mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 03:41:04 +00:00
BREAKING CHANGE: all API methods with peer-info parameters or return values were changed. You can check the API.md document, in order to check the new values to use
172 lines
6.4 KiB
172 lines
6.4 KiB
'use strict'
/* eslint-env mocha */
const { Buffer } = require('buffer')
const chai = require('chai')
const { expect } = chai
const multiaddr = require('multiaddr')
const { collect } = require('streaming-iterables')
const pipe = require('it-pipe')
const AggregateError = require('aggregate-error')
const PeerId = require('peer-id')
const { createPeerId } = require('../utils/creators/peer')
const baseOptions = require('../utils/base-options')
const Libp2p = require('../../src')
const { codes: Errors } = require('../../src/errors')
const listenAddr = multiaddr('/ip4/')
describe('Dialing (via relay, TCP)', () => {
let srcLibp2p
let relayLibp2p
let dstLibp2p
before(async () => {
const peerIds = await createPeerId({ number: 3 })
// Create 3 nodes, and turn HOP on for the relay
;[srcLibp2p, relayLibp2p, dstLibp2p] = peerIds.map((peerId, index) => {
const opts = baseOptions
index === 1 && (opts.config.relay.hop.enabled = true)
return new Libp2p({
addresses: {
listen: [listenAddr]
dstLibp2p.handle('/echo/1.0.0', ({ stream }) => pipe(stream, stream))
beforeEach(() => {
// Start each node
return Promise.all([srcLibp2p, relayLibp2p, dstLibp2p].map(libp2p => libp2p.start()))
afterEach(() => {
// Stop each node
return Promise.all([srcLibp2p, relayLibp2p, dstLibp2p].map(async libp2p => {
await libp2p.stop()
// Clear the peer stores
for (const peerIdStr of libp2p.peerStore.peers.keys()) {
const peerId = PeerId.createFromCID(peerIdStr)
it('should be able to connect to a peer over a relay with active connections', async () => {
const relayAddr = relayLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()[0]
const relayIdString = relayLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()
const dialAddr = relayAddr
const tcpAddrs = dstLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()
await dstLibp2p.transportManager.listen([multiaddr(`/p2p-circuit${relayAddr}/p2p/${relayIdString}`)])
expect(dstLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()).to.have.deep.members([...tcpAddrs, dialAddr.decapsulate('p2p')])
const connection = await srcLibp2p.dial(dialAddr)
relayAddr // the relay address
.encapsulate(`/p2p/${relayIdString}`) // with its peer id
.encapsulate('/p2p-circuit') // the local peer is connected over the relay
.encapsulate(`/p2p/${srcLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()}`) // and the local peer id
const { stream: echoStream } = await connection.newStream('/echo/1.0.0')
const input = Buffer.from('hello')
const [output] = await pipe(
it('should fail to connect to a peer over a relay with inactive connections', async () => {
const relayAddr = relayLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()[0]
const relayIdString = relayLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()
const dialAddr = relayAddr
await expect(srcLibp2p.dial(dialAddr))
.and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', Errors.ERR_HOP_REQUEST_FAILED)
it('should not stay connected to a relay when not already connected and HOP fails', async () => {
const relayAddr = relayLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()[0]
const relayIdString = relayLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()
const dialAddr = relayAddr
await expect(srcLibp2p.dial(dialAddr))
.and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', Errors.ERR_HOP_REQUEST_FAILED)
// We should not be connected to the relay, because we weren't before the dial
const srcToRelayConn = srcLibp2p.registrar.getConnection(relayLibp2p.peerId)
it('dialer should stay connected to an already connected relay on hop failure', async () => {
const relayIdString = relayLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()
const relayAddr = relayLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()[0].encapsulate(`/p2p/${relayIdString}`)
const dialAddr = relayAddr
await srcLibp2p.dial(relayAddr)
await expect(srcLibp2p.dial(dialAddr))
.and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', Errors.ERR_HOP_REQUEST_FAILED)
const srcToRelayConn = srcLibp2p.registrar.getConnection(relayLibp2p.peerId)
it('destination peer should stay connected to an already connected relay on hop failure', async () => {
const relayIdString = relayLibp2p.peerId.toB58String()
const relayAddr = relayLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()[0].encapsulate(`/p2p/${relayIdString}`)
const dialAddr = relayAddr
// Connect the destination peer and the relay
const tcpAddrs = dstLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()
await dstLibp2p.transportManager.listen([multiaddr(`${relayAddr}/p2p-circuit`)])
expect(dstLibp2p.transportManager.getAddrs()).to.have.deep.members([...tcpAddrs, dialAddr.decapsulate('p2p')])
// Tamper with the our multiaddrs for the circuit message
srcLibp2p.addresses.listen = [{
buffer: Buffer.from('an invalid multiaddr')
await expect(srcLibp2p.dial(dialAddr))
.and.to.have.nested.property('._errors[0].code', Errors.ERR_HOP_REQUEST_FAILED)
const dstToRelayConn = dstLibp2p.registrar.getConnection(relayLibp2p.peerId)