found */
int quicklistIndex(const quicklist *quicklist, const long long idx,
quicklistEntry *entry) {
quicklistNode *n;
unsigned long long accum = 0;
unsigned long long index;
int forward = idx < 0 ? 0 : 1; /* < 0 -> reverse, 0+ -> forward */
entry->quicklist = quicklist;
if (!forward) {
index = (-idx) - 1;
n = quicklist->tail;
} else {
index = idx;
n = quicklist->head;
if (index >= quicklist->count)
return 0;
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
while (likely(n)) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if ((accum + n->count) > index) {
} else {
D("Skipping over (%p) %u at accum %lld", (void *)n, n->count,
accum += n->count;
n = forward ? n->next : n->prev;
if (!n)
return 0;
D("Found node: %p at accum %llu, idx %llu, sub+ %llu, sub- %llu", (void *)n,
accum, index, index - accum, (-index) - 1 + accum);
entry->node = n;
if (forward) {
/* forward = normal head-to-tail offset. */
entry->offset = index - accum;
} else {
/* reverse = need negative offset for tail-to-head, so undo
* the result of the original if (index < 0) above. */
entry->offset = (-index) - 1 + accum;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
entry->zi = ziplistIndex(entry->node->zl, entry->offset);
ziplistGet(entry->zi, &entry->value, &entry->sz, &entry->longval);
2014-12-16 00:11:21 -05:00
/* The caller will use our result, so we don't re-compress here.
* The caller can recompress or delete the node as needed. */
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return 1;
/* Rotate quicklist by moving the tail element to the head. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
void quicklistRotate(quicklist *quicklist) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (quicklist->count <= 1)
/* First, get the tail entry */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(quicklist->tail->zl, -1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *value;
long long longval;
unsigned int sz;
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
char longstr[32] = {0};
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
ziplistGet(p, &value, &sz, &longval);
/* If value found is NULL, then ziplistGet populated longval instead */
if (!value) {
/* Write the longval as a string so we can re-add it */
sz = ll2string(longstr, sizeof(longstr), longval);
value = (unsigned char *)longstr;
/* Add tail entry to head (must happen before tail is deleted). */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushHead(quicklist, value, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* If quicklist has only one node, the head ziplist is also the
* tail ziplist and PushHead() could have reallocated our single ziplist,
* which would make our pre-existing 'p' unusable. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (quicklist->len == 1) {
p = ziplistIndex(quicklist->tail->zl, -1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Remove tail entry. */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistDelIndex(quicklist, quicklist->tail, &p);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* pop from quicklist and return result in 'data' ptr. Value of 'data'
* is the return value of 'saver' function pointer if the data is NOT a number.
* If the quicklist element is a long long, then the return value is returned in
* 'sval'.
* Return value of 0 means no elements available.
* Return value of 1 means check 'data' and 'sval' for values.
* If 'data' is set, use 'data' and 'sz'. Otherwise, use 'sval'. */
int quicklistPopCustom(quicklist *quicklist, int where, unsigned char **data,
unsigned int *sz, long long *sval,
void *(*saver)(unsigned char *data, unsigned int sz)) {
unsigned char *p;
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
int pos = (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD) ? 0 : -1;
if (quicklist->count == 0)
return 0;
if (data)
*data = NULL;
if (sz)
*sz = 0;
if (sval)
*sval = -123456789;
quicklistNode *node;
if (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD && quicklist->head) {
node = quicklist->head;
} else if (where == QUICKLIST_TAIL && quicklist->tail) {
node = quicklist->tail;
} else {
return 0;
p = ziplistIndex(node->zl, pos);
if (ziplistGet(p, &vstr, &vlen, &vlong)) {
if (vstr) {
if (data)
*data = saver(vstr, vlen);
if (sz)
*sz = vlen;
} else {
if (data)
*data = NULL;
if (sval)
*sval = vlong;
quicklistDelIndex(quicklist, node, &p);
return 1;
return 0;
/* Return a malloc'd copy of data passed in */
2014-12-19 21:26:04 -05:00
REDIS_STATIC void *_quicklistSaver(unsigned char *data, unsigned int sz) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *vstr;
if (data) {
2014-12-10 20:37:15 -05:00
vstr = zmalloc(sz);
2015-02-17 00:03:21 +08:00
memcpy(vstr, data, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
return vstr;
return NULL;
/* Default pop function
* Returns malloc'd value from quicklist */
int quicklistPop(quicklist *quicklist, int where, unsigned char **data,
unsigned int *sz, long long *slong) {
unsigned char *vstr;
unsigned int vlen;
long long vlong;
if (quicklist->count == 0)
return 0;
int ret = quicklistPopCustom(quicklist, where, &vstr, &vlen, &vlong,
if (data)
*data = vstr;
if (slong)
*slong = vlong;
if (sz)
*sz = vlen;
return ret;
/* Wrapper to allow argument-based switching between HEAD/TAIL pop */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
void quicklistPush(quicklist *quicklist, void *value, const size_t sz,
int where) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (where == QUICKLIST_HEAD) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushHead(quicklist, value, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
} else if (where == QUICKLIST_TAIL) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushTail(quicklist, value, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* The rest of this file is test cases and test helpers. */
#include <stdint.h>
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
#include <sys/time.h>
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
#define assert(_e) \
do { \
if (!(_e)) { \
printf("\n\n=== ASSERTION FAILED ===\n"); \
printf("==> %s:%d '%s' is not true\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #_e); \
err++; \
} \
} while (0)
#define yell(str, ...) printf("ERROR! " str "\n\n", __VA_ARGS__)
#define OK printf("\tOK\n")
#define ERROR \
do { \
printf("\tERROR!\n"); \
err++; \
} while (0)
#define ERR(x, ...) \
do { \
printf("%s:%s:%d:\t", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
printf("ERROR! " x "\n", __VA_ARGS__); \
err++; \
} while (0)
#define TEST(name) printf("test — %s\n", name);
#define TEST_DESC(name, ...) printf("test — " name "\n", __VA_ARGS__);
#define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
static void ql_info(quicklist *ql) {
printf("Container length: %lu\n", ql->len);
printf("Container size: %lu\n", ql->count);
if (ql->head)
printf("\t(zsize head: %d)\n", ziplistLen(ql->head->zl));
if (ql->tail)
printf("\t(zsize tail: %d)\n", ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl));
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
/* Return the UNIX time in microseconds */
static long long ustime(void) {
struct timeval tv;
long long ust;
gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
ust = ((long long)tv.tv_sec) * 1000000;
ust += tv.tv_usec;
return ust;
/* Return the UNIX time in milliseconds */
static long long mstime(void) { return ustime() / 1000; }
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Iterate over an entire quicklist.
* Print the list if 'print' == 1.
* Returns physical count of elements found by iterating over the list. */
static int _itrprintr(quicklist *ql, int print, int forward) {
quicklistIter *iter =
quicklistGetIterator(ql, forward ? AL_START_HEAD : AL_START_TAIL);
quicklistEntry entry;
int i = 0;
int p = 0;
quicklistNode *prev = NULL;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (entry.node != prev) {
/* Count the number of list nodes too */
prev = entry.node;
if (print) {
printf("[%3d (%2d)]: [%.*s] (%lld)\n", i, p, entry.sz,
(char *)entry.value, entry.longval);
return i;
static int itrprintr(quicklist *ql, int print) {
return _itrprintr(ql, print, 1);
static int itrprintr_rev(quicklist *ql, int print) {
return _itrprintr(ql, print, 0);
#define ql_verify(a, b, c, d, e) \
do { \
err += _ql_verify((a), (b), (c), (d), (e)); \
} while (0)
/* Verify list metadata matches physical list contents. */
static int _ql_verify(quicklist *ql, uint32_t len, uint32_t count,
uint32_t head_count, uint32_t tail_count) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
int errors = 0;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (len != ql->len) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
yell("quicklist length wrong: expected %d, got %u", len, ql->len);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (count != ql->count) {
yell("quicklist count wrong: expected %d, got %lu", count, ql->count);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
int loopr = itrprintr(ql, 0);
if (loopr != (int)ql->count) {
yell("quicklist cached count not match actual count: expected %lu, got "
ql->count, loopr);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
int rloopr = itrprintr_rev(ql, 0);
if (loopr != rloopr) {
yell("quicklist has different forward count than reverse count! "
"Forward count is %d, reverse count is %d.",
loopr, rloopr);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (ql->len == 0 && !errors) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
return errors;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (ql->head && head_count != ql->head->count &&
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
head_count != ziplistLen(ql->head->zl)) {
yell("quicklist head count wrong: expected %d, "
"got cached %d vs. actual %d",
head_count, ql->head->count, ziplistLen(ql->head->zl));
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (ql->tail && tail_count != ql->tail->count &&
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
tail_count != ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl)) {
yell("quicklist tail count wrong: expected %d, "
"got cached %u vs. actual %d",
tail_count, ql->tail->count, ziplistLen(ql->tail->zl));
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (quicklistAllowsCompression(ql)) {
quicklistNode *node = ql->head;
unsigned int low_raw = ql->compress;
unsigned int high_raw = ql->len - ql->compress;
for (unsigned int at = 0; at < ql->len; at++, node = node->next) {
if (node && (at < low_raw || at >= high_raw)) {
if (node->encoding != QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_RAW) {
yell("Incorrect compression: node %d is "
"compressed at depth %d ((%u, %u); total "
"nodes: %u; size: %u; recompress: %d)",
at, ql->compress, low_raw, high_raw, ql->len, node->sz,
} else {
if (node->encoding != QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF &&
!node->attempted_compress) {
yell("Incorrect non-compression: node %d is NOT "
"compressed at depth %d ((%u, %u); total "
"nodes: %u; size: %u; recompress: %d; attempted: %d)",
at, ql->compress, low_raw, high_raw, ql->len, node->sz,
node->recompress, node->attempted_compress);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (!errors)
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
return errors;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
/* Generate new string concatenating integer i against string 'prefix' */
static char *genstr(char *prefix, int i) {
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
static char result[64] = {0};
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
snprintf(result, sizeof(result), "%s%d", prefix, i);
return result;
/* main test, but callable from other files */
int quicklistTest(int argc, char *argv[]) {
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned int err = 0;
2014-11-26 13:42:10 -05:00
int optimize_start =
-(int)(sizeof(optimization_level) / sizeof(*optimization_level));
printf("Starting optimization offset at: %d\n", optimize_start);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
int options[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10};
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
size_t option_count = sizeof(options) / sizeof(*options);
long long runtime[option_count];
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int _i = 0; _i < (int)option_count; _i++) {
printf("Testing Option %d\n", options[_i]);
long long start = mstime();
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("create list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("add to tail of empty list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "hello", 6);
2018-07-01 13:24:50 +08:00
/* 1 for head and 1 for tail because 1 node = head = tail */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("add to head of empty list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "hello", 6);
2018-07-01 13:24:50 +08:00
/* 1 for head and 1 for tail because 1 node = head = tail */
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) {
TEST_DESC("add to tail 5x at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
if (ql->count != 5)
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 5, 5, 5);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) {
TEST_DESC("add to head 5x at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
if (ql->count != 5)
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 5, 5, 5);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) {
TEST_DESC("add to tail 500x at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i), 64);
if (ql->count != 500)
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) {
TEST_DESC("add to head 500x at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
if (ql->count != 500)
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("rotate empty") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 32; f++) {
TEST("rotate one val once") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "hello", 6);
/* Ignore compression verify because ziplist is
* too small to compress. */
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 3; f++) {
TEST_DESC("rotate 500 val 5000 times at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "900", 3);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "7000", 4);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "-1200", 5);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "42", 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 64);
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
if (f == 1)
ql_verify(ql, 504, 504, 1, 1);
else if (f == 2)
ql_verify(ql, 252, 504, 2, 2);
else if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 16, 504, 32, 24);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("pop empty") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("pop 1 string from 1") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
2015-02-17 11:28:45 -05:00
char *populate = genstr("hello", 331);
quicklistPushHead(ql, populate, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int sz;
long long lv;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
assert(data != NULL);
assert(sz == 32);
2015-02-17 11:28:45 -05:00
if (strcmp(populate, (char *)data))
ERR("Pop'd value (%.*s) didn't equal original value (%s)", sz,
data, populate);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("pop head 1 number from 1") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "55513", 5);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int sz;
long long lv;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv);
assert(data == NULL);
assert(lv == 55513);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TEST("pop head 500 from 500") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int sz;
long long lv;
int ret = quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
assert(ret == 1);
assert(data != NULL);
assert(sz == 32);
2015-02-17 11:28:45 -05:00
if (strcmp(genstr("hello", 499 - i), (char *)data))
ERR("Pop'd value (%.*s) didn't equal original value (%s)",
sz, data, genstr("hello", 499 - i));
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("pop head 5000 from 500") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
unsigned char *data;
unsigned int sz;
long long lv;
int ret = quicklistPop(ql, QUICKLIST_HEAD, &data, &sz, &lv);
if (i < 500) {
assert(ret == 1);
assert(data != NULL);
assert(sz == 32);
2015-02-17 11:28:45 -05:00
if (strcmp(genstr("hello", 499 - i), (char *)data))
ERR("Pop'd value (%.*s) didn't equal original value "
sz, data, genstr("hello", 499 - i));
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
} else {
assert(ret == 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("iterate forward over 500 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
quicklistEntry entry;
int i = 499, count = 0;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
char *h = genstr("hello", i);
if (strcmp((char *)entry.value, h))
ERR("value [%s] didn't match [%s] at position %d",
entry.value, h, i);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (count != 500)
ERR("Didn't iterate over exactly 500 elements (%d)", i);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("iterate reverse over 500 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL);
quicklistEntry entry;
int i = 0;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
char *h = genstr("hello", i);
if (strcmp((char *)entry.value, h))
ERR("value [%s] didn't match [%s] at position %d",
entry.value, h, i);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (i != 500)
ERR("Didn't iterate over exactly 500 elements (%d)", i);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("insert before with 0 elements") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
quicklistInsertBefore(ql, &entry, "abc", 4);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("insert after with 0 elements") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
quicklistInsertAfter(ql, &entry, "abc", 4);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("insert after 1 element") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "hello", 6);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
quicklistInsertAfter(ql, &entry, "abc", 4);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 2, 2, 2);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("insert before 1 element") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, "hello", 6);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
quicklistInsertAfter(ql, &entry, "abc", 4);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 2, 2, 2);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 12; f++) {
TEST_DESC("insert once in elements while iterating at fill %d at "
"compress %d\n",
f, options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "abc", 3);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 1);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "def", 3); /* force to unique node */
quicklistSetFill(ql, f);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "bob", 3); /* force to reset for +3 */
quicklistPushTail(ql, "foo", 3);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "zoo", 3);
itrprintr(ql, 0);
/* insert "bar" before "bob" while iterating over list. */
quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
quicklistEntry entry;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (!strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bob", 3)) {
/* Insert as fill = 1 so it spills into new node. */
quicklistInsertBefore(ql, &entry, "bar", 3);
break; /* didn't we fix insert-while-iterating? */
itrprintr(ql, 0);
/* verify results */
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "abc", 3))
ERR("Value 0 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "def", 3))
ERR("Value 1 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
quicklistIndex(ql, 2, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bar", 3))
ERR("Value 2 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
quicklistIndex(ql, 3, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bob", 3))
ERR("Value 3 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
quicklistIndex(ql, 4, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "foo", 3))
ERR("Value 4 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
quicklistIndex(ql, 5, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "zoo", 3))
ERR("Value 5 didn't match, instead got: %.*s", entry.sz,
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 1024; f++) {
"insert [before] 250 new in middle of 500 elements at fill"
" %d at compress %d",
f, options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, 250, &entry);
quicklistInsertBefore(ql, &entry, genstr("abc", i), 32);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 25, 750, 32, 20);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 1024; f++) {
TEST_DESC("insert [after] 250 new in middle of 500 elements at "
"fill %d at compress %d",
f, options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 250; i++) {
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, 250, &entry);
quicklistInsertAfter(ql, &entry, genstr("abc", i), 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (ql->count != 750)
ERR("List size not 750, but rather %ld", ql->count);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 26, 750, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("duplicate empty list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql);
ql_verify(copy, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("duplicate list of 1 element") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", 3), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql);
ql_verify(copy, 1, 1, 1, 1);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("duplicate list of 500") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklist *copy = quicklistDup(ql);
ql_verify(copy, 16, 500, 20, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 512; f++) {
TEST_DESC("index 1,200 from 500 list at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry);
if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello2"))
ERR("Value: %s", entry.value);
quicklistIndex(ql, 200, &entry);
if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello201"))
ERR("Value: %s", entry.value);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST_DESC("index -1,-2 from 500 list at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry);
if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello500"))
ERR("Value: %s", entry.value);
quicklistIndex(ql, -2, &entry);
if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello499"))
ERR("Value: %s", entry.value);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST_DESC("index -100 from 500 list at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, -100, &entry);
if (!strcmp((char *)entry.value, "hello401"))
ERR("Value: %s", entry.value);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST_DESC("index too big +1 from 50 list at fill %d at compress %d",
f, options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
quicklistEntry entry;
if (quicklistIndex(ql, 50, &entry))
ERR("Index found at 50 with 50 list: %.*s", entry.sz,
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete range empty list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistDelRange(ql, 5, 20);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete range of entire node in list of one node") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32);
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 32);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete range of entire node with overflow counts") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello", i), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32);
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 128);
ql_verify(ql, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete middle 100 of 500 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20);
quicklistDelRange(ql, 200, 100);
ql_verify(ql, 14, 400, 32, 20);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete negative 1 from 500 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -1, 1);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 499, 32, 19);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete negative 1 from 500 list with overflow counts") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 500, 32, 20);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -1, 128);
ql_verify(ql, 16, 499, 32, 19);
TEST("delete negative 100 from 500 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -100, 100);
ql_verify(ql, 13, 400, 32, 16);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("delete -10 count 5 from 50 list") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello", i + 1), 32);
ql_verify(ql, 2, 50, 32, 18);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -10, 5);
ql_verify(ql, 2, 45, 32, 13);
TEST("numbers only list read") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "1111", 4);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "2222", 4);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "3333", 4);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "4444", 4);
ql_verify(ql, 1, 4, 4, 4);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 1111)
ERR("Not 1111, %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, 1, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 2222)
ERR("Not 2222, %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, 2, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 3333)
ERR("Not 3333, %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, 3, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 4444)
ERR("Not 4444, %lld", entry.longval);
if (quicklistIndex(ql, 4, &entry))
ERR("Index past elements: %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 4444)
ERR("Not 4444 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, -2, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 3333)
ERR("Not 3333 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, -3, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 2222)
ERR("Not 2222 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, -4, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 1111)
ERR("Not 1111 (reverse), %lld", entry.longval);
if (quicklistIndex(ql, -5, &entry))
ERR("Index past elements (reverse), %lld", entry.longval);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("numbers larger list read") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistSetFill(ql, 32);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistPushTail(ql, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistEntry entry;
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry);
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
if (entry.longval != nums[i])
ERR("[%d] Not longval %lld but rather %lld", i, nums[i],
entry.longval = 0xdeadbeef;
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
quicklistIndex(ql, 5000, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20))
ERR("String val not match: %s", entry.value);
ql_verify(ql, 157, 5001, 32, 9);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
TEST("numbers larger list read B") {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(-2, options[_i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "99", 2);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "98", 2);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", 20);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "96", 2);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "95", 2);
quicklistReplaceAtIndex(ql, 1, "foo", 3);
quicklistReplaceAtIndex(ql, -1, "bar", 3);
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 16; f++) {
TEST_DESC("lrem test at fill %d at compress %d", f, options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
char *words[] = {"abc", "foo", "bar", "foobar", "foobared",
"zap", "bar", "test", "foo"};
char *result[] = {"abc", "foo", "foobar", "foobared",
"zap", "test", "foo"};
char *resultB[] = {"abc", "foo", "foobar",
"foobared", "zap", "test"};
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
quicklistPushTail(ql, words[i], strlen(words[i]));
/* lrem 0 bar */
quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
quicklistEntry entry;
int i = 0;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"bar", 3)) {
quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry);
/* check result of lrem 0 bar */
iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
i = 0;
int ok = 1;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
/* Result must be: abc, foo, foobar, foobared, zap, test,
* foo */
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, result[i], entry.sz)) {
ERR("No match at position %d, got %.*s instead of %s",
i, entry.sz, entry.value, result[i]);
ok = 0;
quicklistPushTail(ql, "foo", 3);
/* lrem -2 foo */
iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL);
i = 0;
int del = 2;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"foo", 3)) {
quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry);
if (!del)
/* check result of lrem -2 foo */
/* (we're ignoring the '2' part and still deleting all foo
* because
* we only have two foo) */
iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL);
i = 0;
size_t resB = sizeof(resultB) / sizeof(*resultB);
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
/* Result must be: abc, foo, foobar, foobared, zap, test,
* foo */
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, resultB[resB - 1 - i],
entry.sz)) {
ERR("No match at position %d, got %.*s instead of %s",
i, entry.sz, entry.value, resultB[resB - 1 - i]);
ok = 0;
/* final result of all tests */
if (ok)
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 16; f++) {
TEST_DESC("iterate reverse + delete at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "abc", 3);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "def", 3);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "hij", 3);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "jkl", 3);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "oop", 3);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIter *iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_TAIL);
int i = 0;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)"hij", 3)) {
quicklistDelEntry(iter, &entry);
if (i != 5)
ERR("Didn't iterate 5 times, iterated %d times.", i);
/* Check results after deletion of "hij" */
iter = quicklistGetIterator(ql, AL_START_HEAD);
i = 0;
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
char *vals[] = {"abc", "def", "jkl", "oop"};
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (!quicklistCompare(entry.zi, (unsigned char *)vals[i],
3)) {
ERR("Value at %d didn't match %s\n", i, vals[i]);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 800; f++) {
TEST_DESC("iterator at index test at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
for (int i = 0; i < 760; i++) {
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIter *iter =
quicklistGetIteratorAtIdx(ql, AL_START_HEAD, 437);
int i = 437;
while (quicklistNext(iter, &entry)) {
if (entry.longval != nums[i])
ERR("Expected %lld, but got %lld", entry.longval,
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) {
TEST_DESC("ltrim test A at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 32, 32, 32);
/* ltrim 25 53 (keep [25,32] inclusive = 7 remaining) */
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 25);
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 0);
quicklistEntry entry;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry);
if (entry.longval != nums[25 + i])
ERR("Deleted invalid range! Expected %lld but got "
entry.longval, nums[25 + i]);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 7, 7, 7);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) {
TEST_DESC("ltrim test B at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
/* Force-disable compression because our 33 sequential
* integers don't compress and the check always fails. */
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, QUICKLIST_NOCOMPRESS);
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
nums[i] = i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1);
/* ltrim 5 16 (keep [5,16] inclusive = 12 remaining) */
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 5);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -16, 16);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 12, 12, 12);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 5)
ERR("A: longval not 5, but %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry);
if (entry.longval != 16)
ERR("B! got instead: %lld", entry.longval);
quicklistPushTail(ql, "bobobob", 7);
quicklistIndex(ql, -1, &entry);
if (strncmp((char *)entry.value, "bobobob", 7))
ERR("Tail doesn't match bobobob, it's %.*s instead",
entry.sz, entry.value);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
quicklistIndex(ql, i, &entry);
if (entry.longval != nums[5 + i])
ERR("Deleted invalid range! Expected %lld but got "
entry.longval, nums[5 + i]);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) {
TEST_DESC("ltrim test C at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1);
/* ltrim 3 3 (keep [3,3] inclusive = 1 remaining) */
quicklistDelRange(ql, 0, 3);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -29,
4000); /* make sure not loop forever */
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 1, 1, 1);
quicklistEntry entry;
quicklistIndex(ql, 0, &entry);
if (entry.longval != -5157318210846258173)
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 40; f++) {
TEST_DESC("ltrim test D at fill %d at compress %d", f,
options[_i]) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, options[_i]);
char num[32];
long long nums[5000];
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
quicklistPushTail(ql, num, sz);
if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 2, 33, 32, 1);
quicklistDelRange(ql, -12, 3);
if (ql->count != 30)
ERR("Didn't delete exactly three elements! Count is: %lu",
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 72; f++) {
TEST_DESC("create quicklist from ziplist at fill %d at compress %d",
f, options[_i]) {
unsigned char *zl = ziplistNew();
long long nums[64];
char num[64];
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
nums[i] = -5157318210846258176 + i;
int sz = ll2string(num, sizeof(num), nums[i]);
zl =
ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char *)num, sz, ZIPLIST_TAIL);
for (int i = 0; i < 33; i++) {
zl = ziplistPush(zl, (unsigned char *)genstr("hello", i),
quicklist *ql = quicklistCreateFromZiplist(f, options[_i], zl);
if (f == 1)
ql_verify(ql, 66, 66, 1, 1);
else if (f == 32)
ql_verify(ql, 3, 66, 32, 2);
else if (f == 66)
ql_verify(ql, 1, 66, 66, 66);
long long stop = mstime();
runtime[_i] = stop - start;
/* Run a longer test of compression depth outside of primary test loop. */
2014-12-29 23:37:43 -05:00
int list_sizes[] = {250, 251, 500, 999, 1000};
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
long long start = mstime();
for (int list = 0; list < (int)(sizeof(list_sizes) / sizeof(*list_sizes));
list++) {
for (int f = optimize_start; f < 128; f++) {
for (int depth = 1; depth < 40; depth++) {
/* skip over many redundant test cases */
TEST_DESC("verify specific compression of interior nodes with "
"%d list "
"at fill %d at compress %d",
list_sizes[list], f, depth) {
quicklist *ql = quicklistNew(f, depth);
for (int i = 0; i < list_sizes[list]; i++) {
quicklistPushTail(ql, genstr("hello TAIL", i + 1), 64);
quicklistPushHead(ql, genstr("hello HEAD", i + 1), 64);
quicklistNode *node = ql->head;
unsigned int low_raw = ql->compress;
unsigned int high_raw = ql->len - ql->compress;
for (unsigned int at = 0; at < ql->len;
at++, node = node->next) {
if (at < low_raw || at >= high_raw) {
if (node->encoding != QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_RAW) {
ERR("Incorrect compression: node %d is "
"compressed at depth %d ((%u, %u); total "
"nodes: %u; size: %u)",
at, depth, low_raw, high_raw, ql->len,
} else {
if (node->encoding != QUICKLIST_NODE_ENCODING_LZF) {
ERR("Incorrect non-compression: node %d is NOT "
"compressed at depth %d ((%u, %u); total "
"nodes: %u; size: %u; attempted: %d)",
at, depth, low_raw, high_raw, ql->len,
node->sz, node->attempted_compress);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
2014-12-10 21:26:31 -05:00
long long stop = mstime();
for (size_t i = 0; i < option_count; i++)
printf("Test Loop %02d: %0.2f seconds.\n", options[i],
(float)runtime[i] / 1000);
printf("Compressions: %0.2f seconds.\n", (float)(stop - start) / 1000);
2014-11-13 14:11:47 -05:00
if (!err)
printf("ALL TESTS PASSED!\n");
ERR("Sorry, not all tests passed! In fact, %d tests failed.", err);
return err;