Valery Antopol
feat!: support particle parameters in CallParameters (__marine_host_api_v2) ( #417 )
* support call_parameters v2
* fmt
* fix warnings; require exact version for sdk v0 and v1
* support json_path
* update lockfile
* bump sdk versions and fix mrepl
* fix call_parameters example
* fix marine-js
* fmt
2024-02-20 16:06:44 +04:00
Valery Antopol
feat(ABI)!: support marine-rs-sdk host api versions, support worker_id in CallParamaters ( #409 )
* use marine-rs-sdk with worker_id in CallParameters
* add example
* fix tests
* update sdk version
* add v0/v1 imports
* fix bugs
* update examples
* use git dependency
* fix effects extractor
* fix marine-js build
* fix marine-js tests
* fix style
* make clippy happy
* update marine-rs-sdk
* add version type
* put v1 call_parameters import into right place
2024-02-08 17:40:57 +04:00
Valery Antopol
fix(docs): add correct repository link for every published crate ( #403 )
2024-01-07 17:43:24 +03:00
Valery Antopol
feat(deps)!: update marine-rs-sdk-to 0.10.0 ( #364 )
* feat!: update marine-rs-sdk-to 0.9.0
* bump versions manually
* update lockfile
* update rust toolchain, so wasm-pack can be installed
* use marine-rs-sdk from git
* update Cargo.lock
* update sqlite-wasm-connector
* use marine-rs-sdk 0.10.0
* update marine version in examples
* update Cargo.lock
* fmt
2023-09-13 19:14:24 +03:00
Valery Antopol
chore: remove marine-rs-sdk-test from examples, move it to test-sdk repo ( #363 )
chore: remove marine-rs-sdk-test usages
2023-08-16 20:57:11 +03:00
Valery Antopol
feat(deps)!: update marine-rs-sdk
2023-08-09 15:46:46 +03:00
Valery Antopol
feat!: decouple wasmer from Marine, replace it with generic backend interface ( #219 )
2023-03-15 00:43:51 +03:00
Valery Antopol
chore(build): fix clippy warnings ( #213 )
2022-09-19 19:13:38 +03:00
Update marine-js public interface. Replace any with generic JSON types. Doing se\desalinization work insine marine-js ( #207 )
2022-09-09 17:28:30 +03:00